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Một số dạng bài tập điền từ tiếng Anh: Phần 1

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Cuốn sách "Một số dạng bài tập điền từ tiếng Anh" có cấu trúc gồm 3 phần: Gap - Filling; fill each of the following blanks with one word; choose the best word or phrase to complete each sentence Keys. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo nội dung phần 1 cuốn sách.

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Nội dung Text: Một số dạng bài tập điền từ tiếng Anh: Phần 1

  2. TRẦN MẠNH TƯÒNG BÀI TẬP ĐIỂN TỪ TIÍNG ANH -Dùng cho giáo viên, sinh viên học sinh THPT ôn thi tú tài và ĐH - Luyện thi chứng chỉ quốc gia A, B, NHÀ XUẤT BẢN ĐẠI HỌC SƯPHẠM
  3. BAI TAP DIEN TLf ■ PART I: GAP - FILLING T E ST l bend problem on off wonderful I strong rows to holds apart slides fastens long flexible embarrassing j The zipper is a (1) _______ invention. How did people ever live without zippers? They are very common, so we forget that they are wonderful. They are very (2)_________ , but they open and close very easily. They come in many colors and sizes. In the 1890s, people in the United States wore high shoes with a (3)_________ row of buttons. Women’s clothes often had (4)_________ of buttons too. People wanted an easier way to put (5)_________ and take (6)__________ clothes. Whitcomb L. Judson invented the zipper in 1893. He was an engineer in Chicago. He called the zipper a slide fastener. However, it didn’t stay closed very well. This was (7)_______ and people didn’t buy many of them. Then Dr. Gideon Sundback from Sweden solved this problem. A zipper has three parts. 1. There are dozens of metal or plastic hooks (called teeth) in two rows. 2. These are fastened (8 )_______ two strips of cloth. The cloth strips are (9)_______ . They (10)________■ easily. 3. A fastener slides along and (11) __ the hooks together. When it
  4. (12) the other way, it takes the hooks (13)________. Dr. Sundback put the hooks on the strips of cloth. The cloth (14)_________ all the hooks in place. They don’t come apart very easily. This solved the (15)_________ of the first zippers. TEST 2 world against carry ordinary important use useful life object off old fold up behind only rainy The umbrella is a very ordinary (1)_________ . It keeps the rain and the sun (2)_________ people. Most umbrellas (3)_________ so it is easy to carry them. However, the umbrella did not begin (4)_________ as an (5)_________ object. It was a sign of royalty or importance. Some Afiican tribes still (6)_________ umbrellas in this way today. Someone carries an umbrella and walks (7)_________ the kings or (8)_________ person. Umbrella are very (9)_________ . The Chinese had them in the eleventh century B.C. From there they traveled to India. Persia, and Egypt. In Greece and Rome, men wouldn’t use them. They believed umbrellas were (10)_________ for women. When the Spanish explorers went to Mexico, they saw the Aztec kings using umbrellas. English explorers saw Native American princes carrying umbrellas on the east coast of North America. It seems that
  5. people in different parts of the (11)_________ invented umbrellas at different times. England was probably the first country in Europe where ordinary people used umbrellas (12)_________ the rain. England has a (13)_________ climate, and umbrellas are very (14)__________ there. Everybody uses umbrellas today. The next time you (15) _______ one, remember that for centuries only great men and women used them. Perhaps you are really a king or queen, a princess or prince. TEST 3 active moist colourful divided surrounded breathe called classified protected fertilized Snails belong to a large group of animals (1) molluscs. Snails have soft bodies that are (2)_________ by hard shells. Snails may be (3)_________ into two types: land snails and water snails. It is very important for the snail to keep its body (4)_________ . otherwise, the snail will die. Land snails can therefore be found in damp and shady places. These snails are thus most (5)_________ on rainy days or at night as the weather is much cooler then. Most land snails feed on the leaves and buds of plants. Some snails feed on decaying plant material. Land snails are not (6)_________ into two separate sexes. Their bodies produce both eggs and sperm. Such animals are
  6. said to be hermaphrodites. However, a land snail cannot reproduce by itself. The egg of a snail must be (7)_________ by the sperm of another snail to produce an offspring. Water snails do not have a problem keeping their bodies moist because they are always (8)_________ by water. Most water snails (9)_________ through lungs and thus have to come to the surface of the water to breathe. Like land snails, most water snails feed on plants. Some water snails are freshwater species, while others live in the sea. The shells of snails which live in the sea are often very (10)_________ . TEST 4 exercise popular become difficult seat pedals hurt fi’ont pick up better direction space invented comfortable brought Bicycles are (1) _______ around the world. People ride their bicycles for (2)___ ^ andenjoyment.In some places, people use a bicycle to get to work. But whoinvented the first bicycle? In 1971, aFrenchman namedComte de Sivrac (3)__________ and owned the first bicycle. Mr. Sivrac rode the bicycle in Paris. The handles for the hands and the (4)_________ looked like a horse and were wooden. This bicycle was very (5)_________ to move. A rider had to (6)_________ the (7)__________ wheel to change direction. (A bicycle moves on two wheels, a car on four). Finally, it had
  7. no brakes to stop it or (8) for the feet. In 1817, a German named Baron von Drais de Sauerbrun made the first bicycle (9)_________ . The seat was more (10)_________ . The wheel could change (11)_________ . His ride in the forest took only one hour instead of three hours on foot! Sauerbrun (12)_________ this kind of bicycle from Germany to France. Then, Denis Johnson, an Englishman, made a bicycle for women. It had (13)_________ for their dresses to hang down. But these bicycles still had no blakes or pedals, and people often got (14)_________ . These bicycles and the people who rode them were not very popular. It took another forty-five yeais for the bicycle to (15) __________ popular again. Over 100 years later, bicycle riding is even more popular than ever. There are bicycles in India and China. In fact, there are more bicycles than cars in the United States today! TESTS future balance for bad now than about more lot People Are about about eat better How are we going to eat in the future? Because we now know (1)_________ the importance of nutrition, we will probably continue to eat more fish and vegetables and less meat. We will buy convenience foods in supermarkets because fi-ozen
  8. foods will be more nutritious and cannel foods will have less salt and sugar. In the (2)_________ , our diet will probably be even (3)_________ interesting and healthful (4)__________ it is (5)_________ . In many countries, food is a very common topic of conversation. (6)_________ are always discussing new dishes, restaurants, diet plans, and ideas (7)_________ nutrition. The arguments (8)_________ the best diets and foods will continue: (9)_________ vegetarians really healthy? Is a high- fiber diet with a (10)___________of raw fruits and vegetables (11)_________ than a diet of cooked foods? Is a little alcohol good (12)_________ relaxation, or is all alcohol harmful? Is some caffeine good for energy, or is caffeine always (13)_________ ? can yellow vegetables really prevent cancer? Will eating garlic help avoid heart attacks? One thing we do know for sure: The key to good nutrition is balance. How do we achieve that (14)_________ ? We can choose foods from a variety of sources, and control the quantities that we (15)_________ . TEST 6 whether where how ask out full from answer Dentists always (1)_________ questions when it is impossible you to answer. My dentist had just pulled out of my teeth and had told me
  9. to rest for a while. I tried to say something, but my mouth was (2)_________ of cotton-wool. He knew I collected bird’s eggs and asked me whether my collection was growing. He then asked me (3 )__________my brother was and (4)__________ I liked my new job in London. In (5)__________ to these questions I either nodded or made strange noises. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole (6)__________the tooth had been. I suddenly felt very worried, but could not say anything. When the dentist at last removed the cotton-wool (7)_________ my mouth, I was able to tell him that he had pulled (8)_________ the wrong tooth. TEST? guilty go the said if at it said arm don’t with v^dth from the few J A man was brought before the judge. The witness ( 1)____ that the day before the prisoner had stolen some pears (2) ____ a basket, outside a grocer’s. The solicitor (3)___ ! _______ to the judge, “It is true that the prisoner took a (4 )___ _______ pears (5)__________ his right arm: his right arm is (6)_________ , but not he himself: you cannot punish the whole body because one of its limbs is guilty.” - “You are quite right”, answered the judge, “so, I sentence the prisoner’s right (7)_________ to six days. Now the prisoner (8)__________ to
  10. prison (9)_________ his arm (10)_________ he likes.” Everybody (11)_________ court began to laugh; but people laughed still more when they saw (12)_________ prisoner unscrew his right arm (it was a wooden arm). He then gave (13)_________ to (14)__________ judge, saying, “Here is my guilty arm. Sir, I (15)_________ wish to go to prison with it." TESTS may occur same example Seem In at have each to have same away population there Although twins (1)_________ always been source of curiosity, they are not so uncommon statistically, since they (2)_________ once in every 86 births. About one-third of all twins are identical, or single-egg twins. Identical twins (3)_________ the same genes and hence, the (4)_________ sex, hair, eyes, blood type, and bone and tooth structure. Some identical twins are mirror mages of each other. For (5)_________ , one (6)__________ be left-handed, the other right-handed. As young children some identical twins may develop their own private language. Identical twins have an especially keen intuition, and they often (7)_________ to think and dress alike even when (8)_________ from each other. In fact, even when they are separated at birth and raised apart, identical twins develop startling similarities. They may pursue the same careers, have
  11. the (9)_________ interests, or die within days of (10)_________ other. (11) contrast (12)_________ identical twins, fraternal twins inherit a separate assortment of genes and are not necessarily of the same sex. In some families (13)_________ is a hereditary tendency to produce fraternal twins, but identical twins occur (14)_________ random in the (15)__________ . TEST 9 of tooth food toothache increased to decay sugar looked out Many people nowadays have to wear false teeth when they are middle-aged. Since the begirming of this century, (1)_________ decay has greatly increased. The amount (2)_________ sugar in our food has also (3)__________ . Doctors and dentists now know that (4)__________ is the chief cause of tooth decay. Eskimo’s teeth, for example, started to (5)_________ when they began to eat sweeter (6)__________ . Long ago doctors did not like (7)_________ treat people’s teeth. Barbers and blacksmiths (8)_________ after people’s teeth anc pulled them (9)_________ when they decayed. Some people thought (10)_________ was a punishment from the gods.
  12. speech recognize wanted driver taxi-driver end heard was During the Second World War, Winston Churchill (1) the British Prime Minister. One day he had to go to the British Broadcasting Corporation (the BBC) to make an important speech to the nation. An hour before the time of this speech, he stopped a taxi in the street and asked the (2)_________ to take him to the BBC; but the (3)_________ who did not (4)__________ him, said he could not take him anywhere just then, because he (5)_________ to go back to his home at the other (6)_________ of London to hear Churchill make a speech on the radió. Churchill was so pleased when he (7)_________ this answer that he gave the man a pound, which was worth quite a lot in those days. “All right, get in,” said the driver happily, opening the door of the taxi. “I’ll take you, and to hell with Churchill and his ( 8 )__________ !”
  13. studied most said city famous grew was and engine textile on in engineering of in Glasgow is the third largest city (1)_________ Great Britain. It lies (2)_________ the river Clyde in Scotland. Glasgow is a very old (3)_______ . The university (4)_______ Glasgow was founded (5)_________ 1459. The famous English writer Daniel Defoe (6)_________ that Glasgow was leanest and (7)_________ beautiful city of Great Britain. James Watt (8)_________ at Glasgow University. He became a (9)_________ engineer. (10)__________ constructed a steam (11) . Scotland (12)_________ rich in coal and iron, so Glasgow (13)_________ into a large city. There are big (14)_______ plants and (15)________ factories in the city. TEST 12 longer there listen of weather one living life Our century has seen great changes in the life and (1)_________ conditions of people. Less than a hundred years ago, many of the things we do now seemed impossible. No (2)_________ could imagine that people could fly, or that we could (3)_________ to music
  14. thousands of miles away. Today, radio and television serve many purposes besides pleasure. They help us find fish in the sea and land airplanes in bad (4)_________ or at night. They control the work of large numbers (5)_________ machines in industry. Never before in history have (6 )_________ been such rapid changes in our way of life as at the present moment. Scientists have been using what is called “a scientific method’ to make new discoveries. Among the most important scientific discoveries are new medicines. Many illnesses that people died from 50 years ago are no (7)__________ dangerous. The study of science helps us widen our outlook and opens a whole new world for us. The progress of science is leading to a better (8)_________ for man. TEST 13 which first late was o’clock line usual when had had then who who red instead At the entrance to a big office in London there (1)_________ a book (2)__________all employees had to sign (3 )_________ they arrived each morning. At nine (4)_________ the manager’s secretary, (5)__________ lived on a small flat above the office, (6)_________ to draw a red (7)_________ under the last name in the book, and anyone
  15. (8)__________came after that (9)__________ to explain why he was late. Whenever there was a thick fog in the city, the (10)__________person to arrive late usually wrote “Delayed by fog” under the (11)_________ line in the book, and (12 )_________ everybody else who came after that just put “ditto” underneath. But one foggy morning, the first man to arrive (13 )_________ wrote “My wife had a baby early this morning” (14 )_________ of “Delayed by fog” under the red line in the book. Twenty or thirty people who came after him put “ditto” underneath this as (15)_________ . TEST 14 inhabitants branches contrary wallow weight mammals beneath hoofed aquatic marshy Pigs are large mammals belonging to the order known as artiodactyla. They are (1)_________ animals with four toes on each foot. The two middle toes are the largest and carry all the (2) of the pig. The outer toes are used only when the pig walks over (3)_________ ground or very uneven surfaces. Unlike most hoofed mammals, pigs have short legs. They are therefore able to run beneath (4)_________ of trees. Their heavy bodies enable them to crash through thick undergrowth in the forest. These two factors are extremely important to pigs as they are (5)_________ of forests.
  16. Pigs have an unusual way of keeping warm. Almost all land (6)_________ were kept warm by their hair but pigs are kept warm by a layer of fat (7)_________ the skin. This method of keeping warm is more common than (8)_________ mammals such as seals. Apart from pigs human beings are the only other land mammals that keep warm by having a layer of fat beneath the skin. Wild pigs often (9)_________ in the mud to keep their skin in good condition. (10)_________ to popular belief, wdld pigs have clean habits and do not display extreme greediness. TEST 15 more the talk with being need times seem still age talk under best want about During (1)_________ teenage years, many young people can at (2)_________ be difficult to talk to. They often (3)_________ to dislike (4)__________ questioned. They may seem unwilling to (5)_________ about their work in school. This is a normal development at this (6)_________ . Though it can be very hard for parents to (7)_________ , it is part of becoming independent of teenagers trying to be adult while they are (8)_________ growing up. Young people are usually (9)_________ willing to talk if they believe that questions are asked out of real interest and not because people are trying to check up on them.
  17. Parents should do their (10)_________ to talk to their son and daughter (11)_________ school, work and future plans but should not push them to (12)_________ if they don’t (13)_________ to. Parents should also watch for danger signs: Some young people in trying to be adults may experiment with sex, drugs, alcohol or smoking. Parents (14)_________ to watch for any signs of unusual behaviour which may be connected (15)_________ these and help if necessary. TEST 16 ring wasn’t w'hat stay travelling told could get border try for without where Meanwhile finally which I was once (1)_________ from Spain to Switzerland, but I missed my train at the French (2)_________ . I didn’t know (3 )_________ I should do or who I should ask for advice. I (4 )_________ sure whether I should wait 12 hours for another direct train or (5)_________ to find out how to get it. I could (6)_________ to Geneva by a different route. Eventually a man at the station (7)_________ me which train I ought to catch and (8)_________ I had to go to catch it. (9)__________ my friend in Geneva didn’t know what he should do, either, when my original train arrived (10)_________ me. He wasn’t sure whether he ought to (11)_________ at the station or not. He didn’t know how he (12)_________ get in touch with me. He (13)_________ decided to leave a message (14)_________
  18. me, telling me whether I had to go to contact him and which telephone number I could (15)_________ . TEST 17 with on be cover of people off on on used there middle washes their are | If you ever go into a house in Japan, you must remember to take (1)_________ your shoes. These would damage the fine straw mats which (2)_________ the floors. The rooms in most Japanese houses (3)_________ usually large. In the (4)_________ of the room there may (5)_________ a low table (6)__________ small flat cushions around it. Many houses have no other ñimiture in their rooms. Perhaps you will see a bowl of flowers or a long silk painting (7)_________ one of the walls. Visitors are given a small cup (8)_________ green tea. You may be surprised to see that (9)_______ are no bedrooms. The Japanese unroll their beds and put them (10)______ the floor when they feel tired. Japanese (11)______ take a bath before their evening meals. Most houses have one large bath for the whole family. However, no one (12 )______ in the bath! They wash themselves before they go into the big bath. They water is very hot. But the Japanese are (13 )_____ to having hot baths. After the bath, they put (14)_____ a loose robe and eat (15)__________ evening meals.



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