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Báo cáo khoa học: "Genetic and phenological differentiation between introduced and natural populations of Quercus rubra"

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  1. Original article Genetic and phenological differentiation between introduced and natural populations of Quercus rubra L JB Daubree A Kremer INRA, laboratoire de génétique et d’amélioration des arbres forestiers, BP 45, 33611 Gazinet, France Summary — Gene diversity within populations of Q rubra was compared between 23 introduced stands and 9 geographic regions within the natural range for 4 enzymes encoded by 4 polymorphic loci. Gene diversity within populations was, in general, higher in introduced stands than in geograph- ic regions, due to differences in allelic frequency profiles. For 2 loci, there were directional increases of frequencies of rare alleles in introduced stands as compared to geographic regions, whereas the mean number of alleles was lower in the former populations. Similarly, intraspecific variation among 15 introduced stands was compared to geographic variation among 18 origins in the natural range for bud flush and leaf coloration in experimental plantations established in France. There was a cli- nal latitudinal variation for both phenological traits in the natural range. The introduced populations occupied an intermediate position in the rankings for both phenological traits. A hypothesis of genet- ic differentiation between introduced and natural populations is proposed in light of the results ob- tained. allozymes / bud flush / leaf coloration / genetic differentiation / Quercus rubra L Résumé — Différenciation génétique entre les populations introduites et celles de l’aire natu- relle du chêne rouge d’Amérique (Quercus rubra L). La diversité génétique intrapopulation chez Q rubra L a été étudiée dans 23 peuplements introduits et 9 régions géographiques de l’aire natu- relle avec l’aide de 4 isozymes contrôlés par 4 locus polymorphes. Cette diversité est plus élevée dans les peuplements introduits, à cause des différences de profils des fréquences alléliques, alors que le nombre moyen d’allèles par population est plus faible en Europe que dans l’aire naturelle. Pour 2 loci, les fréquences d’allèles rares sont systématiquement plus élevées dans les peuple- ments introduits. De la même manière, la variabilité intraspécifique a été étudiée sur un échantillon de 15 populations introduites et 18 populations de l’aire naturelle pour le débourrement et la colora- tion automnale des feuilles. Les populations de l’aire naturelle manifestent une variabilité suivant un gradient latitudinal. Les populations de l’aire introduite se singularisent par leur position intermédiaire dans le classement des provenances pour les 2 critères phénologiques. L’hypothèse d’une différen- ciation génétique entre les populations américaines et européennes est émise à la lumière de ces résultats. allozyme / débourrement/ coloration des feuilles / différenciation Q rubra L génétique /
  2. INTRODUCTION Regional genetic variation studies were conducted on allozymes (Schwarzmann Northern red oak (Q rubra L) was intro- and Gerhold, 1991) and range-wide stud- duced in Europe during the 17th century ies on growth and adaptive traits (Kriebel (Bauer, 1953; Timbal et al, 1993). It was et al, 1976, 1988). Fragmentary data exist first planted in botanical collections before on intraspecific variation of introduced pop- being planted in forests at the end of the ulations (Krahl-Urban, 1966), but no at- last century. Plantations were established tempt has been made so far to compare all over Europe except in Mediterranean genetic variation among populations be- regions and in Scandinavia. It is currently tween both continents. widely used for afforestation in France where a nationwide tree improvement pro- gram is planned. Stands established in Eu- MATERIALS AND METHODS rope are usually of unknown origin, but have certainly resulted from successive Genetic variation was assessed by means of al- generations of the original introductions lozymes and phenological traits in populations rather than from direct importation of from the natural range and populations intro- seeds from the natural range. duced into Europe. The objective of the present contribu- tion was to compare genetic variation be- Allozyme variation tween introduced and natural populations by means of allozymes and phenological traits; it was not to study genetic variation A total of 23 French stands were sampled (fig 1a). Introduced stands are usually of small per se by means of a large number of loci size (between 1 and 10 ha), over 40 years of and on various quantitative traits, but rath- age and of unknown origin. Stands are located er to put emphasis on those traits that in the geographic regions where northern red show evidence of genetic differentiation oak is used for afforestation (northeast, south- between both origins. As a result, in the west and central parts of France). Bulked collec- case of allozymes, the analysis has been tions of seeds were made for the establishment restricted to components of genetic varia- of provenance tests in France. A random sam- ple of 60 seeds was taken from each seed lot tion that would mostly reveal genetic diffe- for electrophoretic studies. rentiation (frequency of rare alleles). Since The material from the natural range originat- most introduced populations are of un- ed from existing combined provenance and known origins, there is some suspicion progeny tests planted during the past 10 years that they resulted from founder effects, in France. Nine geographic regions were delin- which could easily be detected by compar- eated and, from each, 20 open-pollinated proge- ing rare allele frequencies between Euro- nies coming from different stands within the pean and North American populations. region (depending upon the collection available) were selected to represent a sample of the Phenological traits exhibit, in general, lati- region (fig 2a). Number of stands per region tudinal trends of variation in forest trees varied between 1 and 5; within a given region, due to either photoperiodic or heat-sum re- stands were separated by less than 2° in lati- sponses (Wright, 1976). The important dif- tude or longitude. For electrophoretic studies, 5 ferences of latitudinal distribution and cli- seedlings were sampled in each progeny (100 matic conditions between the natural and seedlings/geographic region). introduced range of distribution of Quercus Four enzymes (phosphoglucose isomerase rubra should therefore contribute to genet- EC, phosphoglucomutase EC, ic differentiation for phenological traits. malate dehydrogenase EC, shikimate
  3. dehydrogenase EC were separated of within-population expected heterozygosity and of rare allele frequencies. The variance of from crude homogenates of root radicles (ex- these parameters, when progenies are sampled, traction buffer, see Tobolski, 1978) or buds (ex- can be calculated using the method of Brown traction buffer, see Müller-Starck and Ziehe, and Weir (1983) and compared to the variance 1991).Enzymes were separated by standard in bulk collections. These calculations were starch-gel electrophoresis. Gel compositions made by postulation that there is no selfing in and electrophoretic procedures are detailed elsewhere (Zanetto et al, this volume). Zymo- Q rubra (Schwarzmann and Gerhold, 1991). For 1 0.95 and p a given locus with 2 alleles (p grams of buds and roots of identical genotypes 2 = = 0.05) and with the sampling procedures used in exhibited the same banding pattern (Daubree, 1990). The enzymes corresponded to 4 coding this study, the standard errors of expected heterozygosity are 0.036 for bulk collections (as- loci (PGI, PGM, MDH, SKDH, respectively). suming that all 60 seeds originated from differ- ent parents) and 0.039 for progeny collections. Similarly the standard errors for rare allele fre- Estimation of genetic parameters quency (p 0.05) are 0.019 for bulk collections = and 0.022 for progeny collections. Allelic frequencies (p were calculated for each ) i population (stand or geographic region) and within population gene diversities (or expected Variation of phenological traits heterozygosity) were computed (H 1 -&Sigma; p ) 2 i = and averaged over all loci. Rare allele frequen- cies were compared between introduced and in introduced stands Fifteen sampled were artificial populations. Rare alleles (p < 0.05) i France, Germany, and the Netherlands (fig 1b) were regrouped in a single class within each and 18 populations in the natural range (fig 2b). population and for each locus. Collections in each stand were made as bulked seed lots (provenances) or single tree progenies Due to experimental constraints, collections (4-13/stand). A combined provenance and prog- could not be made with the same sampling strat- eny test was established with 2-year-old seed- egy in the natural and introduced range. How- lings in lbos on the Pyrénées foothills. Entries of ever, the different sampling schemes used were choosen so that they do not affect the precision the test were either provenances or progenies.
  4. The experimental design in the nursery was a quency over all populations was < 0.05. complete block design (4 blocks, 102 entries, The frequencies of the rare alleles were and a variable number of seedlings/plot). The summed in one single class (table I). Al- experimental design in the field was an incom- though a few introduced stands (C1, MO) plete block design (81 blocks, 102 entries, 16 exhibited unusually high or low frequencies entries/block, 6 trees/plot). of rare alleles, there was a general trend Due to experimental constraints and availa- towards increased rare allele frequencies bility of material, it was not possible to make the in the introduced stands. isozyme survey and the phenological assess- ments on the same populations. However, there Locus PGM showed a similar pattern. is some overlap in the sampling between both There was only 1 common allele (overall studies (fig 1a, b). mean frequency 0.92) and 5 rare alleles. At the end of the first growing season (No- Again, extremely variable frequencies vember 1980), leaf coloration was assessed in could be observed in a few introduced the nursery using a scoring system (1 (green)- stands (AZ, HN, MO); the pattern of a sys- 5(brown). In the spring of 1984, when trees tematic increase in the frequency of rare were 4 years old, flushing was recorded in the alleles in introduced stands was also seen. field experiment with a grading system (1 (dor- The t-test was not significant between arti- mant bud) - 5 (beginning of stem elongation). Only the population level was used in calcula- ficial and introduced populations (P=0.11) tions, eg, means were calculated over several mainly because of the important variation progenies when the population was composed of the rare allele frequencies in introduced of progenies. stands (MO, AZ). Locus MDH had 1 common allele (over- all mean frequency 0.97) and 3 rare al- RESULTS leles. No differences in frequency of rare alleles was noted between the 2 origins. Locus SKDH had 3 alleles common Allozyme variation (mean frequency 0.33, 0.11, 0.55) and 2 extremely rare alleles. alleles were identified in the Twenty-one The trend towards a systematic increase natural range over the 4 loci and 21 in the in the frequencies of rare alleles for loci introduced stands; 20 were common to PGI and PGM was responsible for the both continents and 1 specific to each con- higher gene diversity in European stands. tinent (frequency 0.002 in each continent). The unusual variation of the frequencies of Introduced stands showed higher gene rare alleles in a few introduced stands ac- diversity than regions in the natural range counted for the higher genetic differentia- at the 4 loci studied (table I). The differ- tion among introduced stands as com- ence was not due to variation in the num- pared to differentiation among geographic ber of alleles: there were rather fewer al- regions in the natural range (G values are st leles in a given introduced stand than respectively 3.3 and 1.8%). present over a geographic region in the natural range. The difference was mainly due to variation in frequency profiles be- Geographic variation tween the 2 origins. of phenological traits Over the whole survey, locus PGI had 2 of variance indicated significant Analysis alleles (overall mean frequency common differences between natural and introduced 0.60 and 0.31) and 3 rare alleles. An allele origins for leaf coloration and bud flushing. was defined as rare when its mean fre-
  5. general, seed collected from introduced A clear clinal pattern of variation appeared stands is of better quality than seed from in the natural range as shown in figure 3a the natural range, probably because their and b. Northern origins flushed earlier and major parasites are absent in Europe. As a leaf coloration changed earlier. No latitudi- result, one might expect a release of selec- nal or longitudinal trend of variation was tion pressures in introduced stands. For noticeable in the introduced distribution example, it has been shown that European range. Overall the range of variation of stands are more sensitive to Phythoptora scores for bud-flushing and leaf coloration cinnamomi than stands from the natural were less in the European than in the North range (Robin, 1991). Similar directional American populations. For bud-flushing change of rare allele frequencies (locus most of the introduced origins were located LAP) has been found in beech between in the mid part of the ranking, origins from populations sensitive and tolerant to forest the natural range occupied the bottom and decline in Germany (Müller-Starck and top of the rankings. These observations Ziehe, 1991). are illustrated in figure 4 where the position of the introduced stands is strikingly clus- Variations in bud-flushing and leaf color- tered separately from the natural range ation in natural populations showed contin- populations. uous latitudinal variation in experimental plantations established in France. For bud- flushing, these results were different from DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION range-wide studies conducted in prove- nance tests planted in the natural range Comparison of variations of allozymes and which indicated a northwest-to-southeast phenological traits indicate clearly that trend of variation (Kriebel et al, 1976, European populations of northern red oak Schlarbaum and Bagley, 1981). For leaf may already have differentiated from the coloration, similar patterns of variation natural range populations. were observed in both plantations (Deneke, 1974; Schlarbaum and Bagley, 1981). A few introduced stands have resulted certainly from founder effects as shown by Comparison of the rankings of the intro- the unusually high or low frequencies of duced populations with those from the alleles. However, for loci PGI and natural range indicates that the former rare a directional increase of PGM, there is originated from the central part of the natu- their frequencies. Had genetic drift been ral distribution (fig 4) and/or were estab- the only acting force, rare alleles would ei- lished from a mixture of several origins. ther have disappeared or increased. But However, the latter hypothesis is not sup- there is a general increase in frequencies ported by the allozyme data. The total of rare alleles that can only be attributed to number of alleles identified in European a systematic force acting directly or indi- and North American stands was the same, rectly on these loci. Natural selection pres- except for 1. They included rare alleles, some of which were confined to specific sures are different on the 2 continents. geographic origins. As a result, one can in- Natural regeneration of northern red oak is extremely difficult in its natural range fer that introduced populations originate from various regions of the natural range. (Crowe, 1988) but, in Europe, Q rubra is Their intermediate ranking for phenological an invasive species. The causes of the dif- traits (fig 4) can therefore be interpreted as ferences in regeneration success are un- the consequence of directional selective known but are being investigated (Steiner, pressures in Europe since their introduc- personal communication). However, in
  6. tion. The distribution of northern red oak in REFERENCES Europe covers a narrower latitudinal range than in North America. Introduced early- (1953) Die Roteiche. JD Sauerländer’s Bauer F flushing and late-growing trees may have Verlag. Frankfurt-am-Main, pp 108 been progressively eliminated in natural re- Brown AHD, Weir S (1983) Measuring genetic generation in Europe due to their sensitivi- variability in plant populations. In: Isozymes ty to late or early frosts. in Plant Genetics and Breeding (Tanksley
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