Báo cáo khoa học: " Nutrient release dynamics in decomposing leaf litter in two Mediterranean deciduous oak species"
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Nội dung Text: Báo cáo khoa học: " Nutrient release dynamics in decomposing leaf litter in two Mediterranean deciduous oak species"
- Original article Nutrient release dynamics in decomposing leaf litter in two Mediterranean deciduous oak species I Santa A Martin JF Gallardo M Regina Rapp IRNA/CSIC, 1 Cordel de Merinas 40, 37008 SalamancaSperin; CEFE/CNRS, 2 BP 5051,Montpellier 34033, France (Received 16December 1996; accepted 23 May 1997) Summary - The release and dynamics of macronutrients from decomposing leaf litter were determined for two deciduous oak species: one in Spain, Quercus pyrenaica, growing on a humic Cambisol (Sol brun forestier) and the other in France, Q lanuginosa, on a rendsic Leptosol (Rendzine). The same pro- cesses were studied after leaf-litter exchanges between the French stand and a Spanish stand. Nylon litter bags (1 mm mesh), containing 10 g of leaves, were placed in five stands (four in Spain and one 2 in France) and collected every 2 months when they were weighed and analysed for N, P, Ca, Mg and K. The mean amount of nutrients in the decomposing leaves decreased over the 36-month period. The four Q pyrenaica stands were classified into two groups involving different nutrient release pro- cesses, without any relation to yearly litterfall. For the Q lanuginosa stand, the results obtained were similar to those for one of the Q pyrenaica groups. Similar nutrient release processes occurred in the litter-bags collected from native stands and after exchanges between the two species, with a quick release of K, followed by Mg and P. Higher Ca accumulation was noted for the Q pyrenaica litter as compared to Q lanuginosa litter. For N, the results were very different between the two species and the two locations. litter decomposition / litter bags / nutrient release / oak coppice / Quercus pyrenaica / Q lanuginosa Résumé - Dynamique de libération des bioéléments de feuilles en décomposition de deux taillis méditerranéens à chênes caducifoliés. La dynamique qualitative et quantitative de la perte d’élé- majeurs à partir de litières de feuilles en décomposition a été établie pour deux espèces de chênes ments caducifoliés, l’une en Espagne : Quercus pyrenaica, implantée sur Cambisols humifères (sols brun forestier), l’autre en France : Quercus lanuginosa, implantée sur Leptosols rendsiques (Rendzines). Les mêmes mécanismes ont été étudiés après échange de litières entre la station française et une station espagnole. Des sachets de nylon, de maille de 1 mm contenant chacun 10 g de feuilles ont , 2 été déposés dans cinq stations (quatre en Espagne et une en France) et des échantillons récoltés tous * Correspondence and reprints 21 96 06; fax: Tel: (34) 23 (34) 23 21 96 09; e-mail: ignac@gugu.usal.es
- les 2 mois. Sur ces échantillons on a dosé : N, P, Ca, Mg et K. Les teneurs en éléments majeurs des feuilles diminuent au cours des 36 mois d’étude. Les quatre stations à Q pyrenaica peuvent être regroupées en deux groupes, indiquant des processus de décomposition différents, sans relation avec les quantités de litière arrivant annuellement au sol. Pour Q lanuginosa, les résultats étaient similaires à l’un des deux couples espagnols. Au cours de l’expérience d’échange de litières, des dynamiques semblables ont été observées dans les stations d’origine des litières et après échange. K est libéré le plus rapidement, suivi de Mg et de P. On a trouvé une accumulation relative de Ca dans les litières de Q pyrenaica, supérieure à celle des litières de Q lanuginosa. Concernant l’azote les résultats sont variables, à la fois entre les deux espèces et entre les deux localités. décomposition de la litière / perte d’éléments / décomposition sachets / taillis / Quercus en pyrenaica / Quercus lanuginosa INTRODUCTION Parkinson, 1976; Heal, 1979; Edmonds, 1980; Moore, 1986; Witkamp, 1996), and soil moisture (Hayes, 1965). Soil fertility is Release of nutrients from decomposing lit- related to the activity of decom- directly ter is an important internal pathway for nutri- posers (Bocock and Gilbert, 1957; Witkamp ent flux in forested ecosystems. Nutrients and Van der Drift, 1961). may be released from litter by leaching or mineralization (Swift et al, 1979). Nutrient In nature, it is often difficult to separate release from decomposing litter affects the effects of individual factors. Both inter- ecosystem primary productivity (Blair, and intra-site differences in decomposition 1988), since these nutrients thus become rates could reflect variations in several of available for plant uptake and are not lost the above-mentioned types of factors. from the system. The rate at which nutrients are released Element release is above mass loss if on several factors as indicated by depends biotic mineralization processes are not nec- Seastedt (1984): chemical composition of essary or if the nutrients are not structurally the litter, structural nature of the nutrient in bound in the litter; it is below mass loss if the litter matrix, microbial demand for the the nutrients are in short supply relative to nutrient, and availability of exogenous microbial demand and then accumulate in sources of nutrients. Litter release factors the litter during early phases of decompos- are: litter quality (Fogel and Cromack, 1977; tion (Berg and Staaf, 1981). Aber and Melillo, 1980; Berg and Staaf, The aim of this study was to compare the 1980, 1981; Melillo et al, 1982), macro- and release of nutrients from decomposing litter microclimatic variables (Meentemeyer, of two species of Mediterranean deciduous 1978), microbial and faunal biotic activity (Reichle, 1977). Several authors have oaks (Q pyrenaica Willd and Q lanuginosa defined litter quality in terms of initial N Lamk), characteristic of climax formations. concentrations, the C/N ratio, initial lignin The stands are located on forest plots dif- concentrations, and the lignin/N ratio. Litter fering in their geological substrates and quality affects not only the rates of mass microclimates. A reciprocal exchange of loss, but also the patterns and rates of nutri- leaves from the two species between two ent immobilization or release. Climatic fac- stands was also studied in order to deter- mine the effects of climatic and leaf quality tors influencing litter decomposition rates include soil temperature (Lousier and factors (Martin et al, 1994).
- MATERIAL AND METHODS there was a notable lithological difference. The latter stand is located on dolomitic calcareous bedrock, with a rendzic Leptosol, whereas the Site description four Spanish forest areas lie on acid bedrock (granite or shale), producing humic Cambisols The four Q pyrenaica forest plots are situated (FAO, 1989). on the northern slope of the ’Sierra de Gata’ mountains in the southwestern part of Salamanca Tree densities varied from 406 trees ha with , -1 province (Spain). The Q lanuginosa plot is in diameter of 25 cm at El Payo, to 2 100 a mean the Causse Mejean, north-west of Montpellier trees ha with a mean diameter of 9.5 cm at La , -1 (France). Vialle, reflecting different coppice managements. The climatic, edaphic and stand data are given The following annotation is used for the plots: in table I. There was a rainfall gradient between Navasfrías: NF; El Payo: EP; Villasrubias: VR; Navasfrías and Fuenteguinaldo. The 3 years of Fuenteguinaldo: FG; La Viale: LV. the study of decomposition were considered dry, since mean precipitation was 10-40% lower than the general averages. The annual mean precipi- Local leaf litter tation was very similar between La Viale and El Payo (Moreno et al, 1993). However, although there were no great dif- In each of the five plots studied (four in the ferences in climatic factors or elevation between ’Sierra de Gata’, Province of Salamanca and one the four Spanish plots and the La Vialle plot, in LV, near Montpellier), 54 nylon litter bags
- indicated that decomposition was slowest with 1 mm mesh and a surface area of 400 cm 2 2 VR-EP, and more intense in LV, inter- at (each containing 10 g of leaves collected from each site) were placed over the litter in three dif- mediate results being obtained for the ferent locations on each plot. The litter contained NF-FG sites, although closer to the LV lev- in the bags had been dried at room temperature, els. the remaining humidity being determined by dry- ing at 80 °C until constant weight was achieved. Regressions for time (t time in months) = Every 2 months, beginning in February 1990, and percentage decomposition (% dec) cal- three bags per plot (one from each location) were culated from the mean decomposition rates collected over a period of 3 consecutive years. VR-EP and also at NF-FG-LV gave the at The leaves were dried (at 80 °C) and weighed in following equations: the laboratory. Temperature should have been 105 °C, but above 80 °C there is a risk of loss of organic matter and minerals (Hernández et al, 1995). These equations indicated half-decomposi- Leaf litter exchanged tion times (50% of the initial matter) of 32 months for the first group (EP, VR) and 26 Beginning in February 1991 and using the same months for the second (NF, FG and LV). study method for 2 consecutive years, leaves were exchanged between the EP and LV plots The results in the literature are some- (36 litter bags placed in three groups). times conflictive since they are based on both field (in situ) and laboratory (in vitro) studies. Bockheim et al (1991) obtained a Methods decomposition rate of 50% for 25 months in Q ellipsoidalis, while Rapp (1967), under The following methods were used for chemical controlled moisture conditions, recorded analysis of the different litter components: total half-decomposition times in Q ilex, Q coc- N determined by the Kjeldahl method or with a cifera and for other Q lanuginosa leaves Macro-N Heraeus analyzer; total P by spec- after 22 months of decomposition. trophotometry using the vanadomolibdophos- phoric yellow method; total Ca and Mg by atomic These observations indicated that leaf absorption spectroscopy, and total K by flame decomposition patterns were similar for both photometry (Hernández et al, 1995). oak species, but occurred at different rates. In order to establish possible significant dif- Seasonal variations played a major role, ferences in mass loss for the different plots stud- with a deceleration or interruption of decom- ied, a one-factor Anova was applied with position in summer (due to drought and typ- repeated measures for times. Hartley’s test had been previously implemented to verify the nature ical Mediterranean high temperatures; of the variances. Wilcoxon’s test was applied to Martin et al, 1994) and more active decom- the data obtained in relation to the leaf exchange position from autumn to spring. experiments. Apart from the intra-annual role of cli- mate, it also appears to be important at a global scale. Thus, LV the northernmost RESULTS AND DISCUSSION stand studied, showed the highest decom- Leaf-litter decomposition position rate. However, it could not be deter- mined whether the less intense summer Litter weight loss over 3 years of decom- drought, or the geological and soil properties position has been studied previously (Martin (soils with abundant calcium), were respon- al, 1994). The main results obtained here sible for the differences relative to the four et
- plots of Sierra de Gata; probably, both fac- However, for two stands (LV and EP) an involved (Martín initial increase was observed, with a maxi- al, 1994). tors were et mum concentration of 140% in the LV stand On the basis of these litter weight loss after almost 2 months. data and its chemical composition, the fol- Net N release after 2 months in began lowing were successively investigated: LV, after 6 months in EP, and from the out- 1) variations in litter nutrient concentrations set in the other stands (fig 1). The greatest N various decomposition times and relative at loss was seen in the FG stand after 25 initial nutrient content; to the months. At VR and LV 85% of the original 2) variations in absolute nutrient mass dur- N from the litter bags still remained at the relative to nutrients in ing decomposition end of the experiments (table II). An yearly litterfall. increase in N was noted at NF and FG at the end of the experiments with respect to the other years (table II). Relative release of nutrients Many workers (Bocock, 1963; Gosz et from litter bags al, 1973; Will, 1967; Edmonds, 1979) have noted increased N concentrations in leaves Nutrient concentrations, expressed as a per- during the decomposition process. Gosz et al centage of initial concentrations, are shown (1973) have suggested that this increase in figures 1-5. The same data after 1, 2 and probably arises from external sources such 3 years of decomposition and the mean as precipitation, atmospheric dust and inva- chemical composition of leaves at the same sion of litter bags by fungal hyphae. time are summarized in table II. Initial P loss was very rapid in all stands during the first 2 months (fig 2). The con- The mean concentration of N in the leaves relative to the initial concentration centration then remained at a steady level for 6 months in VR, FG and EP while it decreased over the 36-month period (fig 1).
- tion remained practically constant: 91% of increased in NF and LV. Strong phosphorus release also occurred at 14 and 20 months. the initial amount was still present. Hernán- dez et al (1995) reported a relative increase At the end of the 3 years (table II) the during decomposition, but only 55% of the greatest differences were noted between LV and FG. At LV, the initial P remained at the end of the experi- phosphorus concentra-
- Berg and Staaf (1980), the phos- ments. For similar to that of release pattern phorus was Calcium concentrations increased slightly N. the first 6 months in the VR and FG over Initial Ca concentrations ranked as stands (fig 4) and decreased in NV, EP and, were follows: more markedly, in the LV stand with respect
- The concentration of K decreased for to the soil contents of this element. Similar both species considered. All studies pub- results were obtained by Bockheim et al lished report a similar loss of K (Bockheim (1991). et al, 1991; Hernández et al, 1995). Con- As shown in table II, after a relative accu- trary to N and P, K is not bound as a struc- mulation during the first years in litter bags, tural component in plants and is highly water calcium showed lower rates of decrease as soluble (Gosz et al, 1973). In Q rotundifolia compared to the other nutrients. After 3 leaves, Hernández et al (1995) found losses years of experiments 84% in EP, 81% in of 30-40% with respect to the initial con- VR, 75% in FG, and 64 and 60% of the ini- tent during the first 4 months of decompo- tial Ca in the NF and LV plots, respectively, sition. This is in accordance with the abun- still remained. This could result from the dance and solubility of this bioelement. Later association of Ca with resistant compounds losses were smaller, 10% of the initial such as cellulose (Schlesinger, 1985), or Ca amount remaining at the end of the second inclusion within cell walls. year. Berg and Staaf (1980) attributed this During leaf decomposition the relative second phase to the retention of K to fulfill concentration of Mg decreased during the the needs of decomposers. first season in the VR, NV, EP and LV stands, but increased in the FG plot (fig 5). Thereafter, Mg remained more or less stable Amounts of nutrients released in all stands, except in the FG plot midway from the yearly litter through the experiments. Here, there was in the five sites studied marked release of Mg followed by a sharp increase (fig 5). At FG, 50% of the initial From the results of nutrient release in the Mg concentration remained after 3 years of litter bags it was possible to estimate nutri- decomposition; this was similar to EP fluxes at the different sites and for the ent (47%). Mg release was higher for VR and two species in relation to yearly litterfall LV with 37 and 35% remaining, respec- (table III). The yearly amounts of nutrients tively, and for NF, where only 28% Mg released were also determined (table IV). remained at the end of 3 years of leaf Table III summarizes the amounts of decomposition in litter bags (table II). Berg nutrients (N, P, Ca, Mg and K) returned and Staaf (1981) indicated that this is not a each year during the 3 years of decomposi- limiting bioelement, and Hernández et al tion and which are again available for uptake (1995) confirmed that there is a parallel with by the trees. the loss of dry matter and carbon. It should be stressed that the imbalance of Ca/Mg in Similar nutrient release balances during NF (Martin et al, 1994) gives higher values litter decomposition were observed by Bock- of Mg and lower values of Mg in LV; this heim et al (1991) for Q ellipsoidalis and could explain such patterns. Hanchi (1994) for Fagus sylvatica. was most readily lost from lit- Potassium The four Q pyrenaica stands can be sub- bags from all stands, except for NF which divided into two groups, clearly indicating ter showed a substantial increase over the initial different nutrient release processes for 3 months (fig 3). The greatest K loss was decomposing litter: NV and FG is the first noted at the end of the experiments, espe- group, EP and VR is the other. As a result, cially at LV. The remaining amounts of K no relation between the amount of annual were very similar at EP, VR and FG: 18, 27 litterfall and annual nutrient release was and 23%, respectively, and then at NF and found. Additionally, these two groups were not affected by geology or climate. LV: 15 and 5% (table II).
- Litter decomposition and nutrient release methodology (36 litter bags placed in three processes seem to be independent of the groups beginning in February 1991, three amount of available litter and climatic pat- bags per plot every 2 months). Figures 6 to 9 indicate the dynamics of the nutrients terns. released during 2 years of leaf litter decom- Concerning the Q lanuginosa stand, the position in litter bags. results were similar to those obtained for NV and FG. Similar nutrient release processes occurred in both situations: litter bags in native stands and after exchange between Nutrient release the two stands, with rapid release of K, fol- after leaf litter exchange lowed by Mg and P. There was high Ca between Q pyrenaica and Q lanuginosa accumulation in the EP litter as compared to that of LV. For N, the results were very dif- Leaf litter samples from EP (Q pyrenaica) ferent between the two species and the two and LV (Q lanuginosa) were studied for 2 locations. Leaf litter from LV indicated only years in native stands after exchange a slight N accumulation during the first between the two stands, using the litter bag months of decomposition. For EP, leaf litter
- decomposition remained steady for both sit- Ca and P from Q lanuginosa leaves. A pos- uations: litter in the native stand sible explanation is that microrganisms may litter or transferred to LV. retain bioelements, which would also explain the reduced retention of Ca in the The release of nutrients after 2 years of leaves on their own plot. Concerning K decomposition, expressed percentage as a release, factors such as high soluble min- of the initial amount available in the yearly eral and climatic patterns (eg, yearly pre- litterfall, is indicated in table V. cipitation distributions) important. were For N, the nutrient release dynamics were Rainfall events frequent at LV were more confirmed after 2 years of decomposition. than at EP. The same amount of N was released from The stronger release of Mg always the EP leaves, with no differences in relation occurred in the native stand litter, even to the localization of litter bags. For Q though the amount of leaf litter decomposi- lanuginosa leaves, N release rates seemed to tion was higher after litter exchange between be higher in the native LV stand than after the two stands (Martin et al, 1994). Mg may transfer to EP. Although ammonification be restricted in LV because it is a limiting and nitrification processes occurred at all factor for excess of Ca. sites, the biochemical composition of the leaves, probably varying between Q pyre- naica and Q lanuginosa, could interfere with the decomposition processes and be an CONCLUSIONS explanation for the same mineralization for EP leaves irrespective of stand conditions amount of nutrients in the decom- The mean (Martín et al, 1994). leaves decreased over the 36-month posing period. The four Q pyrenaica stands were P release was more important in the classified into two groups involving differ- leaves of LV placed in EP, whereas no ent nutrient release processes, with no rela- appreciable variation was observed. When tionship to yearly litterfall. For the Q lanug- the leaves from EP were placed in the two inosa stand, the results obtained were similar plots (EP, LV). The scarcity of this element to those for one of the Q pyrenaica groups. may govern retention due to microbial activ- Similar nutrient release processes occurred ity. in the litter bags collected from native stands The transfer of Q pyrenaica litter from and after exchanges between the two EP to LV increased K and Ca release from the decomposing litter, whereas litter trans- fer from LV to EP increased the release of
- species, with rapid release of K, followed Acknowledgement: Economic support was received from the MEDCOP/AIR Program (GD by Mg and P. A stronger Ca accumulation XII, European Union), the Spanish CICYT Funds was noted for the Q pyrenaica litter as com- and ’Junta de Castilla y León’. The technical pared to that of Q lanuginosa. For N, the expertise of ML Cosme, J Hernandez, N Najac results differed considerably between the and C Perez is acknowledged. The English ver- two species and two locations. sion was revised by N Skinner.
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