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Sexual reproduction in Populus I. Some physiological
and biochemical events of the progamic phase
C. Dumas
M. Villar M.
1 Station D’Amélioration des Arbres Forestiers, Ardon, F-45160 Olivet, and
2 de Reconnaissance Cellulaire et Am6lioration des Plantes, INRA 23879, Université
Lyon I, 43, bd 11-Novembre-1918, F-69622 Villeurbanne Cedex, France
tions, silver nitrate staining and homogenates of
pollinated stigma performed according to
the procedures ot’ Villar et al. (1988). Each of
the 2 crosses was represented by 3 series of
Hybridization in Populus breeding pro-
stigmatic extract!., in accordance with the
grams is limited by sexual incompatibility
growth kinetics (0.6 and 20 h after pollination).
barriers, whose cellular and molecular Protein patterns of these extracts were com-
mechanisms are not yet known. In an pared on a single gel. Glycoprotein revelation
(concanavalin A-binding proteins) on IEF poly-
attempt to understand the nature of inter-
acrylamide gel was adapted from Hawkes
specific incompatibility in Populus, we
(1982). j3-Ga!actosidase visualization was op-
have explored the interactions between
timized from the protocol of Singh and Knox
male and female partners (pollen-pistil) in (1985).
compatible and incompatible crosses P.
nigra (female) x P. nigra (male) and P.
nigra (female) x P. alba (male) (Villar, Results and Dis;cussion
Kinetics of pollen tube growth (visualiza-
tion using the AI3F method) have demon-
Materials and Methods strated distinct behaviors of P nigra and
P alba pollen tubes inside P nigra pistils
(Fig. 1P alba pollen tubes exhibit a
P. nigra and P. alba branches were obtained
unique S-shaped growth curve and an
from the INRA Forestry station in Or[6ans
(France). Pollen was collected and stored in arrested growth near the stylodium. On
closed vials at -18°C. Kinetics of pollen tube the other hand, P nigra pollen tubes ex-
growth in vivo were studied in growth chambers hibit 2 growth phases, respectively, in the
(20°C). Pollen tubes in the stylar tissues were
stigmatic tissues and in the ovarian cavity.
visualized using the aniline blue fluorescence
P, nigra and P alba curves diverge 5 h
method (ABF method, Dumas and Knox, 1983).
after pollination (20°C), corresponding
Isoelectric focusing (IEF) of pollinic and stig-
matic proteins, gel preparation, focusing condi- precisely to the deposition of the first
plug inside pollen tubes. This
callose glycoproteins. were
type of
to the
divergence could likely be related to a according cross: one
in the compat-
change in the physiology of the compat- only
ible cross. Moreover, f3-Galactosidase ac-
ible pollen tube, shifting from an auto-
tivities were revealed with a similar
trophic to a heterotropic type of nutrition.
electrophoretic technique in pollinated
Biochemical studies focused on pollinic
stigma. This pollinic enzyme could play a
and stigmatic proteins, known to be in- role in heterotropic pollen tube nutrition
volved in male-female interactions
(Singh and Knox, 1985). An increase of its
(Gaude and Dumas, 1987). After silver activity (one isoenzyme of isoelectric point
nitrate staining, qualitative and quantita- about pH 4.2) from 6-20 h after pollination
tive differences could be observed, related was detected only in the compatible cross.
to the presence of P nigra and P alba pol-
len tubes inside stigmatic tissues. How-
ever, increasing protein bands were
detectable, 0-20 h after pollination, only in
compatible pollinated stigmas. The conca-
in P.
The compatible progamic phase
navalin A-peroxidase reaction allowed the
to the
nigra, i.e., pollen tube growth up
visualization of 15 stigmatic and pollinic
sac, could be related to pollinic Gaget M. (1988) incompatibility intersp6cifique
chez Populus: effet Mentor. Ph.D. Thesis, Uni-
enzymes involved in pollen tube metabo-
versite Lyon I, France
lism, such as ¡3-galactosidase. Its activity
Gaude T. & Dumas C. (1987) Molecular and
could be the final result of a series of inter-
cellular events of self-incompatibility. Int. Rev.
actions started by initial pollen-stigma
Cytol. 107,333-366
communications. This dialogue probably Hawkes R. (1982) Identification of concanavalin
implicates protein compounds, detected in A-binding proteins after sodium dodecyl sul-
pollen and pollen tube diffusates in vitro fate-gel electrophoresis and protein blotting.
AnaL Biochem. 4 23, 143-146
(Villar, 1987; Gaget, 1988).
Singh K. and Knox R.B. (1985) P-Galactosidase
of Lilium pollen. Phytochemistry 24, 1639-1643
Villar M. (1987) Incompatibilit6 intersp6cifique
chez Populus: approches physiologique et
biochimique. Phi.D. Thesis, Universit6 Lyon I,
Dumas C. & Knox R.B. (1983) Callose and Villar M., Gaget M. & Dumas C. (1988) Micro-
determination of pistil viability and incompatibili- isoelectric focusing of proteins from single stig-
ty. Theor. AppL Genet. 67, 1-10 ma in Populus. Can. J. For. 18, 1261-1264