Báo cáo nghiên cứu nông nghiệp " Research Priority Setting Workshop Agriculture Sector "
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Io dsln/VltRD to d.Er+ me.hdrism &r d€t€rniring dgri
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Nội dung Text: Báo cáo nghiên cứu nông nghiệp " Research Priority Setting Workshop Agriculture Sector "
- ro/02/2077 s Agenda I P rioiity S etting l ethodologt ResearchP riority S etting W orkshop r Pre.€nt tion of Datr & Inlo.mation and S*tor AnalFis I P riority S €ttins: W orkins G rcups S corina u sina Agriculture S ector (o.pi Li6roqk, Fdr.{rr fchdiet t S ummat& C losure Hanoi,December 4,2010 1 Key I ssues workshop o bj€ctives ' G dernhent o fvietnam w dts g wth i t , Io dsln/VltRD to d.Er+ me.hdrism &r .g.iculture! . ontribution t o G DPand d port3 d€t€rniring dgri
- 70/02/201.L C utting t h€ C ak€? Priority S etting M ethodology t U sedw id€lt i n m .ny d s€lopins . nd d deloped ' B eed o n 4 I ndependentC rir.ri, f or e valuariono f , e otentialB enefib{Hdbiced h d m urhl) A bilityto c aptur€ a en€fits H@ e asytoa doptr) ( r , Rseaf.h ?or€rtiar (5 it a OR N EITHER? ReseaEhCareity (Oo we have the rkillsl) r I T h€ 4 . riteri. f orm t he P riority S €ttina HO\A,TO D ECIDE?? Pdorities F ramework Pxpect€d t ltorkshop O uiput _FEAs|B|LTY.>- AREAS OF RESEARCII OPPORTUNITY I c rops ( or c urtivation) ? L ive*ock(Husbandry&Vet€rina.y) Fed Frccarnr & con,smlon R{ae, Nonr'mber Fo;'t tldud' Bre.di;{'q ed cotr.n*pn, 9!;poqn4. .eiE! Mu{.nN & con;;rren, {d
- 7 0/02/2071 ASSESSING POTDNTTAL BDNEFTTS Pot€ntial B eaefit ( Irdpact) ! Potential Benefits E red n.xinun o.Llkioncl henefiE Procedure:Table .oups G fot vi.rnc6 (Eononic, enuircnn ntot, ond so.ict) fron I D iscuss he P otential B enefitt a risinat rcm e dn t ARO u singp relimin.ry*oring t o i nitiate t P otential b enefits i ncrease I T hink a bout t he p ossiblem dimum . The ldter (prcdu.tion the economic A'qth and .ontribution e ach o ftheARoswill h avet o r ur.l ddelopment d er t he n e* 5 - l 0 F aE - n ot , O pportunitig f or i n.EG.d e rports d d/o. i mport the p ast b lt t h€ f lture! I A3srme that there will be few obstacles in , Tho grcat.f th€ reduction in cosB a.hiding t he m dimum p otential . l he h igher t he a earch i ntenlity ! l,lake an ss€ssm€nt of the compeative total Th€ a Eat.r t h€ p ositiv. . nvircnmenel d d s oci.l value oftJje* potenti.l benefitr for e&h ARO ASSESSIIVG FACTORS FOR & ACAINST Score P ot€ntial B ere{its ACHIEVEMENT O F P OTENTIAL B ENEFTTS r F actors F or & AgainstAchi€vement o f P otential I Step | - Frcm lour p€rson.l vis sel*t th€ hish€st Benent5 ( o.Likelihood o fUptake) - 6 fldr AROSand then the lMest t,.erihood fdrlre sfir o fl(@s t t E ..dRh b .ineutitiea o E ) S tep 2 - S .ore t he H IGHEsTARO7 ,dd t he LOWEST RO I . F inall, s coret he M EDIU A RO'S A M ' L ik€lihood f u ptakei . g reaaer o using'.ores3 a nd5 . f t..h.tth. M tudtonb 6danh. rr. ohdyodrtlnrcr t.Md eot e d id..0&d ol xd4 h . T hehi€herrdfastertheadoptionrate dr da ot.. b ldt9otu^r- i. ' The morc e-ily ben€fitt aE re.oCnised naB ed in PV ic\| k n t* tnt ia , T he m orc f rvour.ble B d.mment p oli.i€sand I S tep3 - R eord y our r esoningroryour * oE o n t he , th€ morc effe.tiye the denlion sFtem . T h€ h igh€.t h. r es*h i nt.n.ity a nd l d€l o f , S t€pa-Scorcscoll€.t.d . T he h 'Ahert he i nFm*ional . omperi tivene\r' n i ride Factors For & Against Achleveuent of score L ikelihood o f U ptake Porential B enefits { or L ikellhooal o fUprake) ' P rocedure: rbleg rclps T ) s cp | - F rem y our p eaonalview s electthe h iah4t ARO. ud then the lflest Benetrb:.riing rrom e,( h Axo u ' S hp 2 - S .ore t he H IGHESTARO 7 ,ud t he LOWESTARO l .Fin.llts@re t he M EDIUMAROk th€ p oEnti.r l or e rhAROin r €rms o trj usings.orcs I u d L r h.din.tth..$tudtonBtountn th. ae aftEmr b!*!i,mor e o $d. sodd ol xot8 B d oa qro n vhpotu^. - tu b€nent( rarm€6) & 6 ,e r ircryi Fd o f . doption n .o$,rd i Dr ovtu\| k n t * h lR , rbenti.r t S tep 3 - R e.od y oo. E -oninaaoryou. s core o n t h. oorid.ar or .dnininr.tive ditn.ub or .6€ of rhe r omprsiry o rrh'd€h6L-(ompr€r p o.cduEsor ' St.p ,l - S.orcs coll€.t.d Existinr 6 d.rnm€nr m lid€s t h. 3up@*rd d € d rfFij i €! a eb(
- 7 0/02/2077 Res€arch P otertial ASSESSING RESPARCN POTENTIAL P.o.edurerT ableG roups - Efd ' 9cientili c potential s..1L f.t z6*h in t Dis.uss the RseaEh Potential of ea.fi ARO using e'o*,.dF i, tt. Eldont si.ntiti. f.lds dd th. prcliminey3.orinsto i nitiate d is.ussion ovcilobilhy of Ereor./l 6ols dnA c.hniques b Ue6on r ihink alout the impd that Bearch .ould m.lG to , S .ientifi< p otential i s h iaherl rchidinsthe p otential b enefis. - C d G seaEh h €lp? ' The fdter the rde of chanCe in relndt pot€ntial in terms ot - db.iplines , Think aboot E...Eh , l sth.n.iorcsu€.l&r. o rrese.(h,or a lackorsood , T h. g et€rth€ l ik l ihood o f * i€ntilic a dnnce , T he b etbr a d m ore a c.esli5le t he r elenh b ols ' what re tfi€ n.io. Eseeh oppotunities , T he h isher t he a tio o f b aic e d s tat€ai. 6 s..Eh (d3e or dlfllcurq of Edfth)l Score R esearch P otential The R €seatch " s" c ulve I S tep | - F mm y our p eEonal v irysele.tthe h irhest AROS a nd t hen t he l Nelt t S tep 2 - S .orc t he H IGHESTARO 7 ,and t he LOWEST A RO I . F inalln s core t h€ i 4EOIU|l A RO's usinas.ores 3 a nd 5 . f t.ofraf r eqtuqto^h.o.ffii^. r[. EbnE djfEErco 6!e!i r^or e o 'id. lpddd.fnoa 6 ie nffi$drh r.ut rt.w t2k ta hpodo4 r., rt orh.n, ' S tep 3 - R e.ord t our r cdoni.sforyours.orc o n t h. , S tep a - S coa.olleded ASSESSING RESEARCH CAPACITY Research Capacity ' Res€arch .apa.ity - 6tl€d, Vdrdht dbihy .o Procedur€r T able G roups @dl.ritiEly d*rt|. res5..h dd.n.nlior ecd b , D is.$ithe R ese.rch .p.ci9ofe&hARO u sina C de,iEr Es€cEh oulru6 ro uGrs preliminary corin!t o i niti.t€ d is.ustion s ' R esearch. apa.ity i frpB€s w ith: t T hinka boutt he a vailablendleds€ a ndskills f k o re
- ro/0212077 S core R eseatch C aDacitv Oatput - Attractiv€ness ntorkshop ' s kp | - F rem y our p eBonal v iesele.ttn6 h ieh.st AROs d d t h€n t he l dsr ' S tep 2 - S core t he H IGHESTARO 7 ,and t h. LOWEST A RO | . F inatlt s corc t h. M EDTUMA ROt usina s.ores 3 and 5. rn .in ot 6E !rutvtua t@.\dntn rre €rdr'E dftE,iq rtu.ninor soa 6dc 'pEod af*t6k qntcoLlnhDo,d-k ,d Dr"r tu i, rlurft, n n 69 ht I St€p 3 - Record you. resonina for your *oE on tfie I Step 4 -S
- 1 0t02t2011 POTEN'TTAI, RI'N!!1lS l POTNN'IIAL A .NOA RII,ITt O f' BENEFITS C APTURE I N T H]' S', AGRICUI,TURA|, S fJ(-'TOIIS :\:l NN' N {F \$\\\ I .N i W PolENTIAL B UlrEltlS G ROSS JUl P UTl ]Y l { }ROSSO !1pU1 B t PotENlIAl, B Eill)lItS ,"4,e",r,,+Jr!'J,3i9' 3'$"r"ir,i't,!"i",ir.fr.f PoTDN TIAL aENEFITS - GR POTDNTIA' B ENE'ITS G ROSS O L1'PL]1 B Y I
- ' t0t02t2011 ItorENanL B DNEI'irs D .ponr B \ s rcl.rR PO?!N1'!\L B EIiE}'TS T XPORI I J\ S !C'I O R H l"; - PoTENTIALD ENEFITS I NPoRT B Y SECTOR .$,..',.+.$.r|.S,S..d.S,P B DNEFTTS- I n]tpi)Rl B f I MPORT B Y PolENTLu, PO'IIINTIAI, B E\IEFITS . N' .- - !:i1 !i,,..d t=l ^:.1 . - - - : --..- -
- 1 0t02t201' I'OT'NTIAI, B I]NEFITS I }IPORT B Y B E\Iit11 - s oct,\t, t !aNll'11' Porr\tt'\r |M;;ifu iilr t:!: : i \ \\\ ExIsrINc P RoBLEMS ABILITI O F B ENEFIT C APTURE 'fr E'Z ExlsrIN_c P RoBLEUS H,sh labor fo.c in aericultuE ecior: ltnml indctri.l secior.a. n ot a beorb l ote o flabor=> l .r' a e] Slow sifuctufe change:Cmp !$dlction st occnpiesa Lo{ quahiy ol aeri ?&duct : pnce/wearher U.stabililiiyhsk Envircnnenialp olhiion ' rhe confibuiion of loresiry in econoni. grwih toner :j):
- Land u se s tructure RESEA CH CROP PRIORITTES R Period of 2017 -2O2O . A gricultural L and accounting f or o nly 290/0f N atubla rea o DiscussionPapetto( Agticultute sectol Pnofties Wo*shop r&r,r.nd rNon-&r.bd r unEdcoppinq Ha n ot,1 4 D ecember,20L0 Population Structure f G DP, o % : S hare fAgnculturc o . P opulation: 8 7 m il.p ersons ( icludingForestry -_zk . P opulationensity: 60 p erson/km2 andF ishery) G DP in d 2 tendi o d eclining, U rban opulation; 8.11Yo p r 2 accounting l or 22.7o/rn 2AO9 i . R uralp opulation: 7 1.89olo (400/0 1 990) in i;isi;ft;;;;da r ;;; Agricultural harei n G DP S t-,. *L A Cnrevement |-- . A gr. G rovlthr ate s ustan n g a t 3 7o . A griculturei ncreasey 2 ,2Y0 b . F orestry:.8%a nd 3 . F ishery:.4% 5 s r .tr . iom i 1 e3t4 r a rre3 6 fi h lm r i m ioij c DPtu b r lkue c s. : oosl
- , A chievement, 2 009 Export f A gricultural roducts 009 P 2 o I *___ . L iving tandardmprcves; overtyate: s i P r 12.30/o ' G DP erc apita: ,100USD p 1 . S lartw ilh p rogram n r u?l d eveoprlenl o . I nfrastructure i mproved E Asi.,ftd . *br ! Foreaa r frkiE Planted reao f S elected rops 009 A C 2 T op1 0 E xported ommodities008 c 2 ._l I__-- 1.C rude rl O 1 0.5 6. W ooden 2 .78 2. G arment 2.70 9.10 7. E lectronic 4.74 8 C offee 2.11 1.60 4.56 2.89 10.C oai 1,.44 Areao f S elected rops 000-2010 C 2 Areao f S elected rops 000-2010 C 2 1000ha 1000ha
- 2009 v s 2 010, o /o R ic. p roduction V ietn{d h Crops Yieid 1t86-2008 -3 +23 +49 +,18 I\4aize +102 cassava +114 12 +30 +2 +46 Groundnut +18 +22 Soybean 2009 v s 2 010, o /o @Itl !q-Il Factorse ffecting t o c rops Productivity ) V arietles; Decisive actor f I ncreasing F o r l clvl ( Fertilizers,W ater, I PNlvl, rPM...) Production: i) P ost-harvestandling h Productivity , H ard-workingnds killF armers a
- V NA griculture: VNA griculture: Constraints c hallenges a nd Constraints c hallenges a nd , V alue f a griculturalroductioner h a i s p p - P roduction m ainly ased n n atural is b o o ( need arket riented) low( 1,100USD/ha). advantages m o P roductonosti s c high,p roduct uality s o w. q i - T hem ains hare n a griculture DPs c rop i Gi h andlings p oor( 13olo production . P ost-harvest i l oses for c ereal, 5 3 0o/o f ruit,v egetable). 2 f or Low percentage f processed roducts) p o Constraints:M ain i ssues r elatedt o Constfaints:M ain i ssues r elatedt o science nd t echnologyCont)( sciencea nd t echnology a CDp y ieldh as n crea*d, b ut o w )Produdion asn ots ustainable, w d eoendinoon - R i@:V Nr 5 ,4t on9ha 6 ,2tons/han C hina,apan, j thew eather onditions c i ii) T heres b igy ield ap. g i - M aize:vN t ons/hau s:8tons/ha. 4 ii) R edudion t rendi n o rowth f c rooD rodudion o ' P eanut: N:2tons/ha,3tons/han c hinaa nd n eary V jn (5.20lo 2 000,4.6% 2 004,3010 in c urrently). 6 t ons/ha n I srael. Soybeanr40- 5 0%o f a veraqe, - i iii)N os trateoiclan.eadrno t hec ommon ''Dhntinq-ifestroyinq" t o ( 2001o 2 0091 o l v) P ostharyest w ass anin@nt, umber fva.iefies l oss n o s itu;tron. t usedw ast oo h Ghr ovei3 00r ce v aneh* n u le w hole country). Prccsled prodlcts make up a smaI 101,00dha l itchi; 3,000 ac offee; 0,000 a 2 h 4 h Reasons f C onstraints o Future rientations O i) Enphastzed nuch on the applEdresearch too andlessemphaszed n basicresearch o ii) Researcho aboration asqosrcssedbut has c h not net the requirenents ii, Researchukones werenot sustainable, o the application f nany rcsearch utcomes re not o o a stablq no rcsearch trategies. s 4
- Objectivesf or A griculture Develpment I O verallT aroets I_ - S ector's v aluencreaset 2 ,60/o/year, hich i a of w food ropi ncrease,lqolyear, c 1 i ndustrial c rop yeat, 3.84/o/ lruit 4.3o/a Sustainablegricult!re A lyeat. - P roduction o f45.2m illiononso f f ood( rice t Prosperousural reas R A 39.6m lllionons,m aize m illionons)i n t 6 t 2015 nd4 8.8m illionons( rice 1.3m illion 4 a t Wealthy armers F bons, aize .5m ilhonons)n 2 020. m 7 t - E xporturn-over 2 0151 1b illion SD; 2 t in 1 U 1 billioniSDi n 2 020. t - s topi mporting aize, oybean m s : Measures I mplementation f or Opportunities 3 P illars . I ncreasingi nvestment A griculture in (especially i rrigation orks) f or w 1. S cience T echnology & - R enovation p olicy land,c ommodity ( in ( Capital, ffectiveness, E 2. E nterprises c redit or t he p oor...) f consumption, Quality...) . H ighernvestment a gricultural i in ( Land cc!mulaton, timulus 3. P olicies a s Science T echnology & package m echanization f or a nd investment i nfrastructure) f or Criteria f or i dentifying priorities Researchriorities P . P riorilies ased n c ompelit eness:) H iqh; b o v i 1. P lant reeding B ii) I \4edium r ii)L ow. a nd 2. I ntegratedechnology T f ocusingn i mproving o . P rioritiesased n E xoort/Imoort:xoort effediveness i nput( s€eds, b o E f ertilizers, l abour, of groupO ice, offee, Jbbei,b agkp epper, c r casnew, assava,eanur) no K epracrng p a c 3. P ost arvest andlings h H import roup( maize, oybean ndc otton). q s a 4. N aturalesource anagement r m . P rioritiesased n S ocialoleo f t he p roducts r b o 5. Food afety s . C ombiningpproachesr a c ompetitiveness a nd 6. C limatehange itigationnda daptation c m a 50crarore r 7. P rodudion odelsndp olicyValue hain) ( m a C
- Cropso f m ediumc ompetitiveness C roDso f h iqhcomDetitiveness t ' il-- . 1 . l 4aize . 2 , P eanut . 3 , S ugarcane : 5 . T ea . 5 . C oma . 6 . B lackp epper i 6 . F lower r 8 . F ruits( Pomelo; range;M ango;D ragon . O 7 . C oconut . B , S edge RESOURCES: Cropso f l ow c ompetitiveness 1, R esearch o pportunities TheG ov€rnmentaso mh t tedt o s pend 9do f s tate h 2 openditure or e searchr esearcll f r 2. Cotton . C rops adeties nda nima b redi mprovement v a r I nftd+ructuresa@b en u roradedn m on o f h I re.r.h n 4itutions fthd raloano f 6 0 m illion SD. w U . s . N 4llberry s ilkw orm a nd setterl inkace nd@ perationt hrough e-organizlnq a r i 6 . L itchi Th€G o@rnment ven h o veBea ostoraduate n o . 7 . L ongan balnLnc rh t he b udodofT 8 m illroriLJ5D/vea.. w Thea qiicultural o te-chno p roqram { a locates o qy a b r 8 . P ineapple a s qnihcant udoet or o veBea ostqraduate p b f t 6ininq, . 9 , B anana The Government llowstor commerciazino new crops i a RESOURCES; Challenges or r esearch f 2 , R esearchc apacity I .tl l - ' .s I. o,rb,iomhu; . L ack f l eading cientists. o s ,hzoEl@archinsljujtes,|ikeA5I I t he B eside a dvantages, t he independenceechanisn'r s elf- m a nd mab, tB, Dranr mtdbn and l;im no b.hnoboy. D responsibility o rganization f inance to a nd , !.c* n oualrleds ent sis in hvbld d.e resrch: cbfle; will c reatehe f ocus n t he w ork o cashs; suqa€ne, Pepper, donul P€nut, c t involving etting ncomeo c over alary g i t s '8tu'.5 i27 ph.Da,ii 9l Ms.. not enouohh'oh duar'r,en ' n . . L d ' o n m 6 t u n a , r P P a ,! o r ^ i . . 9 r N c v D ^ anoo mere xpenses, dont hde em6rr read o *ren0st n r€vcoDs le a trus, n Lackof research trategiess a great . s i rc abd b shofriem ]earlr Doie.is challenge,ampering s lrstainability h t he of r esearchriorities p 6
- C hallengesor research Challengesor r esearch f f r . R elativelyecreasing i nvestment d in f or R elativelyecreasing f undingor d in f ( o/o ( yo agriculture o f t otali nvestment). agriculturer esearch o f t otals tate expenditurc or S &T) f . 2 000: 3.8 1 , 1 996:13.1 . 2 005: .5 7 . 2 000:9.1 . 2 0081.s 6 . 2 005:9.4 . 2 009: .3 6 r V Ni s a nds tillw ill b e A griculture-based economy, . Keyproducts re for export, so needto a Thank ou y improve ompetitiveness c . H igher rofitf romf arming p for y our r H igherncomeor f armers i f attention! . H armonizing A griculture-Rural a nd Farmers evelopment D
- r0/02/207r The R oles o fLiv€stock i n E co-social Deveroem€{n v idnan i SCIENCE ND T ECIINOLOGYI N A . C o n t r j b u t i n ! uk ( r ! u h u r r l d n { . 4 . d " n d , d ! h a i ! i r ' ! I,IVI]STOCKP RODIJCTrcN NDA ioFe J s l hc h ! he,orcdi d rr\ n u i o l l inJ DEVELOPM0NTl N V llj' l NAIvl . I om.eliicrc6.ddefrsdolliwlo.ltrodFsml.almd DI.IRiNGR ECENTYFARS . l mprovng!g i lrc.nllynudlonxl{xlu\ol d epeopleswell . S cnin!a M i ilpd{antmcdhe s om! o arlDo$ v ieinan The A chievemeltlto f A nimal T he A clievetn€nts o f A rimal P rodrctior ProductionD uring R ecentY ears During R ecent Y cars l h ! i raru o llivdsrocl F oltud v lLLLe l ,aslir@sed t in'n l 8 9 % rn L 99sti1791inllJ03 A venge g ro\*h n rc i s7%pq r etu Lnenock n unrb!6 d en0er hc1 61 l 0 ! ca6 h ile r nftxsLd.l Nlcd p roduclionn r .rsed f to l 3nlLlnnr M Tir2000ro r 1 6 3 n rLlionMl i n 2 009(l f oldl, g rofih m le o f 6 .J-70 ti p .r
- 7 0/02/2077 TEE L IVXSTOCK f,S EARCH RIORITIES R P l \ . ' ' lH t I D R I O D l z 0 l I 2 0 1 5 O r I t,1^4ttt tt bct trtu,.trtn4.r!!n,r\nt6\ Thc C hrllcnges L ircstock fodt r.lion in P T[c C hlllrngcs i n L i]cslo.k P roductiod .nd D .relophenti nv idrnrm ,nd D er€lopnrcnt n v idnem i rbt qNtLar ri.t udin tih hn 4 4 )rei 2
- 70/02/2077 R e s e ! r cP . i n r n )i n r h cP r ' , o , l o f l 0 l l 2 0 l 5 h R € s e a r c P r i o r i t yi n l h c P e r i o do { 2 0 1 1 - 2 0 1 5 h q]!aiL(!tnle c6i\!), r L!1r riL ! L,ih !!:!^oD! ll[s!],\l{cu c ^lnBtl-l t t R!:Stt]lRC|l C ,\P,\tIt.n Y uqii h ,.o'nf d sodiiitr.li.dhhr,i r o.hr v hr) Rttst,\ll( l t c aP]\BlLlrY RESIARCfl C .rPtI!|t.lT\ t 4 k "/ rtl,4 aqa h t.)rn^ | n, *tu r vtue 'h.cov{nneatBldgetra'R$e.rch ciadi.h!'!]'!r!}rsq,]!] o uhG. c iilri t r ( c nr,! r curli !! ) l , !i!if{i{E!^( 3
- L 0/02/2017 RESEARCH APABII,IT}' C MUCH OF TI{ANKS FOR YOLTR TTENT]ON A lnd!4w'ltrdia4Id.fu d4r,,h$n rdi.btIt,6.tch 4q4r dpa d t4!tu4\ rd@qd natus4tui I i 8t4r,\ qat ri*q6 t.4 | ttklqDdd b6!q4 4
- 1 0to2t2011 THER ESEARCH RIORITIES F ISHERYSECIOR P IN ul'e*i9hfud'!qrttqjil THER EAEARCH RIORITIES F ISHERYSECTOR P IN . A n a verage roductivity f p o carpc ulturei n w ide r angeo f environments as i ncreased h from 9 00k9/ha eryeart o p 2000k9, hilet ilapiac ulture w has i ncreasedrom 3 -4 f tons/ha/year 2 0 to tons/ha/yeaa. THER ESEARCH RIORITIES F ISHERYSECTOR P IN . Remarkab ncr€se of productvity e M oret han 4 0 s pecieso f n Mekonqcatfish n pondsMs fioh 30- fish, m ollusca nd c rLrstacean 40 l ontha/yeaf o 4 00 s oolonth./yeaf t speciesh ave b een In s hnmp ullu€lhe s igr f € nl c rncease of produclivityalso increased domesticated nd u sedf or a rrom!00500 ks/cfop to 2000 aquaculiure ulturei n c 2500k9/crop n sem -intensive,a.d 1500- freshwater, rackish atef a nd b w 20C0 g/cropo 4 0005 000kq/crop k l in marinee nvironmenis

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Báo cáo nghiên cứu nông nghiệp " Giới thiệu giống keo lai - quản lý, xây dựng vườn cây đầu dòng và nhân giống "
15 p |
145 |
Báo cáo nghiên cứu nông nghiệp: Nghiên cứu biện pháp quản lý tính kháng sâu hại (rầy nâu, sâu cuốn lá) một cách bền vững cho các giống lúa chất lượng cao ở đồng bằng Sông Cửu Long
5 p |
156 |
Báo cáo nghiên cứu nông nghiệp " Nghiên cứu tham dò khả năng trồng cà chua, dựa chuột dựa trên giá cụ thể trong nhà màng Polyethylene tại Lâm Đồng "
3 p |
145 |
Báo cáo nghiên cứu nông nghiệp " Lên men, sấy và đánh giá chất lượng ca cao ở Việt Nam - MS6 "
11 p |
113 |
Báo cáo nghiên cứu nông nghiệp " DỰ ÁN NUÔI THÂM CANH CÁ BIỂN TRONG AO BẰNG MƯƠNG NỔI - MS7 "
10 p |
126 |
Báo cáo nghiên cứu nông nghiệp " Xây dựng chiến lược nâng cao tính cạnh tranh của các doanh nghiệp vừa và nhỏ nông thôn trong chuỗi ngành hàng nông sản: trường hợp ngành thức ăn chăn nuôi " MS7
13 p |
123 |
18 p |
126 |
5 p |
94 |
Báo cáo nghiên cứu nông nghiệp " CHẨN ĐOÁN VÀ KHỐNG CHẾ BỆNH TIÊU CHẢY Ở LỢN CON TRƯỚC CAI SỮA - MS4 Thiết lập và thực hành hệ thống quản lý theo dõi dữ liệu tại trang trại "
8 p |
110 |
Báo cáo nghiên cứu nông nghiệp " CHẨN ĐOÁN VÀ KHỐNG CHẾ BỆNH TIÊU CHẢY Ở LỢN CON TRƯỚC CAI SỮA - MS5: Chế tạo vacxin và kiểm tra hiệu lực của vacxin "
8 p |
108 |
Báo cáo nghiên cứu nông nghiệp " DỊCH TẢ HEO (DTH): PHÁT TRIỂN VẮC XIN DỊCH TẢ HEO MỚI - MS8 "
6 p |
142 |
Báo cáo nghiên cứu nông nghiệp " DỰ ÁN NUÔI THÂM CANH CÁ BIỂN TRONG AO BẰNG MƯƠNG NỔI - MS10 "
10 p |
105 |

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