Câu hỏi Ôn tập về Linux
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1.What is the most popular file system choice? A. ext2 B. bsdf C. jfs D. ext3 Answer: A 2.What ste ps need to be pe rformed, to make a ne w disk accessible to users? Select three. A. fdisk B. mkfs C. mount D. stat E. quotaon Answer: A, B, C 3.Whic h THREE of the following comma nds are used whe n setting up and accessing a ne w filesystem on the ha rd drive? A. fsc k B. mkfs C. mount D. fdisk E. format Answer: B, C D 4.The command mkfs -t ext3 /dev/hdb1 - T la...
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- ÔN TẬP LINUX Ke ndy_kieu (sưu tầm) 1.What is the most popular file system choice? A. ext2 B. bsdf C . jfs D. ext3 Answer: A 2.What ste ps need to be pe rformed, to make a ne w disk accessible to users? Select three. A. fdisk B. mkfs C . mount D. stat E. quotaon Answer: A, B, C 3.Whic h THREE of the following comma nds are used whe n setting up and accessing a ne w filesystem on the ha rd drive? A. fsc k B. mkfs C . mount D. fdisk E. format Answer: B, C D 4.The command mkfs - t ext3 /dev/hdb1 - T la rgefile creates what size of inode ? A. 4 kilobyte B. 1 megabyte C . 2 megabyte D. 4 megabyte Answer: B 5.Whic h command will show the number of free and used inodes for your system's mounte d file systems? A. du - i B. df - i C . ls - iR / D. freeinodes Answer: B 6.How many inodes are assigned to a file when it is created? A. 1 B. 2
- C. 4 D. 8 Answer: A 7.What command with switc hes will display the disk utilization for a ll mounte d file systems? A. df B. vmstat C . du D. top E. free Answer: A 8.What command with options will show the c urrently mounted filesystems usage in kilobytes? A. df - k B. df - h C . du - k D. du - h E. du - s Answer: A 9.Whic h of the following commands will print the inode usage on eac h mounte d filesystem? A. du - i B. df - i C . lsfs - i D. printfs - i Answer: B 10.You need to create a symbolic link in the c urrent user's home directory named C ertkiller to the file /data/foobar. Choose the command that will accomplish this. A. link . Certkille r /data/foobar B. ln /data/foobar $HOME/ C ertkiller C . ln - s /data/foobar ~/ Certkiller D. file - - link ./ Certkiller /data/foobar E. None of the above Answer: C 11.Which chown command will c hange the ownership to foo a nd the group to bar on a file named biglist? A. chown foo/bar biglist B. chown - u foo - g bar biglist C . chown foo:bar biglist D. c hown - - user foo - - group bar biglist Answer: C 12.You have the following file: - rwxrwxr- x 1 foo root 0 Feb 23 07:48 /bin/foo Which of the following commands will c hange the owne r of the file /bin/foofrom the foo userto the bar use r without affecting group ownership? A. chown /bin/foo bar
- B. chown bar /bin/foo C . chown bar.foo /bin/foo D. c hown.foo.bar /bin/foo Answer: B 13.Which of the following comma nds ma kes /bin/foo executa ble by everyone but only writable by its owner? A. chmod 557 /bin/foo B. chmod o +rwx, a+rx /bin/foo C . chown 557 /bin/foo D. c hmod 755 /bin/foo Answer: D 14.You need to alte r the permissions on the directory /home/mrbill a nd all it's contents to matc h the following permissions. drwxr-- r-- Whic h of these commands with options and a rguments will accomplish this? Choose two. A. chmod 0744 /home/mrbill - R B. chmod 744 /home/mrbill/* C . chmod - R u=rwx,g=r,o=r /home/mrbill D. c hmod u+rwx,g+r,o+r /home/mrbill Answer: A, C 15.What umask will set the file pe rmissions on a ne wly created file to - rw- r-- r-- (644)? A. 0002 B. 0022 C . 0224 D. 0246 Answer: B 16.You want the de fault permissions for your files to be - rw- r----- . HOW must you set umask? A. 037 B. 640 C . 038 D. 027 Answer: A 17.Afte r creating a ne w file, you notice that the permissions of the ne w file are - rw- rw- rw- . F rom this, you know that the value of the umask is what? A. 023 B. 000 C . 112 D. d111 E. 223 Answer: B 18.What are the de fault permissions for the Red Hat /etc/passwd fi le? A. 644
- B. 640 C . 400 D. 641 E. 440 Answer: A 19.Which of the following are required in the /etc/passwd file when creating a user account? (C hoose all that apply) A. login name B. userid C . default group D. password age E. minimum password length Answer: A, B, C 20.Which file contains information a bout filesystems and the ir respective mount points? A. /etc/mount B. /etc/fs_mount C . /etc/fstab D. /proc/fstab Answer: C 21.Which of the following programs can be used to the find the foo program in the.PATH and associated man pages, but not list every file containing foo on the system? A. which B. search C . slocate D. whe re E. whe reis Answer: E 22.What command can be used to cause changes to the inittab file to ta ke effect without a system reboot? A. init q B. init r C . inittab r D. inittab q Answer: A 23. Whic h of the following is a journa ling filesystem? A. ext2 B. vfat C. minix D. ext3 Answer: D 24. The first ethe rnet card on a system is: A. eth0 B. etho0 C. eth1 D. hme0 Answer: A 25. You can find all of the services manage d by xinetd by looking at whic h of the following file or directory? A. /etc/xinetd.d B. /etc/inetd.conf C. /etc/rc.d/init.d D. /etc/xinetd.conf Answer: A 26.What partition number always refe rs to the first logica l pa rtition?
- A. 0 B. 4 C . 1 D. 5 Answer: D 27.Which of the following files specifies information on what is NF S shared on y our system? A. /etc/exports B. /etc/dfs/dfstab C. /etc/fstab D. /etc/sharetab Answer: A 28. What command could be used to find out which pac kage owns the f ile /etc/aliases? A. rpm - qf /etc/aliases B. rpm - qp /etc/aliases C. rpm - e /etc/a liases D. rpm - qil /etc/aliases Answer: A 29. Whic h of these c ommands will list PC I devices? A. lsdevices B. lspc i C. lsdev D. pcidev Answer: B 30. What command could be used to find a ll pac kages with the string 'ma il' within the pac kage name? A. find / - name '*mail*' B. rpm - qf /usr/bin/ma il C. rpm - qa | gre p ma il D. locate mail Answer: C 31. On a system with 16MB RAM, the minimum size of your swap pa rtition should be equal to how many MBs? A. 16 B. 32 C. 64 D. 100 Answer: B 32. On a ne w Linux installation, the partition mounted on where conta ins the operating system kernel? A. /boot B. /de v C. /kernel D. /bin Answer: A 33. A Linux server installation re quires how many GB of free space for a minimal installation whe re no graphical display is ever needed? A. 0.8 B. 0.5 C. 1.1 D. 1.5 Answer: D 34. When init starts, it first runs which of the following sc ripts? A. /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit B. /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit0 C. /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit1 D. /etc/rc.d/sysinit0 Answer: A 35. What file contains the default env ironment variables when using the bash shell? A. ~/.profile B. /bash C. /etc/profile D. ~/bash Answer: C 36. What is the usual mode for the /tmp directory? A. 0777 B. 0755 C. 7777 D. 1777 Answer: D 37. The netstat –r command produces the following output: * U 40 0 0 eth1 Which of the following best describes this line? A. 1 IS A Gate way (G) to all exte rna l networks. B. the host,, is curre ntly up (U). C . There are c urrently 40 pac kets wa iting for transmis sion ove r this route.
- D. The network, 192.168.10, is accessible through the local NIC configured as eth1. Answer: A 38. All of the following commands ca n be used to dete rmine open TCP ports a n localhost EXCEPT: A. lsof B. netstat C. nmap D. fuse r E. ifconf ig Answer: E 39. How would you display your system‟s c urrent ARP cache? A. arp –a B. netstat –a C. netstat –a rp D. cat /ect/arp Answer: A 40. Your organization has ope ned a ne w office on a differe nt floor, and the compute rs that will be installed the re will be on a ne w network, 192.168. 1.0/24. A Linux gate way having the address on your local network will route tra ffic between the two subnets. Which invocation of the „route‟ command will properly reconfigure your firewa ll (address so that it can communicate with the ne w subnet? A. route add 192.168. 0.2 B. route add .net netmask gw 192. 168.0.2 C . route add netmask 24 gw 192.168.0. 2 D. route add –net 192. 168.0.2/32 E. route add gw 192.168. 0.2 Answer: E 41. You have created special configuration files that you want copied to each user‟s home directories when c reating a ne w user accounts. You copy the files to /etc/skel. Which of the following commands will ma ke this happen? A. use radd –m use rname B. useradd –mk username C . useradd –k username D. usera dd – Dk username Answer: B 41. You have ente red the following cronjob. When will it run? 15 * * * 1. 3. 5 myscript A. At 15 m inutes after every hour on the 1st, 3rd and 5th of each month. B. At 1:15 am, 3:15 am, and 5:15 am every day. C . At 3:pm on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th of each month. D. At 15 minutes after every hour every Monday, Wednesday, and F riday. Answer: D 42. You need to search the entire directory structure to locate a specific file. How could you do this and still be able to run other comma nds while the find comma nd is still searching for y ou file? A. find / - name file name & B. find / - name file name C . bg find / - name filename D. &find / - name filename & Answer: A 43. To allow a user to mount a C D a nd read from it, whic h entry should be put into /etc/fstab? A. /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom iso9660 noa uto,use rmap,ro 0 0
- B. /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom iso9660 noauto,uid=user,gid=grou p,ro 0 0 C . /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom iso9660 noa uto, User, ro 0 0 D. /dev/cdrom /mnt/c drom iso9660 noauto,user, ro 0 0 Answer: D 44. You have to mount the /data filesystem from a n NF S se rver (srv 1) that does not support loc king. Whic h of the following mount com mands should you use? A. mount –a –t nfs B. mount –o loc king=off srv1:/data /mnt/data C . mount – o nolock srv 1:/data /mnt/data D. mount –o noloc k/data@srv 1 /mn/data Answer: C 45. You want to c heck what shares a re offered by a Windows system. Which of the following commands could you use to pe rform this task? A. mmblookup B. showshares C. smbc lie nt D. smbstatus E. listsha res Answer: C 46. How can you dete rmine who has scheduled at jobs? A. at –l B. at – q C. at – d D. atwho Answer: A 47. Using command substitution, how would you display the value of the present working directory? A. echo $(pwd) B. ec ho pwd C. $pwd D. pwd | echo Answer: A 48. Whic h of the following environment variables determines your working directory at the completio n of a successful login? A. HOME B. BASH_ENV C. PWD D. BLENDERDIR Answer: A 49. Whic h of the following daemons must be running on a n NF S se rver? A. portmap B. nfsiod C. nfsd D. xinetd E. mountd Answer: AC 50. Whic h process had the Process ID number 1? A. bash B. ke rne l C. init D. none Answer: C 51. You issue the command jobs and receive the following output: [1]- Stopped (tty output) pine [2]+ Stoppe d (tty output) MySc ript How would you bring the MyScript process to the foreground? A. fg % 2 B. ctrl- c C. fg MySc ript D. ctrl- z Answer: A 52. On a system with separate pa rtitions for /, /usr, /var, /tmp which filesystem[s] can safe ly be mounted read - only? A. /var, /usr B. /var C. /usr, /, /tmp D. /usr E. /tmp Answer: D 53. What file will show you the IRQs being u sed by different hardwa re devices? A. /proc/inte rrupts B. /proc/irqs C. /proc/irq D. /proc/int E. /proc/ints Answer: A 54. What is wrong with the following command? ta r cvfb //dev/tape 20
- A. You cannot sue the c option with the b option. B. The correct like should be tar –cvfb /dev/tape 20. C . The arguments are not in the same order as the corresponding modifiers. D. The files to be bac ked up have not bee n spec ified. Answer: C 55. How would you find out the version of the ke rne l in /usr/src/linux? A. cat /us r/src/linux/.version B. cat /usr/src/linux/VERSION C . Look in the README D. head – 4 /usr/src/linux/Ma ke file Answer: D 56. On a running system, where can you find spec ific information about the partition tables, such as major and minor device numbers, and n umbe r of bloc ks? A. /proc/partitions B. /proc/cpuinfo C. /proc/fsta b D. /etc/pa rtitions E. etc/fstab Answer: A 57.What option is used with the useradd comma nd to specify the use r's home directory? A. - d B. - h C. - u D. - a Answer: A 58.What switch is used with the usermod command to cha nge a use r's seconda ry groups? A. - G B. - group C. - d D. - U Answer: A 59.Which of the following are required in the /etc/passwd file when creating a user account? (C hoose all that apply) A. login name B. userid C . default group D. password age E. minimum password length Answer: A, B, C 60.What run level represents basic multi- use r? A. 2 B. 0 C. 1 D. 5 Answer: A 61.What run level represents multi- user? A. 3 B. 0 C. 1
- D. 5 Answer: A 62.Which of the following switches can be used with the ta r comma nd to find out the diffe rence between two tar files? A. - c B. - v C. - d D. - t Answer: C 63.You want to add files to a previously created tar file. You want to re place existing files with ne wer files, how can you do this? A. Use the appe nd co mmand B. Use the tar command with the - t switch C . Use the add command D. Use the tar command with the - u switc h Answer: D 64.You ha d a contractor come into your compa ny. You originally set his account to expire afte r thirty days. You now need to c hange this. How ca n you do this? A. use rmod - e B. usermod - a C . usermod - x D. usermod - d Answer: A 65.You want to add information to a prev iously created ta r file. How would you do this? A. Use the tar command with the - a switch B. Use the appe nd command C . Use the add command D. Use the tar command with the - r switc h Answer: D 67.What option is used with the useradd comma nd to specify the use r's use r id? A. - u B. - s C . - ui D. - id Answer: A 68.You are adding a ne w use r. You wa nt to create the use r's home d irectory only if the directory does not exist. Which of the following would accomplish this? A. use radd - m B. useradd - h - y C . useradd - u D. useradd - h
- Answer: A 69.Which of the following can be used to switc h your system to run level 1? A. init 1 B. inittab 1 C . rlevel 1 D. level 1 Answer: A 70.What run level represents administration mode? A. 0 B. 1 C. 6 D. 5 Answer: B 71.What file does init processes use as its control file? A. /etc/inittab B. /etc/proc C . /etc/init D. /etc/initproc Answer: A 72.Which of t he following comma nds can be used to c reate a tar arc hive file in v erbose mode? A. tar - v B. tar - cvf C . tar - c D. tar - vf Answer: B 73.What option is used with the useradd comma nd to specify the use r's login shell? A. - s B. - l C. - u D. –sh Answer: A 74.Which of the following can be used to cha nge a use r's home directory? A. use rmod - d B. usermod - h C . usermod - u D. usermod - c Answer: A 75.Which of the following comma nds can be used to extract a tar file? A. tar - vf B. tar - xvf C . tar - e D. tar - v Answer: B 76.You want a user's account to expire in ten days. What option used with the
- useradd command will allow you to do this? A. - e B. - u C. - d D. –t Answer: A 77.What command can be used to find the curre nt run level? A. runlevel B. level C . show level D. rlevel Answer: A 78.What switch is used with the usera dd command to specify a use r's initial group? A. - g B. - i C. - u D. –ig Answer: A 79.What run level represents a powe r down? A. 5 B. 0 C. 1 D. 4 Answer: B 80.What run level represents a system reboot? A. 6 B. 1 C. 2 D. 5 Answer: A 81.You want to find out what files are conta ine d in a ta r file. How would you do this? A. Use the tar command with the - t switch B. Use the tar command with the - r switc h C . Use the grep command D. Use the find command Answer: A 82.Whe n a use r executes the command "ps ax", what is shown on the console? C hoose atl that apply. A. Process's use r- related information B. Processes without controlling terminals C . Processes used by the XF ree86 System D. All regular processes E. Proces ses on remote machines
- Answer: B, D 83.What will the command "kill - HUP 1354" do? A. Kill the process 1354 destructively B. Kill the process 1354, allowing cleanup of memory C . Restart the process 1354, re - reading it's config files D. Restart the process 1354, resetting it's assoc iated modem Answer: C 84.You need to have all the output from the executable myprog written to a text log named file1.out. This program must not send any output to the console. Which of the commands listed will accomplish this? A. myprog > file 1.out 2>&1 B. myprog > file 1.out 1>&2 C . myprog > file1.out 1> /dev/null D. myprog 1&2> file1.out E. myprog 1> /dev/null > file1.out Answer: A 85.What are the de fault permissions for the Red Hat /etc/passwd file? A. 644 B. 640 C . 400 D. 641 E. 440 Answer: A 86.What are the de fault permissions on the Red Hat /etc/shadow file? A. 644 B. 600 C . 400 D. 444 E. 640 Answer: C 87.What are the de fault permissions on the Debia n /etc/passwd file? A. 644 B. 640 C . 777 D. 700 E. 400 Answer: A 88.What are the de fault permissions on the Debia n /etc/shadow file? A. 654 B. 640 C . 400 D. 644 E. 540 Answer: B
- 89.Which of the following directories would be the least like ly to need bac king up? C hoose Two. A. /usr B. /etc C . /home D. /tmp E. /swap Answe r: D, E 90.Which of the following will copy file1.txt to file 2.txt? Choose Two. A. cat file1.txt > file2.txt B. cat file1.txt | file2.txt C . cp file1.txt > file 2.txt D. c p file1.txt file 2.txt E. cpio < file1.txt > file2.txt Answer: A, D 91.Whe n you c reate a ne w file, the permissions show as 654. What value is the umask likely set at? A. 012 B. 002 C . 123 D. 022 Answer: A 92.Whe n you c reate a ne w directory, you see the permissions are set to 600. What umask value would cause this to happen? A. 177 B. 066 C . 244 D. 155 E. 333 Answer: A 93.You need to display all files in the curre nt directory that start with a "a " a nd end with a "v ", regardless of the ir length or use of de limite rs. Choose the best a nswer. A. ls a*v B. ls a.v C . ls a- v D. ls [a - v] Answer: A 94.What command with switches will display the disk utilization for all mounted file systems? A. df B. vmstat C . du D. top E. free
- Answer: A 95.Which command will show the numbe r of free a nd used inodes for your system's mounted file systems? A. du - i B. d f - i C . ls - iR / D. freeinodes Answer: B 96.Which of the commands will show you only the middle 10 lines of a 30 line text file named textfile? A. head - n 11- 20 textfile B. head - n 20 textfile | tail C . tail - n 11- 20 D. cat textfile | pr - n 11- 20 E. nl - n 1 1- 30 textfile Answer: B 97.Which command will display in reverse orde r a file that is numbered from 1 to End of File? A. cat file | nl | pr B. cat file | nl | tac C . cat file | tac | nl D. cat file | pr - n | reverse E. None of the above Answer: B 98.What command will show the first 10 lines of a file by defa ult? A. head B. cat C . tac D. nl E. tail Answer: A 99.What command will show the last 10 lines of a file by de fault? A. tail B. head C . cat D. prstat E. ps Answer: A 100.What is the result of the comma nd: # kill 9 13459 A. Kill PID 13459 with a signal 15 B. Kill PID 13459 with a signal 1 C . Kill PID 13459 with a signal 9 D. None of the above Answer: D
- 101.How can you execute two commands, the second one be ing executed only if the first returns a nonzero (program execution faile d) exit status? A. command1 || command2 B. command1 && command2 C . command1 $$ command2 D. command1 @@ command2 Answer: A 102.You want to move all files in /dir1 to /dir2 that begin with a and end with v. What is the correct command to do this? A. mv /dir1/a*v /dir2 B. mv - r /dir1/a.v /dir2 C . move /dir1/a?v /dir2 D. ls a*v | cp /dir2 E. mv /dir1/[a - v ] /dir2 Answer: A 103.What ste ps need to be performed, to make a ne w disk accessible to users? A. f disk B. mkfs C . mount D. stat E. quotaon Answer: A, B, C 104.What switch will set the foreground color in X? A. fg B. foreground C . xfg D. fregrnd E. None of the above Answer: A 105.What two files are used to configure a user's env ironment that was created with the de fault options? A. ~/.profile, ~/.bashrc B. /etc/profile, /bashrc C . ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bashrc D. /etc/.login, ~/.login E. None of the above Answer: C 106.Whic h utility would be used to verify the c hecksum of a downloaded a rchive file? A. verify B. chksum C . md5sum D. c hkrpm E. pkgchk
- Answer: C 107.With a Linux 2.2 Kernel- based machine configuration of 133 MHZ, 32 MB RAM and a 1 GB HD, how much swap should be configure d? A. 512MB B. 256MB C . 128MB D. 64MB E. 32MB Answer: D 108.A directory contains the following files: #ls ratas sara n jacaw cabal cabin Y ou issue the command "ls | grep .a [^b]a. ", what files are returned by the command? Choose all that apply. A. ratas B. jacaw C . saran D. cabal E. cabin Answer: A, B, C 109.Whic h of the following will a llow both the commands to execute, regardless of their individual exit status? A. command1 | command2 B. command1 $ command2 C . command1 & command2 D. command1 ; command2 E. c ommand1 ^ command2 Answer: D 110.Whic h of the following will cause command2 not to execute if comma nd1 fails? A. command1 & command2 B. command1 && command2 C . command1 || command2 D. command1 | command2 E. command1 ; command2 Answer: B 111.A user needs to search a file for lines that contain the asterisk characte r. Which grep search command will accomplish this? Choose all that apply. A. grep \* textfile B. gre p '*' textfile C . grep "*" textfile D. gre p \ textfile
- E. gre p "'*'" tex tfile Answer: A, B, C 112.According to the Filesystem He ira rchy Standard, what directory trees a re conside red optional on a system's root filesystem? Choose all that apply. A. /mnt B. /root C . /usr D. /var E. /opt Answer: C, D, E 113.What command with options will show the c urrently mounted filesystems usage in kilobytes? A. df - k B. df - h C . du - k D. du - h E. du - s Answer: A 114.You need to alter the pe rmissions on the directory /home/mrking and a ll it's contents to matc h the following pe rmissions. drwxr-- r-- Which of these commands with options and argume nts will accomplish this? C hoose two. A. chmod 0744 /home/mrking - R B. chmod 744 /home/mrking/* C . chmod - R u=rwx,g=r,o=r /home/mrking D. c hmod u+rwx,g+r,o+r /home/mrking Answer: A, C 115.Whic h steps are necessary to compile a nd install a source code program? C hoose the least amount possible. A. Extract source B. edit makefile C . ./configure D. make E. make install Answer: A, C, D, E 116.Whic h command cannot normally be executed by a non - root use r when compiling an application? A. make B. makefile C . ./configure D. make install Answer: D
- 117.Select all the ways of exiting and saving a vi session. A. :wq B. :w C . :ZZ D. Shift ZZ E. F . :exit Answer: A, D, E 118.You want to examine the changelog for the insta lled pac kage “postfix”. Which command will display the changelog? A. rpm –Vc postfix B. rpm –qpil postfix C . rpm - - changelog postfix D. rpm –q - - change log postfix E. rpm –qa - - change log postfix Answer: D 119.Afte r a minor sec urity incident you are instructed by your lead sys - admin to v erify the RPM‟s installed on a running system. Which command will create a complete report which you can a nalyze for c hanges which may be security re lated? A. rpm –Va >report B. rpm –Qavy >report C . rpm –Vqt - - nomd5 >re port D. rpm - - checkfiles >report E. rpm –Va - - nofiles >report Answer: A 120.You need to know whe re all the configuration files for the installed packa ge named “postfix” are located. Assuming it was installe d with rpm, which command will list this information for y ou? A. rpm –qc postfix B. rpm –Vc postfix C . prm - - config postfix D. rpm –listconfig postfix E. prm –qa - - config postfix Answer: A 121.Whic h of these commands would report how many total accounts (inc ludi ng special accounts) there are? A. count /etc/passwd B. nl /etc/passwd | head C . wc - - users /etc/passwd D. wc - - lines /etc/passwd
- E. expand - - lines /etc/passwd Answer: D 122.Whic h two programs will allow you to change the priority of a program already running? (Choose two) A. top B. nice C . niceit D. renice E. chnice Answer: B, D 123.Whic h command removes all subdirectories in /tmp, rega rdless of whethe r they are non- existent or in use? A. del /tmp/* B. m –rf /tmp C . rm – Ra /tmp/* D. rm – rf /tmp/* E. delete /tmp/*,* Answer: D 124.What utility would use to remove/display columns from each line of a file? A. pwd B. col C . cut D. tail E. extract Answer: C 125.If you set the umask to 022, by default what pe rmissions will your files have? A. 0220 B. 0557 C . 0644 D. 0755 Answer: C 126.Whic h of the following commands may be used to vie w PC I dev ices seen by the Linux ke rne l? (Choose two) A. less lspc i B. less /dev/pci C . less /proc/pci D. less /proc/devices/pc i E. lspc i | less Answer: C, E 127.You have the f ollowing file: - rwxrwxr- x 1 foo root 0 Feb 23 07:48 /bin/foo Which of the following commands will c hange the owne r of the file /bin/foo from the foo user to the
- bar user without affecting group ownership? A. chown /bin/foo bar B. chown bar /bin/foo C . chown bar.foo /bin/foo D. c hown.foo.bar /bin/foo Answer: C 128.Your machine has two working NIC's with proper addresses. You want to split y our network into two ne w subnets. What single command will accomplish this? A. ifconfig B. route C . default D. netstat E. None of the c hoices Answer: A 129.What command will set a regula r users password to force cha nging it every 60 days? Choose all that apply. A. passwd - x 60 user1 B. chage - M 60 use r1 C . passwd +x 60 use r1 D. useradd - e 60 use r1 E. usermod - f 60 use r1 Answer: A, B 130.Where are the de fault settings for the use radd comma nd ke pt? A. /etc/de fault/use radd B. /etc/sysconfig/useradd.cfg C . /etc/.useradd D. /etc/defaults/use radd E. /etc/login.defs Answer: A 131.How can you dete rmine who has sc heduled at jobs? A. at –l B. at –q C . at –d D. atwho Answer: A 132.You a re covering for another system administrator and one of the users asks y ou to restore a file for him. You locate the correct tarfile by chec king the bac kup log but you do not know how the directory struc ture was stored. What command can you use to determine this? A. tar fx tarfile dirname B. tar tvf tarfile file name C . tar ctf tarfile D. tar tvf tarfile


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