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Tham khảo tài liệu 'đề luyện thi và đáp án - tiếng anh ( số 12 )', tài liệu phổ thông, ôn thi đh-cđ phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

Chủ đề:

Nội dung Text: ĐỀ LUYỆN THI VÀ ĐÁP ÁN - TIẾNG ANH ( Số 12 )

  1. ĐỀ LUYỆN THI VÀ ĐÁP ÁN - TIẾNG ANH ( Số 12 ) I. Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete each sentense . 1. The thief returned the old lady’s money , because he had a guilty (heart/feeling /conscience / mind) 2. I wanted to complain about my boss , but I didn’t (dare/risk/courage/attempt). 3. I’m hungry . Do you (like/want/desire/fancy)going out for pizza? 4. Let’s go to a different cinema . I’m not very keen/interested/enthusiastic/impressed) on horror films . 5. All my friends have big new cars . I’m becoming (embarrassed/ashamed/guilty/upset) of my old Mini. 6. I’m sorry I screamed . Something (afraid/terrifying/scared/depressed) me . 7. How do you (feel/think/believe/view) about the pollution problem in this country ? 8.I’m sorry to (trouble/upset/worry/mind) you , but could I make a phone call ? 9. I don’t think this program is (wonderful/suitable/worth/keen) for young children . 10. The African workers accused the European company of racial ( judgment/beliefs/argument/prejudice). II. Choose the most suitable word or phrase underlined in each sentence . 1. Jack decided to take a course / lesson in hotel management . 2. Nam always got good marks / points in algebra . 3. After leaving school , Ann studied / trained as a teacher 4. Peter decided not to go in / enter for the examination . 5. My sister learned / taught me how to draw 6. I can’t come to the cinema . I have to read / study for a test . 7. In history we had to learn a lot of dates by hand / heart. 8. I hope your work will improve by the end of course / term . 9. Martin failed / missed his maths exam and had to sit it again . 10. If you have any questions . raise / rise your hand III. Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete each sentence . 1. Helen’s parents were very pleased when they read her school ( report/papers/diploma /account) . 2. Martin has quiet a good ( result/pass/understanding/head) of physics. 3. In Britain, children start(kindergarten/secondary/nursery/primary) school at the age of 5. 4. Edward has a (certificate /degree/mark/paper) in French from Leeds University. 5. My favorite ( topic/class/theme/subject) at school was history . 6. It's time for break . The bell has ( gone off/struck/rung/sounded) . 7. Our English teacher ( set/put/obliged/made)us some difficult exercises for homework . 8. Before you begin your exam paper , always read the (order/instructions/rules/answer) 9. If you want to pass the examination, you must study ( hardly/enough/thoroughly/rather) 10. Most students have quite a good sense of their own (grasp/ability/idea/information) ĐỀ VÀ ĐÁP ÁN LUYỆN THI TIẾNG ANH ( Đề 12 ) I. Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete each sentence . 1. The thief returned the old lady’s money , because he had a guilty (heart/feeling /conscience / mind)
  2. conscience - lương tâm guilty (adj) - đã làm điều sai trái , đáng khiển trách 2. I wanted to complain about my boss , but I didn’t ( dare/risk - liều , mạo hiểm /courage/attempt). 3. I’m hungry . Do you (like/want/desire/fancy)going out for pizza? Fancy - thích , yêu mến ( nhất thời ) 4. Let’s go to a different cinema . I’m not very (keen/interested/enthusiastic/impressed) on horror films . keen enthusiastic(a) hăng hái , nhiệt tình , say mê impress (v) gây ấn tượng sâu sắc 5. All my friends have big new cars . I’m becoming (embarrassed/ashamed- xấu hổ , thẹn , ngượng /guilty/upset) of my old Mini. Ashamed of - xấu hổ , thẹn , ngượng vì 6. I’m sorry I screamed - hét , kêu thất thanh kêu thét lên . Something (afraid/terrifying/scared- làm kinh hải , làm sợ hải /depressed - làm chán nản , làm ngã lòng ) me . scare- làm kinh hải , làm sợ hải 7. How do you (feel/think/believe/view) about the pollution problem in this country ? feel 8.I’m sorry to (trouble/upset/worry/mind) you , but could I make a phone call ? upset- làm đổ , đánh đổ ,lật đổ 9. I don’t think this programme is (wonderful/suitable/worth/keen) for young children . suitable for sb 10. The African workers accused - buộc tội the European company of racial (a) - thuộc chủng tộc ( judgment/beliefs/argument/prejudice). Prejudice/ pre dju dis/- định kiến , thành kiến Judgment (n) sự xét sử , sự phán quyết Beliefs Argument II. Choose the most suitable word or phrase underlined in each sentense . 1. Jack decided to take a course / lesson in hotel management . 2. Nam always got good marks / points in algebra . algebra 3. After leaving school , Ann studied / trained as a teacher 4. Peter decided not to go in / enter for the examination . 5. My sister learned / taught me how to draw 6. I can’t come to the cinema . I have to read / study for a test . 7. In history we had to learn a lot of dates by hand / heart. 8. I hope your work will improve by the end of course / term . 9. Martin failed / missed his maths exam and had to sit it again . 10. If you have any questions . Raise / rise your hand III. Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete each sentense . 1. Helen’s parents were very pleased when they read her school ( report/papers/diplome /account) .
  3. 2. Martin has quiet a good ( result/pass/understanding/head) of physics. 3. In Britain, children start(kindergarten/secondary/nursery/primary)school at the age of 5. 4. Edward has a (certificate /degree/mark/paper) in French from Leeds University. 5. My favorite ( topic/class/theme/subject) at school was history . 6. It's time for break . The bell has ( gone off/struck/rung/sounded) . 7. Our English teacher ( set/put/obliged/made)us some difficult exercises for homework . obliged - đặt nghĩa vụ cho 8. Before you begin your exam paper , always read the (order/instructions/rules/answers) 9. If you want to pass the examination, you must study ( hardly/enough/thoroughly/rather) thoroughly (adv) - hoàn toàn , hoàn hảo , hết sức 10. Most students have quite a good sense - cảm giác , giác quan , tri giác of their own (grasp/ability/idea/information) grasp (n)- sự thấu hiểu grasp all , lose all - tham thì thâm



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