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Studies on chemical composition of angelica sinensis's V - The Nitrogen-containing compounds

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Angelica sinensis (OLiv.) Diels ("Danggui") belongs to the family Umbelliferae. Its rhizomes are reputed to have marked restorative, antianaemic and haemagogic properties. From ethyl acetate and butanol extracts of rhizomes of this plant 8 nitrogen-containing compounds (1-8) have been isolated. Their structures were elucidated by means of MS and NMR spectroscopic methods as 5-oxo-proline, 5-oxo-prolin-ethylester, nicotinamide, tryptophane, perlolidine, 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-1-methyl- -carboline-3-carboxylic acide, adenosine and uridine. Keywords: Angelica sinensis, Umbelliferae, nitrogen-containing compounds.

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Nội dung Text: Studies on chemical composition of angelica sinensis's V - The Nitrogen-containing compounds

Journal of Chemistry, Vol. 43 (5), P., 2005<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> studies on chemical composition of angelica<br /> sinensis's<br /> V - The Nitrogen-containing compounds<br /> <br /> Received 2 March 2004<br /> Nguyen Thi Hong Van1, Nguyen Thi Hoang Anh1, Tran Van Sung1<br /> Katrin Franke2 and Ludger Wessjohann2<br /> 1<br /> Institute of Chemistry, Vietnames Academy of Sciences and Technology,<br /> 2<br /> Institute of Plant Biochemistry, Weinberg 3, D-06120 Halle/Saale, Germany<br /> <br /> SUMMARY<br /> Angelica sinensis (OLiv.) Diels ("Danggui") belongs to the family Umbelliferae. Its rhizomes<br /> are reputed to have marked restorative, antianaemic and haemagogic properties. From ethyl<br /> acetate and butanol extracts of rhizomes of this plant 8 nitrogen-containing compounds (1-8)<br /> have been isolated. Their structures were elucidated by means of MS and NMR spectroscopic<br /> methods as 5-oxo-proline, 5-oxo-prolin-ethylester, nicotinamide, tryptophane, perlolidine,<br /> 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-1-methyl- -carboline-3-carboxylic acide, adenosine and uridine.<br /> Keywords: Angelica sinensis, Umbelliferae, nitrogen-containing compounds.<br /> <br /> I - INTRODUCTION by comparison with the published data these<br /> compounds have been determined as 5-oxo-<br /> Angelica sinensis was already mentioned as proline (1), 5-oxo-prolin-ethylester (2),<br /> a women's medicine in the famous Shen-nung nicotinamide (3), tryptophane (4), perlolidine<br /> Pen-ts'as-ching in China. The rhizomes of this (5), 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-1-methyl- -carboline-3-<br /> plant has been used in the treatment of pain and carboxylic acide (6), adenosine (7) and uridine<br /> inflammatory diseases such as rheumatism. It (8).<br /> has additionally been used as spasmolytics,<br /> especially against menstrual disorders.<br /> II - experimental<br /> In Europe, Levisticum officinale Koch is a<br /> well known drug and has been called as Plant material<br /> "European Danggui". It was reported that its<br /> The roots of A. sinensis were bought from a<br /> chemical composition is almost identical to that<br /> traditional medicine markt in Hanoi, March<br /> of A. sinensis [1].<br /> 2002. A voucher specimen, No. 06 was<br /> In a previous article we reported the deposited in the Herbarium of Institute of<br /> isolation and structure elucidation of Chemistry, Hanoi.<br /> falcarindiol, its derivate and phenolic<br /> compounds [2]. This work describes the Instruments and chemicals<br /> isolation and structure elucidation of 8 nitrogen- NMR: Varian Unity 300; MS: AMD 402;<br /> containing compounds from rhizomes of this For analytical purposes: Merck TLC aluminium<br /> plant. Using MS, NMR spectroscopic data and sheets silica gel 60 F254 (layer thickness 0.2 mm)<br /> 1<br /> were used. Silica gel Merck 60 (0.040 - 0.063 With 15% MeOH, fractions 353 - 356 were<br /> mm) is used for column chromatography. separated and further purified by using a<br /> sephadex LH-20 column MeOH as eluate<br /> Extraction and isolation<br /> yielded 5 fractions. The first fraction was<br /> The roots of A. sinensis (5 kg) were dried, rechromatographed on sephadex LH-20 column,<br /> powdered and extracted with EtOH : H2O (95: eluting with MeOH, followed by preparative<br /> 5) at room temperature. The organic solvent TLC to furnish compound 1, negative ESI-MS:<br /> was evaporated under vacuum and aq. soln. was m/z 128 [M-H], positive ESI-MS: m/z 152<br /> extracted with EtOAc and n-BuOH, [M+Na]. The third fraction was<br /> successively, giving 160 g EtOAc and 20 g n- chromatographed on RP-18 column with solvent<br /> BuOH extracts. MeOH : H2O = 4 : 1 to afford compound 2, EI-<br /> The EtOAc extract was separated by MS (70eV, rel. int.): m/z 157 [M]+ (6.7%), 84<br /> chromatography on silica gel, eluting with [M-C2H5COO]+ (100%), 56 (10%).<br /> increasing amounts of EtOAc (0 - 30%) in n- With 20% MeOH, fractions 364 and 366<br /> hexan and then with EtOAc : MeOH (7 : 3) to have been separated. The fraction 364 was<br /> yield 345 fractions, which were combined purified by using a silica gel column, eluting<br /> according to TLC monitoring. with CHCl3 : MeOH = 75 : 25 to yield<br /> Fr. 182 - 188 of EtOAc extract was chroma- compound 4, positive ESI-MS: m/z 227 [M+Na],<br /> tographed over a sephadex LH-20 column, negative ESI-MS: m/z 203 [M-H]. The fraction<br /> eluting with MeOH to give 4 fractions. The 366 was rechromatographed over sephadex LH-<br /> second fraction was further purified by 20, eluting with MeOH, followed on a RP-18<br /> preparative TLC (CHCl3 : MeOH = 8 : 2) column using MeOH : H2O = 3 : 5 as eluate<br /> furnishing compound 7, 1H-NMR (Pyridin-d5, furnishing compound 6, positive ESI-MS: m/z<br /> 300MHz): 8.73s (H-2), 8.63s (H-8), 8.47s 253 [M+Na]+, negative ESI-MS: m/z 459 [M-H].<br /> (NH2), 6.75d (5.9, H-1'), 5.08d (4.68), 4.79d<br /> (2.73), 4.3dd (2.34, 12.2, H-5'), 4.16dd (2.34, III - RESULTS and discussion<br /> 12.2, H-5'). The third fraction was rechroma-<br /> tographed over a sephadex LH-20 column The roots of Angelica sinensis were<br /> eluted with MeOH to give compound 8, positive extracted with ethanol at room temparature. The<br /> ESI-MS: m/z 267.0 [M+Na]+, 1H-NMR aquoues ethanol extract has been treated further<br /> (CD3OD, 300MHz): 8.0 d (8.0, H-6), 5.69 d by extraction with ethyl acetate and n-butanol,<br /> (8.0, H-5), 5.9 d (4.4, H-1'), 3.4 - 4.3 m (H-2', successively. Compounds 1 - 8 have been<br /> 3', 4' and 5'); 13C-NMR (CD3OD, 75 MHz): obtained after further chromatographic<br /> 165.9 (C-2), 152.2 (C-4), 142.5 (C-6), 102.5 (C- separation of both ethyl acetate and butanol<br /> 5), 90.5 (C-1'), 86.3 (C-4'), 75.6 (C-3'), 71.2 (C- extracts.<br /> 2') and 62.2 (C-5'). Compound 1 showed the molecular ion peak<br /> The BuOH extract was chromatographed on at m/z 128 [M-H] in the negative ESI-MS<br /> silica gel column with CHCl3 and increasing spectrum, indicating the presence of one<br /> amounts of MeOH afforded 380 fractions. nitrogen atom in its molecule. The 1H-NMR<br /> With 10% MeOH, fractions 124 - 223 were spectrum contained 5 proton signals, including a<br /> obtained. These fractions were rechromato- proton at H 4.22 dd (4.8, 8.8) and 4 protons<br /> graphed over a sephadex LH-20 column eluted resonanced in the range from 2.1 to 2.6 ppm.<br /> with MeOH to give compounds 3 and 5. There are only 5 carbons in the 13C-NMR<br /> Compound 3: positive ESI-MS: m/z 145 spectrum. Two of them are carbonyl groups ( C<br /> [M+Na], negative ESI-MS: m/z 121 [M-H]. 180.9, 176.3). In addition, the signals of one<br /> Compound 5: positive ESI-MS: m/z 287 methine and two methylene groups appeared at<br /> [M+Na], negative ESI-MS: m/z 263 [M-H]. C 57.3 and 30.6, 26.2, respectively. These<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 2<br /> spectral data are in good agreement with those of 5-oxo-proline published in [3].<br /> O<br /> 3 1<br /> 8 OH<br /> O 1' NH2 7 4<br /> 5 NH 2<br /> H O H O 10<br /> 3 6 NH<br /> O 5 N 2 O 5 N 2' 2 4 11<br /> 1 OH 1 O 1'<br /> N 5<br /> 4 3<br /> 6<br /> 1: 5-oxo-proline 2: 5-oxo-prolin-ethylester 3: Nicotinamide 4: Tryptophane<br /> <br /> NH2 O<br /> 5 4<br /> 4b 4a O 6 4<br /> 6 3 5 N<br /> 5 4 N HN<br /> N 4b 4a 3 8<br /> 7 8a N 8b 1' OH 2 6<br /> 1 2<br /> 8 H N 4 N O N<br /> 7 NH HO<br /> 3' 8a N 8b HO 5'<br /> 8 1 O 5' O<br /> O H 1'<br /> 1'<br /> 5' 3'<br /> 3'<br /> HO OH OH OH OH<br /> 5: Perlolidine 6: 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-1-methyl-<br /> -carboline-3-carboxylic acid 7: Adenosine 8: Uridine<br /> <br /> <br /> The molecular ion peak of compound 2 at Compound 4 indicated the molecular ion<br /> m/z 157 [M]+ has been indicated in the EI-MS peak at m/z 203 [M-H] in its negative ESI-MS<br /> spectrum. The base peak at m/z 84 [M- spectrum. The 1H-NMR spectrum contained<br /> C2H5COO]+ suggested that its molecule possess signals of 5 protons in the aromatic region and 3<br /> an ethylester group. The NMR data of compound protons in the range from 3.1 to 3.9 ppm. Four<br /> 2 are very similar to those of compound 1. of aromatic protons [ H 7.69 d (7.5), 7.36d<br /> Besides the signals of 5-oxo-proline moiety as in (7.5), 7.11 t (7.5) and 7.03 t (7.5)] corresponded<br /> 1, the signals at H 1.28 t (3H, J = 7.1), 4.2 dd to an ortho-disubstituted aromatic ring and an<br /> (2H, J = 7.1, 14.3) and C 14.5, 62.5 in the NMR another proton appeared as a singlet at 7.2ppm.<br /> spectra of compound 2 reveal the presence of The 13C-NMR spectrum revealed 11 carbons,<br /> an ethoxyl group. This spectral analysis led to including one carbonyl ( C 174.3), 5 methine<br /> conclusion that compound 2 is ethylester of 5- together with 3 quartenary carbons in the<br /> oxo-proline [4]. aromatic range ( C : 109.4 - 138.2), a methine<br /> and a methylene signals in the aliphatic region.<br /> Compound 3 showed a molecular ion peak The spectroscopic data of this compound were<br /> at m/z 121 [M-H] in the negative ESI-MS completely identical with those of tryptophane<br /> spectrum. The 1H-NMR spectrum exhibited in the literature [6].<br /> signals of 4 aromatic protons in the range from<br /> 7.54 to 9.02 ppm. Six carbon signals are present Compound 5 was isolated as yellow powder,<br /> in the 13C-NMR spectrum. One of them is having a molecular ion peak at m/z 263 [M-H]<br /> carbonyl group. The others are 4 methine and in its negative ESI-MS spectrum. The 1H-NMR<br /> one quartenary carbons. The structure of this spectrum showed four protons of an ortho-<br /> compound has been elucidated as nicotinamide disubstituted aromatic ring [8.18 d (7.9), 7.7 d<br /> by comparison with the published data [5]. (7.9), 7.59 t (7.9), 7.29 t (7.9)] and two olefinic<br /> Nicotinamide, a well known water soluble protons at H 8.29 d (5.3), 8.01 d (5.3) of an<br /> vitamin, was first isolated from liver as an anti- unsaturated heterocyclic ring. Eight carbon<br /> pellagra factor. Nishimura reported that signals including 6 protonated and two<br /> nicotinamide exhibits shell-opening activity quartenary carbons corresponded to above<br /> against common bivalve molluscs [5]. mentioned protons have been observed in the<br /> <br /> <br /> 3<br /> 13<br /> C-NMR. This analysis suggested that the at m/z 229 [M-H] in the negative ESI-MS<br /> structure 5 contained an -carboline skeleton. spectrum. In comparison its NMR spectral data<br /> Furthermore, the typical signals of an 5- with those of compound 5 suggested that<br /> hydroxymethyl-2-furyl at H 4.89 (2H, s), 6.59 d compound 6 has the structure of 1,2,3,4-<br /> (1H, 3.2) and 7.22 d (1H, 3.2); C 57.5, 110.9 tetrahydro- -carboline. Besides the signals of<br /> and 111.0 have been seen in its 1H- and 13C- 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro- -carboline moiety, a methyl<br /> NMR spectra. Consequently, the structure of group at H 1.47 d (6.59), C 20.1 and a carboxyl<br /> compound 5 was concluded to be 1-(5- group at C 181.1 are present. Finally, the<br /> hydroxymethyl-2-furyl)- -carboline. The struc- structure of 6 was elucidated to be 1,2,3,4-<br /> ture 5 is identical with perlolidin isolated from tetrahydro-1-methyl- -carboline-3-carboxylic<br /> perenial rye-grass (Lolium perenn L.) and from acide, when compared with the published data<br /> Lolium chuanxiong a medicinal plant for [8].<br /> treatment of angina pectoris [7, 8]. The NMR assignment of compounds 1 - 6<br /> Compound 6 indicated a molecular ion peak were listed in the tables 1 and 2.<br /> <br /> Table 1: 1H-NMR data of compounds 1 - 6 (1-5 measured in CD3OD and 6 in D2O + CD3OD, 300 MHz)<br /> H 1 2 3 4 5 6<br /> 1 - - - - - 4.16 d (6.59)<br /> 2 4.22 dd 4.28 dd 9.02 s 3.87 dd - -<br /> (4.8, 8.8) (4.5, 8.8) (3.7, 9.5)<br /> 3 2.15*m, 2.17* m, - 3.15 dd 8.29 d 3.51 dd<br /> 2.34* m 2.36* m (9.5, 15.2) (5.3) (4.3, 11.4)<br /> 3.51 dd<br /> (3.7, 15.2)<br /> 4 2.34* m, 2.36* m, 8.68* d - 8.01 d 2.7 ddd (2.7, 11.4, 15.4)<br /> 2.48* m 2.45* m (4.2) (5.3) 3.07 dd (2.7, 15.4)<br /> 5 - - 7.54 dd 7.2 s 8.18 d (8.0) 7.52 d (7.5)<br /> (4.2, 8.0)<br /> 6 - - 8.28* d - 7.29 d (8.0) 7.08 t (7.5)<br /> (8.0)<br /> 7 - - - - 7.59 t (8.0) 7.15 t (7.5)<br /> 8 - - - 7.69 d (7.5) 7.7 t (8.0) 7.4 d (7.5)<br /> 9 - - - 7.03 t (7.5) - -<br /> 10 - - - 7.11 t (7.5) - -<br /> 11 - - - 7.36 d (7.5) - -<br /> 1' 1.28 t<br /> (7.1)<br /> 2' 4.2 dd<br /> (7.1, 14.3)<br /> 3' - 4.2 dd - - 7.22 d -<br /> (7.1, 14.3) (3.2)<br /> 4' - 1.28 t - - 6.59 d (3.2) -<br /> (7.1)<br /> CH2-OH - - - - 4.89 s -<br /> 1-CH3 - - - - - 1.47 d (6.59)<br /> *: may be exchanged in each column.<br /> <br /> <br /> 4<br /> Table 2. 13C-NMR data of compounds 1 - 6 (1-5 measured in CD3OD and 6 in D2O + CD3OD, 75 MHz)<br /> C 1 2 3 4 5 6<br /> 1 176.3 173.8 - 174.3 143.0 59.7<br /> 2 57.3 57.0 125.0 56.6 - -<br /> 3 30.6 30.3 131.3 28.5 138.5 49.2<br /> 4 26.2 25.9 137.2 109.4 114.9 26.7<br /> 4a - - - - 122.1 107.9*<br /> 4b - - - - 132.1 127.6*<br /> 5 180.9 180.7 149.2 125.0 122.5 119.9<br /> 6 - - 152.6 128.3 121.1 118.7<br /> 7 - - - 138.2 129.9 122.1<br /> 8 - - - 122.6 113.2 112.1<br /> 8a - - - - 132.5 137.1*<br /> 8b - - - - 134.3 138.0*<br /> 9 - - - 119.2 - -<br /> 10 - - - 119.9 - -<br /> 11 - - - 112.3 - -<br /> 1' 14.5 169.6 - - 181.1<br /> 2' - 62.5 - - 157.1 -<br /> 3' - - - - 110.9 -<br /> 4' - - - - 111.0 -<br /> 5' - - - - 154.2 -<br /> 1-CH3 - - - - - 20.1<br /> 5'-CH2OH - - - - 57.5<br /> *: may be exchanged in the column<br /> <br /> The structures of compound 7 and 8 were 1. S. Zschocke, J-H Liu, H. Stuppner and R.<br /> determined as two common nucleosides: adenosine Bauer. Phytochemical analysis, 9, 283-290,<br /> [9-( -D-ribofuranosyl)adenine] and uridine [1-( - (1998).<br /> D-ribofuranosyl]uracil, respectively. The spectro- 2. Nguyen Thi Hong Van, Nguyen Thi Hoang<br /> scopic data of both were completely identical with Anh, Tran Van Sung, Katrin Franke and<br /> those reported previously [6, 10]. It was reported Ludger Wessjohann. J. of Chem. (accepted<br /> that adenosine and uridine have been isolated from for publication).<br /> fennel [a drug prepared from the fruit of<br /> Foeniculum vulgare Miller (Umbelliferae)]. The 3. F. Benz, Helv. Chim. Acta, 57, 2459,<br /> spectral data of compounds 7 and 8 were given in (1974).<br /> the experimental. 4. B. Rigo. J. Het. Chem. 25, 49 (1988).<br /> Acknowledgements: We thank the 5. N. Yamashita, K. Sakata, H. Ina and K. Ina,<br /> Bundesministerium fuer Bildung und Forschung Agric. Biol. 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