Analytic observational research
This study aims to determine the relationship of health services quality and satisfaction level in people of North Mamuju. Analytic observational research with cross-sectional study design, population of the entire community of North Mamuju regency and research subjects were aged >18 years.
7p guineverehuynh 20-06-2020 15 1 Download
We characterize precisely the possible rate of decay of the anti-analytic half of a trigonometric series converging to zero almost everywhere. 1. Introduction 1.1. In 1916, D. E. Menshov constructed an example of a nontrivial trigonometric series on the circle T ∞ (1) n=−∞ c(n)eint which converges to zero almost everywhere (a.e.). Such series are called nullseries. This result was the origin of the modern theory of uniqueness in Fourier analysis, see [Z59], [B64], [KL87], [KS94]. Clearly for such a series |c(n)|2 = ∞.
33p noel_noel 17-01-2013 39 6 Download