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The primary aims of this thesis are: A) to measure the dependence of the DAPR20,10 on the size of the primary small photon field, and to relate this data to TPR20,10 of the reference field. B) to develop a method of using a large-area ionization chamber to compare the measured dosearea product to that calculated by a treatment planning system. C) To gain further understanding of the dose-area product by supplementing the results with 2D high resolution film dosimetry.
149p runthenight04 02-02-2023 8 3 Download
The focus of this study is on two of these factors: gender stereotyping and bullying. Gender stereotypes are the beliefs and attitudes that are presumed to distinguish between women and men (Rollero, Glick & Tartaglia, 2014), while bullying can be referred to as the repeated acts of an individual or group with the intention to harman individual holding an inferior position of power (Goldsmid & Howie 2014). While these two separate issues can occur independent of one another and in combination, gender based stereotyping and bullying both form critical barriers to female professionals.
144p runthenight04 02-02-2023 9 3 Download
Firstly, identify and measure the influence of the factors on the decision to buy products with environmental friendly packaging in Vietnam. Second, test the difference between gender, age, education level and income on the decision to buy products that are environmentally friendly. Thirdly, help managers understand the factors that influence the decision to buy products that have environmental friendly packaging, and provide the administrator with solutions for reference based on research results in order to help businesses attract customers and expand market size in Vietnam.
28p kequaidan6 15-07-2020 49 3 Download
In this paper, we propose a three-phase multi-attribute ranking approach having as outcomes of the modeling phase what we refer to as net superiority and inferiority indexes. These are defined as bounded differences between the classical superiority and inferiority indexes.
12p tohitohi 22-05-2020 22 0 Download
Most routing protocols fall into one of two classes: distance vector or link state. The basics of distance vector routing protocols are examined here; the next section covers link state routing protocols. Most distance vector algorithms are based on the work done of R. E. Bellman, L. R. Ford, and D. R. Fulkerson, and for this reason occasionally are referred to as BellmanFord or FordFulkerson algorithms. A notable exception is EIGRP, which is based on an algorithm developed by J. J. Garcia Luna Aceves....
10p danhson1409 03-12-2010 137 24 Download