Chain polymerization
Tâm hoạt động không hiện diện sẳn trên monomer: hoặc được sinh ra tại chỏ dưới tác dụng của nguồn năng lượng bên ngoài hoặc thông qua việc sử dụng 1 tác nhân hóa học ( chất khơi mào). Tâm hoạt động: Đóng vai trò phát triển mạch polymer thông qua sự công vào monomer - phản ứng dây chuyền. Sự phát triển của mạch polymer ngừng lại khi tâm hoạt động bị bất hoạt bởi các phản ứng truyền mạch hoặc tắt mạch....
58p ncaothach 26-01-2011 607 176 Download
Xanthomonas campestrispv.vitians is a Gram-negative plant-associated bacterium that acts as causative agent of bacterial leaf spot and headrot in lettuce. The lipopolysac-charide of this bacterium is suspected to be an important molecule for adhesion to and infection of the plants. The lipopolysaccharide has been isolated from the phenol phase and the O-specific chain characterized by compositional analysis, high fieldNMRandMALDI-TOFMS.
9p research12 23-04-2013 45 2 Download
Natural rubber fromHevea brasiliensisis a high molecular mass polymer of isoprene units withcis-configuration. The enzyme responsible for the cis-1,4-polymerization of iso-prene units has been identified as a particle-bound rubber transferase, but no gene encoding this enzyme has been cloned from rubber-producing plants. By using sequence information from the conserved regions of cis-prenyl chain elongating enzymes that were cloned recently, we have iso-lated and characterized cDNAs from H.
10p fptmusic 12-04-2013 42 2 Download
The discovery of prion disease and the establishment of the protein only hypothesis of prion propagation raised substantial interest in the class of maladies referred to as conformational diseases. Although significant pro-gress has been made in elucidating the mechanisms of polymerization for several amyloidogenic proteins and peptides linked to conformational dis-
10p galaxyss3 21-03-2013 53 4 Download
Four mAbs of the IgG1 class to the thrombin-treated N-terminal disulfide knot of fibrin, secreted by various hybridomas, have been selected. Epi-topes for two mAbs, I-3C and III-10d, were situated in human fibrin frag-ment Bb15–26, and those for two other mAbs, I-5G and I-3B, were in fragment Bb26–36.
10p media19 04-03-2013 23 1 Download