Chemical components
Essential oil of Piper lolot leaves in Quang Nam-Da Nang do obtain via the steam distillation method with oil collection efficiency reaching 0.68%. The present study aimed to determine the chemical components and anti-acetylcholinesterase activity of Piper lolot leaves oil collected from Quang Nam-Da Nang.
8p viprimi 16-12-2024 0 0 Download
The research objectives of the thesis: Research to isolate, determine chemical structure and probe the biological activity of chemical components in apple and Docynia indica fruits; Research to optimize the extraction technology process to create products from Docynia indica fruits
27p extraenglish 24-05-2021 29 4 Download
Research to isolate, determine chemical structure and probe the biological activity of chemical components in apple and Docynia indica fruits; Research to optimize the extraction technology process to create products from Docynia indica fruits.
27p capheviahe27 23-02-2021 47 4 Download
The article is devoted to some aspects of research of hostile environment influence on the concrete durability. The mechanism of formation of chaotically diversified difficult structure is described. Chemical interactions of cement with active components of diffusion in steam space are examined.
7p tohitohi 19-05-2020 15 1 Download
This study addresses the interactions between the adaptor protein Shb and components involved in T cell signalling, including SLP-76, Gads, Vav and ZAP70. We show that both SLP-76 and ZAP70 co-immunoprecipitate with Shb in Jurkat T cells and that Shb and Vav co-immunoprecipitate when cotransfected in COS cells. We also demonstrate, utilizing fusion protein constructs, that SLP-76, Gads and Vav associate independently of each other to different domains or regions, of Shb.
10p system191 01-06-2013 37 5 Download
Division of Medicinal and Natural Products Chemistry, Department of Chemistry and Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Iowa, USA; 2Department of Autoimmunology, Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen, Denmark Synthetic peptides based on amino-acid residues 27–38 of human serum amyloid P component represent a novel type of heparin binders as they do not contain clusters of basic amino acids or other known features associated with protein or peptide heparin binding.
8p system191 01-06-2013 54 4 Download
It has previouslybeen shown that IFN-ais apotent inhibitor of IL-2 induced proliferation in primary T-lymphocytes, by selectively abrogating the downstream eects of IL-2 on the core cell cycle machinery regulating the G1/S transition. Theoretically this could be mediated through cross-talk between the signalling cascades activated by these cytokines, as several signalling components are known to be shared.
9p research12 29-04-2013 45 4 Download
In addition to kallikrein hK3, a serine protease generally reported as PSA (prostate-speci®c antigen), at least two other enzymes in human seminal plasma also cleave syn-thetic peptidyl substrates derived from the sequence of human semenogelins. We have identi®ed one of these as prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP), a major component of prostatic ¯uid whose physiological function is unclear.
6p research12 29-04-2013 32 4 Download
The amino acid glycine is identified as a component of the inner core oligosaccharide in meningococcal lipopolysac-charide (LPS). Ester-linked glycine residues were consis-tently foundbymass spectrometry experiments tobe located on the distal heptose residue (HepII) in LPS from several strainsofNeisseriameningitidis.Nuclearmagnetic resonance studies confirmedand extended this observation locating the glycine residue at the 7-position of theHepIImolecule inL3 and L4 immunotype strains.
7p research12 23-04-2013 41 2 Download
A novel peptidyl inhibitor of voltage-gated K + channels, named parabutoxin 3 (PBTx3), has been puri®ed to homo-geneity from the venom ofParabuthus transvaalicus.This scorpion toxin contains 37 residues, has a mass of 4274 Da and displays 41% identity with charybdotoxin (ChTx, also called Ôa-KTx1.1Õ). PBTx3 is the tenth member (called Ôa-KTx1.10Õ)ofsubfamily1ofK + channel-blocking pep-tidesknown thus far.
12p research12 23-04-2013 49 3 Download
The large intestine of breast-fed infants is colonized predominantly by bi®dobacteria, which have a protective eect against acute diarrhea. In this study we report for the ®rst time the identi®cation of human milk peptides that selectively stimulate the growth of bi®dobacteria. Several bi®dogenicpeptideswerepuri®edchromatographically from pepsin-treated human milk and identi®ed as proteolytically generated fragments from the secretory component of the soluble polyimmunoglobulin receptor and lactoferrin;...
7p research12 23-04-2013 46 2 Download
Acollagen-likeproteinwas identi®ed fromtheotolithsof the chum salmon,Oncorhynchus keta. The otolith, composed mainly of calcium carbonate with small amount of organic matrices, is formed in the inner ear and serves as apart of the hearing and balance systems. Although the organicmatrices may play important roles in the growth of otolith, little is known about their chemical nature and physiological func-tion. In this study, amajor organic component of theotolith, designated otolin-1, which may serve as a template for calci®cation, was puri®ed. ...
9p research12 23-04-2013 31 2 Download
Some insects have a globin exclusively in their fast-growing larval stage. This is the case in the 4th-instar larva ofToku-nagayusurika akamusi, a common midge found in Japan. In the polymorphic hemoglobin comprised of 11 separable components, hemoglobinVII (Ta-VIIHb) was of particular interest. When its ferric met-form was exposed to pH 5.0 from 7.2, the distal histidine was found to swing away from theE7 position.As a result, the iron(III) was converted from a hexacoordinate to a pentacoordinate form by a concom-itant loss of the axial water ligand. ...
10p tumor12 20-04-2013 47 4 Download
Mitochondrial cytochromecoxidase is a key protonmotive component of the respiratory chain. Mutations in the mito-chondrially-encoded subunits of the complex have been reported in associationwith a range of diseases. In this work we used yeast and bacterial mutants to assess the effect of humanmutations insubunit 1 (L196I) andsubunit 3 (G78S, A200T,DF94–F98, F251L and W249Stop).
9p tumor12 20-04-2013 35 1 Download
Tip growth is a specialized type of polar growth where new cell wall is deposited in a localized region of the cell, the growing tip. These cells show a characteristic zonation, with a high accumulationof secretory vesicles containing cell wall components at the tip, followed by an organelle-enriched zone.MsPG3is a Medicago sativapolygalacturonase gene isolated in our laboratory, specifically expressed during the interaction of this plant with its symbiotic partner Sinorhiz-obium melilotiand which might participate in tip growth processes during symbiosis....
9p tumor12 20-04-2013 41 3 Download
The epidermal mucus of fish species has been found to contain antimicro-bial proteins and peptides, which is of interest in regard to fish immunity. An acidic extract from the epidermal mucus of the Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) was found to exhibit antimicrobial activity against Bacillus mega-terium, Escherichia coli andCandida albicans. This activity varied signifi-cantly when salt was added to the antimicrobial assay, and was eliminated by pepsin digestion.
10p fptmusic 12-04-2013 69 4 Download
Assembly of the components of the thylakoidDpH-dependent/Tat protein transport machinery was analyzed in vitro. Upon incubation with intact chloroplasts, precur-sors to all three components, Hcf106, cpTatC and Tha4, were imported into the organelle and assembled into char-acteristic endogenous complexes. In particular, all of the imported cpTatC and approximately two-thirds of the imported Hcf106functionally assembled into 700 kDa complexes capable of binding Tat pathway precursor pro-teins.
12p fptmusic 12-04-2013 46 2 Download
Parkinson’s disease is characterized by the loss of dopaminergic neurons in the nigrostriatal pathway accompanied by the presence of intracellular cytoplasmic inclusions, termed Lewy bodies. Fibrillized a-synuclein forms the major component of Lewy bodies. We reported a specific interaction between rata-synuclein and tat binding protein 1, a subunit of PA700, the regulatory complex of the 26S proteasome.
11p fptmusic 11-04-2013 37 1 Download
Recently, a novel plaque-associated protein, collagenous Alzheimer amy-loid plaque component (CLAC), was identified in brains from patients with Alzheimer’s disease. CLAC is derived from a type II transmembrane colla-gen precursor protein, termed CLAC-P (collagen XXV). The biological function and the contribution of CLAC to the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease and plaque formation are unknown.
0p awards 06-04-2013 28 2 Download
A 15 N-labelled peripheral-subunit binding domain (PSBD) of the dihydro-lipoyl acetyltransferase (E2p) and the dimer of a solubilized interface domain (E3int) derived from the dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase (E3) were used to investigate the basis of the interaction of E2p with E3 in the assem-bly of the pyruvate dehydrogenase multienzyme complex ofBacillus stearo-thermophilus. Thirteen of the 55 amino acids in the PSBD show significant changes in either or both of the 15 N and 1 H amide chemical shifts when the PSBD forms a 1 : 1 complex with E3int. ...
10p awards 05-04-2013 44 3 Download