Creating an oracle database
Before a database is created, the UNIX environment must be configured and the Oracle9i server must have already been installed. Four environment variables must be set: ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_SID, PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH. ORACLE_HOME is the full path to the top directory in which the Oracle9i Server is installed. The directory for ORACLE_HOME should be supplied by the person who installed the server, usually the UNIX administrator or the DBA. ORACLE_SID is a user-definable name assigned to an instance of a database.
10p trinh02 28-01-2013 62 6 Download
Using Password File Authentication This section describes how to authenticate an administrative user
Using Password File Authentication This section describes how to authenticate an administrative user using password file authentication.
5p luavitradong 15-05-2010 84 4 Download