Diffraction of light
Lecture Physics A2: Diffraction - PhD. Pham Tan Thi present the content properties of light, effects of materials on light, definition of diffraction, diffraction of light, diffraction and Hyugen’s principle, Fresnel’s diffraction,...
54p xusong 21-07-2021 25 2 Download
Lecture Physics A2: Fundamental of Quantum Mechanics - PhD. Pham Tan Thi present the content diffraction of light/electron by one slit, double-slits experiments for electrons, wave-particle duality, De Broglie’s hypothesis, for a non-relativistic free particle,...
41p xusong 21-07-2021 32 2 Download
We measured cocrystals of the membrane protein Photosystem I with its soluble electron acceptor ferredoxin for the first time at the ALS (Berkeley, CA). Previous data collected at our home source and at other synchrotron sources showed crystals with very high mosaicity (2–5%) and a diffraction limit to 7–8 Aresolution. This first beamtime at ALS was very successful and may represent a breakthrough for the determination of the crystal structure. 110 crystals, grown under modified crystallization conditions, were scanned and for the first time, crystals diffraction to 3.5 A were observed....
17p fptmusic 11-04-2013 32 2 Download
Interference and diffraction of light are arguments for wave charactiristics of light. We know that there are two types of wave processes: transverse & longitutional waves →to what are light waves belong ? Study of polarization of light makes clear that This conclusion is in according to the concept that light waves are electromagnetic waves with a definte band of frequencies. Recall that electromagnetic waves are transervse waves in which e-vectors & m-vectors oscillate in such follwing directions...
20p thanhan 22-07-2009 166 13 Download