Examining the content
3D animation software is extensively used to create graphics for special effects sequences in live-action films, in animated feature film production and for the generation of computer games and virtual reality content. It is a commonly held view within the computer graphics community that 3D animation software is ―just another tool‖ for self-expression. This research questions that view by examining the inherent nature of the tool itself. In doing so, some of the philosophical assumptions embedded in the design of the new digital tool are revealed.
99p runthenight05 01-03-2023 6 2 Download
The main contents of the dissertation "Re-visiting the political context of Manfredo Tafuri's "Toward a critique of architectural ideology": "Having corpses in our mouths"consist of three main parts: Section I: Presenting the problem and the work; Section II: Examining the Relevance of the Work in the Context; Section III: Recapitulation.
216p runthenight07 01-03-2023 8 3 Download
This dissertation addresses calls from both tourism and marketing researchers for a holistic framework and comprehensive examination of the role that the country cue plays in consumer behavior (Josiassen and Harzing 2008; Maheswaran et al. 2013). It provides much needed advancement to both the tourism and marketing research discipline by conceptualizing and empirically examining various pathways through which the country cue manifests in tourists’ and consumers’ behavior.
179p runthenight04 02-02-2023 9 3 Download
This thesis is comprised of eight chapters. Following this introductory chapter, Chapter 2 provides a summary of literature relating to OHS accountability and examines issues relating to OHS performance management. Chapter 3 presents a review of stakeholder, legitimacy and institutional theory literature. The research method employed is discussed and justified in Chapter 4. Chapter 5 presents the results of the stakeholder survey and in doing so describes stakeholder demand for OHS disclosure.
312p runthenight04 02-02-2023 9 3 Download
The main objective of the research "Job engagement in the Vietnamese higher education sector" is: Chapter 1: introduction; chapter 2: literature review; chapter 3: research design; chapter 4: quantitative data examination; chapter 5: quantitative data analysis - measurement instrument validation; chapter 6: quantitative data analysis - structural model validation; chapter 7: qualitative content analysis; chapter 8: integration of quantitative and qualitative findings; chapter 9: discussion; chapter 10: conclusion.
466p runthenight04 02-02-2023 7 3 Download
The main purposes of the this study are: To examine the state of references to different cultural groups and cultural categories presented in the reading passages of the textbook English 12; to find out the learners‟ attitudes and expectations on cultural contents in the textbook English 12 and their culture learning at Phuc Tho high school; to give some pedagogical implications that may raise students‟ cultural awareness and hope to contribute some possitive changes in teaching and learning English in the current context at Phuc Tho High school.
72p closefriend09 16-11-2021 25 4 Download
The study aimed at the utilization of locally available feed resources for increasing growth performance and reducing enteric methane emissions from goats in Lao PDR.
34p nguathienthan12 23-05-2021 28 3 Download
My graduation paper focuses specifically on the investigation of method used by the teachers at AMES center and give some suggestions for applying the new methods to enhance the students' self - learning for improvements in their listening skills. The specific aims of the research are as follows: To investigate the teachers' and students' attitudes towards the application of listening methods in self-learning. To find out the most common technique contents exploited by the teachers at AMES center. To examine the students’ preferences for the model practice.
84p cothumenhmong10 19-03-2021 65 6 Download
This is a research topic with a wide, complex content. Within the scope of this thesis, the author focuses on the quality of examination and processing of legal documents by Provincial People’s council and People’s committeel in Vietnam, accordingly, concentrates on examining and processing the legal documents issued by Provincial People’s council and People’s committeel without extension of examination of the inspection activities of the Provincial People’s council and People’s committeel to the documents of the lower level within the province.
26p bibianh 25-09-2019 46 4 Download
Research object are the organization and state management activities on ITI in Vietnam. The scope limited in the contents of state management on ITI systems, focusing on policies, strategies, planning, plans and programs; legal documents; inspection and examination to eliminate violations; organizing the state management apparatus on ITI in the field of manufacturing computer hardware and computer software.
30p dungmaithuy 18-09-2019 46 4 Download
Document "Probiotics and prebiotic" presentation of content: Positioning and draping, inspection, percussion, the landmarks used in Nixon’s Method, The Landmarks for Traube’s Space and the area to percuss to elicit Castell’s sign.
4p vovanvovan2013 13-05-2016 29 3 Download
Chapter 6 presents oral production tests. This chapter include contents as: Some difficulties in testing the speaking skills, reading aloud, conversational exchanges, using pictures for assessing oral production, the oral interview, some other techniques for oral examining,...
17p kiepnaybinhyen_03 11-12-2015 85 9 Download
Thesis 'You are what you wear: The examination of fashion leadership and general leadership among african american and caucasian" provided for to the read contents: Additional Variables contributing to consumer behavior, letter from Texas southern university, modifications for final instrument, fashion and general leadership personality characteristics,... Invite you to consult the detailed content
97p tsmttc_008 05-09-2015 42 8 Download
Comparative analysis of genome sequence data from mesophilic and hyperthermophilic micro-organisms has revealed a strong bias against specific thermolabile aminoacid residues (i.e. N and Q) in hyperthermophilic proteins. The N þ Q content of class II xylose isomerases (XIs) from mesophiles, moderate thermophiles, and hyperthermophiles was examined.
11p system191 01-06-2013 29 4 Download
Although alkaline phosphatase (APase) fromEscherichia colicrystallizes as a symmetric dimer, it displays deviations from Michaelis–Menten kinetics, supported by a model describing a dimeric enzyme with unequal subunits [Orha-novic´ S., Pavela-Vrancˇicˇ M. and Flogel-Mrsˇic´ M. (1994) Acta. Pharm.44, 87–95]. The possibility, that the observed asymmetry could be attributed to negative cooperativity in Mg2+ binding, has been examined. The influence of the metal ion content on the catalytic properties of APase from E. colihas been examined by kinetic analyses. ...
9p tumor12 20-04-2013 44 3 Download
Thehemolysateofthe AntarcticteleostGobionotothen gibberifrons(family Nototheniidae) contains two hemoglo-bins (Hb 1 andHb 2). The concentration of Hb 2 (15–20% of the total hemoglobin content) is higher than that found in most cold-adapted Notothenioidei. Unlike the other Antarctic species so far examined having two hemoglobins, Hb 1 and Hb 2 do not have globin chains in common. Therefore this hemoglobin system is made of four globins (two a-and twob-chains). The complete amino-acid sequence of the two hemoglobins (Hb 1,a 1 2b 1 2 ;Hb 2,a 2 b 2 2 ) has been established. ...
7p tumor12 20-04-2013 27 4 Download
ADH1 and ADH4 are the major alcohol dehydrogenases (ADH) in ethanol and retinol oxidation. ADH activity and protein expression were investigated in rat gastrointestinal tissuehomogenates by enzymatic andWesternblot analyses. In addition, sections of adult rat gastrointestinal tract were examined byin situ hybridization and immunohistochem-istry.ADH1andADH4weredetectedalong thewhole tract, changing their localization and relative content as a function of the area studied.
11p fptmusic 16-04-2013 34 2 Download
The cytochromeb559 content was examined in five types of isolated photosystem II D1-D2-cytochromeb559reaction center preparations containing either five or six chlorophylls per reaction center. The reaction center complexes were obtained following isolation procedures that differed in chromatographic column material, washing buffer compo-sition and detergent concentration. Two different types of cytochromeb559assays were performed. The absolute heme content ineachpreparationwas obtainedusing theoxidized-minus-reduced difference extinction coefficient of cyto-chrome b559 at 559 nm. ...
6p fptmusic 16-04-2013 34 2 Download
The capacity of two maize opaque endosperm mutants (o1ando2) and two floury (fl1andfl2) to accumulate lysine in the seed in relation to their wild type counterparts Oh43+was examined. The highest total lysine content was 3.78% in theo2mutant and the lowest 1.87% infl1,as compared with the wild type (1.49%). For soluble lysine,o2 exhibitedover a700%increase,whilst for fl3a28%decrease was encountered, as comparedwith thewild type.
11p fptmusic 12-04-2013 32 1 Download
We used generalized two-dimensional NMR–NMR correlation to examine the effect of potassium ions on the conformation transition in silk fibroin to investigate the possibility that the fairly high K + ion content found in the distal end of silk-secreting ducts in the silkworms could have a bearing on natural formation of the silk fiber.
14p media19 05-03-2013 56 5 Download