Finite element models in vibration analysis
This thesis aims to develop finite element models for studying vibration of FGM porous beams in thermal environment under moving loads. Both analytical method and finite element analysis are employed in the thesis. The analytical method is used to derive equations of motion for the beam, and the finite element method is then employed to solve the governing equations and to determine the dynamic characteristics of the beams.
28p xacxuoc4321 09-07-2019 37 7 Download
This thesis aims to develop finite element models for studying vibration of the 2D-FGM beam. These models require high reliability, good convergence speed and be able to evaluate the influence of material parameters, geometric parameters as well as being able to simulate the effect of shear deformation on vibration characteristics and dynamic responses of the 2D-FGM beam.
27p xacxuoc4321 08-07-2019 52 8 Download