How to learn the language
The experience of English teaching, especially speaking class, comes from the actual classroom and that is not a good news for a new teacher, who does not have it but urgently needs to acquire the basic knowledge. This writing provides the reasons why the level of interesting acts as a crucial point in the succeeding of a class. Furthermore, some methods of teaching speaking are going to be viewed and discussed to strengthen the point of view that intrinsic motivation should be applied in the class.
52p xuanphongdacy09 28-09-2024 8 3 Download
Graduation thesis "Developing effective vocabulary learning strategies for business English third year students at HPU" gives some suggestions on how to learn vocabulary effectively to help English learners build their vocabulary. Findings and discussions were gathered from survey questionnaires conducted at HPU and student interviews in class NA2301T, NA2401T. It is hoped that the findings and discussions will contribute to clarifying the current situation of specialized vocabulary learning of third-year HPU students as well as the general situation of all students today.
55p daonhiennhien 03-07-2024 4 3 Download
The study is aimed at finding out the difficulties encountered by 3rd year English major in English debating skills and suggesting some solutions to the problem. In order to achieve such aims, the following objectives are set: finding out reality of teaching and learning English debating skills in Haiphong Management and Technology University; finding out the difficulties encountered by 3rd year English majors in English debating skills.
53p linyanjun_2408 21-04-2022 30 6 Download
The aim of the study are: focuses on the theory related to reading skill, the awareness of the importance of reading and learning reading methods. Explores the real situation and problems which students have to encounter in learning reading. Suggest some effective and productive methods that can be applied and suited for first year English majors students at Haiphong Management and Technology University.
48p linyanjun_2408 21-04-2022 35 7 Download
The study aims to provide second-year English majors with an overview of reading in general and extensive reading in particular and give them suggestions so that they can improve their English with extensive reading.
51p linyanjun_2408 21-04-2022 33 7 Download
This study aims at investigating the linguistic features of verbal repairs in English and Vietnamese conversations in films via the pragmatic, semantic and syntactic features. Besides, the similarities and differences in linguistic features of verbal repair in two the languages were to be recognized. Finally, some implications were given to help English and Vietnamese interlocutors, researchers of films learn about how to overcome the breakdowns during their conversations.
246p caphesuadathemtieu 02-03-2022 19 4 Download
With a view to addressing the aforementioned gaps, this study aims at investigating how politeness strategies employed by one Vietnamese teacher can be a variable that enhances teacher-student interaction, further, improves L2 students’ learning in EFL classroom.
130p closefriend09 16-11-2021 27 5 Download
The study aims at investigating how students learn outside the classroom as well as the activities they focus on. The findings will be meaningful to English teachers in the school investigated because they can understand how their students learn English outside the class; therefore, they can design suitable strategies to improve their teaching skill as well as design various activities to help their students develop their English competence.
66p closefriend09 16-11-2021 31 5 Download
My foremost interest is to study how teachers can make use of classroom English as a tool to benefit non-major students’ foreign language acquisition as well as motivate their learning process.
102p closefriend09 16-11-2021 23 4 Download
The general aim of this study is to investigate the reading strategies used by senior secondary schools students who are learning English as a foreign language to enhance reading comprehension. More specifically, the research aims to find out reading difficulties perceived by English language learners from cultural and psychological perspectives and how to overcome these difficulties.
85p beloveinhouse04 01-09-2021 25 3 Download
The present study sets out with three main aims. First, it aims to understand how Vietnamese EFL teachers perceive LA and express it in their teaching practice. Second, it explores students’ understanding of LA and the ways they learn English autonomously. Lastly, it investigates the relationship between the EFL teachers’ and the EFL students’ perceptions and practices of LA.
184p nguathienthan12 23-05-2021 22 5 Download
In recent years, a raising problem encountered by high school students in general and rural ones in particular is extremely bad speaking skill. This leads to a serious subsequence is that quality of students is low as well as learning and teaching have to face to many difficulties due to the reason that speaking skill is an essential instrument when learning communication in any another language. The problems were related to speaking materials, students’ physical limits, and supporting equipment.
56p nguathienthan12 18-05-2021 50 4 Download
Investigate the current situation of learning listening skill to the first year English non-major students at Haiphong Private University (HPU). Propose some suggestions to motivate first-year English non-major students in learning listening skill.
54p nguyenkimanhmth 25-03-2021 41 6 Download
The aim of this study is finding out features and characteristics of speaking skills, some common mistakes and difficulties of students when learning speaking skills as well as suggest appropriate techniques for students to improve their speaking skill in which the study focuses on finding the reality of the first year English majors learning English speaking and giving them the suggestions for better communication. The expectation is that the first year English majors at HPU can improve English speaking skill.
57p cothumenhmong10 19-03-2021 52 6 Download
This study analyses the effects that some Active learning strategies and instruments have had in changing the classroom environment. Through active learning activities and modeling by the teacher, students changed the traditional role as passive receptors and learn and practice how to apprehend knowledge and skills and use them meaningfully.
65p trinhthamhodang10 16-03-2021 27 3 Download
This study is an attempt to: Investigate the current situation of teaching speaking skill to the first year English non-major students at Haiphong Private University (HPU). Propose some suggestions to motivate first-year English non-major students in learning speaking skill.
48p queencongchua3 26-09-2019 33 3 Download
Chapter 1 presents about how to describe learning and teaching. The main contents in this chapter includes: Concepts about language learning & teaching, elements for successful language learning in the classroom, ESA in different lesson sequences, what teaching models have influenced current teaching practice?
12p kiepnaybinhyen_03 11-12-2015 103 14 Download
.Course Description • Provide students general and detail knowledge about how to build a CMOS chip • Learn and practice the Verilog (or VHDL) language for hardware programming
10p vanmanh1008 07-06-2013 143 11 Download
What are people doing? What might the people be saying in each picture? What do people say when they meet for the first time?Check the correct sentences.How do you do? What are you doing? Hi, how’s it going? Please to meet you. I’m going now. Hello, I’m John. Nice to meet you. What’s the matter? Hi, my name’s Amy. Good to see you again. Good morning. I don’t think we’ve met…
19p msuong219 04-06-2013 70 5 Download
When instructions within a program are executed one after the other sequentially that program is said to have a linear structure. Decision making after examining all available options is very important in life as well as in programming. For example, it is the law that all males 18 or older should register with the selective service. If you are writing a program to send out reminders to enforce this law, the decision to send the letter should be based on if a person is male and if he is 18 or older. In this chapter you will learn how to...
8p linhtk93 15-04-2013 84 3 Download