Lighting and the environment
Southeast Asia Digital Future in Focus 2013 products media frag mentation is occurring at light speed in comscore has been preparing for a future today’s multi platform environment, which features scenario where most people will consume content not only computers, but smartphones, tablets, on the go and pcs would no longer be the centre gaming platforms and a seemingly ever increasing of the digital universe. This future is quickly number of emerging devices.
65p hoadat_1990 25-02-2015 43 8 Download
Basics of light and lighting presents about Preface – What is good lighting? What is light? Behaviour; Colour; Sources; Photometrics; Lighting; Vision; Lighting quality; Lighting systems; Luminaires; Lighting and the environment.
58p macj55 05-07-2016 65 6 Download
The research reported herein has demonstrated that pervious pavements can be introduced as a sustainable stormwater management initiative and as a key Water Sensitive Urban Design feature to deliver numerous benefits to the environment. The outcomes from the study will be useful in designing environmentally friendly car parks, pedestrian paths, light traffic drive ways, sporting grounds and public areas in the future.
244p runthenight05 01-03-2023 13 3 Download
By drawing attention to individuals’ emotional intelligence, employees’ personal initiative and individuals’ perceptions of a supportive climate for innovation, this thesis sheds light on the implications of encouraging creativity and innovation in SMEs, and provides a structure for SME leaders who are trying to discover the health of employees’ creativity and innovative behaviour.
289p runthenight04 02-02-2023 9 3 Download
Study the structural, morphological and physicochemical properties of synthetic materials by modern physical and chemical methods such as XRD, FTIR, SEM, TEM, XPS, EDX, BET, TG-DTA, UV -Vis; evaluation of photochemical catalyst using visible light in the decomposition of dyes RR-195, RY-145 on synthetic materials.
27p capheviahe26 25-01-2021 44 3 Download
Phytochromes are photoreceptor proteins that monitor the light environ-ment and regulate a variety of photomorphogenic responses to optimize the growth and development of plants. Phytochromes comprise N-terminal photosensory and C-terminal regulatory domains. They are mutually pho-toconvertible between a red-light-absorbing (Pr) and a far-red-light-absorb-ing (Pfr) form. Their interconversion by light stimuli initiates downstream signaling cascades.
10p awards 05-04-2013 46 4 Download
One of the most challenging questions in modern plant science is how plants regulate their morphological and developmental adaptation in response to changes in their biotic and abiotic environment. A comprehen-sive elucidation of the underlying mechanisms will help shed light on the extremely efficient strategies of plants in terms of survival and propagation.
12p vinaphone15 25-02-2013 31 3 Download
In laboratory conditions (relative humidity 50-70%, temperature 25 ± 2 ° C, 16 h light) monitoring studies of biological interactions between spiders catch prey Amblyseius cucumeris (Oudermans) and Orius bugs prey sauteri (Poppius) in an environment with lots of prey thrips thrips palmi (Karny)
5p thulanh2 07-09-2011 68 6 Download