Methods for describing data
Alternative polyadenylation (APA) affects most mammalian genes. The genome-wide investigation of APA has been hampered by an inability to reliably profile it using conventional RNA-seq. We describe ‘Quantification of APA’ (QAPA), a method that infers APA from conventional RNA-seq data.
18p vimichaelfaraday 25-03-2022 17 1 Download
This course aims to provide student tools to conduct general ecological researches both in the field and laboratory. After successfully completing this course you should be able to: demonstrate understanding of procedure for planning an ecological research project; describe project design and data management in field research; Understand how to choose and describe the research sites; describe general sampling techniques for static and mobile organisms;...
8p larachdumlanat123 02-11-2020 7 1 Download
After studying this chapter you will be able to: Introduction to statistics, methods for describing data, probability, discrete probability distributions, the normal probability distribution, confidence interval, hypothesis testing.
96p koxih_kothogmih1 03-08-2020 19 1 Download
The object (for students) in this course is: To learn how to interpret statistical summaries appearing in journals, newspaper reports, internet, television, etc; to learn about the concepts of probability and probabilistic reasoning; to understand variability and analyze sampling distribution; to learn how to interpret and analyze data arising in your own work (course work or research).
6p koxih_kothogmih1 03-08-2020 24 1 Download
A Bayesian approach with frequentist validity has been developed to support inferences derived from a BLevel A^ in vivo-in vitro correlation (IVIVC). Irrespective of whether the in vivo data reflect in vivo dissolution or absorption, the IVIVC is typically assessed using a linear regression model. Confidence intervals are generally used to describe the uncertainty around the model. While the confidence intervals can describe population-level variability, it does not address the individual-level variability.
16p caothientrangnguyen 09-05-2020 33 2 Download
This chapter identify the basic characteristics of network media used in Ethernet, describe the physical and data link features of Ethernet, describe the function and characteristics of the media access control method used by Ethernet protocol,... For more information, inviting you refer lecture.
135p youcanletgo_01 04-01-2016 64 6 Download
Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to: Explain the role of Data Link layer protocols in data transmission, describe how the Data Link layer prepares data for transmission on network media, describe the different types of media access control methods,... Inviting you to refer.
96p youcanletgo_01 04-01-2016 63 5 Download
An interface is a way to describe what classes should do, without specifying how they should do it. It’s not a class but a set of requirements for classes that want to conform to the interface E.g. public interface Comparable { int compareTo(Object otherObject); } this requires that any class implementing the Comparable interface contains a compareTo method, and this method must take an Object parameter and return an integer
19p huanltgc00061 05-05-2013 60 4 Download
In this tutorial I will introduce ‘learning to rank’, a machine learning technology on constructing a model for ranking objects using training data. I will first explain the problem formulation of learning to rank, and relations between learning to rank and the other learning tasks. I will then describe learning to rank methods developed in recent years, including pointwise, pairwise, and listwise approaches.
1p hongphan_1 15-04-2013 53 2 Download
New technologies enable acquisition of large data-sets containing genomic, proteomic and metabolic information that describe the state of a cell. These data-sets call for systematic methods enabling relevant information about the inner workings of the cell to be extracted. One important issue at hand is the understanding of the functional interactions between genes, proteins and metabolites.
11p awards 06-04-2013 26 2 Download
The number of macromolecular structures deposited in the Protein Data Bank now exceeds 45 000, with the vast majority determined using crystal-lographic methods. Thousands of studies describing such structures have been published in the scientific literature, and 14 Nobel prizes in chemistry or medicine have been awarded to protein crystallographers.
21p media19 05-03-2013 38 3 Download
Topologies and Access Methods Describe the basic and hybrid LAN physical topologies, and their uses, advantages and disadvantages Describe the backbone structures that form the foundation for most LANs Compare the different types of switching used in data transmission Understand the transmission methods underlying Ethernet, Token Ring, FDDI, and ATM networks Describe the characteristics of different wireless network technologies, including Bluetooth and the three IEEE 802.11 standards
51p itvovantien 13-07-2012 73 12 Download
Transmission Basics and Networking Media Explain basic data transmission concepts, including full duplexing, attenuation, and noise Describe the physical characteristics of coaxial cable, STP, UTP, and fiber-optic media Compare the benefits and limitations of different networking media Identify the best practices for cabling buildings and work areas Specify the characteristics of popular wireless transmission methods, including 802.11, infrared, and Bluetooth
52p itvovantien 13-07-2012 82 12 Download
Data Link Layer. Learning Objectives Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to: Explain the role of Data Link layer protocols in data transmission. Describe how the Data Link layer prepares data for transmission on network media. Describe the different types of media access control methods. Identify several common logical network topologies and describe how the logical topology determines the media access control method for that network. Explain the purpose of encapsulating packets into frames to facilitate media access. ...
48p thanhtung_hk 03-11-2010 183 36 Download
Identify the basic characteristics of network media used in Ethernet. Describe the physical and data link features of Ethernet. Describe the function and characteristics of the media access control method used by Ethernet protocol. Explain the importance of Layer 2 addressing used for data transmission and determine how the different types of addressing impacts network operation and performance. Compare and contrast the application and benefits of using Ethernet switches in a LAN as apposed to using hubs....
94p thangvu89 15-04-2010 186 28 Download