Normalized number
Bài giảng Kiến trúc máy tính và hợp ngữ - Chương 3: Biểu diễn số thực. Chương này trình bày những nội dung chính sau: Chuẩn hóa số thập phân, biểu diễn số chấm động, số thực đặc biệt, phân bố các số thực (32 bits),... Mời tham khảo bài viết để biết thêm nội dung chi tiết.
22p nhanmotchut_1 04-10-2016 67 9 Download
To improve the clustering task on high dimensional data sets, the distance based k-means algorithm is proposed. The proposed algorithm is tested using eighteen sets of normal and non-normal multivariate simulation data under various combinations.
8p tohitohi 22-05-2020 19 0 Download
Nội dung của tài liệu trình bày về các cặp từ trong tiếng Anh dễ gây nhầm lẫn và các cách phân biệt: phân biệt giữa suit and dress, come back and go back, usual, normal, ordinary, so such, think of think about, introduce và recommend, từ đồng nghĩa của "cheap" (synonyms of "cheap" ), important to & important for, a number of the number of.
20p kloi1122 19-10-2017 222 48 Download
Bài viết dưới đây là một vài thủ thuật để khai thác sức mạnh của công cụ Microsoft Word 2010. Microsoft Office 2010 là bộ ứng dụng văn phòng mạnh mẽ và ẩn chứa nhiều tính năng bí mật khi chúng ta download office 2010 về máy tính. 1. Tạo header và đánh số trang mặc định: Nếu bạn muốn mọi văn bản khởi tạo đều được đánh số trang theo mặc định, mở file giao diện mẫu của Word (Normal.dotm, như cách đã hướng dẫn ở trên), đến tab Insert, chọn Page Number và chọn vị trí, định dạng số...
10p coca278 23-08-2013 138 13 Download
Short strands of tandem hexameric repeats known as telomeres cap the ends of linear chromosomes.These repeats protect chromosomes from degradation and prevent chro-mosomal end-joining, a phenomenon that could occur due to the end-replicationproblem.Telomeres aremaintainedby the activity of the enzyme telomerase.The total number of telomeric repeats at the terminal end of a chromosome determines the telomere length, which in addition to its importance in chromosomal stabilization is a useful indica-tor of telomerase activity in normal and malignant tissues....
15p tumor12 20-04-2013 34 3 Download
Glutamine is an essential amino acid in cancer cells and is required for the growth of many other cell types. Glutami-nase activity is positively correlated with malignancy in tumours andwith growth rate in normal cells. In the present work, Ehrlich ascites tumour cells, and their derivative, 0.28AS-2 cells, expressing antisense glutaminase mRNA, were assayed for apoptosis induced by methotrexate and hydrogen peroxide. It is shown that Ehrlich ascites tumour cells, expressing antisense mRNA for glutaminase, contain lower levels of glutathione than normal ascites cells. In addition, 0.
9p awards 05-04-2013 47 4 Download
The extracellular signal regulated protein kinases (ERK1/2) are essential for normal development and functional plasti-city of the central nervous system. However, a growing number of recent studies in models of cerebral ischemia, brain trauma and neurodegenerative diseases implicate a detrimental role for ERK1/2 signaling during oxidative neuronal injury. Neurons undergoing oxidative stress-rela-ted injuries typically display a biphasic or sustained pattern of ERK1/2 activation.
7p dell39 03-04-2013 41 3 Download
The zinc-finger cellular nucleic acid binding protein (CNBP) is a strikingly conserved single-stranded nucleic acid binding protein essential for normal forebrain formation during mouse and chick embryogenesis. CNBP cDNAs from a number of vertebrates have been cloned and analysed. CNBP is mainly conformed by seven retroviral Cys-Cys-His-Cys zinc-knuckles and a glycine⁄arginine rich region box.
13p inspiron33 23-03-2013 41 3 Download
Cathepsin B (EC is one of the most versatile human cysteine cath-epsins. It is important for intracellular protein degradation under normal conditions and is involved in a number of pathological processes. The occluding loop makes cathepsin B unique among cysteine cathepsins.
8p viettel02 19-02-2013 31 4 Download
Serum total Cholesterol (CHO), HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C), Triglycerid (TG) were measured on 58 normal subjects (control) and 77 gouty patients at HTO. Our results showed that: The number of young patients in our report was rather higher than those found in previous reports (27.27 % of the patients with age less than 40). Patients had significantly higher cholesterol, triglycerid, the CHO/HDL-C ratio and lower HDL than control group. Hyperlipemia was the most commun accompaning abnormal laboratory test (84.41%). The prevalence of high triglycerid on gouty patients was 79.21%. ...
7p thiuyen11 06-09-2011 87 4 Download
HOW TO WRITE PHP SCRIPTS The main points to note about switch are as follows: • • • • • The expression following the case keyword must be a number or a string. You can t use comparison operators with case. So case 100: isn t allowed. Each block of statements should normally end with break, unless you specifically want to continue executing code within the switch statement. You can group several instances of the case keyword together to apply the same block of code to them. If no match is made, any statements following the default keyword are executed. If no...
10p yukogaru14 30-11-2010 135 28 Download