Prevention and early detection
Prerequisite Control avian influenza in poultry Vaccines Early detecting poultry cases Localizing outbreak areas Destroying suspected poultry flocks Future: centralization in raising/slautering Control poultry-human contacts Propagation/Health education Symptomatic surveillance Prophylaxis for poultry workers and household members (?) Oseltamivir 75 mg qd
19p motorola_12 01-06-2013 46 2 Download
Erratic eating is one of the manifestations of mental disorders. Patients can not eat or drink, or eating too much can not be controlled.For mental health care possible, it is important to reserve the disease, early detection and treatment of disorders to prevent complications, and rehabilitation for patients with community reintegration. However, psychiatric symptoms were relatively discreet, sometimes hard to distinguish from the normal operation
10p thulanh29 17-12-2011 56 2 Download