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There is abundant study available which studied impact of dividend announcement on share price but this paper is modeled in different manner as dividend announcement is not one time process but any company takes several procedural checks to ensure announcement of dividend from conception to declaration and declaration to distribution which is segregated into two-fold study in the present paper.
11p guineverehuynh 17-06-2020 35 5 Download
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1p duongth03 13-10-2012 445 8 Download
CAPM: Assumptions • Investors are risk-averse individuals who maximize the expected utility of their wealth • Investors are price takers and they have homogeneous expectations about asset returns that have a joint normal distribution (thus market portfolio is efficient) • There exists a risk-free asset such that investors may borrow or lend unlimited amount at a risk-free rate. • The quantities of assets are fixed. Also all assets are marketable and perfectly divisible. • Asset markets are frictionless. Information is costless and simultaneously available to all investors.
10p dauxanhnguyenhuong 28-09-2011 64 7 Download