Sample selection model
Proposing a model to classify by fuzzy decision trees and a method to select the feature training samples set for classification process. Recommending the linguistic value treatment method of inhomogeneous attributes based on hedge algebra. Proposing the algorithms by fuzzy decision tree in order to be effective in predicting and simple for users.
26p gaocaolon6 30-07-2020 32 3 Download
In this paper, staffs of 10 selected tech-start-ups located in Lagos have been surveyed using a questionnaire form. Four hypotheses were developed with a sample data of 300 employees across the different tech-start-ups.
19p lucastanguyen 01-06-2020 28 2 Download
Lecture "Advanced Econometrics (Part II) - Chapter 5: Limited dependent variable models - Truncation, censoring (tobit) and sample selection" presentation of content: Truncation, censored data, some issues in specification, sample selection model, regression analysis of treatment effects.
13p nghe123 06-05-2016 62 4 Download
MANAGING SIMULATION BASED TRAINING A FRAMEWORK FOR OPTIMIZING LEARNING, COST, AND TIME Second, one can estimate the model on a sample that includes private school students. If the sample selection bias is in the hypothesized direction, either strategy should produce a smaller (more negative) estimate of the effect of interdistrict competition.
139p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 55 7 Download