Semiconductor devices
Lecture Sensors and analytical devices: Temperature measurement include all of the following: Thermoelectric effect sensors (thermocouples), varying resistance devices, semiconductor devices, radiation thermometers, thermography (thermal imaging), thermal expansion methods, quartz thermometers, fiber – optic temperature sensors,...
48p youcanletgo_04 17-01-2016 44 4 Download
Chương này gồm có những nội dung chính sau: Diodes, bipolar junction transistor (BJT), metal oxide semiconductor effect transistor (MOSFET), insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT), thyristor, gate turn of thyrisor (GTO), triode alternative current (TRIAC). Mời tham khảo.
19p tangtuy19 21-07-2016 69 15 Download
Inductive proximity sensors are widely used in various applications to detect metal devices. They consist of an oscillator, trigger, and switching amplifier. If a metal object enters the electromagnetic field of the oscillator coil, eddy currents are induced in this coil which change the amplitude of oscillation, which causes the trigger stage to trip and the semiconductor output stage to switch.
16p mr_thanhhung 19-05-2012 354 90 Download