Social housing development
This research demonstrates how housing demand can be modelled by using a System Dynamics approach. This modelling concept has been set up, using the root causes which generate housing demand. Causal factors which influence housing demand are collated, and mapped. A model simulating housing demand was developed. Keys to this are demographic, social and economic factors. This model is presented with a view to pursuing new approaches for housing demand modelling.
344p runthenight04 02-02-2023 14 4 Download
Research objectives and missions: Systematize and clarify basic theoretical issues concerning social housing, financial solutions for social housing development, factors affecting the use of financial solutions for social housing development. Studying the experiences of countries around the world related to the use of financial solutions to develop social housing and drawing lessons for Vietnam and Hanoi.
28p closefriend09 16-11-2021 22 3 Download