Some tenses of english
The study "Analysis of verb tenses errors of first year non English majors at Hai Phong University of Management and Technology" also aims at finding causes of these problems and then suggesting some possible strategies to overcome the problems.
52p vuhuyennhi 06-09-2022 26 13 Download
Offer some general knowledge of the tenses in each of the languages as well as the contrast between them in their forms and meanings. Describe the current reality of the English tense learning of Vietnamese students at Kien An high school, Hai Phong, thereby recommending solutions to students’ English study and teachers’ methodology of language teaching.
57p nguyenkimanhmth 25-03-2021 52 5 Download
The primary aim of the thesis is to find out the second-year English majors‟ common errors on verb tenses and word choices in translating Vietnamese texts into English. The study also aims at finding causes of these problems and then suggesting some possible strategies to overcome the problems. The targeted subjects of this thesis are mainly students; nevertheless, all people who are interested in translation work can consider it as a useful reference for improving their translation skills as well.
81p nickluvik123 03-07-2014 441 37 Download
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15p peheo_4 20-09-2012 141 30 Download