Summary the thesis pharmacology
The objectives of the thesis: Determine the chemical composition of three soft coral species S. nanolobata, S. conferta, S. leptoclados collected in the central sea of Vietnam; đetecting active substances with cytotoxic activity in soft corals studied, orienting their application for biomedical and pharmacological studies.
26p closefriend09 16-11-2021 15 4 Download
Achieve the following objectives: 1. Evaluate the occupational activities and identify of some factors affecting professional activities of managers in pharmacies and drugstores reaching GPP standard in Dong Nai province from November 2012 -September 2014.
30p petsematary 02-06-2021 8 2 Download
Research objectives of the thesis: Determining suitable conditions for squalene extraction and purification from selectable S. mangrovei PQ6 strain; evaluating the safety and pharmacological/biological effects of extracted squalene oriented as feed stock for human health food, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.
27p extraenglish 24-05-2021 23 4 Download
Determining suitable conditions for squalene extraction and purification from selectable S. mangrovei PQ6 strain; evaluating the safety and pharmacological/biological effects of extracted squalene oriented as feed stock for human health food, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.
27p capheviahe27 23-02-2021 27 4 Download