The perfect resources
Researching on factors affecting human resource development: In case of the small and medium companies in the Trade and Service sector in Tra Vinh province, in order to analyse, evaluate and make new contributions to the theoretical base, on the basis of which proposes governance implications to perfect the admission factors to human resource development of SMCs, contributing to improving the performance of local businesses.
27p closefriend08 10-11-2021 16 5 Download
The thesis is researched with the goal of building perspectives and perfecting solutions for financial management with a scientific basis in theory and practice to help financial managers choose and make financial decisions related to financial management. with the process of creating financial resources .
27p gaocaolon12 14-06-2021 15 4 Download
The class file verifier (which includes the bytecode verifier) checks that the program obeys the rules of the Java Virtual Machine (but note that this does not necessarily mean that it obeys the rules of the Java language). 3. The security manager imposes local restrictions on the things that the program is allowed to do. It is perfectly possible to customize this to allow code limited access to carefully controlled resources. This could mean allowing no access to the local file system, and network access only to the location from which the code, or its Web page, came. You...
20p giangtanthon 10-02-2010 134 25 Download
Introducing the Microsoft .NET Platform in use, these objects will always have a reference count greater than zero, so unless they are implicitly deconstructed, their memory may never be recovered. For a C or C++ programmer—accustomed to ensuring that objects are properly destroyed, essentially managing memory on their own—this sounds perfectly normal, and a good reason for not trusting anyone else to take care of managing resources. However, in the .NET environment, Microsoft is striving to make developing software easier. Later in this chapter, we cover a how .
20p thachsaudoi 23-12-2009 127 22 Download