The polyester composites
In recent years, efforts have been made to produce advanced composite materials in order to lessen environmental impact and to extent sustainability. Traditional materials are largely substituted by composites due to their greater properties like flexural strength, low thermal expansion and high strength.
10p tohitohi 19-05-2020 22 0 Download
This paper presents a novel composite material produced by a natural reinforcement subjected to tensile test. The used reinforcement is made of Diss fibers. The Diss (Ampelodesma mauritanica) is a Mediterranean wild plant.
6p tohitohi 19-05-2020 32 3 Download
This work is devoted to the experimental study of a glass/polyester composite laminate under impact shock. Based on a thermodynamic approach, the objective is the evaluation of specific interlaminar delamination energy in a multi-layer composite material under impact loading causing damage to it by cracking.
10p tohitohi 19-05-2020 14 1 Download
Sau hơn 30 năm vật liệu composite đã phát triển rất mạnh mẻ về số lượng, sự phong phú về chủng loại củng như tính năng sử dụng. Vật liệu composite được coi là vật liệu của thế kỷ 21 bởi vì các tính chất nổi bật
63p hoangyen999 10-05-2013 252 77 Download