The product concept
The article analyzes theoretical issues related to green public procurement such as the concept, role and benefits of green public procurement. In addition, in the review, the author also analyzes the influencing factors, difficulties and solutions that different countries have encountered and used in the process of promoting green public procurement. From there, mention the current situation and institutional solutions on green public procurement in Vietnam.
10p toduongg 24-08-2024 2 2 Download
In recent years, the fourth industrial revolution has been progressing strongly, resulting in numerous accomplishments that have profound implications for various industries and sectors of the economy, including the banking sector. In the context of the digital transformation boom, traditional banking models have undergone modifications and advancements with the aim of boosting competitiveness and efficiency, leading to the emergence of the Open banking .
3p zizaybay1101 09-05-2024 9 3 Download
The system of relations between the consumer and the seller has many factors that shape the dynamics of the market of goods and services based on the supply chain strategy. Supply chains satisfy customers by striving for delivering the right products to the right place at the right time, at the right quality and at the right quantity within an increasingly faster pace and lower cost. Theories of social entropy consider the system of social relations from the standpoint of the equilibrium of systems and their disproportion.
6p longtimenosee09 08-04-2024 7 0 Download
The mobile phone is a ubiquitous portable device capable of generating and displaying narrative content in the form of voice communications, text, images and video. It could be said that hybrid devices such as the mobile phone can create hybrid narratives. It is the aim of this exegesis to outline the theories, concepts and artistic practices that inform the design, production and display of narrative content that utilizes the potential of the mobile phone as a tool for storytelling.
82p runthenight05 01-03-2023 9 4 Download
The cross product of two vectors is important concept which is applied in solving many problems when using the spatial coordinate method. By applying the Theory of Didactical Situations in Mathematics, the authors designed teaching situation that they call “the cross product of two vectors concept” in which students learn through situations that involve action, communication and validation.
5p tamynhan8 04-11-2020 17 1 Download
In fruit production, the effects of flowering and fruiting, which modify source-sink relationships, cannot be overlooked and is even more true in tropical fruit production, where the flowering and fruiting phases exceed six months at the individual tree scale. More specifically, little is known about the effects of source/sink balance, and the associated changes in carbon export rate from leaves and leaf carbohydrate concentration, like the ones resulting from the presence of developing fruits, on leaf nitrogen and photosynthetic capacity within the crown of field-growing trees.
10p chauchaungayxua6 26-06-2020 12 2 Download
This research aims to discuss the future directions for how virtual shopping using smartphones will change shopping behaviour in Bangalore.
9p guineverehuynh 17-06-2020 7 4 Download
The present paper provides a detail overview regarding the concept of women entrepreneurship, what are the factors that support them to start a business, what are the reasons that impede their growth and finally government strategies to promote these women entrepreneurs.
9p guineverehuynh 21-06-2020 13 1 Download
Cattle is one of the major livestock species for milk production, contributing significantly to the economy of our country and continuous milk production needs regular conception and successful calf crop production. World-over, for dairy economy, there is emphasis on one calf per year per cattle. Successful calving follows survival of the conceptus through embryonic and fetal development.
16p nguaconbaynhay5 16-05-2020 7 1 Download
Direct and oversee an organization's sales policies, objectives and initiatives. Set short- and long-term sales strategies and evaluate effectiveness of current sales programs. Recommend product or service enhancements to improve customer satisfaction and sales potential. Familiar with a variety of the field's concepts, practices and procedures. Rely on extensive experience and judgment to plan and accomplish goals. Lead and direct the work of others. A wide degree of creativity and latitude is expected. Typically reports to top management.
3p lanjingyi 18-03-2020 58 3 Download
The literature reviewed provides a concise outline to the concept of employer branding including branding, the corporate brand and the internal brand, corporate culture, organisational attractiveness and reputation as well as service quality. The thesis is descriptive and uses a qualitative, inductive approach.
126p nguyenyenyn117 18-06-2019 69 9 Download
Bài giảng "Quản trị sản phẩm mới - Chapter 4: Creativity and the product concept" has contents: Prepare for ideation, the product concept, methods for generating product concepts, sources of ready made new product concepts.
7p tieu_vu08 05-05-2018 29 4 Download
Document "Probiotics and prebiotic" presentation of content: Probiotics the concept, products, health claims, and commerce, probiotics the science, clinical applications, probiotics, prebiotics and evidence the global picture.
28p vovanvovan2013 13-05-2016 55 5 Download
Lecture "Macro economic: Chapter 1" provides students with the knowledge: Economic concept and economic systems, the market Forces of Supply and Demand, the theory of consumer choice, the Costs of production, competitive Markets Firms print,... You are invited the same reference.
41p doinhugiobay_07 16-12-2015 68 2 Download
Lecture Marketing management will address the following questions: What is the new economy like?What is the new economy like? What are the tasks of marketing?What are the tasks of marketing? What are the tasks of marketing? What are the tasks of marketing? What are the major concepts and tools ofWhat are the major concepts and tools of marketing? Marketing? What orientations do companies exhibit in the What orientations do companies exhibit in the marketplace?marketplace? How are companies and marketers responding toHow are companies and marketers responding to the new challenges? The new c...
719p macj55 11-08-2014 186 37 Download
roductoin managers perform the classic functions of management: planning, organizing, directing, and controlling. They also have to keep up with changing technology, monitor costs, and meet budgets. The five most common are inadequate planning and preparation, production, prepass and printing, and distribution. There are four important concepts when selecting type: readability, appropriateness, harmony or appearance, and emphasis. A key is copy casting, knowing ow to fit type into a particular space in a layout....
18p camnhung_1 07-12-2012 86 4 Download
Marketing research is the systematic procedure used to gather, record, and analyze new information to help managers make decision about the marketing of goods and services. The many tpes of information gathered can help marketers recruit, retain, and regain customers. The results of research help define the product concept, select the target market, and develop the primary advertising message elements. Pretesting helps detect and eliminate weaknesses before a campaign runs.
17p camnhung_1 07-12-2012 106 10 Download
Notes to the students: The concept of “Marginal Physical Product – MPP” in this problem set is exactly the same that of “Marginal Productivity – MP” in the lecture Multiple Choice Questions 1. Which of the following are factors of production? A. Output in a production function B. Productivity C. Land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship D. Implicit and explicit costs
28p tanheo05 31-05-2012 194 7 Download
This revision aims to address changes that have taken effect since the publication of the second edition. The most significant change has been in the attitude of industry to concurrent engineering. In 1987, mostly lip service was paid to it; today, it has become general practice in most competitive corporations. In the second edition , the author discussed this as the manufacturing system. In the third edition it becomes the focal point.
58p hoa_thuyvu 13-10-2011 73 13 Download
Oncogene Addiction and Synthetic Lethality The concepts of oncogene addiction and synthetic lethality have spurred new drug development targeting oncogene and tumor-suppressor pathways. As discussed earlier in this chapter and outlined in Fig. 80-3, cancer cells become physiologically dependent upon signaling pathways containing activated oncogenes; this can effect proliferation (i.e.
5p konheokonmummim 03-12-2010 75 4 Download