Vietnam People's Army today
Research objectives: Based on interpretation of the theoretical issues and practical science of construction intelligentsia Marxism-Leninism in schools under VPA, identify requirements and propose solutions built basic Marxist-Leninist scientific intelligentsia in the VPA schools strong in quantity, quality, structure, enough to fulfill the tasks assigned.
26p change03 06-05-2016 44 3 Download
Research objectives: Study the rationale on medical ethics and the development of medical ethichs of military physicians; survey analysis and evaluate the development of medical ethics of doctors and the causes of the restriction; propose measures to develop medical ethics of military physicians today; ponduct empirical measures of some measures to develop medical ethics of military physicians.
28p change03 06-05-2016 58 4 Download
Research objectives: Contributing to interpretation problems and practical reasoning, which recommended fundamental solution to meet development goals overall personality development of students towards the contingent future military officers. Clarifying the nature and some problems with regularity developed aesthetic sense of students trained officer Vietnam People's Army.
26p change03 06-05-2016 61 3 Download
Research objectives: Base on clarifying some theoretical issues, practical construction of the cultural lifestyle of students in officer training schools of Vietnam People’s Army, which proposed requirements and some basic solutions built entrance cultural life of students in these schools now. Proposing requirements and some basic solutions in building cultural lifestyle of students in the officer training school of VPA now.
25p change03 06-05-2016 51 4 Download
Clarify some theoretical, practical issues and propose basic solutions to develop political education capacity of political instructors at company level in the Vietnam People’s Army today.
28p change01 05-05-2016 42 2 Download
Methodology dialectical materialism is a philosophy department-specific knowledge, the nucleus is drawn from the entire Marxist - Leninist, including the perspective system, how the principles and measures for directing cognitive activities and practice of the subject.
27p change01 05-05-2016 39 5 Download