Waste management
Unmanaged plastic waste will affect the environment and human health. The study was conducted to describe the current situation of plastic waste management and the health conditions related to plastic waste of people in Hai Duong commune, Central Vietnam, in 2020.
7p viharuno 03-01-2025 0 0 Download
This study aims to evaluate the knowledge and practices of HW regarding MSW management and explore the factors associated with their knowledge and practices at the Quang Nam Northern Mountainous Region General Hospital in 2020.
8p viharuno 03-01-2025 0 0 Download
Quản lý chất thải (tiếng Anh: Waste management) là việc thu gom, vận chuyển, xử lý, tái chế, loại bỏ hay thẩm tra các vật liệu chất thải. Quản lý chất thải thường liên quan đến những vật chất do hoạt động của con người sản xuất ra, đồng thời đóng vai trò giảm bớt ảnh hưởng của chúng đến sức khỏe con người, môi trường hay tính mỹ quan. Quản lý chất thải cũng góp phần phục hồi các nguồn tài nguyên lẫn trong chất thải. Quản lý chất thải có thể bao gồm chất rắn, chất lỏng, chất...
34p hoa_layon 21-08-2011 399 97 Download
The aim of this project is to provide a summary of the current knowledge on energy recovery options from wastewater treatment plants sludge and/or biosolids. This covers technologies as well as data from case studies and research experimental results. The focus of the study is the ATP. The project methodology comprised two stages. The first stage involved a review of the current literature.
166p runthenight07 01-03-2023 8 3 Download
The goal of this thesis is to evaluate and compare the environmental impacts of alternative thermal treatments processing MRF residual waste in Victoria.
213p runthenight04 02-02-2023 10 2 Download
Objectives of the study: Assessing the situation of catfish farming in some areas of the Mekong Delta as a basis for proposing measures to manage waste from catfish ponds; the survey and analysis in catfish ponds to assess the composition and characteristics; assessing the pollutants load of waste water from catfish ponds; assessing the possibility of wastewater treatment from catfish ponds and benefits of environmental when using wastewater for irrigating paddy fields.
26p beloveinhouse10 28-11-2021 20 3 Download
This paper is about a first optimization study of a transition scenario from the current French nuclear fleet to a Sodium Fast Reactors fleet as defined in the frame of the 2006 French Act for waste management.
11p christabelhuynh 30-05-2020 8 0 Download
A new composite material with neutron radiation shielding properties is presented. This fiber reinforced concrete material incorporates basalt-boron fiber, with different concentrations of boron oxide in fiber, and is applicable to nuclear energy and nuclear waste management.
8p christabelhuynh 29-05-2020 17 0 Download
The deep geological repository (DGR) is considered as the definitive management solution for high-level waste (HLW). Countries defined different DGR implementation schedules, depending on their national context and political choices.
13p christabelhuynh 30-05-2020 15 0 Download
RD&D will continue to be necessary to develop, maintain and consolidate knowledge throughout the stepwise development, operation and closure of disposal facilities, which will be spread over many decades and make this knowledge available to all end users.
9p christabelhuynh 29-05-2020 9 0 Download
Nuclear decommissioning is a worldwide competitive market. It is also the main source of radioactive waste from the nuclear energy field. In order to reduce the waste volume it is necessary to sort the actual radioactive waste to be disposed of and to separate them from other materials that could be recycled.
5p christabelhuynh 29-05-2020 13 0 Download
The study results demonstrated that the proposed holistic approach can help decision makers (DMs) to choose a suitable transshipment network for IWM.
14p tohitohi 22-05-2020 10 0 Download
The high output of sewage sludge, which is increasing during recent years, and the limitations of the existing means of disposing sewage sludge highlight the need to find alternative routes to manage this waste. Biom
25p tuananhhumg 04-11-2013 49 6 Download
Environment-friendly treatment of sewage sludge has become tremendously important. Conversion ofsewage sludge into energy products by environment-friendly conversion process, with its energy recovery and environmental benefits, is being paid significant attention.
8p tuananhhumg 04-11-2013 45 4 Download
Research Reports IWMI’s mission is to improve the management of land and water resources for food, livelihoods and environment. In serving this mission, IWMI concentrates on the integration of policies, technologies and management systems to achieve workable solutions to real problems—practical, relevant results in the field of irrigation and water and land resources.
39p nhatro75 12-07-2012 71 8 Download