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200 phrasal verbs

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Verb ask someone out ask around Meaning invite on a date mời ai đi đâu ask many people the same question hỏi quanh ( hỏi nhiều người cùng một câu hỏi) Equal Tổng cọng là Reverse Lùi xe Support Ũng hộ Explode Nổ tung

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Nội dung Text: 200 phrasal verbs

  1. Verb Meaning Example ask someone out invite on a date Brian asked Judy out to dinner and a mời ai đi đâu movie. ask around ask many people the same question I asked around but nobody has seen hỏi quanh ( hỏi nhiều người cùng my wallet. một câu hỏi) add up to something Equal Your purchases add up to $205.32. Tổng cọng là back something up Reverse You'll have to back up your car so that Lùi xe I can get out. back someone up Support My wife backed me up over my Ũng hộ decision to quit my job.Vợ tôi ũng hộ quyết định bỏ việc của tôi. blow up Explode The racing car blew up after it crashed Nổ tung into the fence. Chiếc xe đua nổ tung sau khi đụng vào hàng rào blow something up add air We have to blow 50 balloons up for thổi /bơm hơi cho phồng lên the party. Chúng tôi phải thổi 50 bong bóng để trang trí cho buổi tiệc. break down stop functioning (vehicle, machine) Our car broke down at the side of the hỏng, bị hư, bị banh highway in the snowstorm. Ô chúng tôi bị hỏng trên xa lộ trong cơn bão tuyết. break down get upset The woman broke down when the mất tinh thần, mất bình tĩnh police told her that her son had died. break something down divide into smaller parts Our teacher broke the final project phân bổ (tiền), chia thành nhiều down into three separate parts. phần nhỏ break in force entry to a building Somebody broke in last night and đột nhập vào nhà stole our stereo. break into something enter forcibly The firemen had to break into the xông vào room to rescue the children. Cảnh sát phải xông vào phòng để cứu những đứa trẻ. break something in wear something a few times so that it I need to break these shoes in before doesn't look/feel new we run next week. dùng một vài lần để không còn quá mới break in Interrupt The TV station broke in to report the
  2. ngắt lời để nói xen vào news of the president's death. Đài truyền hình ngừng phát để đưa tin về cái chết của tổng thống. break up (with sb) end a relationship My boyfriend and I broke up before I tuyệt giao (với ai) moved to America. break up start laughing (informal) The kids just broke up as soon as the bắt đầu cười clown started talking. break out Escape The prisoners broke out of jail when Trốn thoát the guards weren't looking. Nhiều tù nhân đã trốn thoát khỏi nhà tù khi lính canh lơ là. break out in something develop a skin condition I broke out in a rash after our camping Bị bệnh ngoài da trip. Tôi bị nổi ban sau khi đi trại về. bring someone down make unhappy This sad music is bringing me down. làm ai buồn bring someone up raise a child My grandparents brought me up after nuôi dạy my parents died. bring something up start talking about a subject My mother walks out of the room bắt đầu nói về một chủ đề when my father brings up sports. bring something up Vomit He drank so much that he brought his nôn dinner up in the toilet. call around phone many different places/people We called around but we weren't able gọị điện thoại cho nghiều nơi/nhiều to find the car part we needed. người call someone back return a phone call I called the company back but the gọi lại/ trả lời điện thoại offices were closed for the weekend. call something off Cancel Jason called the wedding off because Hoản he wasn't in love with his fiancé. call on someone ask for an answer or opinion The professor called on me for hỏi question 1. call on someone visit someone We called on you last night but you ghé thăm weren't home. call someone up Phone Give me your phone number and I will gọi (điện thoại) call you up when we are in town. calm down relax after being angry You are still mad. You need to calm bình tĩnh lại sau cơn giận down before you drive the car.
  3. not care for not like (formal) I don't care for his behaviour. không thích (cách nói trang trọng) someone/something catch up get to the same point as someone else You'll have to run faster than that if đuổi kịp, theo kịp you want to catch up with Marty. check in arrive and register at a hotel or airport We will get the hotel keys when we ghi tên, đăng ký khi đến sân bay, check in. khách sạn leave a hotel trả tiền phòng và rời check out You have to check out of the hotel khách sạn before 11:00 AM. check look at carefully, investigate The company checks out all new điều tra về lý lịch cá nhân someone/something out employees. check out look at (informal) Check out the crazy hair on that guy! Hãy nhìn đầu tóc quái dị của thằng cha kia! nhìn (cách nói thường ngày)) someone/something cheer up become happier She cheered up when she heard the vui lên good news. cheer someone up make happier I brought you some flowers to cheer làm ai vui lên you up. chip in Help If everyone chips in we can get the giúp kitchen painted by noon. clean something up tidy, clean Please clean up your bedroom before dọn dẹp, sắp đặt cho sạch, gọn you go outside. come across something find unexpectedly I came across these old photos when I tình cờ tìm thấy was tidying the closet. come apart Separate The top and bottom come apart if you Vỡ ra, rời ra từng mãnh, mỗi thứ pull hard enough. Nếu bạn kéo mạnh thì nắp và đáy mỗi thứ đi mỗi đường. mỗi đường come down with become sick My nephew came down with chicken bị bệnh something pox this weekend. Cháu trai tôi bị bệnh thủy đậu một tuần rồi come forward volunteer for a task or to give The woman came forward with her evidence. Tình nguyện giúp bằng husband's finger prints. Bà ấy cung cấp dấu vân tay của chồng làm bằng cớ. cách cung cấp thông tin/ bằng cớ originate in bắt nguồn từ come from somewhere The art of origami comes from Asia. Nghệ thuật gấp giấy bắt nguồn từ châu Á count on rely on I am counting on you to make dinner nhờ, hy vọng vào, trông mong ở someone/something while I am out.
  4. cross something out draw a line through Please cross out your old address and gạch bỏ write your new one. cut back on something consume less My doctor wants me to cut back on giảm dùng (ăn, uống) sweets and fatty foods. cut something down make something fall to the ground We had to cut the old tree in our yard đốn, hạ (cây) down after the storm. cut in Interrupt Your father cut in while I was dancing cắt ngang, ngắt lời ai cut in on sb with your uncle. cut in pull in too closely in front of another The bus driver got angry when that car vehicle cut in. vượt lên ngay trước mũi xe khác cut in start operating (of an engine or The air conditioner cuts in when the electrical device) bắt đầu hoạt động temperature gets to 22°C. cut something off remove with something sharp The doctors cut off his leg because it cắt bỏ, cắt rời was severely injured. cut something off stop providing The phone company cut off our phone ngừng cung cấp because we didn't pay the bill. cut someone off take out of a will, My grandparents cut my father off xóa tên trong di chúc when he remarried. cut something out remove part of something (usually I cut this ad out of the newspaper. Tôi cắt mẫu quảng cáo này từ một tờ báo with scissors and paper), cắt (giấy) để lấy ra (bằng kéo) do someone/something beat up, ransack (Br.E., informal), He's lucky to be alive. His shop was vơ vét, cướp bóc over done over by a street gang. Ông ta sống là may lắm rồi. Của hiệu của ông ta bị một băng đảng đường phố vét sạch do something over do again (N.Amer.) My teacher wants me to do my essay làm lại over because she doesn't like my topic. discard, vứt bỏ do away with It's time to do away with all of these something old tax records. do something up fasten, close, kéo khuy, cài nút Do your coat up before you go outside. It's snowing! wear nice clothing, diện đồ, lên đồ, dress up It's a fancy restaurant so we have to mặc đẹp dress up. move back in a position/group, tụt drop back (to) Andrea dropped back to third place xuống vị trí thấp hơn so với nhóm when she fell off her bike.
  5. come without an appointment, đến drop in/by/over I might drop in/by/over for tea some thăm không hẹn trước, tạt vào time this week. drop take someone/something somewhere I have to drop my sister off at work someone/something off and leave them/it there, đưa ai đến nơi before I come over. nào bằng ô tô và để họ xuống ở đó drop out (of sth) quit a class, school etc, I dropped out of Science because it bỏ học was too difficult. eat at a restaurant, đi ăn tiệm eat out I don't feel like cooking tonight. Let's eat out. eventually reach/do/decide, rốt cục đi end up We ended up renting a movie instead đến quyết định of going to the theatre. break into pieces, rã ra từng mãnh fall apart My new dress fell apart in the washing machine. fall to the ground, rớt xuống đất fall down The picture that you hung up last night fell down this morning. separate from an interior, rớt ra khỏi fall out (of sth) The money must have fallen out of my pocket. fall out (of hair, teeth) become loose and His hair started to fall out when he was unattached, rụng only 35. understand, find the answer, tìm hiểu, figure something out I need to figure out how to fit the nghĩ ra piano and the bookshelf in this room. fill something in to write information in blanks (Br.E.), Please fill in the form with your name, điền thông tin vào chỗ trống (Anh) address, and phone number. fill something out to write information in blanks The form must be filled out in capital (N.Amer.), điền thông tin vào chỗ letters. trống (Mỹ) fill to the top, đổ đầy fill something up I always fill the water jug up when it is empty. discover, tìm được find out We don't know where he lives. How can we find out? discover, phát hiện , khám phá find something out We tried to keep the time of the party a secret, but Samantha found it out. get something communicate, make understandable, I tried to get my point across/over to diễn đạt cho người ta hiểu across/over the judge but she wouldn't listen. like each other, thích nhau, thân thiện get along/on I was surprised how well my new
  6. girlfriend and my sister got along/on. have mobility, di chuyển, đi lại get around My grandfather can get around fine in his new wheelchair. Ông tôi có thể đi lại nhờ chiếc xe lăn. go on a vacation, đi nghỉ get away We worked so hard this year that we had to get away for a week. get away with do without being noticed or punished, Jason always gets away with cheating làm gì đó gian lận mà không bị bắt something in his maths tests. Jason thường gian lận trong giờ kiểm tra toán nhưng chưa bao giờ bị gặp hay bị phạt thầy cô phát hiện. return, trở về get back We got back from our vacation last week. get something back receive something you had before, Liz finally got her Science notes back nhận lại vật gì đó của mình đã mất from my room-mate. retaliate, take revenge, phục thù get back at someone My sister got back at me for stealing her shoes. She stole my favourite hat. get back into become interested in something again, I finally got back into my novel and lại thích something finished it. step onto a vehicle, bước lên xe get on something We're going to freeze out here if you don't let us get on the bus. get over something recover from an illness, loss, I just got over the flu and now my difficulty, khỏi bệnh, vượt qua mất sister has it. Tôi vừa khỏi cúm thì nay chị tôi lại bị mát, khó khăn get over something overcome a problem The company will have to close if it giải quyết một vấn đề can't get over the new regulations. Công ty sẽ phải đóng cửa nếu không giải quyết được điều lệ mới. get round to something finally find time to doing sth I don't know when I am going to get (N.Amer.: get around to something), round to writing the thank you cards. Không biết khi nào tôi tranh thủ được thời tranh thủ thời gian để làm gì gian để viết thư cám ơn. get together meet (usually for social reasons) Let's get together for a BBQ this gặp (để giao lưu) weekend. (BBQ=Barbecue or barbeque: món thịt nướng) get out of bed, thức dậy get up I got up early today to study for my exam. stand, đứng lên get up You should get up and give the elderly man your seat. Bạn nên đứng lên và
  7. nhường chỗ cho người lớn tuổi. give someone away reveal hidden information about His wife gave him away to the police. someone, tiết lộ thông tin bí mật về ai give someone away take the bride to the altar, dẫn cô dâu ra My father gave me away at my trước ban thờ wedding. ruin a secret, làm lộ bí mật give something away My little sister gave the surprise party away by accident. give something away give something to someone for free, The library was giving away old books phát không, biếu không on Friday. return a borrowed item, trả đồ đã give something back I have to give these skates back to mượn Franz before his hockey game. give in reluctantly stop fighting or arguing, My boyfriend didn't want to go to the chịu nhường bước, đầu hàng ballet, but he finally gave in. give something out give to many people (usually at no They were giving out free perfume cost), biếu không cho nhiều người samples at the department store. Người ta đang biếu không mẫu nước hoa ở cửa hàng bách hóa. quit a habit, bỏ một thói quen give something up I am giving up smoking as of January 1st. stop trying, không cố làm nữa give up My maths homework was too difficult so I gave up. follow someone, đuổi theo go after someone My brother tried to go after the thief in his car. try to achieve something, cố thực go after something I went after my dream and now I am a hiện cho được published writer. compete, oppose, tranh tài với, đụng go against someone We are going against the best soccer độ với team in the city tonight. start, proceed, bắt đầu tiến hành go ahead Please go ahead and eat before the food gets cold. Ăn đi kẻo thức ăn nguội mất. return to a place, quay về go back I have to go back home and get my lunch. go out leave home to go on a social event, đi We're going out for dinner tonight. chơi
  8. date, hẹn hò với go out with someone Jesse has been going out with Luke since they met last winter. Review, xem lại, đọc kỹ lại go over something Please go over your answers before you submit your test. go over visit someone nearby, đi thăm ai I haven't seen Tina for a long time. I think I'll go over for an hour or two. suffer lack or deprivation, chịu đựng go without something When I was young, we went without khổ sở vì không có, vì thiếu winter boots. grow apart stop being friends over time, gián My best friend and I grew apart after đoạn tình bạn she changed schools. regrow, mọc lại grow back My roses grew back this summer. become an adult, trưởng thành grow up When Jack grows up he wants to be a fireman. get too big for, lớn quá không thể grow out of something Elizabeth needs a new pair of shoes mặc đồ because she has grown out of her old ones. grow big enough to fit, lớn đủ vừa grow into something This bike is too big for him now, but (đồ dùng) he should grow into it by next year. hand something down give something used to someone else, I handed my old comic books down to tặng đồ cũ cho ai my little cousin. submit, nộp bài hand something in I have to hand in my essay by Friday. hand something out to distribute to a group of people, We will hand out the invitations at the phân phát đến một nhóm người door. give (usually unwillingly), nộp, xuất hand something over The police asked the man to hand over trình, giao nộp his wallet and his weapons. hang in stay positive (N.Amer., informal), hãy Hang in there. I'm sure you'll find a kiên nhẫn chờ đợi (kết quả tốt) job very soon. wait a short time (informal), đợi một hang on Hang on while I grab my coat and chút shoes! spend time relaxing (informal), ở chơi hang out Instead of going to the party we are vui vẻ thoải maí just going to hang out at my place. end a phone call, treo máy, chấm dứt hang up He didn't say goodbye before he hung cuộc gọi, cắt máy up.
  9. hold prevent from doing/going, ngăn ai I had to hold my dog back because khỏi làm gì, chặn lại someone/something there was a cat in the park. back hide an emotion, dấu (cảm xúc) hold something back Jamie held back his tears at his grandfather's funeral. wait a short time, đợi chốc lát hold on Please hold on while I transfer you to the Sales Department. Haỹ đợi một lát chờ tôi chuyển cuộc gọi của bạn sang bộ phận bán hàng. hold onto hold firmly using your hands or arms, Hold onto your hat because it's very dùng tay giữ chặt someone/something windy outside. Rob, cướp hold A man in a black mask held the bank someone/somethingup up this morning. Một tên mang mặt nạ màu đen cướp nhân hàng sáng nay. keep on doing continue doing, Keep on stirring until the liquid comes tiếp tục, cứ… mãi something to a boil. Cứ khuấy cho đến khi nước sôi. not tell, không nói, giữ kín keep something from We kept our relationship from our someone parents for two years. Chúng tôi không cho cha mẹ biết về mối quan hệ của mình suốt hai năm. keep stop from entering, Try to keep the wet dog out of the chặn lại, không cho vào someone/something out living room. Đừng cho con chó ướt vào phòng khách. keep something up continue at the same rate, If you keep those results up you will duy trì tiến độ, tốc độ như thế get into a great college. Nếu kết quả học tập em cứ tiến bộ như thế này, em sẽ vào được trường đại học lớn. let someone down fail to support or help, disappoint, I need you to be on time. Don't let me không đỡ đần, giúp đỡ được ai, làm down this time. Anh cần phải đến đúng giờ. Từ rày trở đi không được làm tôi thất vọng ai thất vọng let someone in allow to enter, cho phép vào Can you let the cat in before you go to school? look after take care of, chăm sóc I have to look after my sick someone/something grandmother. look down on someone think less of, consider inferior, coi Ever since we stole that chocolate bar thường, khinh bỉ, khinh miệt your dad has looked down on me. try to find, tìm, kiếm look for I'm looking for a red dress for the someone/something wedding.
  10. look forward to be excited about the future, mong I'm looking forward to the Christmas mỏi, háo hức chờ đợi something break. Investigate, điều tra, xem xét, tìm look into something We are going to look into the price of hiểu snowboards today. (snowboard: ván trượt tuyết) look out be careful, vigilant, and take notice, Look out! That car's going to hit you! thận trọng, cảnh giác, coi chừng be especially vigilant for, thận trọng, look out for Don't forget to look out for snakes on cảnh giác, coi chừng someone/something the hiking trail. check, examine, kiểm tra look something over Can you look over my essay for spelling mistakes? look something up search and find information in a We can look her phone number up on reference book or database, tra cứu , tìm the Internet. kiếm thông tin trong sách tham khảo hoặc trong kho dữ liệu look up to someone have a lot of respect for, My little sister has always looked up khâm phục, ngưỡng mộ to me. make something up invent, lie about something, Josie made up a story about about why phịa ra we were late. make up forgive each other, We were angry last night, but we made tha thứ lẫn nhau, giảng hòa up at breakfast. make someone up apply cosmetics to, My sisters made me up for my trang điểm graduation party. mix something up confuse two or more things, I mixed up the twins' names again! lẫn lộn, nhầm lẫn die, qua đời pass away His uncle passed away last night after a long illness. faint, ngất xỉu, bất tỉnh pass out It was so hot in the church that an elderly lady passed out. pass something out give the same thing to many people, The professor passed the textbooks out phát, phân phát before class. pass something up decline (usually something good) I passed up the job because I am afraid khước từ ( một cơ hội tốt) of change. pay someone back return owed money, Thanks for buying my ticket. I'll pay trả tiền nợ you back on Friday.
  11. pay for something be punished for doing something bad, That bully will pay for being mean to bị phạt vì hành vi xấu my little brother. pick something out choose, I picked out three sweaters for you to chọn , lựa try on. indicate with your finger, dùng tay để point I'll point my boyfriend out when he chỉ người nào /vật gì cho ai thấy someone/something out runs by. put something down put what you are holding on a surface You can put the groceries down on the or floor, bỏ vật đang giữ (nắm, cầm) kitchen counter. ra một mặt phẳng hay nền nhà put someone down insult, make someone feel stupid, The students put the substitute teacher xúc phạm, sỉ nhục down because his pants were too short. Học sinh xúc phạm thầy giáo dạy thay bởi quần thầy ấy quá ngắn put something off postpone, We are putting off our trip until hoản lại January because of the hurricane. put something out extinguish, The neighbours put the fire out before dập tắt the firemen arrived. put something together assemble, I have to put the crib together before ráp nối lại the baby arrives. (crip: giường trẻ con, cũi) put up with tolerate, I don't think I can put up with three chịu đựng someone/something small children in the car. put something on put clothing/accessories on your body, Don't forget to put on your new mặc, mang, đội, đeo earrings for the party. (earrings: hoa tai, bông tai) run into meet unexpectedly, I ran into an old school-friend at the tình cờ gặp someone/something mall. (mall: khu mua sắm dành cho người đi bộ) run over drive a vehicle over a person or thing, Two children were run over by a lorry someone/something (ô tô) cán đè lên and killed. Hai đứa trẻ bị xe tải cán chết. run over/through rehearse, review, Let's run over/through these lines one tập dợt, diễn thử something more time before the show. run away leave unexpectedly, escape, The child ran away from home and đột ngột bỏ đi, trốn khỏi has been missing for three days. run out have none left, We ran out of shampoo so I had to hết trơn, không còn wash my hair with soap. return (usually by mail), gởi trả lại send something back My letter got sent back to me because
  12. qua đường bưu điện I used the wrong stamp. set something up arrange, organize, Our boss set a meeting up with the sắp xếp, tổ chức president of the company. set someone up trick, trap, The police set up the car thief by using giăng bẩy bắt được a hidden camera. shop around compare prices I want to shop around a little before I khảo giá decide on these boots. show off act extra special for people watching He always shows off on his skateboard (usually boastfully), khooe khoang, phô trương sleep over stay somewhere for the night You should sleep over tonight if the (informal), ở lại ngủ qua đêm weather is too bad to drive home. sort something out organize, resolve a problem, We need to sort the bills out before the dàn xếp, tìm cách giải quyết. first of the month. stick to something continue doing something, limit You will lose weight if you stick to the yourself to one particular thing, diet. cứ tiếp tục theo đuổi một việc switch something off stop the energy flow, turn off, The light's too bright. Could you tắt (đèn điện,…) switch it off. switch something on start the energy flow, turn on, We heard the news as soon as we bật ( đài,…) switched on the car radio. take after someone resemble a family member, I take after my mother. We are both trông giống (một người trong gia đình) impatient. (Impatient: thiếu kiên nhẫn, nôn nóng) take something apart purposely break into pieces, He took the car brakes apart and tháo rời các bộ phận found the problem. Ông ta tháo bộ thắng của ô tô để xem nó hư gì. take something back return an item, I have to take our new TV back mang trả lại because it doesn't work. start to fly, cất cánh take off My plane takes off in five minutes. take something off remove something (usually clothing), Take off your socks and shoes and cởi ( áo, quần, vớ, giày,…) come in the lake! take something out remove from a place or thing, Can you take the garbage out to the mang vật gì đến một nơi street for me? take someone out pay for someone to go somewhere My grandparents took us out for
  13. with you, dẫn ai đi đải mòn gì dinner and a movie. tear something up rip into pieces, I tore up my ex-boyfriend's letters and xé vụn gave them back to him. think back remember (often + to, sometimes + When I think back on my youth, I on), hồi tưởng về wish I had studied harder. think something over consider, I'll have to think this job offer over suy nghĩ kỹ lại before I make my final decision. throw something away dispose of, We threw our old furniture away vứt bỏ when we won the lottery. turn something down decrease the volume or strength (heat, Please turn the TV down while the light etc), vặn nhỏ xuống guests are here. turn something down refuse, I turned the job down because I don't từ chối want to move. turn something off stop the energy flow, switch off, Your mother wants you to turn the TV tắt off and come for dinner. turn something on start the energy, switch on It's too dark in here. Let's turn some bật lights on. turn something up increase the volume or strength (heat, Can you turn the music up? This is light etc) , mở to ra, tăng lên my favourite song. turn up appear suddenly, Our cat turned up after we put posters đột ngột xuất hiện up all over the neighbourhood. try something on sample clothing, I'm going to try these jeans on, but I mặc thử don't think they will fit. try something out test, I am going to try this new brand of dùng thử detergent out. use something up finish the supply, The kids used all of the toothpaste up dùng hết so we need to buy some more. wake up stop sleeping, We have to wake up early for work on thức dậy Monday. warm increase the temperature, You can warm your feet up in front of làm cho ấm lên someone/something up the fireplace. warm up prepare body for exercise, I always warm up by doing sit-ups khởi động before I go for a run.
  14. wear off fade away, The pain is slowly wearing off. xóa dần, mất dần, phai dần Nỗi đau sẽ dần tan biến. work out exercise, I work out at the gym three times a luyện tập week. work out be successful, Our plan worked out fine. tiến triển tốt, thành công work something out make a calculation, We have to work out the total cost tính toán before we buy the house. Chúng ta phải tính toán tồng chi phí trước khi mua ngôi nhà ấy.



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