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Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 10 - Unit 1: A day in the life of (Language focus)

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Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 10 - Unit 1: A day in the life of (Language focus) giúp các em học sinh sử dụng thành thạo hình thức hiện tại đơn giản của các động từ, các trạng từ chỉ tần suất.

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Nội dung Text: Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 10 - Unit 1: A day in the life of (Language focus)

  1. Che c king  the  o ld le s s o n  ­ As k the  s tude nt to  s ay abo ut ho w to   write  a narrative . + The  te ns e   + The  c o nne c to rs + The  fo rmat ­ Che c k tas k 3 in the  no te bo o k.
  2. /i:/ /i/ sheep ship
  3. Unit 1: A day in the life of… Period 5: Language focus I. Pronunciation Lis te n and re pe at / i / / i: / hit he at bit be at little re ad kic k me at c lic k  re pe at inte re s t e ate n
  4. Unit 1: A day in the  life  o f… Pe rio d 5: Lang uag e  fo c us I. Pro nunc iatio n Prac tis e  the s e  s e nte nc e s   /i/ /i/ /i/ 1. Is  he  c o ming  to  the  c ine ma? /i/ /i/ /i/ /i/ /i/ 2. We ’ll mis s  the  be g inning  o f the  film. /i/ /i/ /i/ /i/ /i/ /i/ 3. Is  it an inte re s ting  film, Jim? /i:/ /i:/ /i:/ 4. The  be ans  and the  me at are  quite  c he ap. /i:/ /i:/ 5. He ’s  g o ing  to  le ave  he re  fo r the  Gre e n Mo untains . /i:/ /i:/ /i:/ 6. Wo uld yo u like  to  have  me at, pe as , o r c he e s e ?
  5. fis hing fis he rme n c atc h fis h rubbis h bo o t
  6. Unit 1: A day in the life of… Period 5: Language focus I. Pronunciation II. Grammar and vocabulary Exercise 1: Complete the blanks, using the correct simple present form of the verbs be play take run fish go say catch worry give up like
  7. Unit 1: A day in the life of… Period 5: Language focus I. Pronunciation II. Grammar and vocabulary Do  the  matc hing : worry quan t©m give up nhËn ra realise lo l¾ng be interested in tõ bá
  8. Unit 1: A day in the life of… Period 5: Language focus I. Pronunciation II. Grammar and vocabulary Use Exe rc is e  1 S imple  pre s e nt The y like  lis te ning  to  mus ic . Form The y do  no t like  lis te ning  to  mus ic . Do  the y like  lis te ning  to  mus ic ? S he  like s  ic e ­c re am. S he  do e s  no t like  ic e ­c re am Do e s  s he  like  ic e ­c re am?
  9. Unit 1: A day in the life of… • FishingPeriod is 5: Language (1) focus favourite sport. I often I. Pronunciation (2)........for hours without catching anything. But this II. Grammar and vocabulary does not (3) Some fishermen Exe rc is e  1: (4)..........unlucky. Instead of catching fish, they (5)..........old boots and rubbish. I (6).........even less lucky. I never (7).............anything-not even old boots. After having spent whole morning on the river, I always (8)..........home with an empty bag. “You must (9).... fishing!”, my friends (10)...............“It’s a waste of time”. But they don’t (11)..........that I (12).........not really interested in fishing. I’m only interested in sitting in a boat, doing nothing at all.
  10. Unit 1: A day in the life of… Fishing (1) is my favourite sport. I often (2) Period 5: Language focus fish for hours without catching anything. But I. Pronunciation this does not (3) worry me. Some fishermen II. Grammar and vocabulary (4) are unlucky. Instead of catching fish, Exe rc is e  1: they (5) catch old boots and rubbish. I (6) am even less lucky. I never (7) catch anything-not even old boots. After having spent whole morning on the river, I always (8) go home with an empty bag. “You must (9) give up fishing!”, my friends (10) say “It’s a waste of time”. But they don’t (11) realise that I (12) am not really interested in fishing. I’m only interested in sitting in a boat, doing
  11. Unit 1: A day in the life of… Period 5: Language focus I. Pronunciation II. Grammar and vocabulary Exercise 1 Exe rc is e  2: Put these adverbs of frequency in its appropriate place in the sentence below  Adve rbs  o f fre que nc y: I g oo to fte the n  zo o . S he  is lazy at wo ne ve r rk. The y do n’tg o  o usut muc ually h. As  a rule , I g e t up at 6 am.
  12. Unit 1: A day in the life of… Period 5: Language focus I. Pronunciation II. Grammar and vocabulary Exe rc is e1 Exercise  2: • He gets up early. He us ually  gets up early. • She is late for school. S he  is  ne v e r late  for s chool. • Lan practises speaking English. Lan s o m e tim e s  practice s  s pe aking Englis h. • Thao is a hard-working student. Thao is  alw ay s  a hard working s tude nt.
  13. food tent drink camp-fire sleeping-bag Go  c amping singing dancing telling stories
  14. Unit 1: A day in the life of… Late in the afternoon, Period the boys5: Language put up their tentsfocusin the middle of a I.field. Pronunciation As soon as this was(1)…….................(do),  do ne c othey o ke(2)............... d II. Grammar (cook) a meal and over vocabulary an open wefire. re They (3)..............(be) all hungry Exercise lt1: (4)................(smell) good. After a wonderful s mefood and the to ldmeal, Exercise 2: s ang stories and (6)...........(sing) songs by the they (5).............(tell) Exe rcgis be campfire. ane But  3: Supply some time the correct later past simple form it (7).............(begin) to rain.ofThe theboys verbs in brackets (8)...........(feel) tired so they (9).......(put) out the fire and (10)...... (creep) into their tent. Their sleeping-bags were warm and comfortable, so they all (11).....(sleep) soundly. In the middle of the nights, two boys (12).........(wake up) and began shouting. The tent (13)....(be) full of water. They all (14)......(leap) out off their sleeping-bags and (15)......(hurry) outside. It was raining heavily and they (16)......(find) that a stream had formed in the field. The stream (17).....(wind) its way across the field and then (18)......
  15. 1.Where did the boys Unitput 1: Aup day in the their life of… tents? Period 5: Language focus The  bo ys  put up the ir te nts  in the  middle  o f a fie ld. I. Pronunciation 2. II.What Grammardid they anddo, after a wonderful meal? vocabulary Exercise Afte r a wo1nde rful me al, the y to ld s to rie s  and s ang  s o ng Exercise 2 3. What happened some time later? Exe rc is e  3: It be g an to  rain s o me  time  late r. 4. Why did the boys wake up and hurry outside? The y wo ke  up and hurrie d o uts ide  be c aus e  the  te nt  was  full o f wate r. 5. What did they find? The y fo und that a s tre am had fo rme d in the  fie ld.
  16. Unit 1: A day in the life of… Period 5: Language focus I. Pronunciation II. Grammar and vocabulary Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Exercise 3 Co ns o lidatio n +The pronunciation of : / i /, and / i: /.  +The present simple tense. +Adverbs of frequency. +The past simple tense.
  17. Unit 1: A day in the life of… Period 5: Language focus I. Pronunciation II. Grammar and vocabulary Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Exercise 3 Ho me wo rk - Complete exercise 3. - Prepare for the next lesson.



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