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Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 12 - Unit 04: School education system (Reading)

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Nội dung Text: Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 12 - Unit 04: School education system (Reading)

  1. y cô !                                   Tr a â n  
  2. * Name some kinds of schools that you know. Nursery Kindergarten Primary school Lower secondary school = Middle school Upper secondary school = High school College University
  3. * Match the words or phrases provided with the correct  pictures. 1.upper secondary school 3.kindergarten 5.lower secondary school 2.primary school
  4. Unit 4 : SCHOOL EDUCATION SYSTEM A. READING : •Read the facts below and decide whether the statements  about schools in Viet Nam are true (T) or false (F). Then  compare your answers with your partners’. Facts about schools in Viet Nam 1. Children start Grade 1 when they are 6 years old. ____ T 2. Schooling is compulsory from the age of 6 to 16. ____ F 3. The school year generally begins in early September         and ends in late May. ____ T 4. The students do not have any examinations when they     finish secondary school.  ____ F 5. A school year consists of two terms. ____ T
  5. Unit 4 : SCHOOL EDUCATION SYSTEM READING :         * Vocabulary : baét  - compulsory / kәm’p^lsәrI / (a):buoäc ≠ optional : Ex: A few years ago, wearing a helmet when you rode your motorbike  was optional. It was up to you. But today wearing a helmet when you  ride your motorbike is compulsory by law. You must wear it.
  6. Unit 4 : SCHOOL EDUCATION SYSTEM READING :                      * Vocabulary : -- certificate compulsory / kәm’p / sә’t IfIkәt^/lsәr (a): baét buoäc (n):I / giaáy chöùng ≠ optional :                                                 an official document proving that  - core subjects (n)nhöõng moân hoïc chính : you have completed a course of study or passed an nhaän examination. - term / t3:m / (n) : học kỳ - tuition fee / tjU’I әn fi: / hoïc phí (n) : - curriculum / kә’rIkjUlәm / (n):                                                     set of subjects that children  must study at school ( chương trình giảng dạy ) Ex: In  Vie t  Na m , a  s c h o o l y e a r is  d iv id e d  in t o  2   t e rm s : t h e  firs t  t e rm  a n d  t h e  s e c o n d  t e rm . Ex: Lan couldn’t go on her college study because she  couldn’t afford the tuition fee of 3 million dongs a term. Ex: Among the subjects at school I’m studying, maths,  physics , chemistry and biology are the most important. They  are core subjects.
  7. Are you sure you remember well ? S u p p y  t h e  m is s in g  le t t e rs  in  e a c h  o f t h e   1. c_om _ p _ufo l sllo_ow inr g  w o rd s : _2._cye _ r t _i _f i _c a _e 3. _t te r _m 4. c u _ _r r i _c _ul u _5. tm _ u _i t _i o _n f_ e e
  8. Unit 4 : SCHOOL EDUCATION SYSTEM Reading Text: Schooling is compulsory for all English children from the age of 5 to 16. The academic year in England runs from September to July and is divided into 3 terms. Autumn Term is from the beginning of September to mid-December. Spring Term is from the beginning of January to mid-March and Summer Term from early April to mid-July. Each term is separated by one-week break called half term, usually at the end of October, mid- February and the end of May.
  9. There are two parallel school systems in England. The first one is the state school system, which is free for all students and paid for by the state. The second category is the “ independent” or “ public” school system, which is fee-paying. The state school system, which educates 93 % of the pupils in England, can be divided into two levels of education: primary education and secondary education. The National Curriculum is set by the government and must be followed in all state schools. It is made up of the following subjects: English, Design & Technology, Geography, Maths, Information Technology, Music, Science, Arts, Physical Education, History, and a Modern Foreign Language. English, Maths, and Science are core subjects, which are compulsory in the national examinations at certain stages of the school
  10. See the Table below for more information about the school education system in England. School education system in England Level of  Grade / Year  Age             education (from – to ) (from – to ) childcare  3 ­ 4 Pre­school environment In an Infant or  4 – 5 Primary school Primary 1 – 3  5 – 7  education 4 – 6  8 – 10  7 ­ 9 11 – 14  Secondary  14 – 16 ( end  General Certificate  education 10 ­ 12 of compulsory  of Secondary  education Education ( GCSE)
  11. Unit 4 : SCHOOL EDUCATION SYSTEM Task 1. Find the words in the reading which mean :  1. Schools in which students have to pay tuition fees : independent or public schools ____________ 2. A stage of study for children aged from 5 to 10 : primary education ____________ 3. The examination children have to take at the end of compulsory education the GCSE ____________ curriculum 4. A detailed plan for a course of study offered in a school or college ____________
  12. Unit 4 : SCHOOL EDUCATION SYSTEM Task 2. Answer the following questions : 1. When do children start their compulsory education at school ? They start their compulsory education from the age of 5. 2. How many terms are there in a school year in England? What are they ? There are 3 terms : Autumn Term , Spring Term and Summer  Term. 3. What are the two school systems in England ? They are the state school and the ‘independent’ or  ‘public’school systems. 4. When can students take the GCSE examination ? When they finish the secondary school.
  13. Unit 4 : SCHOOL EDUCATION SYSTEM Task 3. Choose the best answer to each of the following  questions. 1. The word compulsory in line 1 paragraph 1 is closet in meaning  to _____ .   A. necessary    B. put in force by law C. optional D. difficult  2. The one ­ week break between two terms of a school year in  England is called ________     A. Autumn Term  B.  Spring Term          C. Summer Term     D. half term  3. Which stage of study is for children aged from 11 to 16 ?     A. pre­school  B. primary education                                                            C. secondary education  D. higher  education  4. How many subjects are there in the National Curriculum in  England ?     A. 12   B. 5   C. 6  D. 3
  14. 5. All of the following are mentioned as core subjects in the  national examinations in England EXCEPT __________ .   A. Maths  B. History C. Science D. English 6. The word “ It ” in line 3 paragraph 3 refers to ____   A. the state school B. the school education system   C. the core subject  D. the National Curriculum  7. Which of the followings is NOT true about the school  education system in England ?    A. The state school system is free for all students, but the   “public” school system is fee­paying.        B. The academic year in England runs from September to July  and is divided into 2 terms.    C. There are two parallel school systems : the state school  system and the “ public” school system    D. English, Maths and Science are compulsory in the national  examinations.
  15. Unit 4 : SCHOOL EDUCATION SYSTEM Task 4. Study the table below about the school education system in Viet Nam and supply the missing information. Level of  Grade / Year  Age             education (from – to ) (from – to ) Nursery school 3 ­ 4 Pre­school (2) __________ Kindergarten optional education 4 – 5 (1) _______ Primary 6 – 10  1 – 5  (4) _________ education (6) ___________  compulsory  Lower secondary education 11 – 14  Secondary  (3) ___________ 6 – 9  education Upper secondary National High School  15 – 17  (5) _________ 10 – 12  Graduation Exam
  16. HOMEWORK - Learn new words by heart. - Read the text and do the tasks again. - Answer the questions again. - Prepare for the next lesson : Unit 4: Speaking



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