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Báo cáo sinh học: "Several aspects of Journal of Biology seem to have caught readers’ attention since issue 1 appeared this summer"

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Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về sinh học được đăng trên tạp chí sinh học Journal of Biology đề tài: Several aspects of Journal of Biology seem to have caught readers’ attention since issue 1 appeared this summer.

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Nội dung Text: Báo cáo sinh học: "Several aspects of Journal of Biology seem to have caught readers’ attention since issue 1 appeared this summer"

  1. Journal BioMed Central of Biology Editorial Published: 8 November 2002 Journal of Biology 2002, 1:6 The electronic version of this article is the complete one and can be found online at © 2002 BioMed Central Ltd ISSN 1475-4924 Several aspects of Journal of Biology seem information, much as GenBank has each contain only one keynote research to have caught readers’ attention since done for DNA sequences. The current article and its associated commentaries. issue 1 appeared this summer. Some of restrictions on access, use, and distribu- To date, Journal of Biology has the questions asked have arisen suffi- tion put in place by most journals - declined tens of articles for every one it ciently often to be worth addressing even those that offer copyright to has published. This is because we are here. In summary, the journal differs authors while in fact denying them per- committed to publishing only the from other top-tier journals in four mission to distribute their article - will most significant research. The chal- main ways. First, and most impor- seriously impede the development and lenge is to convince scientists with an tantly, no fee will ever be charged to comprehensiveness of central archives. important story to tell to try Journal of readers of the research articles, and Journal of Biology differs in a second Biology instead of their usual preferred the authors retain full copyright, so way from some of the best-known journal. We have met enthusiasm for that the articles can be freely read and high-profile journals with which it open-access publishing, and for Journal distributed by anyone, from the day aims to compete. Its reviewing process of Biology, across the board, from stu- of publication onwards, in per- is designed to be as fast, fair, and con- dents to Nobel laureates, and at all petuity. This is the ‘open access’ structive as possible. Decisions are levels in between. The merits of open policy of all of the journals published made jointly by a scientist as editor-in- access, the wide dissemination of each by BioMed Central, which is currently chief and a professional editor. No article, and the usefulness of the asso- the only publisher that is wholly submitted article is rejected without ciated commentaries, result in each committed to the principles of open- advice from a relevant scientist, and paper published in Journal of Biology access publishing. fashion is not a consideration. And at having unparalleled impact. Why not Why is the immediate free use and least one of three peer-reviewers for make 2003 the year you discover the distribution of the entire article so each article is chosen from a list benefits of publishing in Journal of important? Not only is it possible and supplied by the authors. Biology for yourself? desirable, but it benefits both scientists The third difference comes from and science; restrictions on use and dis- our commitment to maximize the Martin Raff, Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Biology Theodora Bloom, Editor, Journal of Biology tribution serve publishers, not scientists impact of the research we publish. Peter Newmark, Editorial Director, BioMed or readers. Open access also allows full Each research article is accompanied Central archiving and retrieval. Extensive efforts by commissioned commentaries. We are being made to create public archives aim for the most effective presentation E-mail: of the scientific literature, containing of data, both online and in print, and complete copies of all scientific papers. the print issue is distributed free of (PubMed Central is one example of charge to over 80,000 life scientists. Editor’s note this, and all research articles published Finally, we do not wait for a thresh- in all BioMed Central journals are old number of papers of sufficient Martin Raff has recently joined the Scientific Advisory Board of Curis, the deposited there in full.) In time, these quality before publishing an issue. company responsible for the research freely accessible archives will greatly Instead, an issue appears whenever a article in this issue. He was not involved facilitate the practice and dissemination research article of suitable caliber is in the refereeing of this article or in the of science, and will lead to exciting and ready for publication. For this reason, decision to publish it. sophisticated ways of using full-text the first two issues of Journal of Biology Journal of Biology 2002, 1:6



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