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Đề kiểm tra HK1 môn Tiếng Anh - Đề số 1

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  1. ........................................................................... KIỂM TRA HỌC KỲ I A. our society needs all kinds of jobs ĐỀ SỐ 1 B. people with high education refuse to do what they think "low" work I/. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C, or D: Around the age of eighteen, you must make one of the biggest C. our society needs free education for all decisions of your life. "Do I stay on at school and hopefully go on to D. a farmer is more important than a professor university later? Do I leave and start work or begin a training (1)....... ?" 6 : The purpose of education is The decision is yours, but it may be (2)....... remembering two ……………………………………………………… things: there is more unemployment among people who haven't been to A. to build a perfect world B. to let everyone receive education fit for university, and people who have the right skills will have a big advantage in him the compet ition for jobs. If you decide to go straight into a job, there are C. to choose a system of education D. to prepare children mainly for their many opportunities for training. Getting qualifications will help you get on future work more quickly in many careers, and evening classes allow you to learn 7 : According to the passage, (3)....... you earn. Starting work and taking a break to study when you are …………………………………………………………… older is another possibility. By this way, you can save up money for your A. work with hands is dirty and shameful student days as well as (4)....... practical work experience. B. work with hands is the most important 1: A. class B. course C. term D. school C. we can't regard work with hands as low work 2: A. useful B. worth C. important D. necessary D. work with hands is low work 3: A. when B. what C. where D. while 8 : The passage tells us about .......................................... of education. 4: A. doing B. making C. getting D. taking A. the type B. the system C. the value D. the means II/. Choose the item among A, B, C or D: 9 :My résumé enclose / contact / me /every afternoon /look forward to / Education is not an end, but a means to an end. In other words, we do not be interviewed educate children only for the purpose of educating them. Our purpose is to fit A. My résumé is enclosed. Please contact me every afternoon. Therefore, them for life. I am looking forward to being interviewed. In some modern countries it has, for some time, been fashionable to think B. My résumé enclosed and contact me every afternoon. I look forward to that by free education for all - whether rich or poor, clever or stupid - one be interviewed can solve all the problems of society and build a perfect nation. But we can C. My résumé which is enclosed, so please contact me every afternoon. I already see that free education for all is not enough; we find in such am looking to being interviewed. countries a large number of people with university degree; they refuse to do D. My résumé is enclosed. You can contact me every afternoon. I am what they think "low" work; and, in fact, work with hands is thought to be looking forward to being interviewed. dirty and shameful in such countries. But we have only to think a moment to 10 : "Congratulations! You did great." - " understand that the work of a completely uneducated farmer is far more ...................................................." important than that of a professor; we can live without education, but we die A. It's nice of you to say so B. It's my pleasure if we have no food. If no one cleaned our streets and took the rubbish away C. That's okay D. You're welcome from our house, we should get terrible diseases in our own towns. 11:.........large number of Indian men agreed that it was unwise to confide in In fact, when we say that all of us must be educated to fit us for life, their wives A. Ø B . An C. The D. A it means that we must be educated in such a way that, firstly, each of us can 12 : "Would you like to go to the movies tonight?" - do whatever work suited to our brains and ability and, secondly, that we can "...................................." realize that all jobs are necessary to society, and that is very bad to be A. No, I don't like B. Of course C. I'd love to D. Yes, I'd like ashamed of one's work. Only such a type of education can be considered 13 : Which underlined part has the different pronunciation from the rest? valuable to society. A. early B. university C. identity D. apply 5 : The writer wants to prove that 14 : "What a lovely house you have!" - " .................................." 1
  2. A. You're welcome B. Thank you C. Of course D. I think so 28 : We are working, that means that we are contributing goods and services 15 : Emily said that her parents ....................... to Paris ............................ . to our city. A B C A. would go / the next day B. had gone / the day after D C. will go / tomorrow D. went / tomorrow 29 : Economic reform usually refers to actions o f the government to improve 16 : In England, primary education is provided by state schools run by the A B C government and by ........................ fee-paying schools. efficiency in economy markets. A. independent B. independently C. independence D. D depended 30 : We must .......................... our forests and woodlands for future generations. 17 School uniform is required in most of Vietnamese schools. A. divided B. depended C. compulsory D. paid A. conservational B. conservation C. conserving D. 18 : Which underlined part has the different pronunciation from the rest? conserve A. chore B. school C. teacher D. children 31 : Many people believe that ............. human beings will never used up all 19 : Are you fond ............................ newspapers and magazines? .......... natural resources on earth. A. of having read B. of reading C. of read D. reading A. the / a B. Ø / the C. a / the D. the / Ø 20 : Learning English, I find prepositions very ............................... 32 : Which word has the stress differently from the rest? A. interested B. interestingly C. interest D. A. impression B. company C. interview D. interesting formally 21 : ............................................................................ yet? 33 : ' "Good morning, Mary! How are you?" Henry said'? A. Have the letters typed B. Have the letters been typed A. Henry greeted Mary and asked how she was. C. Have been the letters types D. Had the letters typed B. Henry greeted Mary and asked how is she. 22 : Which word has the stress differently from the rest? C. Henry said good morning Mary and asked how was she. A. environment B. experience C. optimistic D. D. Henry said good morning and asked Mary how she is. technology 34 : My parents ............... their favourite show on TV when Daisy 23 : If there weren't the pull of the earth, everyone ...................... the same .............last night. weight. A. watched / was calling B. have watched / called A. would be of B. will be of C. are of D. is of C. were watching / called D. watched / had called 24 : He advised ..................... too far. 35 : "Thank you for the nice gift." - " ..................................." A. she did not go B. her do not go A. You're welcomed B. I'm glad you like it C. her did not to go D. her not to go C. But do you know how much it costs? D. In fact, I myself don't 25 : Education and training are an important steps in getting the kind of job like it that you 36 : I ..................... there once a long time ago and ...................... back since. A. have been / will not be B. was / have not been A B C C. had been / was not D. would be / had not been D would like to have. 37 : ................... the rain, the baseball game was not cancelled. 26 :The Major has promised that the living standard of the people in that city A. In spite of B. Even though C. Although D. ........... Despite of A. will be raised B. raised C. raise D. has raised 38 : "Despite his ability to do the job, he was not offered the position". 27 : Recently, there has been a lot of debate about students have to pay their A. It was his ability that helped him do the job and get the position. own fees at university A B B. Although he was able to do the job, but he was not offered the position. C. He was not offered the position, regardless of his ability to do the job. C D. If he had enough ability to do the job, he would be offered the position. D 2
  3. Shakespeare, the Queen, village inns, English folk dancing, football 39 : I / read / advertisement / your company / today's newspaper. A. I enjoy reading the advertisement from your company in today's hooligans, umbrellas, English castles, cricket and fish and chips. newspaper. 6: A. So B. Although C. Unless D. However B. I have just read the advertisement of your company in today's 7: A. you B. one C. they D. we newspaper. 8: A. be B. to be C. being D. will be C. I would like to read the advertisement of your company on today's 9: A. which B. they C. in that D. that newspaper. 10: A. their B. theirs C. themselves D. them D. I read the advertisement which is of your company in today's 11: The house _______ six decades ago. newspaper. A. was building B. will be built C. was built D. 40 : His ideas about marriage are quite different ...................... mine. was to be built 12: Chọn từ mà phần gạch chân có cách phát âm khác với những từ còn lại A. from B. on C. with D. for A. thought B. think C. though D. thin 13: After you graduate from university, you still have to go on _________. A. studying B. study C. studies D. studied ĐỀ 2 1: Farmers can protect their land by _______different crops on the same 14: A great country can grows from a small colony. land. A BC D A. grow B. grew C. grown D. 15: Martin grew to be very _________ of her pet snake. growing A. interested B. fond C. satisfied D. keen 16: Chọn từ mà phần gạch chân có cách phát âm khác với những từ còn lại 2: I can’t play _________ piano, but I can play _________ guitar. A. an – a B. the – a C. a – the D. the – the A. official B. both C. hold D. most 3: The princess was happy during the years ________ she lived with the 17: The teacher suggested having an discussion on the topic. fairy. A BC D A. in which B. where C. that D. when 18: English is spoken as the international language in the Australia. 4: Jane said she_________20 the following week A B C D A. would be B. was C. will be D. is 19: I’m not going to the party _________ I know that I should. 5: Windmills _________ by the Persians around 1500 years ago. A. although B. because C. despite D. if A. invented B. are invent C. are invented D. were invented 20: I haven’t seen him _______ . Chọn từ thích hợp ứng với A, B, C hoặc D để điền vào chỗ trống trong A. since many years B. many years ago đoạn văn sau từ câu 6 đến câu 10 : Many people think that we can learn a lot about the culture of a C. last year D. for many years foreign country simply by living in that country. ___6______ , this is not 21: My daughter / spend / two hours / study / mathematics / every day. necessarily true. Often the longer we stay in a foreign country, the more we A. My daughter spent two hours studying mathematics every day. realize how little ____7______ actually know about the culture of that B. My daughter spends two hours to study mathematics every day. country. Books and talks about other people’s culture can even ____8______ C. My daughter spent two hours to study mathematics every day. dangerous because they concentrate on cultural differences and exaggerate D. My daughter spends two hours studying mathematics every day. national characteristics; sometimes a lot of the information ___9_______ 22: If I _________ you, I _________ silent. contain is true. A. were – would keep B. was – keep C. am – will keep D. were – In a survey recently carried out in Britain, people were asked to make kept 23: Chọn từ mà phần gạch chân có cách phát âm khác với những từ còn lại a list of any thing which they thought was typical of Britain and would interest foreign visitors there. Most of ____10______ mentioned A. mended B. arrived C. stimulated D. decided 3
  4. 24: Chọn từ có trọng âm chính nhấn vào âm tiết có vị trí khác với các từ còn A. did B. had done C. was doing D. has done lại. 34: it / necessary / us / think / about / this matter. A. example B. computer C. magazine D. however A. It’s for us to think about this matter carefully necessary. 25: French _________ in Quebec, Canada. B. It’s necessary for us to think about this matter carefully. A. spoke B. spoken C. speaks D. is spoken C. To think about this matter carefully it necessary for it. D. For us to think about this matter carefully it’s necessary. Đọc đoạn văn và chọn phương án đúng ứng với A, B, C hoặc D Smoking is not as common in American as in many other countries. 35: _________ the cold weather, the match will go ahead. Generally, Americans smoke less than Europeans and much less than Asians. A. although B. because C. despite D. in spite It is a practice that is becoming less and less socially acceptable. 36: Do you know the reason ________ the English drive on the left. Smoking is prohibited in many places. It is not allowed in any public A. when B. why C. which D. where buildings, on any public transportation ( including airplane flights within the 37: Hearing she was _________ of work took me by surprise. United State), in shops, in movies theaters, schools, and office buildings. The A. on B. out C. under D. in general rule is if you are indoors, then you probably are not allowed to 38: We _________ the game if we’d had a few more minutes. smoke. The exceptions are bars, nightclubs, and some restaurants. If a A. will win B. might have won C. won D. had won 39: Chọn từ có trọng âm chính nhấn vào âm tiết có vị trí khác với các từ còn restaurant does allow smoking, it will only be in an area that is designated lại. for smokers. If you are with someone, even outdoors, it is polite to ask if they mind before you start smoking. A. library B. actually C. material D. carefully The legal smoking age in America is 18. If you are buying cigarettes 40: We saw the girl _________ you say is very beautiful. (or another tobacco product) and you look young, the store clerk is required A. whom B. whose C. who D. which by law to ask you for proof of legal age. You should be prepared to provide ĐỀ 3 identification. Đọc đoạn văn sau và chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất. 26: The main idea of the passage is _______ Body language. What does it say? A. Smoking is allowed everywhere More than half of what we communicate is communicated not B. Smoking is becoming more and more socially acceptable through words but through body language. This includes our postures, facial C. Smoking is good for your health expressions, and gestures. Because body language is so important, you will D. Smoking is becoming less and less socially acceptable. want to know what yours is saying and how to interpret other people’s, too. 27: The legal smoking age in America is _______ Here are some examples of body language and its meaning. (Note: These A. 15 B. 18 C. 1 7 D. 16 meanings are for Norht American. Interpretations may differ a bit in other 28: It is _______to ask before you start smoking. cultures.) A. polite B. impolite C. rude D. unkind A smile is a sign o f friendliness and interest. But people sometimes 29: You are NOT allowed to smoke in: smile just to be polite. To get a nother clue from people’s face, notice their A. bars B. public buildings eyes. Friendliness and interest are expressed when a person’s eyes meet C. some restaurants D. nightclubs yours (especially when you are the one who is talking) and then look away 30: The people in __________ are NOT mentioned in the passage: and meet yours again. A person who desn’t look away is expressing a A. Asia B. America C. Africa D. challenge. A person who doesn’t look at you is expressing a lack of interest Europe (or is shy). Hand gestures can mean a person is interested in the 31:I got a job _________ my bad English. conversation. Stay away from someone who points at you while talking with A. if B. although C. in spite of D. because you: That person might be angry at you or feel superior to you. 32: I enjoy to cook for these five hungry children. Câu 1: When someone in North America is pointing at you__________ A B C D A. you should keep a distance from him. B. you shouldn’t stand too far 33: He says that he _________ his homework since 5 o’clock. from him 4
  5. C. you should run away D. you should get angry with him A. would be B. can be C. am D. was Câu 2: People communicate_________ Câu 16: Economic reforms started since 1986 in Vietnam have helped A. through words and body language B. through smiles millions of C. through words D. through body language A B Câu 3: Body language________ people to be out of poverty and bringing the poverty rate down. A. means different in different countries C D C. means the same thing in different countries Câu 17: ________whose native language is not English must submit results B. means different in the same country of the TOEFL test with required scores. D. means different in North America A. Applications B. Application C. Applicant D. Applicants Câu 4: A person who doesn’t look at you is expressing________ Câu 18: The preparations _________by the time the guests ___________ A. politeness B. shyness A. had been finished/ arrived B. have finished/ arrived C. confidence and friendliness D. a challenge C. had finished/ were arriving D. have been finished/ were Câu 5: A smile can be a sign of __________ arrived A. friendliness B. politeness and interest C. politeness D. Câu 19: Higher education is very importance to national economies, and it is interest also a A B Chọn đáp án đúng nhất. Câu 6: Which of the following words is stressed on 3rd syllable? source of trained and educated personnel for the whole country. A. Philosophy B. Engineering C. Linguistics D. Biology C D Câu 7: The woman_________he is negotiating is the director of the new Câu 20: Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently film. A. although B. youths C. youth D. clothes A. with whom B. with that C. that D. whom Câu 21: If I ___________following that car too closely, I would have been Câu 8: Anyone where works is regarded as a useful member of our society. able to stop in time instead of running into it. A B C D A. wasn’t B. was C. hadn’t been D. wouldn’t have been Câu 9: A period of time when there’s a lot of unemployment and poverty Câu 22: Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest. because there is very little economic activity is called_______ A. formally B. interview C. company D. impression A. depression B. terrorism C. expression D. impression Câu 23: In England, primary education is provided by state schools run by Câu 10: Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently the government and by________fee- paying schools. A. character B. teacher C. technical D. chemist A. independent B. depended C. independently D. Câu 11: ___________the rain, they decided to walk. independence A. Despite of B. However C. In spite of D. Although Câu 24: In spite of his hard work, he could not finish the job. Câu 12: “Do you ever see any channel?”- “Yes, I’ve been A. As hard as he worked B. Although hard work to___________Channel. C. Despite he worked hard D. Though he worked hard A. England B. English C. an English D. the English Câu 25: He has made a/ an ____________to retired early . Câu 13:.Future is a time when most people assume that everything will keep A. decision B. career C. appointment D. getting interview Câu 26: I had my sister to take care ____my children while I was A B better and future generations will enjoy life in a more better world. _____business. A. in/away B. with/ for C. for/ in D. of/ on C D Câu 14: He is trying to buy the same ring_________he lost two months ago. Câu 27: If it ______last night, it_________so hot today. A. whose B. then C. where D. that A. was raining/ were not B. had rained/ wouldn’t Câu 15: If my candidate had won the election, I _____________happy now. be 5
  6. C. had rained/ would not have been D. rained/ is not than a candidate …(40)…turns up late. Wear fairly formal clothes and make Câu 28: Terry isn’t here. He’s away__________ you look clean and presentable. A. for business B. in business C. on business D. at Câu 36: A. selection B. application C. illustration D. invitation business Câu 37: A. biggest B. highest C. most D. Câu 29: I did not answer the door even though I knew it was my friend. greatest A. Only when I answered the door did I knew it was my friend. Câu 38: A. attendance B. appearance C. interview D. audience B. I knew it was my friend, but I did not answer the door. Câu 39: A. on time B. in time C. of time D. before time C. I answered the door since I knew it was my friend. Câu 40: A. who B. of which C. whom D. which D. Unless I knew it was my friend, I would not answer the door. ĐỀ 4 Câu 30: The English language,_____, is not very difficult but not very easy Read the passage and then decide which word (A, B, C or D) to learn. JOB INTERVIEWS A. who is very popular B. whose is very popular Interviews are an imperfect method of choosing the best people (1) _______ C. which is very popular D. that is very popular jobs, yet, human beings like to examine each other in this way. One of the Câu 31: When Honda advertised for a new marketing manager, they many problems of (2) _______ as it is commonly practiced is that the forms received over thirty_____for the job. filled in by (3) _______ often failed to show people what they really are. A. applications B. applicants C. apply D. This means that you can (4) _______ all the best advice when completing application your form and still find that you are (5) _______ at the next stage – the Câu 32: Most _______students in my class come from China. interview. Similarly, in the rare cases where interviews are automatic, a (6) A. of the B. the C. X D. of _______ with an inadequate form may (7) _______ surprisingly well. Of Câu 33: In Vietnam,children must go to school between the ages of 5 &11.It course, your form needs to show that you have (8) _______ in your ability to is……. do the job, but don't try to turn (9) _______ into someone else – a person you A. necessary B. curriculum C. compulsory D. optional have to pretend to be at the interview. Realism and honesty are definitely Câu 34: School uniform is compulsory in most of Vietnamese schools. (10) _______ approach. A. depended B. required C. divided D. paid 1. A. at B. to C. for D. in Câu 35: chair/ you /sit/ be/ very/ uncomfortable. 2. A. offer B. answer C. chance D. selection A. A chair you are sitting on is very uncomfortable. 3. A. applicants B. writers C. senders D. assistants B. The chair you are sitting is very uncomfortable. 4. A. do B. complete C. fill D. follow C. The chair you are sitting on is very uncomfortable. 5. A. careless B. unsuccessful C. successful D. lost D. The chair you sit on is very uncomfortable. 6. A. candidate B. man C. human D. person 7. A. complete B. gain C. do D. make Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau và chọn đáp án đúng nhất để điền vào mỗi khoảng 8. A. importance B. interest C. confidence D. attention trống ---------------------------------------------- ADVICE FOR JOB SEEKERS 9. A. yourself B. oneself C. itself D. When you are looking for a job, it’s important to remember a few themselves main points that will make it easier for you to find work. First of all, take 10. A. the most B. the one C. the best D. the care with your…(36)…form and CV, as most candidates are rejected on worst these alone. Keep your CV clear and simple, and make the…(37)…of your Choose the one word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that would not be good points. appropriate. If you are lucky enough to get invited to an…(38)…, make sure you 11. You had better learning a foreign language before applying for a job. are well prepared. Find out as much as you can about the company, and A C B D prepare both a set of questions and a list of points you want to make about 12. In spite of her successful, she felt dissatisfied. yourself. On the day itself, get there in plent y…(39)…there is nothing worse A B C D 6
  7. 13. Nowadays many young people have a good knowledge of what they are they wanted to stop it. Spain and Turkey are two countries which expected doing in their new job A B stopped homework recently. In Denmark, Germany and several C D countries in Europe, teachers cannot set homework at weekends. In Holland, teachers allow pupils to stay at school to do their homework. 14. Most college-age students today are interested in finding universities The children are free to help one another. Similar arrangements also A B exist in some British schools. in which can pursue both academic and athletic extra-curricular 25. What is the writer's main aim in the passage? C D A. to explain why the homework is difficult activities B. to complain about the difficult ho mework 15. The bike he lent you was stolen from a shop where sells fast food. C. to avoid the problems of homework A B C D D. to suggest that homework should be stopped * Choose the word (A, B, C or D) which is stressed differently 26. By "most teachers do not properly plan the homework tasks they give 16. A. attract B. person C. common D. verbal to pupils", the writer means that ________. 17. A. challenge B. congratulate C. economy D. A. most teachers do not give the homework tasks to individual pupils compulsory B. most teachers do not prepare very well and carefully the homework 18. A. certificate B. secondary C. supportive D. curriculum tasks 19. chair / you / sit / very uncomfortable C. most teachers do not choose the suitable time to give the homework A. The chair where you are sitting on is very uncomfortable. tasks B. The chair you are sitting on is very uncomfortable. D. most teachers do not give the proper plan to pupils at home C. A chair you are sitting on is very uncomfortable. 27. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the D. The chair you are sitting is very uncomfortable. passage? 20. She / going / car / repair / tomorrow A. Homework may be done at school. A. She is going to have her car repair tomorrow. B. parents are free to help their children to do their homework at school. B. She is going to have her car to repair tomorrow. C. Homework was a waste of time to parents, not to children. C. She is going to have her car repaired tomorrow. D.In some countries,children are free to choose proper homework at D. She is going to have her car repairing tomorrow. weekends 21. I / study / a school / found / nineteenth century 28. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the A. I study at a school that founded in the nineteenth century. passage? B. I'm studying at a school which found in the nineteenth century. A. Homework helps pupils to improve their memory. C. I'm studying at a school was founded in the nineteenth century. B. Pupils can help their friends to do homework. D. I'm studying at a school founded in the nineteenth century. C. Homework is still necessary if the teachers properly plan its tasks. *Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently D. Homework should not be done at weekends. 22. A. boys B. enjoys C. parents D. speeds 23. A. believed B. decided C. supposed D. concerned 24. A. threaten B. tenth C. although D. thoughtful *Read the passage and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) 29. The best title for the passage is ________. Many people now think that teachers give pupils too much homework. A.Different Measurements to Plan Homework Tasks They say that it is unnecessary for children to work at home in their free B. Different Solutions to Homework time. Moreover, they argue that most teachers do not properly plan the C. Homework, a Waste of Time D.Homework, an Unnecessary Task homework tasks they give to pupils. The result is that pupils have to 30."All of the students but Peter went to the meeting." is closest in meaning repeat tasks which they have already done at school. Recently in Greece to"___" many parents said that most of the homework was a waste of time, and 7
  8. A. Except for Peter, all of the students went to the meeting. 43. "I have never felt happier than I do now." is closest in meaning to B. Peter went to the meeting, and so did all of the students. "_________" C. All of the students, especially Peter went to the meeting. A. I felt happier before. B. I have never felt happy. D. All of the students including Peter went to the meeting. C. I feel happy now. D. I have always felt happy. 31. I can't get Tessa on the phone. _________ all afternoon. 44. "I must leave now or I will miss the bus." is closest in meaning to A. I try B. I've been trying C. I'm trying D. I'd been "________" trying A. I will miss the bus unless I leave now. 32. My phone is out of order, _________ is a real nuisance. B. If I don't miss the bus, I must leave now. A. x (nothing) B. that C. which D. it C. If I must leave now, I will miss the bus. 33. The word "impression" in the sentence "Creating a good impression on D. If I won't leave now, I must miss the bus the interviewer is very important." is closest in meaning to "_________" 45. The building, __________ by the storm, has to be torn down. A. pressure B. appearance C. deep, strong effect D. compliment A. that severely damaged B. severely damaged 34. He keeps working ________ his feeling unwell. C. was severely damaged D. which severely damaged A. in spite of B. because of C. unless D. although 46. Stronger measures will have to be ___________ to bring down 35._____ of all of us who are here tonight, I would like to thank Mr Jones for unemployment. his talk A. made B. done C. got D. taken A. Instead B. On account C. In person D. On behalf 47. "I found it difficult to follow the instructions." is closest in meaning to 36. "Thank you for the nice gift." "__________" "________" A. In fact, I myself don't like it. B. I'm glad you like it. A. It was difficult for me following the instructions. C. But do you know how much it costs? D. You're welcomed. B. I had trouble following the instructions. 37. In __________ interviews Tom has contradicted his original story. C. I found it trouble to follow the instructions. A. after B. subsequent C. following D. then D. I had trouble to follow the instructions. 38. "Although they are sisters, they do not look alike." is closest in meaning 48. No one knows for ___________ Joe is working. to"___" A. that B. who C. whom D. why A. The sisters look alike. 49. If you had taken my advice, you ________ in such difficulties. B. They do not look alike because they are not sisters. A. wouldn't have been B. wouldn't been C. They look alike but they are not sisters. C. hadn't been D. won't be D. They do not look alike even though they are sisters. 50. The word "assistance" in the sentence "We can raise our hand slightly to 39. He _________ for not coming to the party. show that we need assistance." is closest in meaning to "_________". A. refused B. apologized C. denied D. complained A. food B. communication C. help D. attention 40. The word "casual" in the sentence "You shouldn't wear casual clothes to ĐỀ SỐ 5 an interview." is closest in meaning to "__________". Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau và chọn câu trả lời (ứng với A,hoặc B, C, D) A. informal B. untidy C. formal D. Technology has come to the rescue of those who hate to be out of touch. elegant First there were beepers; now there are cellular phones. These small 41. You are not ________ to answer these questions, but it would help if telephones can go anywhere with you. Anyone who may need to reach you you did. can simply call your cellular number. Of course, the numbers for most A. required B. obliged C. suggested D. cellular phones work only in a specific city. Some companies have formed ordered networks with other cellular phone services in other cities to try to make 42. Because he _________ the oil for so long, the car broke down. numbers work for their customers no matter where they are. But customers A. doesn't check B. hadn't checked C. hasn't checked D. didn't who travel frequently to the same city have come up with their own solution check – they simply get a second cellular phone number for the second city. 8
  9. Câu 1: The sentence “no matter where they are” in the passage is closest in D. A supermarket is going to be build in this area Câu 12: Chọn từ có cách nhấn âm khác với những từ còn lại: meaning to………….. A. they don’t care where they are B. they have no idea where they are A. programme B. interview C. mechanic D. candidate C. where they are is not known D. wherever they are Câu 13: Nowadays a computer…………to do that job. Câu 2: What is the disadvantage of cellular phones? A. is used B. has used C. uses D. was used Câu 14: Chọn từ có phần gạch dưới có cách phát âm khác với những từ còn A. They work only in one city B. They are expensive lại: C. They do not ring cloudly D. They sound is not clear Câu 3: Why do people like cellular phones? A. dear B. clear C. hear D. pear A. They like technology B. They fit in a briefcase Câu 15: Love is supposed to follow marrige, not precede it. C. They can go anywhere with them D. They can use them in the A. take out B. find out C. happen D. exist before office Câu 16: M.U. played much better than their opponents; they Câu 4: The phrase “come up with” in the passage is closest in meaning almost…………the match. to……… A. eliminated B. terminated C. dominated D. activated A. found B. accepted C. created D. confronted Câu 17: Over the past few years the cost of living…………considerably. Câu 5: If people visit another city often, what is the simple solution to make A. was rising B. has risen C. was risen D. is rising Câu 18: Chọn từ có phần gạch dưới có cách phát âm khác với những từ còn their cellular phone work? lại: A. Communicate by fax B. Get a second number in that city C. Buy a beeper D. Use a regular telephone A. thunder B. throughout C. therefore D. theatre Câu 6: Chọn từ có phần gạch dưới có cách phát âm khác với những từ còn Câu 19: The people about who the novelist wrote were factory workers lại: and their families. A B C A. bench B. teach C. watch D. sandwich D Câu 7::By the time I got to the dentist, the pain in my Câu 20:They have made a substantial change; that means, they have made tooth…………stopped. a(n) ……… change. A. was B. has C. had D. would A. economic B. considerable C. steady D. subtle Câu 8: Chọn từ có cách nhấn âm khác với những từ còn lại: Câu 21: Mary was late yesterday, that was unusual for her. A. examination B. Mathematics C. economics D. application A B C D Câu 22: Chọn từ có cách nhấn âm khác với những từ còn lại: Câu 9: “I’ll come to see you next Sunday,” Bill said to you. A. fascinating B. advertise C. rewarding D. keenness A. Bill promised to come to see me the following Sunday Câu 23: I spoke to a boy…………father is a famous scientist. B. Bill promised coming to see me the following Sunday A. whom B. whose C. that’s D. who’s C. Bill told me to come to see him the following Sunday Câu 24: Most of the guests…………by the time we arrived at the reception. D. Bill promised that he will come to see me the following Sunday A. were left B. have left C. would left D. had left Câu 25: Chọn từ có phần gạch dưới có cách phát âm khác với những từ còn Câu 10: “I’m sorry I didn’t phone you earlier,” Mary said. lại: A. Mary apologized for not phoning me earlier B. Mary apologized that she didn’t phone me earlier A. terrified B. influenced C. averaged D. accompanied C. Mary apologized not to phone me earlier Câu 26: Ann couldn’t come to the party,…………was a pity. D. Mary said that she didn’t phone me earlier A. this B. what C. which D. that Câu 27: Chọn từ có cách nhấn âm khác với những từ còn lại: Câu 11: They are going to build a supermarket in this area. A. A supermarket is being built in this area A. complimentB. wonderful C. instant D. assistance B. A supermarket are going to be built in this area C. A supermarket is going to be built in this area Câu 28: Britain imports many cars which were made in Japan. 9
  10. A. Britain imports many cars made in Japan A B C D B. Britain imports many cars that were made in Japan Câu 2: Unless you work harder, we will finish on time. C. A and B are correct A B C D D. Britain imports many cars making in Japan Câu 3: It was not until 1937 that the southern source of the Nile Câu 29: Chọn từ có cách nhấn âm khác với những từ còn lại: River discovered. A B C A. impression B. certificate C. require D. vacant D Câu 30: Our parents join hands to give us a nice house and a happy home. Câu 4: Although I try hard to play the guitar, but I don't seem to A. take hands B. work together C. shake hands D. join in improve. Câu 31: They don’t travel far a lot. They are afraid of flying. A B C D A. If they were afraid of flying, they would travel far a lot Chọn từ (ứng với A hoặc B, C, D) có trọng âm chính nhấn vào âm tiết có B. If they were not afraid of flying, they would travel far a lot vị trí khác với những từ còn lại trong mỗi câu sau. C. Unless they were afraid of flying, they would not travel far a lot Câu 5: A. attractiveness B. traditional C. generation D. D. If they are not afraid of flying, they will travel far a lot American Câu 32: Ever since she arrived, she…………quietly in the corner. Câu 6: A. renovation B. experience C. relationship D. A. is sitt ing B. has been sitting C. sat D. sits economy Câu 33: Chọn từ có phần gạch dưới có cách phát âm khác với những từ còn lại: Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau và chọn phương án đúng (ứng với A hoặc B, C, D) A. rubbish B. punctual C. frustrate D. furious If you want to _____(7)____your best in an exam, you should be Câu 34: He kept his job…………the manager had threatened to sack him. relaxed and so one of the best things to do is to take regular breaks even if A. unless B. despite C. although D. even they are only for a few minutes. During revision time, you _____(8)_____ Câu 35: He said that he…………me the book soon. take some time off to go for a walk or play your favorite sport. It is a mistake A. will return B. returns C. would return D. is to take up all physical activities. Exercise can help you to relax. You should returning ____(9)_____ at least twenty minutes doing something different every day. Parents don’t like it when their teenage children spend hours on the phone, Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau và chọn câu trả lời (ứng với A, hoặc B, C, D) Like any other universities, the Open University can (36)…….you a but, in fact, ____(10)____ to a friend is very good for you; parents think that degree. However, you don’t have to (37)…….working to study. It can also children are ____(11)____ time and money; but research says talking to open up a whole variety of interest. If you have never studied (38)…….you friends gives you a chance to relax, and this will make the time you spend will enjoy the special, new pleasure of (39)…….your knowledge. You will studying more effective. make friends of all kinds. You may also find that your qualification provides Câu 7: A. write B. make C. do D. go new career (40)…….. Câu 8: A. should B. shall C. will D. have Câu 36: A. give B. enter C. take Câu 9: A. waste B. use C. relax D. spend D. find Câu 10: A. chatting B. telling C. saying D. communicating Câu 37: A. break B. end C. stop D. leave Câu 11: A. spending B. missing C. losing D. wasting Câu 38: A. yet B. already C. later D. before Chọn từ (ứng với A hoặc B, C, D) có phần gạch chân được phát âm khác Câu 39: A. changing B. growing C. increasing D. adding với những từ còn lại trong mỗi câu sau. Câu 40: A. adventures B. opportunities C. responses D. Câu 12: A. application B. indicate C. certificate D. discoveries grade Câu 13: A. interviewed B. explained C. disappointed D. ĐỀ SỐ 6 prepared Xác định từ/cụm từ có gạch dưới (ứng với A hoặc B, C, D) Câu 1: Mary asked there was anything interesting on TV to see that Câu 14: A. domestic B. measure C. subsidy D. night. hospital 10
  11. Câu 24: By 2015, it will be widely accepted that schools and pre-schools Chọn câu ứng với a, b, c, d thích hợp với các câu sau : Câu 15: No one has cleaned the floor. have _______ extremely important role to play in ________ future of our A. The floor hasn't cleaned. B. The floor hasn't been world. cleaned. A. an / the B. an / a C. the / the D. Ø / Ø C. The floor hasn't been clean. D. The floor has been cleaned. Câu 25: She _______ a shark while she _______ on the beach. Câu 16: "I have found a new flat," said Ann. A. were losing / had left B. lost / have left A. Ann said that she has found a new flat. C. see / am walking D. saw / was walking B. Ann said me that she had found a new flat. Câu 26: If more chemicals are released into the water, plants, and animals C. Ann told to me that she had found a new flat. _____ D. Ann said to me that she had found a new flat. A. will be killed B. will kill C. would be died D. would Câu 17: I started working here in 2000. die A. I have started work here since 2000. Câu 27: I _______ a terrible accident while I _______ on the beach. B. I have started working here since 2000 A. was seeing / walked B. have seen / were walking C. I haven't worked here since 2000. C. see / am walking D. saw / was walking D. I have worked here since 2000 Câu 28: Unless he ……… immediately, he won’t get any information. Câu 18: Someone knocked on the door during my lunchtime. A. phones B. won’t phone C. doesn’t phone D. phone A. I had lunch when someone knocked on the door. Câu 29: It _______ that learning a foreign language _______ a lot of time. B. When I had had lunch, someone knocked on the door. A. is saying/ as been taken B. is said / takes C. I was having lunch when someone knocked on the door. C. says / is taken D. was said / was taken D. I was having lunch when someone was knocking on the door. Câu 30: John asked me _______ interested in any kind of sports. Câu 19: He didn't hurry so he missed the plane. A. if was I B. if were I C. if I were D. if I was A. He didn't miss the plane because he hurried. Câu 31: The parents had been _______ warned about their son's B. If he had hurried, he might catch the plane. misbehaviour. C. If he hurried, he wouldn't miss the plane. A. repeat B. repeated C. repeatedly D. repeating D. If he had hurried, he could have caught the plane. Câu 32: He took me to an expensive restaurant where we enjoyed a good Câu 20: My father works for a construction company in __________ . meal. A. Winchester where is a city in the U.K. A. we enjoyed a good meal in which B. to enjoy a good meal B. Winchester, that is a city in the U.K. C. and enjoying a good meal D. enjoyed a good meal C. Winchester is a city in the U.K. Câu 33: __________ he had enough money, he refused to buy a new car. D. Winchester, which is a city in the U.K A. Despite B. Although C. In spite of D. In spite Câu 21: Emily said that her teacher _______ to London ________ . Câu 34: While I am waiting _______ my bus, I often listen _______ music. A. will go / tomorrow B. had gone / the next day A. upon / in B. for / to C. on / at D. toward / about C. would go / the next day D. went / tomorrow Câu 35: You are old enough. I think it is high time you applied _______ a Câu 22: Last night a tornado swept through Rockville. It _____everything job in its path A. in B. upon C. for D. of A. was being destroyed B. destroyed ĐỀ SỐ 1 C. was destroyed D. had been destroyed I. Choose the word with different pronunciation of the underlined part: Câu 23: We _______ touch since we _______ school three years ago. 1. A. application B education C. addition D. question A. have lost / left B. have lost / leave 2. A. allowed B. pass ed C. argued D. rais ed C. were losing / had left D. lost / have left 3. A. choice B. achieve C. each D. chemistry II. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest. 11
  12. 4. A. a dvertise B. qualify C. recommend 20. - A: You're a great dancer. I wish I could do half as well asyou. D. interview - B:________ I'm an awful dancer! 5. A. verbal B. polite C. common D. social a. You're too kind. b. That's a nice compliment! c. You've got to be kidding! D. Oh, thank you very much. III. Choose the best option 6. If we had known your new address, we ____________ to see you. IV. Identify one underlined word or phrase that needs correcting a. came b. would come c. would have come d. will come 21. Anyone where works is regarded as a useful member of our society. 7. The children ____________ to the zoo. A B C D a. were enjoyed taken b. enjoyed being taken 22. He never tells me the reason which he left that job. c. were enjoyed taking d. enjoyed taking A B C D 8. The person ___________ prepared this report has a real talent for writing. 23. You have to study hard to keep pace in your classmates a. which b. who c. whose d. she A B C D 9. You should _______ more attention to what your teacher explains. 24. If she had eaten fewer sweets, she would lose weight. a. make b. get c. set d. pay A B C D 10. Body language is a potent form of ______communication. 25. Suppose you haven't found your car keys, what would you have a. verbal b. non-verbal c. tongue d. oral done? 1 1. - A: I'm not sure about this soup. It tastes like something's A B C D missing. - B: …………… I t tastes fine to me. a. You're right. b. Oh, I don't know c. I couldn't agree more. d . I don't think so. V. Writing 12. While girls lack of ….………, boys often overestimate their abilities. 26. most British universities/ academic year/ divide/ three terms// A. confidence B. confident C. confidently D. confidences a.At most British universities the academic year is divided into three 13. _______, he walked to the station. terms a. Despite being tired b. Although to be tired b.The academic year of most Brit ish universities divides into three terms. c. In spite being tired d. Despite tired c.In most British universities the academic year is divided up to three 14. My father phoned me to say that he would come _______ home late. terms a. a b. an c. the d. Ø d.Most British universities divide the academic year up to three 15. A _______ is a spacecraft that is designed to travel into space and back terms. to earth several times. 27. I came to live here three months ago. a. plane b. corporation c. telecommunication d. shuttle a. It was three months since I lived here. b. I’ve been living here for 3 16. An economic ______is a time when there is very little economic activity, months which causes a lot of unemployment & poverty c. I lived here for three months. d. I didn’t live here for three a. improvement b. depression c. development d. months. mission 28. I didn’t go to bed early, so I didn’t wake up at 7.00 17. In the future many large corporations will be wiped out and millions of a. If I went to bed early, I would wake up at 7.00 jobs will be lost. a. companies b. services c. supermarkets d. b. If I had gone to bed early, I’d not have woken up at 7.00 farms c. If I went to bed early, I would have woken up at 7.00 18. Gold………. in California in the 19th century. d. If I had gone to bed early, I’d have woken up at 7.00 a. was discovered b. has been discovered 2 9. My brother regretted having bought the second - hand lapt op. c. was discover d. they discovered a. M y brother wished he had bought the second -hand laptop. 19. Ms Young, to _______ many of her students are writing, is living happily b. M y brother wished he didn't buy the second - hand laptop. and peacefully in Canada. a. who b. whom c. that d. whose c. M y brother wished he hadn't bought the second - hand laptop. 12
  13. d. I f only my brother had bought the second - hand laptop. important boost to the economy and should help to ensure the continuation of 30. Peter said if he were me he would stop smoking. liberalizing reforms. a. I wanted Peter to stop smoking and he promised to do. Vietnam is working to create jobs to meet the challenge of a labor force b. Peter promised to stop smoking. that is growing by more than one million people every year. Vietnamese c. Peter said he would stop smoking as I wanted him to. authorities have tightened monetary and fiscal policies to stem high inflation. d. Peter advised me to stop smoking. Hanoi is targeting an economic growth rate of 7.5-8% during the next five years. VI. Read the passage and choose the part (A, B, C or D) What do you do well? What do you enjoy doing? Your answers to 36. Vietnam's economy is _______. these two questions will help you identify your (31) _____. An employer a. decreasing b. facing crisis c. developing d. will consider you seriously for a (32________ when you can show them that backward you know who you are, what you can offer and which you have studied. 37. According to the text, Vietnam _______. Sometimes it is difficult to know what your weaknesses are. Clearly not a. used to be well-developed before 1986 everyone is equally good (33) _________ everything. You may need to b. Vietnam is still in extreme poverty improve yourself and so (34) _____ courses in that field could turn a c. could recover from the consequences of the war soon weakness into strength. d. has been modernizing the economy You will need to (35) _____ some time on your self-assessment. Your 38. Vietnam _______. honesty and the desire for self-improvement will lead to success in getting a. does not export anything to the US the right job. Explore the following seven areas to start to get to know b. exported to the US in 2003 twice as much goods as in 2002 yourself: your aptitude, your skills, your personality, the level of c. did not export goods to the US in 2002 responsibility you feel comfortable with, your interests and your needs. d. did not export goods to the US in 2003 31. a. strong b. strength c. strengthen d. strengthened 39. The word This refers to _______. 32. a. position b. location c. spot d. room a. Vietnam's joining the WTO b. the WTO 33. a. upon b. in c. at d. for c. the negotiating process d. the Vietnamese economy 34. a. meeting b. taking c. choosing d. interviewing 40. The word stem has a close meaning to _______. 35. a. use b. make c. lose d. spend a. succeed b. stop c. originate d. increase VII. Reading comprehension: Read the passage and choose the best ĐỀ SỐ 2 answer Read the passage and choose the best answer for each question.( 2đ) Vietnam is a densely-populated, developing country that in the last 30 Computer programmer David Jones earns £ 35, 000 a year designing years has had to recover from the ravages of war. Substantial progress was new computer games, yet he can't find a bank prepared to let him have a achieved from1986 to 1997 in moving forward from an extremely low level cheque card. Instead, he has been told to wait another two years, until he is of development and significantly reducing poverty. 18. Since 2001, Vietnamese authorities have reaffirmed their commitment to The 16-year-old boy works for a firm in Liverpool, where the economic liberalization and international integration. They have moved to problem of most young people of his age is finding a job. David's firm implement the structural reforms needed to modernize the economy and to releases two new games for the expanding home computer market each produce more competitive, export-driven industries. . month. Vietnam's membership in the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) and But David's highest headache is what to do with his money. Despite his entry into force of the US-Vietnam Bilateral Trade Agreement in December salary, earned by inventing new programs within tight schedules, with bonus 2001have led to even more rapid changes in Vietnam's trade and economic payments and profit-sharing, he can't drive a car, take out a mortage, or regime. Vietnam's exports to the US doubled in 2002 and again in 2003. obtain credit cards. He lives with his parents in their council house in Vietnam joined the WTO (World Trade Organization) in January 2007, Liverpool, where his father is a bus driver. His company has to pay £150 a following over a decade long negotiation process. This should provide ail month in taxi fares to get him the five miles to work and back every day 13
  14. because David can't drive. 9. Peter: Can I speak to Hellen, please? Mary: ____________ David got his job with the Liverpool-based company four months A. Talking B. Answering C. Calling D. ago, a year after leaving school with six O-levels and working for a time in a Speaking computer shop." I got the job because the people who run the firm knew I 10. Most students in the UK ______around sixteen or seventeen start had already written some programs," he said. David added:" I would like to preparing for A-level exams. A. age B. aged C. earn a million and suppose early retirement is a possibility. You never know aging D. ages when the market might disappear," 11. If I had known that you were in hospital, I…………………you. 1. Why is David different from other young people at his age? A. will have visited B. have visited A. Because he lives at home with his parents. C. would had visited D. would have visited B. Because he isn't unemployed 12………… I told the absolute truth, no one would believe me. C. Because he earns an extremely high salary. A. Inspite B. As C. Although D. But D. Because he doesn't go out much. 13. She was completely ____ because she was wearing a mask and 2. David's greatest problem is …………………… sunglasses. A. making the bank treat him as an adult. B. spending his salary. A. unrecognizable B. recognition C. recognize D. recognizable C. inventing computer games. D. learning to drive. 14. He ……..(just go) home when you …….(phone). 3. He was employed by the company because…………………………….. A.had just gone/phoned B.has just gone/phoned A. he had worked in a computer shop. C.went/phoned D.had just gone/had phoned B. he had written some computer programs. 15. Gold _____________in California in the nineteenth century. C. he works very hard. A. discovered B. has been discovered D. he had learnt to use computers at school. C. is discovered D. was discovered 4. He left school after taking O-levels because ………………………. 16.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from A. he wanted to earn a lot of money. the la B. he was afraid of getting too old to start computing. A. offer B. copy C. course D. college C. he didn't enjoy school 17. We enjoyed Mexico city, _____________ we spent our vacation. D. he wanted to work with computers and staying at school did not help A. which B. where C. B & D are correct D. in him which 18. When I came, the room was in a terrible mess because someone Read the passage and choose the best answer to fill in each blank.(2đ) Schooling is ……(5)…………. for all English children from the age of 5 to ……………in. 16. The …(6)………… year in England runs from September to July and is A. broke B. had broken C. has broken D. was broken divided …(7)…. 3 terms. Autumn term is from the beginning of September 19. They _______ the rise in oil prices for the big increase in inflation. to mid- December. Spring term is from the beginning of January to mid- A. challenged B. accused C. blamed D. thanked March and Summer term from early April to mid-July. Each term is 20. Ann ……… to get to the carpet for the room but someone …… separated by one-week ……(8)…… called half term. A.went/ has already taken B.has gone/ had already taken 5. A. optional B. necessary C. available D. compulsory C.went/ had already taken D.went/ taken 6. A. All are correct. B. curriculum C. academic D. full 21. Before the interwiew, you should find out as much as possible about the job and the vacancy. 7. A. in B. into C. about D. to A. a seat that is available B. a job that is available 8. A. break B. out C. off D. nap C. a part of a newspaper where jobs are advertised D. A $ B are correct Choose the best answer (6đ) 14
  15. 22. Unless she ___________, she will be late for school. 33. There is one person to that I owe more than I can say. A. hurried B. doesn't hurry C. hurry D. hurries A B C D 23. John speaks Chinese fluently because he used to live in China for ten 34. I wonder if I could use your dictionary? -____________________ years. A.sorry, I'm afraid B. I'm afraid not C. You shouldn't D. No, A.Unless John had lived in China for ten years, he could have spoken Chinese you don't fluently 35. Make meaningful sentence from the guided words : Vietnam/ export/ a B.If John hadn't lived in China for ten years, he could not speak Chinese lot/ rice/ grow mainly/ south/ country. fluently. Vietnam exports a lot of rice which is grown mainly in the south of the C.Provided that John lived in China for ten years, he could speak Chinese country fluently. D.Suppose John has lived in China for ten years, he can speak Chinese 36. Choose the word whose main stress is different from the last. fluently. A. tutorial B. requirement C. majority D. interview 24. Choose the word whose main stress is different from the last. 37. John was the youngest boy __________________. A. shortcoming B. mathematics C. engineering D. A. admitted to the club B. that was admitted to the club economics C. to be admitted to the club D. B & C 25. Which underlined part is NOT correct ? 38. If you had passed the GCSE examination, you would have been allowed The first year at college was probably the best and more challeging year of to _______ the entrance examination to the university. my life . A. admit B. take C. give D. send A B C 39. Many people think Steve stole the money. D A. Steve is thought to have stolen the money . 26……….., he walked to the station. B. It was not Steve who stole the money. A. Despite being tired B. Although to be tired C. Many people think the money is stolen by Steve. D. The money is thought to be stolen by Steve. C. In spite being tire D. Despite tired 40. We ………..dinner when they ……. 27. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from A. had just finished /came B. have just finished /came the last. C. finished /came. D.had just finished /come A. category B. applicant C. candidate D. academic ĐỀ SỐ 3 28. I got home late last night. Otherwise _______________________ . I. Choose one word which has different stress pattern from the other three. A. I would have called you B. I would call you Identify your answer by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D(1đ). C. I called you D. I could call you 1. A. curriculum B. application C. compulsory D. 29. More and more forests ____________ down for wood by man. certificate A. has cut B. have cut C. have been cut D. has 2. A. chemistry B. politics C. satistics D. been cut primary 30. ………… it was sunny, it was quite a cold day. II Choose the best answer A,B,C,or D to complete the sentence.(4đ) A. And B. Although C. Despite D. In spite of 3. There is one person to …………. I own more than I can say. 31. Remember to bring _________ you your school certificates when you A. whom B. who C. which D. whose come to the interview. A. about B. for C. on 4. A woman ………………a lot of money got on the car. D. with A. who was carried B. was carried C. carrying D. carried 32. The George Washington University, _______ by an act on Congress in 5. _____ job do you prefer, an accountant or a doctor? 1821, is the largest institution of higher education. A. What B. Which C. How D. Who A. found B. was founded C. founded D. was found 15
  16. 6.If you don’t have GCSE,you…to take part in the entrance examination to the 20. Our latest model should meet your ________ exactly. university A. need B. requirementC. requiring D. prefer A. will not allowing B. will not allow C. will not be allowed D. 21. You won’t know what to do …………………you listen carefully. allowed A. when B. unless C. because D. if 7. Most of the people ………… in the crash recovered quickly. 22. Interviews are perfect methods of _____ the best people for jobs. A. injuring B. who injure C. who injured D. who A. chose B. to choose C. choosing D. choose were injured Choose the best sentence for arranging the following words 8. Can you tell me about the _________ process to tertiary study in 23. the / between /university / terms / the / students / have / vacations /. Vietnam? A. Between the terms university the students have vacations. A. applying B. apply C. application D. B. Between the university terms the students have vacations. applies C. Between vacations the students have the university terms. 9. What ______ do you need if you want to become a teacher? D. Between the terms the students university have vacations. A. qualificative B. qualified C. qualification D. 24. who /go /to / can / the / Open / University / in / Britain / ? qualify A. Who can to go the Open University in Britain? 10. If I ……………………….you, I would spend more time learning English B. Who can go to the University Open in Britain? A. was B. were C. am D. being C. Who can go to the Open University in Britain? 11. You should ask him about your choice because he often made the right D. Who can go in the Open University to Britain? ____ 25. what / the / is / role / of / tutors / in / the / Open / University / in A. deciding B. decision C. decides D. Britain / ? decisive A. What is the role of tutors in the Open University in Britain? 12. She ___________to go to England to study English. B. What the role is of tutors in the Open University in Britain? C. What is in the Open University the role of tutors in Britain? A. deciding B. decided C. decide. D. be decided D. What is the role in the Open University in Britain of tutors? 13. You should ask the job centre, or employment agency all the information 26. I / would / to / enroll /like / in / this / university /. ________to the interview. A. I would like to enroll in this university. B. I would like in this university A. to relate B. relate C. relating D. is related to enroll 14. We would have sent you a postcard if we ……….. __your address. C.Would I like to enroll in this university? D. I would in this university like A. had have B. had C. had had D. have to enroll 15. If we had bought a city map, we ………… have got lost. 27. there / was /no /free /education / in /the / USA / in / the / nineteenth / century A. wouldn’t B. would have C. would D. wouldn’t have /. 16. If you _____5 minutes late, you won't be able to get into the examination A. There was no free education in the USA in the nineteenth century. room. B. There was no free in the USA education in the nineteenth century. A. would be B. are C. will be D. were C. There was no education free in the USA in the nineteenth century. 17. Salaries are______ according to educational background or initial field D. There was no free education in the USA in the nineteenth century. of employment. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B ,C, or D : A. determined. B. determine C. determining D. to determine CAMBRIDGE 18. In Japan, large companies tend to give ______ for a lifetime. “Where is the university?” is a question that many visitors to A. employer B. employable C. employee D. employment Cambridge ask, but no one can give them a clear answer, for there is no wall 19. I could never be a stockbroker because I 'm not good ……… making to be found around the university. The university is the city. You can find the decisions quickly. A. at B. in C. of D. classroom buildings, libraries, museums and offices of the university all over on 16
  17. the city. And most of its members are the students and teachers of professors Choose one word which has the underlined part pronounced differently. of the thirty- one colleges. 38. A. expected B. decided C. attracted D. arrived Cambridge was a development town long before the first students and 39. A. university B. mutual C. uniform D. submit teachers arrived 800 years ago. It grew up by the river Granta, as the Cam was once called. A bridge was built over the river as early as 875. In the 40. A. minerals B. odors C. forests D. needs fourteen and fifteen centuries more and more land was used for college ĐỀ SỐ 4 buildings. The town grew much faster in the nineteen century after the Chọn từ có phát âm khác với các từ còn lại opening of the railway in 1845. Cambridge became a city in 1951 and now it 1. A. climbed B. stationed C. belonged D. established has the population of over 100,000. Many young students want to study at 2. A. parks B. walks C. visits D. combs Cambridge. Thousands of people from all over the world come to visit the 3. A. listen B. visitor C. continue D. interesting university town. It has become a famous place all round the world. Chọn từ có trọng âm với các từ còn lại 28. When did-the town really begin developing ? 4 A. academic B. physical C. primary D. A. In 1845B. In 875. C. In 800. D. In 1951. chemistry 29. Why do many visitors to Cambridge ask "Where is the university"? 5: A. archeology B. geographical C. philosophy D A. Because there is no wall to be found around the university. engineering B. Because, the university looks like a library. Chọn câu trả lời đúng C. Because the university looks like a museum. 6. A …………..knit ncommunity is the one in which relationships are very D. Because it is very difficult to find the way to the university. close. 30. Why did people name Cambridge the "city of Cambridge"? A. close B. closely C. tightly D. B and C A. Because there is a bridge over the Cam. B. Because it was a developing 7. Mrs Brown is bored with doing the…………chores. town. A. household B. domestic C. hosework D. A and B C. Because the river was very well-known. D. Because there is a river named 8. There was a…………diversity of opinion about the Irad war. Granta. A. great B. wide C. rich D. All are 31. Why do most people come to Cambridge? correct A. To see the university B. To study in the college 9. People often ………..confidence when they are criticized. C. To read books in the library D. To find the classroom building A. lose B. fail C. drop D. omit 32. When was more land in Cambridge used for college building? 10. We should like to………our apologies for the delay to your flight today. A. In the 19th century B. In the 14th century A. offer B. make C. do D. A and B D. In the 15th century 11. She …………into an argument with the teacher. C. Both B & D. A. got B. went C. came D. entered Mark the letter A,B,C, or D to show the underlined part that needs 12.The national……….is a programme of study in all the main subjects that correction. children aged 5 to 16 in state shools must follow. 33. Nowadays, many job opportunities are finding in big cities. A. syllabus B. course C. plan D. curriculum A B C D 13. For the government, education is now at the top of …………… 34. I feel very anxiously because this is the first time I come to the interview. A. agenda B. outline C. order D. plan A B C D 14. It is the sof ware package to…………your requirements. 35. Don’t forget to say goodbye to the interviewer before leave the office A. meet B. fulfill C. satisfy D. All are A B C D correct 36. Don’t take this job if you really want it 15. These goods are more than we need; they are ……… requirements. A BC D A. extra B. surplus C. addition D. bonus 37. Full-time university students spend all their time study 16. When I last saw him, he ……….in London. A B C D 17
  18. A. has lived B. is living C. was living D. has been living 30. When she finished painting, she stepped back to admire 17. We ………..Dorothy since Last Sarturday. the………..effect. A. don’t see B. haven’t seen C. didn’t see D. hadn’t seen A. whole B. sum C. overall D. total. 18. “Did you meet Ann here at the university ?” “No, we …….when I started 31 I can’t remember if I saw that film on television or at ……….………. college.” cinema. A. have already met B had already met A. an B. a C. the D. ø C. had already been meeting D. already met 32 For more than ten years, we have seen the significant …………….. in 19. “I took the TOEFL. It was really hard.” “…………a lot before you took the economy of our country. it?” A. developments B. develop C. developed D. developers A. Have you studied B. Did you studied 33: His car is different ......... mine. A. to B. C.Had you studied D. Do you studied from C. in D. about 20. “ Would you like to go to the pop concert?” “ Thanks, but I …… 34: Though he tried hard, he didn’t succeed. already” A. In spite of trying hard, he didn’t succeed. A. had seen B. have been seen C. have seen D. did see B. Even though he tried hard, but he didn’t succeed. 21. “What did you do last nitght?” “ I watched TV, practiced the piano and C. Despite he tried hard, he didn’t succeed. ……….my homework” D. In spite of he tried hard, he didn’t succeed. A. made B. do C. done D. did 35: He is now so weak that the doctors are ……… about his chances of 22. “ Those eggs of different colors are very artistic”. “Yes, they………in making a full recovery. Russia” A. optimists B. pessimists C. optimistic A. were painted B. were paint C. were painting D. Đọc đoạn trích và trả lời câu hỏi painted Sometimes people add to what they say even when they don't talk. 23. “ David is in prison for smoking drugs.” “ He ………that it was against Ges tures are the "silent language" of every culture. We point a finger or the law.” move another part of the body to show what we want to say. It is A. is telling B. was told C. told D. tells important to know the body language of every country or we may be 24. “ The maintenaince people didn’t remove the chairs from ballroom.” “ misunderstood. In the United States, people greet each other with a Don’t worry. They …………them before the dance begins.” handshake in a formal introduction. The handshake must be firm. If the A. will have been moved B. will have moved handshake is weak, it is a sign of weakness or unfriendliness. Friends may C. were moved D. moved place a hand on the other's arm or shoulder. Some people, usually women, 25. Gold………. in Califonia in the 19th century. greet a friend with a hug. A. was discovered B. has been discovered Space is important to Americans. When two people talk to each other, C. was discover D. they discovered they usually stand about two and a half feet away and at an angle, so they 26. ………..that military spending is extremely high. are not facing each other directly. Americans get uncomfortable when a A. We are felt B. It feels C. It is felt D. We feel that it person stands too close. They will move back to have their space. If 27. I wouldn’t go there at night if I ……….you. Americans touch another person by accident, they say, "Pardon me." or A. am B. was C. were D. B and C are "Excuse me." Americans like to look the other person in the eyes when correct t hey are talking. If you don't do so, it means you are bored, hiding 28. If I ………get a pole, I’ll go fishing. something, or are not interested. But when you are stare at someone, it is A. will B. can C. must D. might not polite. For Americans, thumbs-up means yes, very good, or well done. 29. The area is being promoted ………..a tourist destination. Thumbs down means the opposite. To call a waiter, raise o ne hand to A. of B. as C. at D.for head level or above. To show you want the check, make a movement wit h your hands as if you are signing a piece of paper. It is all right to point at 18
  19. t hings but not at people with the hand and index finger. Americans shake b. face each other directly when they are talking their index finger at children when they scold them and pat them on the c. say "Pardon me." to each other when they are talking head when they admire them. Learning a culture's body language is d. get uncomfortable when you stand or sit too close to them sometimes confusing. If you don't know what to do, the safest thing to do 39. When your friend give you a thumbs-up, he, in fact, ________ . is to smile. a. shows his rudeness to you b. shows his anger to you 36. From the passage we can learn that c. expresses his satisfaction to you d. expresses his worries about a. gestures don't mean anything while talking you b. gestures can help us to express ourselves c. American people often use body language in communication 40 Which of the following is NOT true about the culture of the United d. It's confusing to understand a culture's body language States? 37. If you are introduced to a stranger from the USA, you should ________ . a. It's impolite to look the other person in the eyes while talking. a. greet him with a hug b. place a hand on his shoulder b. It's rude to look at the other person for a long time. c. shake his hand weakly d. shake his hand firmly c. Pointing at someone is usually considered rude. 38 American people often __________ . d. I t's all right to raise your hand slightly when you want to attract a. s how their friendship by touching each other t he waiter's attention ĐỀ SỐ 5 13. He has really worked hard so far, …………he? I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently: 1. A. pull B. bus C. sun D. brush A. does B. has C. doesn't D. hasn't 2. A. chew B. cherish C. chemical D. cheer 14. This is Mary , ___________ is taking over my job when I leave . 3. A. pilot B. ideal C. identify D. give A. that B. which C. who D. whom 15. You will have to work hard if you want to………. II. Choose the word whose main stress pattern is not the same: 4.A. simplicity B. equality C. difficulty D. A. success B.succeed C. successful D. discovery successfully 5.A. company B. atmosphere C. customer D. employment 16. If I had time, I ………… to the beach with you this weekend. A. will go B. would go C. would have gone D. will have III. Choose the word or phrase (A. B. C or D) 6. London is the city in ……I was born. A. where B. which C. that D. gone there 17. I'd rather they ………….. us the truth. 7. London is …………….……of England. A. tell B. told C. would tell D. will tell A. a capital B. capital C. one capital D. the capital 18. When I came, he ………., I was sad as I couldn't say "Good bye" to him. 8. Hung "Thank you very much for a lovely party" - Hoa A. was about to leave B. was leaving "…………………….." C. has already left D. had already left A. You are welcome B. Thanks C. Cheers D. Have a good day 19. We have ……….. of time to catch the train so there's no need to rush. 9. I remember…………… you somewhere before. A. very much B. enough C. great deal D. plenty A. meet B. meeting C. met D. to meet 20. ……………… you work much harder, you won't pass the exams. 10. I haven't seen him …………... A. many years B. many years A. Although B. If C. Unless D. When ago 21. In 1966, my brother .................. at Harvard university. C. for many years D. since many years A. studies B. is studying C. studied D. had studied 11. The children, ………….parents work late, are taken home by bus. 22. English …………… in many parts of the world A. that B. whom C. whose D.their A. speaks B. was spoken C. is speaking D. is spoken 12. If ………… a ticket, I could get in. 23. Her car has broken down……………. is to walk to the nearest telephone A. I'd have B. I had C. I have D. I've got A. whatever she does B. that she can do now 19
  20. C. all she can do now D. the thing which she 's doing now the part, but what about other people in _______ (36) public eye? For 24. He said to me: “Don’t sit on my chair!”. example, do politicians have to think about _______ (37) appearance, too? A. He said to me not to sit on his chair. B. He told me: not to sit on his Albert Mehrabian studied the effect that speakers have their audience. His chair research showed _______ (38) only 7% of the effect depends on what you C. He said to me not sit on his chair. D. He told me not to sit on his say; 38% of the effect comes from your voice; but a huge 55% of the effect chair. comes from your appearance. So _______ (39), you don't have to worry too 25. They have an apartment … ……………….the park much about content! Your voice and your appearance are much more A. overlooking B. that overlooking important. The clothes you wear, the eye contact and smile you _______ (40) C. overlooks D. overlooked your listeners - all contribute to creating positive impression on the audience. 26. Most of the people…………… the wedding banquet arrived 36. A. its B. the C. an D. a late. 37. A. they B. theirs C. them D. their A. who inviting B. whom were invited C. 38. A. when B. how C. that D. which invited D. invite 39. A. there B. in that C. in conclusio n D. in fact 27.……an accident in the High Street, traffic is moving every slowly on 40. A. give B. have C. keep D. t he London Road. A. Despite B. Because C. Since D. remain Owing to V.Read the passage below carefully and choose the correct 28. Their…………. has lasted for more than 20 years. answerA,B,C,or D A. friends B. friendship C. friendly D. friend In the future, maybe all cars that run on petrol will be replaced by solar 29. AIDS is a/an ……………… disease cars, which have been around for a while, but with recent developments in A. endanger B. danger C. endangered D. dangerous solar car design and the measurement of photovoltaic cells becoming 30. Whether we go out will depend ………… the weather. smaller, the dream of a truly efficient solar car is more reality than fantasy. A A. in B. about C. on D. with solar car is a vehicle powered by photovoltaic cells, also called solar cells, 31. The children ………….. to the zoo. which convert sunlight (light energy) into electrical energy. As a source of A. were enjoyed taking B. were enjoyed taken energy on earth, there is nothing like the sun: in a mere one thousandth of C. enjoyed taking D. enjoyed being taken one second (.001), the sun emits enough energy to fulfill our planet's energy 32.I don't have my own room.I have to……the bedroom with my elder eeds for the next 5,000 years. It is a staggering fact, and an exciting one. n brother Since the energy from the sun is responsible for renewable resources such as A. divide B. share C. separate D. live wind, tides, and heat, solar energy seems to offer the brightest future for not 33. If the bus to the airport ………….. so late, we'd have caught the only cars, but for the entire energy crisis. Despite the appearance that solar plane. energy may be the least feasible among the current crop of alternative fuel A. weren't B. hadn't been C. haven't been D. propositions, new solar powered devices and more specifically solar powered wouldn't be cars are beginning to be developed. How do Solar. Cars work? 34. The equipment in our office needs………….. The photo-voltaic cells absorb photons from sunlight. This action A. moderner B. modernizing C. modernize D. modernization generates heat, which the cells then convert into electrical energy and stores 35. I………………. television a lot but I don't any more. in an on-board battery. This process of conversion is called the photovoltaic A. was watching B. was used to watch effect. Not surprisingly, such a vehicle has zero emissions, and is very C. used to watch D. have been watching environmentally friendly. Unfortunately, at the moment photovoltaic cells are extremely inefficient, yet as time progresses the efficiency of these cells IV. Choose the word or phrase (A. B. C or D) When you are in front of a large audience, do you often think of your will grow. This will make solar energy and solar cars the fuel and car of the image? How important is image? Obviously film stars have to look right for future-a closer reality. 20



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