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Đề thi giữa học kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 8 năm 2022-2023 có đáp án - Trường THCS Nguyễn Huệ, Châu Đức

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Nội dung Text: Đề thi giữa học kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 8 năm 2022-2023 có đáp án - Trường THCS Nguyễn Huệ, Châu Đức

  1. Nguyen Hue Secondary School THE SECOND MID-TERM TEST Marks. Full name: ………................................. SCHOOL YEAR: 2022- 2023 Class: 8A…… Time: 60 minutes I. LISTENING (2.0 PTS). Part 1. Listen to Joe asking about a French language course. 1. Lessons for beginners are on _______ A. Monday B. Wednesday C. Friday 2. The best class for Joe is_______ A. French conversation B. Business French C. French for tourists 3. Joe’s class begins at_______ A. 6.30 B. 7.15 C. 8.30 Part 2. Listen and write. There is one example Brother’s name: Mark 1. How old: _____________________________ 2. Where he works: _____________________________ 3. How many days he works: _____________________________ 4. What he does at weekends: _____________________________ 5. What sports he plays: _____________________________ II. MULTIPLE CHOICE (2.5 PTS) 1. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others A. typhoon B. flood C. food D. school 2. There was a rainstorm which helped to put _______ the forest fire. A. out B. to C. in D. from 3. Water pollution can lead _______ the death of aquatic plants and animals. A. out B. to C. in D. of 4. _______ can cause high blood pressure, hear problems, sleep disturbances and hearing problems. A. Air pollution B. Light pollution C. Water pollution D. Noise pollution 5. The roof of the building _______ in a storm a few days ago. A. damaged B. was damaged C. has damaged D. has been damaged 6. I _______ my homework by 10 o’clock last night. A. had done B. do C. did D. have done 7. The plane _______ at 8.00 a.m on April 14th.. A. take off B. takes offC. has taken off D. taking off 8. Scotland is famous for its rich culture as well as its amazing _______ beauty. A. nature B. naturallyC. natural D. naturelism 9. A: “Which country is home to the kangaroo?.” B: “ _______ ” A. Canada B. NewzealandC. The USA D. Australia 10. Choose the underlined part (A, B, C or D) that needs correction. If I were you I will not go skiing in such weather conditions. A B C D III. WRITING A. Do as directed. (2.0 pts) 1. Before she ate dinner, she had washed her hands carefully. (Rewrite this sentence, using AFTER) _________________________________________________ 2. Mr. Nam has bought this car for 5 years. (Rewrite this sentence in passive voice.) This car _____________________________for 5 years 3. Because the weather was awful, we didn’t enjoy our camping holiday. (Rewrite sentence, using SO) _________________________________________________ 4. I can’t come because I am busy with my homework. (Rewrite this sentence, using IF )
  2. If_________________________________________________________ B. Write a paragraph of 50 words on the topic: “What should you do to improve your English?"(1.0 pt) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………… IV. READING A. Read the passage and CIRCLE (A, B, C or D) that best fits each blank. (1.25 pts) London’s Tower Bridge Many tourists have visited Tower Bridge. It is the only bridge over the river Thames that can open and did ships pass under it. Tower Bridge was built (1) ______ 1894 and still uses the same machines to lift up the two halves of the bridge. In the earlier times, the river was much busier than now and the bridge had to open over a thousand times a year. Todays, it only (2) ______ twice a week. In 1982, a big red bus (3) ______ in the middle of the bridge when it started to open. The driver only just got to the other side in time! Of course, now there are (4) ______ at each end and the traffic must (5) ______ for them to green. 1. A. in B. on C. at D. to 2. A. open B. opens C. opening D. has opened 3. A. is B. was C. were D. being 4. A. drivers B. bridge C. bus D. lights 5. A. to wait B. wait s C. wait D. waited B. Read then  choose the correct answers An earthquake measuring 7.8 on the Richter scale hit Nepal on April 25th, 2015. It was the most powerful  earthquake to strike Nepal since 1934. The earthquake occurred in central Nepal. It also affected India,  Bangladesh   and  Tibet,  China.   The  earthquake   killed   more  than   8,800  people   and  injured   over  23,  000  people. Hundreds of thousands of people were made homeless with entire villages flattened. Kathmandu  Burbar Square, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, was destroyed. The earthquake also caused an avalanche  on Mount Everest which killed at least 19 people. About 90% of soldiers from Nepalese Army were sent to  stricken areas. Many countries and international organizations sent medical experts, emergency workers,  rescue staff, and money as well as providing medical supplies, food and equipment to help Nepal. 1. What hit Nepal on April 25th, 2015? A. a tsunami           B. a tornado        C. an earthquake       D. a forest fire 2.How many countries are affected by the earthquake? A. two                    B. three               C. four                        D. five 3. What is the number of people injured? A. 8,800                 B. 23,000             C. 88,000                   D. 2,300
  3. 4. What happened to Kathmandu Burbar Square? A. It was safe         B. It was destroyed C. It was moved away        D. It wasn’t exist 5. Which of the following is NOT true? A. Nepalese army were sent to the stricken area.                 B. Many countries and international organizations helped Nepal. C. Many countries and international organizations only provide Nepal with food and money. D. The earthquake killed at least 19 people because of an avalanche on Mount Everest ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN TẬP KIỂM TRA GIỮA HỌC KÌ II ANH 8 (2022- 2023) I. Vocabulary: vocabulary unit 7,8,9 II. Grammar: 1. The simple past tense 2. The simple present 3. The present perfect tense 4. The passive voice 5. The present continuous 6. The simple future 7. The past perfect 8. Conditional sentence type 1+ 2 9. Verb form 10. Modal verbs: should, must, can….. 11. Word form III. Form of the test 1. Listening: + Multiple choice + Fill in missing information 2. Multiple choice + Pronunciation: the underlined part pronounced differently from the others + Prepositions: because of, lead to, due to, put out, famous for, in, on, at…… + verb form/ tenses + passive voice + word form + Vocabulary + conversation + correction 3. Writing: + Write the sentence with IF ( Conditional sentence type 2) + passive voice (present tenses) + Rewrite the sentence (because/ because of/ due to/ so) + Rewrite the sentence (Using before or After) + Answer the question about 50 words. Write a paragraph of 50 words on the topic: “What should you do to improve your English?"(1.0 pt) 4. Reading:about English speaking countries and natural disasters + Lexical (4 options) + Multiple choice Notes: + Which of the following is NOT true?
  4. MÔN: TIẾNG ANH 8- THỜI GIAN: 60 phút (Kiểm tra giữa học kì 2) Mức Số Số điểm độ câu Chuẩ Nhận Thôn Vận Vận Dạng n biết g dụng dụng bài kiến hiểu cấp cấp TT thức thấp cao TL TNK TL TNK TL TNK TL TNK Q Q Q Q I Liste - Part 2 1 ning 1. (Twic Multi 8 2.0 e) ple choic 2 1 1 1 e - Part 2. Fill in the missi ng infor matio n II Multi - 5 3 2 10 2.5 ple pronu choic nciati e on 1 (4 - optio Prepo ns) sition 2 - Voca bular y1 - Struct ure/gr am 3 - word form 1
  5. - Conv ersati on 1 - Find error 1 (unde rlined parts) A- 2 2 1 Lexic 22 10 2.5 al 2 (4 2 1 Readin optio g (2 III ns) passag B- es) Multi ple choic e - Rewri te: 3 - Passi ve: 1 1 * Answ Do as IV er an direct 1 1 2 open ed 5 3.0 questi on about 50 words :a parag raph Tổng số câu 14 7 1 33 1 Tổng điểm 3. 75 2.25 1.0 0. 0 Tỉ lệ % 37.5% 22.5% 10% 100 %
  6. THE KEY I. LISTENING (2.0 PTS). Part 1. Listen to Joe asking about a French language course. 1. Lessons for beginners are on _______ A. Monday B. Wednesday C. Friday 2. The best class for Joe is_______ A. French conversation B. Business French C. French for tourists 3. Joe’s class begins at_______ A. 6.30 B. 7.15 C. 8.30 Part 2. Listen and write. There is one example Brother’s name: Mark 1. How old: ___17__________________________ 2. Where he works: __library___________________________ 3. How many days he works: ___4 days__________________________ 4. What he does at weekends: ____go to the cinema_________________________ 5. What sports he plays: _table tennis____________________________ II. MULTIPLE CHOICE (2.5 PTS) 1. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others A. typhoon B. flood C. food D. school 2. There was a rainstorm which helped to put _______ the forest fire. A. out B. to C. in D. from 3. Water pollution can lead _______ the death of aquatic plants and animals. A. out B. to C. in D. of 4. _______ can cause high blood pressure, hear problems, sleep disturbances and hearing problems. A. Air pollution B. Light pollution C. Water pollution D. Noise pollution 5. The roof of the building _______ in a storm a few days ago. A. damaged B. was damaged C. has damaged D. has been damaged 6. I _______ my homework by 10 o’clock last night. A. had done B. do C. did D. have done 7. The plane _______ at 8.00 a.m on April 14th.. A. take off B. takes off C. has taken off D. taking off 8. Scotland is famous for its rich culture as well as its amazing _______ beauty. A. nature B. naturally C. natural D. naturelism 9. A: “Which country is home to the kangaroo?.” B: “ _______ ” A. Canada B. Newzealand C. The USA D. Australia 10. Choose the underlined part (A, B, C or D) that needs correction. If I were you I will not go skiing in suck weather conditions. A B C D III. WRITING A. Do as directed. (2.0 pts) 1. Before she had dinner, she had washed her hands carefully. (Rewrite this sentence, using AFTER) She had dinner after she had washed her hands carefully 2. Mr. Nam has bought this car for 5 years. (Rewrite this sentence in passive voice.) This car has been bought by Mr. Nam for 5 years 3. Because the weather was awful, we didn’t enjoy our camping holiday. (Rewrite sentence, using SO) The weather was awful, so we didn’t enjoy our camping holiday 4. I can’t come because I have to help my dad with something. (Rewrite this sentence, using IF ) IF I didn’t have to help my dad with something, I could come. B. Write a paragraph of 50 words on the topic: “What should you do to improve your English?"(1.0 pt) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
  7. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… IV. READING A. Read the passage and CIRCLE (A, B, C or D) that best fits each blank. (1.25 pts) London’s Tower Bridge Many tourists have visited Tower Bridge. It is the only bridge over the river Thames that can open and did ships pass under it. Tower Bridge was built (1) ______ 1894 and still uses the same machines to lift up the two halves of the bridge. In the earlier times, the river was much busier than now and the bridge had to open over a thousand times a year. Todays, it only (2) ______ twice a week. In 1982, a big red bus (3) ______ in the middle of the bridge when it started to open. The driver only just got to the other side in time! Of course, now there are (4) ______ at each end and the traffic must (5) ______ for them to green. 1. A. in B. on C. at D. to 2. A. open B. opens C. opening D. has opened 3. A. is B. was C. were D. being 4. A. drivers B. bridge C. bus D. lights 5. A. to wait B. wait s C. wait D. waited B. Read then choose the correct answers An earthquake measuring 7.8 on the Richter scale hit Nepal on April 25th, 2015. It was the most powerful earthquake to strike Nepal since 1934. The earthquake occurred in central Nepal. It also affected India, Bangladesh and Tibet, China. The earthquake killed more than 8,800 people and injured over 23, 000 people. Hundreds of thousands of people were made homeless with entire villages flattened. Kathmandu Burbar Square, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, was destroyed. The earthquake also caused an avalanche on Mount Everest which killed at least 19 people. About 90% of soldiers from Nepalese Army were sent to stricken areas. Many countries and international organizations sent medical experts, emergency workers, rescue staff, and money as well as providing medical supplies, food and equipment to help Nepal. 1. What hit Nepal on April 25th, 2015? A. an earthquake B. a tornado C. a tsunami D. a forest fire 2.How many countries are affected by the earthquake? A. two B. three C. four D. five 3. What is the number of people injured? A. 8,800 B. 23,000 C. 88,000 D. 2,300 4. What happened to Kathmandu Burbar Square? A. It was safe B. It was destroyed C. It was moved away D. It wasn’t exist 5. Which of the following is NOT true? A. Nepalese army were sent to the stricken area. B. Many countries and international organizations helped Nepal. C. The earthquake killed at least 19 people because of an avalanche on Mount Everest D. Many countries and international organizations only provide Nepal with food and money



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