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ĐỀ THI LỌC LỚP CHỌN 12 Môn: Tiếng Anh - Mã đề:104

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Tham khảo tài liệu 'đề thi lọc lớp chọn 12 môn: tiếng anh - mã đề:104', tài liệu phổ thông, ôn thi đh-cđ phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

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Nội dung Text: ĐỀ THI LỌC LỚP CHỌN 12 Môn: Tiếng Anh - Mã đề:104

  1. Mã đề:104 ĐỀ THI LỌC LỚP CHỌN 12 Môn: Tiếng Anh Thời gian làm bài 90 phút 1/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . Trains to Ho Chi Minh city leave from ...........number 3. a path b platform c way d road 2/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . It is gravity ..........objects toward the Earth . a that pulls b this pulls c pulling d pulls 3/ Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest . a cut b pulse c skull d pu t 4/ Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest . a hour b sour c pour d flour 5/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . The selling price of that house and Ê 24.000 a some furniture b some furnitures c many furniture d many furnitures 6/ Which sentence expresses the same idea as the sentence ? It is vital that this work is finished by Monday . a This work is vital to be finished by Monday . bThis work is vital that it must be finished Monday. c This work must be finished by Monday . d.This work must vitally be finished by Monday . 7/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others . a beneficial b continential c eradicate d popularity 8/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence Jack is going to look for a job in the summer and ............... a so is Pat b so Pat is c so Pat does d so does Pat 9/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . Most of the ...............passengers were quickly removed from the bus . a wounded b destroyed c damaged d spoilt 10/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . The first day of the world cup is an a eventual b eventing c eventful d event 11/ Which sentence expresses the same idea as the sentence ? She didn't work hard enough so she lost her job . a The reason she lost her job was because she didn't work hard enough . b The reason for her to lose her job was she didn't work hard enough . c The reason why she lost her job was she didn't work hard enough . d The reason she lost her job was that she didn't work hard enough . 12/ Which sentence expresses the same idea as the sentence ? she doesn't usually stay up so late . a She is not used to staying up so late . b She is not familiar to stay up so late . c She is not used to stay up so late . d She is not acquainted with stay up so late 13/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . When I have to wait for a long time to be served ,I started to feel ........... . a patience b patient c impatient d impatience 14/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . We could ................swimming in the morning . a do b make c go d take 15/ Which sentence expresses the same idea as the sentence ?
  2. I would have an egg for breakfast . a I don't want an egg for breakfast . b I prefer to have an egg for breakfast . c I would eat an egg if I were hungry . d I'll eat an egg if there is nothing else . 16/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . What should you do if you want to ............the volume? a adjust b lift c move d raise 17/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . Only after food has been dried and canned ........ a Should it be stored for later consumption b should it store for later consumption c that it should be stored for later consumption . d it should be stored for laterconsu mption . 18/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . Birds all over the world distance up to thousands of miles . a are migrated b migrating c migrated d migrate 19/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . Americans have been criticised for placing too much ...........on being on time . a importance b emphasis c attention d care 20/ Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest . a village b dangerous c huge d garage 21/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others . a dangerous b vigorous c moutainous d religious 22/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence They needed the explosives to .............a railway brigde . a clear up b blow up c brush up d beat up 23/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence The house we have rented is we have to buy some beds , chairs , tables etc.... a undecorated b unrepaired c unfurnished d unrestored 24/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others . a engineer b Chinese c referee d attitude 25/ Choose the best sentence for the words provided . you /go / police office / what / yesterday / for ?// a What did you go to the police office for yesterday ? b What did you go to police office yesterday for ? c What did you go to the police office yesterday for ? d What for did you go to the police office yesterday ? 26/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others . a malaria b bacterial c material d alcoholic 27/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . The life of farmers is improved because they grow ..............crops . a cash b currency c sale d money 28/ Choose the best sentence for the words provided . that /woman / best /son /team /footballer /school / / a Is that the woman whose son is the best footballer in our school team ? b Is that the woman whose her son is the best footballer in our school team ? c Is that the woman that her son is the best footballer in our school team ? d Is that a woman whose son is the best footballer in our school team ? 29/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . The game has been cancelled .It is ........... a up b down c cross d off 30/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . Twice three is ................half of fourteen . a not less than b not greater than c greater than d less than
  3. 31/ Choose the best sentence for the words provided . last dinosaur/ die / 60 million /year /ago // a The last dinosaur died for about 60 million years ago . b the last dinosaur died about 60 million year ago c The last dinosaur had died in about 60 million year ago . d The last dinosaur died about 60 million years ago . 32/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . Could you on the way to work and see how she is ? a take b break c call d come 33/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . The date on this yogurt is June 5 . It must have now . a gone with b gone in for c gone off d gone out with 34/ Choose the option that best keeps the meaning of the underlined word(s) in this sentence . Herrier Beecher Stowe was an obscure writer until the publication of Uncle Tom's Cabin . a anonymous b eminent c infamous d unknown 35/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . There were large rooms with the house . a well presented extremely b extremely well presented c presented well extremely d extremely presented well 36/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . After a meal in a restaurant ,you ask the waiter for the ......... a bill b recipe c menu d receipt 37/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . necessary for the development of strong bones and teeth . a Although calcium b That calcium c It is calcium d Calcium 38/ Which sentence expresses the same idea as the sentence ? " I was not there at the time " he said . a He denied being there at the time b He denied that he was not there at the time . c He denied not being there at the time . d He denied that he was there at the time . 39/ Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest . a book b good c soon d look 40/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . A ...........person is one who cannot see anything a limp b dump c deaf d blind 41/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . In rainy seasons roads in the village are always ............. . a mudding b mudded c muddy d mud 42/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . The basketball player .......into the air and put the ball through the basket . a walked b ran c pushed d leaped 43/ Choose the best sentence for the words provided . Villagers / opposed /road - widening scheme /lose /because /they /not want /land // a Villagers are opposed to the road -widening scheme because they don't want lose their land . b Villagers are opposed to the road -widening scheme because they don't want to lose their land . c Villagers are opposed the road -widening scheme because they don't want lose their land . d Villagers are opposed the road -widening scheme because they don't want to lose their land . 44/ Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest . a places b Houses c horses d faces 45/ Choose the option that best keeps the meaning of the underlined word(s) in this sentence . Hypertention is one of the most widespread and potentially dangerous diseases . a common b poplar c scattered d colossal 46/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence .
  4. " What did he do ?" " He ran a red light ; ..............,when the police officer stopped him he refused to take the sobriety test a moreover b otherwise c therefore d although 47/ Choose the best sentence for the words provided . organize /Germany / World cup 2006.// a The world cup 2006 has been organized in Germany . b The World cup 2006 is organized in Germany . c The World cup 2006 was organized inGermany . d The World cup 2006 had been organized in Germany . 48/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others . a apprentice b intelligent c preferential d potential Choose the words or phrase that are not correct . 49/.John’s friends had the farewell party for him last Friday . a b c d 50/. Among the applicants ,only Tom had experience enough to get the job . a 51/.A explorer in Africa is going to explain to you what to do if a large animal like a a b c Rhino attacks you . d 52/.It is impossible to believe that somebody actually admire that man . a b c d 53/.The food that Kevy is cooking in the kitchen is smelling delicious . a b c d 54/.They bought me a two – ounces bottle of French perfume. a b c d 55/.Some of plants in this store require very little care , but this one needs much more ab c sunlight than the others ones . d Read the following passage and then choose the best answer to each question below . Lichens are a unique group of complex ,flowerless plants growing on rocks and trees .There are thousands kinds of lichens ,which come in a wide variety of colours.They are composed of algae and fungi which unite to satisfy the needs of lichens . The autotrophic green algae produce all their food through a process called photosynthesis and provide the lichen with nutritional elements .On the other hand ,the heterotrophic fungus ,which depends on other elements to provide its food ,not noly absorbs and stores water for the plant ,but also helps protect it .This union by which two dissimilar organisms live together is calles “ symbiosis”. This sharing enables lichens to resist the most adverse enviromental conditions found on earth .They can be found in some very unlikely places such as the polar ice caps as well as in tropical zones ,in dry areas as well as in wet ones ,on mountain peaks and along coastal areas .
  5. The lichen’s strong resistance to its hostile environment and its ability to live in harmony with such environments is one example that humanity should consider in trying to solve its own problems . 56/.Which of the following is not true ? a. Lichens are not simple plants . b .The lichen habitat is limited to the polar ice caps . c. Lichens can resist a hostile environment . d.Heterotrophic plants depends on other elements to supply their food . 57/.What can be said about autotrophic plants and heterotrophic plants ? a. They produce their food in the same maner . b.heterotrophic plants produce all their own food . c.Autotrophic plants need other elements to supply their food . d. Their methods of food production are completely different. 58/.Which of the following conclusions could be made about lichens ? a.They are found worldwide and are complex plants made up of algae and fungy . b.They are found worldwide and are simple plants ,symbiotic in nature . c. They are found woorldwide and are compound plants made up entirely of algae. d.Although found worldwide ,lichens are found mostly as a simple plant form in the tropics . 59/.Which of the following directly relates to algae ? a.It offers protection to lichens . b.It supplies water to lichens . c.It supplies its own food . .It is dependent on other plants for its food supply 60/.The union by which two dissimilar organisms live together is called a.symbol .b.symbyology c.symbiosis. d.symbiologist. Read the passage carefully and then choose the best option to fit each space . We all make mistakes .Our company is no exception ,and on rare occasions our customers have cause for …(61)……….Wepride ourselves on our quick ,efficient and courteous way (62)…….putting things right . Please start by having a …(63)… with Mark ,our customer Satisfaction Officer .There’s every …(64)……. that he can resolve your (65)………to your complete satisfaction .If goods are …(66)………., he can arrange an immediate refund or replacement and can …(67)….send a van to your premises to (68)…….and replace any bulky item . Our Managing Director ,Mr Furgusson ,is also (69)…….appointment and ,if you are still …(70)…….. with any (71)…..of our service ,we hope you will have no hesitation in (72)…….him and let us know how we might (73)……..our service in the future .Our board of directors considers customer’s suggestions when they meet each month and most are …(74)… All this means that our customers are our first …(75)……- in fact our most important partners in business ! 61/.a.complaining b.complaint c.objection d.refund 62/ b.of d.with 63/a.word c.conversation d.meeting 64/.a.way b.method c.chance d.intention
  6. 65/.a.need b.breakdown c.fault d.problem 66/.a.wrong b.bad c.faulty d.broken 67/.a.just b.firstly c.soon d.even 68/.a.collect b.take c.obtain d.recover 69/ bpresent c.seen d.available 70/.a.unhappy b.cross c.sad d.annoyed 71/a.respect b.type c.kind d.aspect 72/.a.writing b.contacting c. speaking 73/.a.improve b.make c.raise d.perform 74/.a.used b.adopted c.employed d.allowed 75/a.purpose b.concern c.idea Read the following passage and then choose the best answer to each question below . As far back as 700 B.C , man has talked about children being cared for by wolves .Romulus and Remus ,the legendary twin founders of Rome ,were purported to have cared for by wolves.It is believed that when a she –wolfe losese her litter ,she seeks a human child to take its place . This seemingly preposterous idea did not become credible until the late nineteenth century when a French doctor actually found a naked ten – year –old boy wandering in the woods .He did not walk erectl,could not speak intelligibly ,nor could relate to people .He only growled and stared at them .Finally the doctor won the boy’s confidence and began to work with him .After many long years of devoted and patient instru ction ,the doctor was able to get the boy to clothe and feed himself ,recognize and utter a number of words as well as write letters and form words . 76/.The French doctor found the boy a.wandering in the woods . b. at his doorstep. c.growling at him d. speaking intelligibly . 77/.In this passage ,the word litter most nearly means a. garbage b. master c. offspring d. hair 78/.The doctor was able to work with the boy because a. the boy was highly intelligent . b. the boy trusted him . c. the boy liked to dress up . d. the boy was dedicated and patient . 79/.Which of the following statements is not true .? a. She –wolves have been said to substitute human children for their lost litters . b. Examples of wolves’ caring for human children can be found only in the nineteenth century . c.The French doctor succeeded in domesticating the boy somewhat . d. The young boy never was able to speak perfectly . 80/. In this passage ,the word preposterous most nearly means . a.dedicated b. scientific c. wonderful d.absurd ---------------------------------Hết---------------------------------
  7. ĐỀ THI LỌC LỚP CHỌN 12 MÃ ĐỀ 105 Môn: Tiếng Anh Thời gian làm bài 90 phút 1/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others . a religious b vigorous c moutainous d dangerous 2/ Which sentence expresses the same idea as the sentence ? She didn't work hard enough so she lost her job . a The reason why she lost her job was she didn't work hard enough . b The reason she lost her job was because she didn't work hard enough . c The reason she lost her job was that she didn't work hard enough . d The reason for her to lose her job was she didn't work hard enough . 3/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . The date on this yogurt is June 5 . It must have now . a gone with b gone off c gone in for d gone out with 4/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . It is gravity ..........objects toward the Earth . a pulling b pulls c this pulls d that pulls 5/ Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest . a dangerous b huge c village d garage 6/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence The house we have rented is we have to buy some beds , chairs , tables etc.... a undecorated b unfurnished c unrepaired d unrestored 7/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . The selling price of that house and Ê 24.000 a many furnitures b some furniture c some furnitures d many furniture 8/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . We could ................swimming in the morning . a do b take c make d go 9/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . Could you on the way to work and see how she is ? a call b come c take d break 10/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence Jack is going to look for a job in the summer and ............... a so is Pat b so Pat does c so Pat is d so does Pat 11/ Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest . a hour b pour c flour d sour 12/ Choose the option that best keeps the meaning of the underlined word(s) in this sentence . Hypertention is one of the most widespread and potentially dangerous diseases . a colossal b scattered c poplar d common
  8. 13/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . The first day of the world cup is an a event b eventful c eventing d eventual 14/ Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest . a soon b book c good d look 15/ Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest . a pulse b skull c cut d pu t 16/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . Twice three is ................half of fourteen . a not greater than b not less than c greater than d less than 17/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . The basketball player .......into the air and put the ball through the basket . a leaped b walked c pushed d ran 18/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . Birds all over the world distance up to thousands of miles . a migrating b are migrated c migrated d migrate 19/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . Americans have been criticised for placing too much ...........on being on time . a importance b attention c emphasis d care 20/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others . a attitude b engineer c Chinese d referee 21/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . Most of the ...............passengers were quickly removed from the bus . a destroyed b spoilt c wounded d damaged 22/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . Trains to Ho Chi Minh city leave from ...........number 3. a way b path c platform d road 23/ Choose the option that best keeps the meaning of the underlined word(s) in this sentence . Herrier Beecher Stowe was an obscure writer until the publication of Uncle Tom's Cabin . a eminent b unknown c anonymous d infamous 24/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . There were large rooms with the house . a extremely well presented b extremely presented well c presented well extremely d well presented extremely 25/ Which sentence expresses the same idea as the sentence ? " I was not there at the time " he said . a He denied that he was there at the time . b He denied not being there at the time . c He denied that he was not there at the time . d He denied being there at the time 26/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others . a malaria b material c alcoholic d bacterial 27/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . The game has been cancelled .It is ........... a cross b up c off d down 28/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . What should you do if you want to ............the volume? a raise b lift c move d adjust 29/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . The life of farmers is improved because they grow ..............crops . a cash b money c sale d currency 30/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . In rainy seasons roads in the village are always ............. . a mud b muddy c mudded d mudding
  9. 31/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . " What did he do ?" " He ran a red light ; ..............,when the police officer stopped him he refused to take the sobriety test . a therefore b moreover c otherwise d although 32/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . necessary for the development of strong bones and teeth . a Although calcium b Calcium c That calcium d It is calcium 33/ Which sentence expresses the same idea as the sentence ? It is vital that this work is finished by Monday . a This work is vital to be finished by Monday b This work must vitally be finished by Mond ay . c This work must be finished by Monday . d This work is vital that it must be finished Monday. 34/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . When I have to wait for long time to be served ,I started to feel ........... . a impatience b patient c impatient d patience 35/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others . a intelligent b potential c apprentice d preferential 36/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . A ...........person is one who cannot see anything a dump b limp c blind d deaf 37/ Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest . a places b horses c Houses d faces 38/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . After ameal in a restaurant ,you ask the waiter for the ......... a recipe b receipt c menu d bill 39/ Which sentence expresses the same idea as the sentence ? she doesn't usually stay up so late . a She is not familiar to stay up so late . b She is not used to stay up so late . c She is not acquainted with stay up so late d She is not used to staying up so late . 40/ Which sentence expresses the same idea as the sentence ? I would have an egg for breakfast . a I'll eat an egg if there is nothing else . b I would eat an egg if I were hngry . c I don't want an egg for breakfast . d I prefer to have an egg for breakfast . 41/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others . a popularity b eradicate c beneficial d continential 42/ Choose the best sentence for the words provided . organize /Germany / World cup 2006.// a The World cup 2006 had been organized in Germany . b The world cup 2006 has been organized in Germany . c The World cup 2006 was organized inGermany . d The World cup 2006 is organized in Germany . 43/ Choose the best sentence for the words provided . last dinosaur/ die / 60 million /year /ago // a The last dinosaur died about 60 million years ago . b the last dinosaur died about 60 million year ago c The last dinosaur died for about 60 million years ago . d The last dinosaur had died in about 60 million year ago . 44/ Choose the best sentence for the words provided . Villagers / opposed /road - widening scheme /lose /because /they /not want /land // a Villagers are opposed the road -widening scheme because they don't want lose their land . b Villagers are opposed to the road -widening scheme because they don't want lose their land . c Villagers are opposed the road -widening scheme because they don't want to lose their land .
  10. d Villagers are opposed to the road -widening scheme because they don't want to lose their land . 45/ Choose the best sentence for the words provided . you /go / police office / what / yesterday / for ?// a What did you go to the police office yesterday for ? b What for did you go to the police office yesterday ? c What did you go to the police office for yesterday ? d What did you go to police office yesterday for ? 46/ Choose the best sentence for the words provided . that /woman / best /son /team /footballer /school / / a Is that the woman that her son is the best footballer in our school team ? b Is that the woman whose son is the best footballer in our school team ? c Is that the woman whose her son is the best footballer in our school team ? d Is that a woman whose son is the best footballer in our school team ? 47/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence They needed the explosives to .............a railway brigde . a clear up b brush up c beat up d blow up 48/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . Only after food has been dried and canned ........ a it should be stored for later consumption . b that it should be stored for later consumption . c should it store for later consumption d Should it be stored for later consumption . Choose the words or phrase that are not correct . 49/.John’s friends had the farewell party for him last Friday . a b c d 50/. Among the applicants ,only Tom had experience enough to get the job . a 51/.A explorer in Africa is going to explain to you what to do if a large animal like a a b c Rhino attacks you . d 52/.It is impossible to believe that somebody actually admire that man . a b c d 53/.The food that Kevy is cooking in the kitchen is smelling delicious . a b c d 54/.They bought me a two – ounces bottle of French perfume. a b c d 55/.Some of plants in this store require very little care , but this one needs much more ab c sunlight than the others ones . d Read the following passage and then choose the best answer to each question below . Lichens are a unique group of complex ,flowerless plants growing on rocks and trees .There are thousands kinds of lichens ,which come in a wide variety of colours.They are composed of algae and fungi which unite to satisfy the needs of lichens . The autotrophic green algae produce all their food through a process called photosynthesis and provide the lichen with nutritional elements .On the other hand ,the
  11. heterotrophic fungus ,which depends on other elements to provide its food ,not noly absorbs and stores water for the plant ,but also helps protect it .This union by which two dissimilar organisms live together is calles “ symbiosis”. This sharing enables lichens to resist the most adverse enviromental conditions found on earth .They can be found in some very unlikely places such as the polar ice caps as well as in tropical zones ,in dry areas as well as in wet ones ,on mountain peaks and along coastal areas . The lichen’s strong resistance to its hostile environment and its ability to live in harmony with such environments is one example that humanity should consider in trying to solve its own problems . 56/.Which of the following is not true ? a. Lichens are not simple plants . b .The lichen habitat is limited to the polar ice caps . c. Lichens can resist a hostile environment . d.Heterotrophic plants depends on other elements to supply their food . 57/.What can be said about autotrophic plants and heterotrophic plants ? a. They produce their food in the same maner . b.heterotrophic plants produce all their own food . c.Autotrophic plants need other elements to supply their food . d. Their methods of food production are completely different. 58/.Which of the following conclusions could be made about lichens ? a.They are found worldwide and are complex plants made up of algae and fungy . b.They are found worldwide and are simple plants ,symbiotic in nature . c. They are found woorldwide and are compound plants made up entirely of algae. d.Although found worldwide ,lichens are found mostly as a simple plant form in the tropics . 59/.Which of the following directly relates to algae ? a.It offers protection to lichens .b.It supplies water to lichens . c.It supplies its own food .d.It is dependent on other plants for its food supply . 60/.The union by which two dissimilar organisms live together is called a.symbol .b.symbyology c.symbiosis. d.symbiologist. Read the passage carefully and then choose the best option to fit each space . We all make mistakes .Our company is no exception ,and on rare occasions our customers have cause for …(61)……….Wepride ourselves on our quick ,efficient and courteous way (62)…….putting things right . Please start by having a …(63)… with Mark ,our customer Satisfaction Officer .There’s every …(64)……. that he can resolve your (65)………to your complete satisfaction .If goods are …(66)………., he can arrange an immediate refund or replacement and can …(67)….send a van to your premises to (68)…….and replace any bulky item . Our Managing Director ,Mr Furgusson ,is also (69)…….appointment and ,if you are still …(70)…….. with any (71)…..of our service ,we hope you will have no hesitation in (72)…….him and let us know how we might (73)……..our service in the future .Our board of directors considers customer’s suggestions when they meet each month and most are …(74)… All this means that our customers are our first …(75)……- in fact our most important partners in business !
  12. 61/.a.complaining b.complaint c.objection d.refund 62/ b.of d.with 63/a.word c.conversation d.meeting 64/.a.way b.method c.chance d.intention 65/.a.need b.breakdown c.fault d.problem 66/.a.wrong b.bad c.faulty d.broken 67/.a.just b.firstly c.soon d.even 68/.a.collect b.take c.obtain d.recover 69/ bpresent c.seen d.available 70/.a.unhappy b.cross c.sad d.annoyed 71/.a.respect b.type c.kind d.aspect 72/.a.writing b.contacting c. speaking 73/.a.improve b.make c.raise d.perform 74/.a.used b.adopted c.employed d.allowed 75/.a.purpose b.concern c.idea Read the following passage and then choose the best answer to each question below . As far back as 700 B.C , man has talked about children being cared for by wolves .Romulus and Remus ,the legendary twin founders of Rome ,were purported to have cared for by wolves.It is believed that when a she –wolfe losese her litter ,she seeks a human child to take its place . This seemingly preposterous idea did not become credible until the late nineteenth century when a French doctor actually found a naked ten – year –old boy wandering in the woods .He did not walk erectl,could not speak intelligibly ,nor could relate to people .He only growled and stared at them .Finally the doctor won the boy’s confidence and began to work with him .After many long years of devoted and patient instru ction ,the doctor was able to get the boy to clothe and feed himself ,recognize and utter a number of words as well as write letters and form words . 76/.The French doctor found the boy a.wandering in the woods . b. at his doorstep. c.growling at him d. speaking intelligibly . 77/.In this passage ,the word litter most nearly means a. garbage b. master c. offspring d. hair 78/.The doctor was able to work with the boy because a. the boy was highly intelligent . b. the boy trusted him . c. the boy liked to dress up . d. the boy was dedicated and patient . 79/.Which of the following statements is not true .? a. She –wolves have been said to substitute human children for their lost litters . b. Examples of wolves’ caring for human children can be found only in the nineteenth century . c.The French doctor succeeded in domesticating the boy somewhat . d. The young boy never was able to speak perfectly . 80/. In this passage ,the word preposterous most nearly means . a.dedicated b. scientific c. wonderful d.absurd ---------------------------------Hết---------------------------------
  13. TRƯỜNG THPT QUẾ VÕ SỐ 1 ĐỀ THI LỌC LỚP CHỌN 12 103 Môn: Tiếng Anh Thời gian làm bài 90 phút 1/ Choose the best sentence for the words provided . that /woman / best /son /team /footballer /school / / a Is that the woman that her son is the best footballer in our school team ? b Is that a woman whose son is the best footballer in our school team ? c Is that the woman whose son is the best footballer in our school team ? d Is that the woman whose her son is the best footballer in our school team ? 2/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . The game has been cancelled .It is ........... a off b cross c down d up 3/ Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest . a horses b Hou ses c faces d places 4/ Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest . a flour b sour c hour d pour 5/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . The date on this yogurt is June 5 . It must have now . a gone with b gone in for c gone off d gone out with 6/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . Could you on the way to work and see how she is ? a call b break c come d take 7/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . Birds all over the world distance up to thousands of miles . a migrate b migrating c are migrated d migrated 8/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . necessary for the development of strong bones and teeth . a Calcium b That calcium c It is calcium d Although calcium 9/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . When I have to wait for long time to be served ,I started to feel ........... . a patient b impatient c patience d impatience 10/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence .
  14. " What did he do ?" " He ran a red light ; ..............,when the police officer stopped him he refused to take the sobriety test a otherwise b although c moreover d therefore 11/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . A ...........person is one who cannot see anything a limp b deaf c blind d dump 12/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . The basketball player .......into the air and put the ball through the basket . a walked b ran c leaped d pushed 13/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . The first day of the world cup is an a event b eventual c eventing d eventful 14/ Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest . a garage b dangerous c village d huge 15/ Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest . a pu t b pulse c cut d skull 16/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . Americans have been criticised for placing too much ...........on being on time . a care b attention c importance d emphasis 17/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . It is gravity ..........objects toward the Earth . a pulling b that pulls c pulls d this pulls 18/ Choose the option that best keeps the meaning of the underlined word(s) in this sentence . Hypertention is one of the most widespread and potentially dangerous diseases . a poplar b colossal c common d scattered 19/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . What should you do if you want to ............the volume? a adjust b raise c lift d move 20/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence The house we have rented is we have to buy some beds , chairs , tables etc.... a unrestored b unrepaired c unfurnished d undecorated 21/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence Jack is going to look for a job in the summer and ............... a so Pat is b so does Pat c so is Pat d so Pat does 22/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence They needed the explosives to .............a railway brigde . a brush up b clear up c beat up d blow up 23/ Choose the option that best keeps the meaning of the underlined word(s) in this sentence . Herrier Beecher Stowe was an obscure writer until the publication of Uncle Tom's Cabin . a unknown b anonymous c infamous d eminent 24/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . There were large rooms with the house . a presented well extremely b well presented extremely c extremely well presented d extremely presented well 25/ Which sentence expresses the same idea as the sentence ? " I was not there at the time " he said . a He denied that he was there at the time . b He denied being there at the time c He denied that he was not there at the time . d He denied not being there at the time . 26/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others . a religious b vigorous c dangerous d moutainou
  15. 27/ Choose the b est option to complete this sentence . Twice three is ................half of fourteen . a not greater than b less than c greater than d not less than 28/ Which sentence expresses the same idea as the sentence ? She didn't work hard enough so she lost her job . a The reason for her to lose her job was that she didn't work hard enough . b The reason she lost her job was that she didn't work hard enough . c The reason why she lost her job was she didn't work hard enough . d The reason she lost her job was because she didn't work hard enough . 29/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others . a alcoholic b malaria c bacterial d material 30/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . In rainy seasons roads in the village are always ............. . a mudded b muddy c mudding d mud 31/ Which sentence expresses the same idea as the sentence ? I would have an egg for breakfast . a I prefer to have an egg for breakfast . b I don't want an egg for breakfast . c I would eat an egg if I were hngry . d I'll eat an egg if there is nothing else . 32/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . We could ................swimming in the morning . a do b take c make d go 33/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others . a eradicate b beneficial c continential d popularity 34/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . The selling price of that house and Ê 24.000 a many furnitures b many furniture c some furniture d some furnitures 35/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . Trains to Ho Chi Minh city leave from ...........number 3. a path b road c way d platform 36/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . Most of the ...............passengers were quickly removed from the bus . a spoilt b wounded c damaged d destroyed 37/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others . a preferential b potential c apprenticed intelligent 38/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . The life of farmers is improved because they grow ..............crops . a sale b money c cash d currency 39/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others . a engineer b referee c Chinese d attitude 40/ Which sentence expresses the same idea as the sentence ? She doesn't usually stay up so late . a She is not acquainted with stay up so late b She is not familiar to stay up so late . c She is not used to stay up so late . d She is not used to staying up so late . 41/ Which sentence expresses the same idea as the sentence ? It is vital that this work is finished by Monday . a This work must be finished by Monday. bThis work is vital that it must be finished Monday. c This work must vitally be finished by Monday .d This work is vital to be finished by Monday 42/ Choose the best sentence for the words provided . organize /Germany / World cup 2006.// a The world cup 2006 has been organized in Germany . b The World cup 2006 had been organized in Germany .
  16. c The World cup 2006 is organized in Germany . d The World cup 2006 was organized inGermany . 43/ Choose the best sentence for the words provided . Villagers / opposed /road - widening scheme /lose /because /they /not want /land // a Villagers are opposed to the road -widening scheme because they don't want lose their land . b Villagers are opposed the road -widening scheme because they don't want to lose their land . c Villagers are opposed to the road -widening scheme because they don't want to lose their land . d Villagers are opposed the road -widening scheme because they don't want lose their land . 44/ Choose the best sentence for the words provided . last dinosaur/ die / 60 million /year /ago // a The last dinosaur had died in about 60 million year ago . b The last dinosaur died for about 60 million years ago . c The last dinosaur died about 60 million years ago . d the last dinosaur died about 60 million year ago 45/ Choose the best sentence for the words provided . you /go / police office / what / yesterday / for ?// a What did you go to the police office for yesterday ? b What did you go to police office yesterday for ? c What for did you go to the police office yesterday ? d What did you go to the police office yesterday for ? 46/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . Only after food has been dried and canned ........ a should it store for later consumption b it should be stored for later consumption . c that it should be stored for later consumption . d Should it be stored for later consumption . 47/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . After ameal in a restaurant ,you ask the waiter for the ......... a receipt b recipe c bill d menu 48/ Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest . a soon b look c book d good Choose the words or phrase that are not correct . 49/.John’s friends had the farewell party for him last Friday . a b c d 50/. Among the applicants ,only Tom had experience enough to get the job . a 51/.A explorer in Africa is going to explain to you what to do if a large animal like a a b c Rhino attacks you . d 52/.It is impossible to believe that somebody actually admire that man . a b c d 53/.The food that Kevy is cooking in the kitchen is smelling delicious . a b c d 54/.They bought me a two – ounces bottle of French perfume. a b c d 55/.Some of plants in this store require very little care , but this one needs much more ab c
  17. sunlight than the others ones . d Read the following passage and then choose the best answer to each question below . Lichens are a unique group of complex ,flowerless plants growing on rocks and trees .There are thousands kinds of lichens ,which come in a wide variety of colours.They are composed of algae and fungi which unite to satisfy the needs of lichens . The autotrophic green algae produce all their food through a process called photosynthesis and provide the lichen with nutritional elements .On the other hand ,the heterotrophic fungus ,which depends on other elements to provide its food ,not noly absorbs and stores water for the plant ,but also helps protect it .This union by which two dissimilar organisms live together is calles “ symbiosis”. This sharing enables lichens to resist the most adverse enviromental conditions found on earth .They can be found in some very unlikely places such as the polar ice caps as well as in tropical zones ,in dry areas as well as in wet ones ,on mountain peaks and along coastal areas . The lichen’s strong resistance to its hostile environment and its ability to live in harmony with such environments is one example that humanity should consider in trying to solve its own problems . 56/.Which of the following is not true ? a. Lichens are not simple plants . b .The lichen habitat is limited to the polar ice caps . c. Lichens can resist a hostile environment . d.Heterotrophic plants depends on other elements to supply their food . 57/.What can be said about autotrophic plants and heterotrophic plants ? a. They produce their food in the same maner . b.heterotrophic plants produce all their own food . c.Autotrophic plants need other elements to supply their food . d. Their methods of food production are completely different. 58/.Which of the following conclusions could be made about lichens ? a.They are found worldwide and are complex plants made up of algae and fungy . b.They are found worldwide and are simple plants ,symbiotic in nature . c. They are found woorldwide and are compound plants made up entirely of algae. d.Although found worldwide ,lichens are found mostly as a simple plant form in the tropics . 59/.Which of the following directly relates to algae ? a.It offers protection to lichens . b.It supplies water to lichens . c.It supplies its own food . d.It is dependent on other plants for its food supply . 60/.The union by which two dissimilar organisms live together is called a.symbol .b.symbyology c.symbiosis. d.symbiologist. Read the passage carefully and then choose the best option to fit each space .
  18. We all make mistakes .Our company is no exception ,and on rare occasions our customers have cause for …(61)……….Wepride ourselves on our quick ,efficient and courteous way (62)…….putting things right . Please start by having a …(63)… with Mark ,our customer Satisfaction Officer .There’s every …(64)……. that he can resolve your (65)………to your complete satisfaction .If goods are …(66)………., he can arrange an immediate refund or replacement and can …(67)….send a van to your premises to (68)…….and replace any bulky item . Our Managing Director ,Mr Furgusson ,is also (69)…….appointment and ,if you are still …(70)…….. with any (71)…..of our service ,we hope you will have no hesitation in (72)…….him and let us know how we might (73)……..our service in the future .Our board of directors considers customer’s suggestions when they meet each month and most are …(74)… All this means that our customers are our first …(75)……- in fact our most important partners in business ! 61/.a.complaining b.complaint c.objection d.refund 62/ b.of d.with 63/a.word c.conversation d.meeting 64/.a.way b.method c.chance d.intention 65/.a.need b.breakdown c.fault d.problem 66/.a.wrong b.bad c.faulty d.broken 67/.a.just b.firstly c.soon d.even 68/.a.collect b.take c.obtain d.recover 69/ bpresent c.seen d.available 70/.a.unhappy b.cross c.sad d.annoyed 71/a.respect b.type c.kind d.aspect 72/.a.writing b.contacting c. speaking 73/.a.improve b.make c.raise d.perform 74/.a.used b.adopted c.employed d.allowed 75/.a.purpose b.concern c.idea Read the following passage and then choose the best answer to each question below . As far back as 700 B.C , man has talked about children being cared for by wolves .Romulus and Remus ,the legendary twin founders of Rome ,were purported to have cared for by wolves.It is believed that when a she – wolfe losese her litter ,she seeks a human child to take its place . This seemingly preposterous idea did not become credible until the late nineteenth century when a French doctor actually found a naked ten – year –old boy wandering in the woods .He did not walk erectl,could not speak intelligibly ,nor could relate to people .He only growled and stared at them .Finally the doctor won the boy’s confidence and began to work with him .After many long years of devoted and patient instructio n ,the doctor was able to get the boy to clothe and feed himself ,recognize and utter a number of words as well as write letters and form words . 76/.The French doctor found the boy a.wandering in the woods . b. at his doorstep. c.growling at him d. speaking intelligibly . 77/.In this passage ,the word litter most nearly means
  19. a. garbage b. master c. offspring d. hair 78/.The doctor was able to work with the boy because a. the boy was highly intelligent . b. the boy trusted him . c. the boy liked to dress up . d. the boy was dedicated and patient . 79/.Which of the following statements is not true .? a. She –wolves have been said to substitute human children for their lost litters . b. Examples of wolves’ caring for human child ren can be found only in the nineteenth century . c.The French doctor succeeded in domesticating the boy somewhat . d. The young boy never was able to speak perfectly . 80/. In this passage ,the word preposterous most nearly means . a.dedicated b. scientific c. wonderful d.absurd TRƯỜNG THPT QUẾ VÕ SỐ 1 ĐỀ THI LỌC LỚP CHỌN 12 102 Môn: Tiếng Anh Thời gian làm bài 90 phút 1/ Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently fro m the rest . a look b book c soon d good 2/ Choose the best sentence for the words provided . Villagers / opposed /road - widening scheme /lose /because /they /not want /land // a Villagers are opposed the road -widening scheme because they don't want lose their land . b Villagers are opposed to the road -widening scheme because they don't want lose their land . c Villagers are opposed to the road -widening scheme because they don't want to lose their land . d Villagers are opposed the road -widening scheme because they don't want to lose their land . 3/ Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest . a pulse b pu t c cut d skull 4/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . Could you on the way to work and see how she is ? a take b call c come d break 5/ Which sentence expresses the same idea as the sentence ? She didn't work hard enough so she lost her job . a The reason for her to lose her job was she didn't work hard enough . b The reason she lost her job was because she didn't work hard enough . c The reason she lost her job was that she didn't work hard enough . d The reason why she lost her job was she didn't work hard enough . 6/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others .
  20. a referee b Chinese c engineer d attitude 7/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . The basketball player .......into the air and put the ball through the basket . a pushed b walked c leaped d ran 8/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . The date on this yogurt is June 5 . It must have now . a gone with b gone in for c gone out with d gone off 9/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . Birds all over the world distance up to thousands of miles . a migrate b are migrated c migrating d migrated 10/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others . a intelligent b apprentice c preferential d potential 11/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . necessary for the development of strong bones and teeth . a Although calcium b Calcium c That calcium d It is calcium 12/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . When I have to wait for long time to be served ,I started to feel ........... . a impatient b patience c patient d impatience 13/ Choose the best sentence for the words provided . you /go / police office / what / yesterday / for ?// a What did you go to police office yesterday for ? b What did you go to the police office for yesterday ? c What for did you go to the police office yesterday ? d What did you go to the police office yesterday for ? 14/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . We could ................swimming in the morning . a take b make c go d do 15/ Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest . a village b garage c dangerous d huge 16/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . Twice three is ................half of fourteen a less than b greater than c not greater than d not less than 17/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . Most of the ...............passengers were quickly removed from the bus . a damaged b wounded c destroyed d spoilt 18/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others . a bacterial b alcoholic c material d malaria 19/ Which sentence expresses the same idea as the sentence ? " I was not there at the time " he said . a He denied not being there at the time . b He denied that he was there at the time . c He denied that he was not there at the time . d He denied being there at the time 20/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence . The selling price of that house and Ê 24.000 a many furnitures b some furniture c some furnitures d many furniture 21/ Choose the best option to complete this sentence Jack is going to look for a job in the summer and ............... a so Pat is b so Pat does c so does Pat d so is Pat 22/ Choose the best sentence for the words provided . last dinosaur/ die / 60 million /year /ago // a The last dinosaur died for about 60 million years ago . b The last dinosaur had died in about 60 million year ago .



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