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Đề thi tuyển sinh vào lớp 10 môn Tiếng Anh năm 2011 - Sở GD&ĐT Quảng Trị

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Đề thi tuyển sinh vào lớp 10 môn Tiếng Anh năm 2011 - Sở GD&ĐT Quảng Trị là tài liệu hay dành cho các bạn học sinh chuẩn bị ôn tập và luyện thi vào lớp 10, các câu hỏi bám sát chương trình lớp 9 và bài tập nâng cao dành cho thí sinh hệ THPT chuyên. Chúc các bạn ôn tập và luyện thi đạt kết quả cao. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo tài liệu.

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  1. Generated by Foxit PDF Creator © Foxit Software For evaluation only. SỞ GIÁO DỤC ĐÀO TẠO ĐỀ THI TUYỂN SINH LỚP 10 THPT CHUYÊN QUẢNG TRỊ Khóa ngày: 17/6/2011 MÔN: TIẾNG ANH ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề) Họ và tên học sinh: …………………………………………..……. Số báo danh Ngày sinh: …………………………………...……………………… Học sinh trường: ……………………………………..……………. Họ tên và chữ ký Họ, tên và chữ ký Mã phách GIÁM THỊ 1 GIÁM THỊ 2 (dành cho Chủ tịch Hội đồng chấm thi – Thí sinh không viết vào ô này) HƯỚNG DẪN THÍ SINH LÀM BÀI THI (Giám thị hướng dẫn cho thí sinh 5 phút trước giờ thi) A. CẤU TẠO ĐỀ THI: Đề thi gồm có 4 phần chính: I. NGỮ ÂM (Phonetics): Gồm có 2 phần (10 câu) II. TỪ VỰNG VÀ NGỮ PHÁP (Vocabulary and Grammar): Gồm có 4 phần (55 câu) III. ĐỌC HIỂU (Reading comprehension): Gồm có 3 phần (25 câu) IV. VIẾT (Writing): Gồm có 2 phần (10 câu) B. HƯỚNG DẪN THÍ SINH LÀM BÀI: Thí sinh làm toàn bộ bài thi trên đề thi theo yêu cầu của từng phần. Thí sinh phải  viết câu trả lời vào phần trả lời được cho sẵn ở mỗi phần. Trái với điều này, phần bài làm của thí sinh sẽ không được chấm điểm. Đề thi gồm có 6 trang (kể cả trang phách). Thí sinh phải kiểm tra số tờ đề thi trước  khi làm bài. Thí sinh không được ký tên hoặc dùng bất cứ dấu hiệu gì để đánh dấu bài thi ngoài  việc làm bài theo yêu cầu của đề ra. Không được viết bằng mực đỏ, bút chì, không viết hai thứ mực trên tờ giấy làm bài. Phần viết hỏng, ngoài cách dùng thước để gạch chéo, không được tẩy xóa bằng bất kỳ cách gì khác. (Tuyệt đối không được sử dụng bút xóa.) Trái với điều này bài thi sẽ bị loại. Thí sinh nên làm nháp trước rồi ghi chép cẩn thận vào phần bài làm trên đề thi. Giám  thị sẽ không phát giấy làm bài thay thế đề và giấy làm bài do thí sinh làm hỏng. Giám thị không giải thích gì thêm về đề thi.  ----------------------------- 1/6 TS chuyen 2011-CT
  2. Generated by Foxit PDF Creator © Foxit Software For evaluation only. SỞ GIÁO DỤC ĐÀO TẠO ĐỀ THI TUYỂN SINH LỚP 10 THPT CHUYÊN QUẢNG TRỊ Khóa ngày: 17/6/2011 MÔN: TIẾNG ANH ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề) Điểm bài thi Mã phách Giám khảo thứ nhất Giám khảo thứ hai (Ký, ghi rõ họ tên) (Ký, ghi rõ họ tên) Bằng số Bằng chữ ................ .................. ........................... ........................................... ........................................... Ghi chú: Học sinh làm bài trên đề thi này. Đề thi gồm có 6 trang, kể cả trang phách. Part I: PHONETICS Question 1: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently. Write your answers in the space provided on your right. (5 pts) 1. A. habit B. dolphin C. effective D. climate 1. ________________________ 2. A. combine B. arrive C. ambition D. height 2. ________________________ 3. A. culture B. country C. such D. music 3. ________________________ 4. A. good B. foot C. took D. food 4. ________________________ 5. A. plants B. books C. shops D. pens 5. ________________________ Question 2: Choose the word with the different stress pattern. Write your answers in the space provided on your right. (5 pts) 1. ________________________ 1. A. exciting B. adventure C. advertise D. excursion 2. A. opponent B. beautiful C. calendar D. monitor 2. ________________________ 3. A. ensure B. picture C. capture D. pleasure 3. ________________________ 4. A. essential B. different C. i mportant D. invention 4. ________________________ 5. A. information B. considerate C. explanation D. preparation 5. ________________________ Part II: VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR Question 1: Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences. Write your answers in the space provided on your right. (35 pts) 1. ________________________ 1. Everybody was staring and laughing at her – she felt so ______. A. excited B. exhausted C. embarrassed D. amused 2. It took my son a long time to find the answer ______ that question. 2. ________________________ A. f or B. to C. with D. of 3. ________________________ 3. Children usually avoid swearing in front of adults, _____. A. so in order not to annoy or shock them B. so not to annoy or shock them C. so as not to annoy or shock them D. so not annoying or shocking them 4. ________________________ 4. Having been selected to represent the class at the school meeting, _____. A. the members applauded him B. a speech had to be given by him C. he gave a short acceptance speech D. the members congratulated him 5. ________________________ 5. The doctor insisted that his patient _____. A. did not work too hard for three months B. to take some vacation for three months C. take it easy inside of three months 2/6 TS chuyen 2011-CT
  3. Generated by Foxit PDF Creator © Foxit Software For evaluation only. D. take it easy for three months 6. 6. My mother prefers cooking for the whole family ______ out. ________________________ A. to eat B. and eats C. than eats D. to eating 7. "_____ children like ice-cream." "That's quite natural." 7. ________________________ A. Most of B. Most C. The most D. The most of 8. Nearly all of the reporters _____ the press conference had questions _____. 8. ________________________ A. attend / asked B. attended / to ask C. attending / to ask D. would attend / to be asked 9. - “Let’s go out and have a drink, shall we?” - “Yes. _____.” 9. ________________________ A. Go first, please B. I’ll follow you C. After you, Sir D. We shall 10. Not until _____ home _____ that he had taken someone else's bike. 10. ______________________ A. did he get / he realised B. he got / did he realise C. he got / he realised D. he got / he did realised 11. I am late because my alarm clock didn't _____ this morning. 11. ______________________ A. come on B. ring out C. go off D. turn off 12. The instructor warned the students _____ sailing alone on the lake. 12. ______________________ A. on B. for C. of D. against 13. My uncle is in _____ of 60 engineers and workers. 13. ______________________ A. leadership B. management C. direction D. charge 14. _____ good reader can acquire more information in reading for two hours 14. ______________________ than someone watching TV can acquire in _____ full day. A. The / the B. The / a C. A / a D. A / the 15. My boss is angry with me. I didn’t do all the work that I _____ last week. 15. ______________________ A. should do B. should have done C. must have done D. might have done 16. It was announced that neither the passengers nor the driver _____ in the crash. 16. ______________________ A. were injured B. injured C. was injured D. had injured 17. _____, he felt so unhappy and lonely. 17. ______________________ A. Despite his wealthy B. Rich as was he C. Rich as he was D. In spite of his being wealth 18. He was _____ speaker! 18. ______________________ A. so good a B. what a good C. so a good D. such good 19. We must _____ our pounds for dollars before going to New York. 19. ______________________ A. change B. convert C. exchange D. turn 20. Forget all and try your best next time. Lightning never _____ twice in the 20. ______________________ same place. A. strikes B. attacks C. beats D. hits 21. _____ of all of us who are here tonight, I would like to thank Mr. Jones for 21. ______________________ his talk. A. On behalf B. On account C. In person D. Instead 22. I’d rather ______ to the party last Sunday. 22. ______________________ A. not to go B. not to have gone C. not go D. not have gone 23. - “Do you mind my taking this seat?” - “_____.” 23. ______________________ A. Yes, sit down please B. No, of course not C. Yes, take it please D. No, you can’t take it 24. - "_____" - “Yeah, down this street, on the left.” 24. ______________________ A. Is there a station near here? B. How often does the train come? C. Is this a train station? D. Would you like to go by train? 25. “Never say that again, _____?” 25. ______________________ A. won’t you B. do you C. don’t you D. will you 26. It was very _____ of you to pay for all the drinks last night. 26. ______________________ A. thoughtful B. generous C. grateful D. sensitive 27. Mary and Tom invited _____ to their silver anniversary. 27. ______________________ A. my wife and I B. I and my wife C. both my wife and I D. my wife and me 28. I waved to Karen but failed _____ her attention. 28. ______________________ A. attracted B. to attract C. attracting D. to be attracted 3/6 TS chuyen 2011-CT
  4. Generated by Foxit PDF Creator © Foxit Software For evaluation only. 29. ______________________ 29. _____ I get your letter, I will reply to you at once. A. By the time B. Now that C. As though D. As soon as 30. - “Thank you very much for the lovely party.” - “_____.” 30. ______________________ A. Have a good day B. Not at all C. Thanks D. You are welcome 31. - “What would you like to drink?” - “_____.” 31. ______________________ A. Yes, please B. Thank you C. No, I don’t D. Tea, please 32. In order to grow vegetables properly, gardeners must know _____. 32. ______________________ A. what are each vegetable’s requirements B. what the requirements for each vegetable are C. that is required by each vegetable D. that the requirements for each vegetable 33. Doctors usually have to study for at least 7 years before becoming fully _____. 33. ______________________ A. examined B. qualified C. tested D. approved of 34. He _____ to be offered the job. 34. ______________________ A. was so inexperienced B. was too inexperienced C. was such inexperienced D. not experienced 35. _____ lay its eggs in the sand on the beach than it goes back to the sea. 35. ______________________ A. No sooner a turtle does B. No sooner does a turtle C. A turtle does no sooner D. Does no sooner a turtle Question 2: There is one mistake in each sentence. Identify it and give the correct one. Write your answers in the space provided on your right. (5 pts) 1. Mistake: ______________ 1. After studying all the new materials, the student was able to rise his test  Correction: ___________ score by twenty-five points. 2. In order to survive, trees rely to the amount of annual rainfall they receive, as 2. Mistake: ______________  Correction: ___________ well as the seasonal distribution of the rain. 3. None of the two girls has turned in the term papers on air pollution to the 3. Mistake: ______________  Correction: ___________ instructor yet. 4. The book that you see laying on the table belongs to my mathematics 4. Mistake: ______________  Correction: ___________ teacher. 5. I think she will be suitable for the work because she has been working like a 5. Mistake: ______________  Correction: ___________ teacher for a long time. Question 3: Read the following sentences. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits the space provided on your right. (10 pts) 1. ________________________ 1. The hurricane caused terrible ______ along the coast. DESTROY 2. Teenagers are now ______ dressed. FASHION 2. ________________________ 3. It is still a bit ______ to use the Internet in everyday life. COST 3. ________________________ 4. Despite the ______ weather, thousands of soldiers helped protect the area. STORM 4. ________________________ 5. Parks are best places for us to go ______. PICNIC 5. ________________________ 6. His health was seriously affected because he suffered from constant ______. 6. ________________________ SLEEP 7. Scientists are working together to find solutions to the ______ warming. GLOBE 7. ________________________ 8. Some friends arrived ______ last night, so we all went out to dinner. EXPECT 8. ________________________ 9. Make sure that you ______ the electricity before you start mending this light 9. ________________________ switch. CONNECT 10. He is ______ of what he has done. SHAME 10. ______________________ Question 4: Fill in each space with a suitable form/tense of the verb given in brackets. Write your answers in the space provided on your right. (5 pts) 1. ________________________ 1. Mary has some difficulty ______ up early in the morning. (GET) 2. By the end of next year, we _____ this advanced training course. (FINISH) 2. ________________________ 3. 'Why didn't Bill get the promotion he was expecting?' 'He may not be 3. ________________________ qualified. If he were, he _____ that promotion last year.' (GIVE) 4. If only I _____ the car last night! (NOT / CRASH) 4. ________________________ 5. I’m sorry I wasn’t in when you came round. I would like ______ you. (SEE) 5. ________________________ 4/6 TS chuyen 2011-CT
  5. Generated by Foxit PDF Creator © Foxit Software For evaluation only. Part III: READING COMPREHENSION Question 1: Read the text below and think of a word which best fits each space. Use only ONE word in each space. Write your answers in the space provided on your right. (10 pts) KEEPING FIT Bodies are made to move! They are not designed for sitting around in 1. ________________________ front of the television or reading magazines. Keeping fit doesn’t (1) ______ you have to be a super-athlete, and even a little exercise can give you a lot of fun. When you are fit and healthy, you’ll find you look better and feel better, you’ll (2) ______ more energy and self-confidence. 2. ________________________ Every time you move, you are exercising. The human body is designed to bend, stretch, run, jump and climb. The (3) ______ it does, the stronger and 3. ________________________ fitter it will be. Best of all, (4) ______ is fun. It’s what your body likes doing most 4. ________________________ - keeping on the move. Physical exercise is not only good (5) ______ your body. People who 5. ________________________ take regular exercise are usually happier, more relaxed and more alert (6) ______ people who sit around all day. Try an experiment next time when you’re 6. ________________________ (7) ______ a bad mood, go for a walk or play a ball game in the park. See how 7. ________________________ (8) ______ better you feel after an hour. 8. ________________________ A sense of achievement is yet another benefit of exercise. People feel good (9) ______ themselves when they know they have improved their fitness. 9. ________________________ People who exercise regularly will (10) ______ you that they have more energy 10. ______________________ to enjoy life. So have a go. You’ll soon see and feel the benefits! Question 2: Read the passage and choose the best answers. Write your answers in the space provided on your right. (5 pts) The White House, the official home of the United States president, was not built in time for George Washington to live in it. It was begun in 1792 and was ready for its first inhabitants: President and Mrs. John Adams, who moved in on November 1, 1800. When the Adamses moved in, the White House was not yet complete, and the Adamses suffered many inconveniences; for example, the main staircase was incomplete, which hindered movement from floor to floor, and the future laundry yard was merely a pool of mud, so wet laundry was hung in the unfinished East Room to dry. Thomas Jefferson, the third president, improved the comfort of the White House in many respects and added new architectural features such as the terraces on the east and west ends. When the British forces burned the White House on August 24, 1814, President Madison was forced to leave. All the remained after the fire was the exterior walls, the interior was completely destroyed. It was not until December of 1817 that the following president, James Monroe, was able to move into a rebuilt residence. Since then, the White House has continued to be modified but has been continuously occupied by each succeeding U.S president. 1. Which of the following would be the most appropriate title for this text? 1. ________________________ A. George Washington’s life in the White House. B. The Early History of the White House. C. The burning of the White House. D. Presidential Policies of Early U.S. Presidents. 2. Why didn’t George Washington live in the White House? 2. ________________________ A. It had been burned by the British. B. He did not like the architectural features. C. He didn’t want to suffer the inconveniences that the Adamses had suffered. D. Construction had not yet been completed. 3. ________________________ 3. It can be inferred from the passage that John Adams was _____. A. the first president of the United States B. the second president of the United States C. the third president of the United States D. the fourth president of the United States 4. What of the White House was not yet complete when the Adamses moved in? 4. ________________________ A. main staircase B. laundry yard C. pool D. A and B 5. The paragraph following the passage most likely discusses _____. 5. ________________________ 5/6 TS chuyen 2011-CT
  6. Generated by Foxit PDF Creator © Foxit Software For evaluation only. A. the details of the destruction of the White House by the British B. James Monroe’s policies as presidents C. modifications by presidents who followed D. other presidents who were unable to occupy the White House Question 3: Read the passage carefully and fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase. Write your answers in the space provided on your right. (10 pts) The human brain, (1) _____ an average weight of 1,4 kilograms, is the control center of the (2) _____. It receives (3) _____ from the senses, processes the information, rapidly sends out responses; it also stores the information (4) _____ is the source of human thoughts and feelings. Each of the three main parts of the brain – the cerebrum, the cerebellum, and the brain stem has its own role (5) _____ carrying out the functions. The cerebrum is by (6) _____ the largest of the three parts, taking up 85 percent of the brain by weight. The cerebellum, located below the cerebrum in the back part of the skull, is made of masses of bunched up nerve cells. It is the cerebellum (7) _____ controls human balance, coordination, and posture. The brain stem, (8) _____ connects the cerebrum and the spinal cord, controls various body processes such (9) _____ breathing and heartbeat. (10) _____ is the major motor and sensory pathway connecting the body and the cerebrum. 1. ________________________ 1. A. on B. of C. f or D. with 2. A. body B. brain C. skull D. information 2. ________________________ 3. A. news B. information C. advice D. lesson 3. ________________________ 4. A. who B. of which C. that D. whose 4. ________________________ 5. A. in B. at C. on D. by 5. ________________________ 6. A. now B. then C. f rom D. far 6. ________________________ 7. A. who B. which C. that D. whose 7. ________________________ 8. A. who B. that C. whose D. which 8. ________________________ 9. A. as B. for C. about D. on 9. ________________________ 10. A. Here B. It C. There D. For 10. ______________________ Part IV: WRITING Question 1: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the printed one. Write your answers in the space provided. (5 pts) 1. It was only because his wife helped him that he was able to finish his book.  Without _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________. 2. Tom said to Mike, “Would you like a cup of tea?”  Tom offered ___________________________________________________________________________________________________. 3. He hasn't been back to his hometown for over 20 years now.  It is ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________. 4. Having nowhere else to go, I tried to sleep in the station waiting room.  As _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________. 5. My sister regrets not buying that book.  My sister wishes ______________________________________________________________________________________________. Question 2: Rewrite the following sentences using the words in capital. Do not alter these words. Write your answers in the space provided. (5 pts) 1. Your hair needs combing properly. (COMBED)  _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. 2. Impressed as I was by his new car, I found it rather expensive. (BUT)  _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. 3. When the unemployment rate is high, the crime rate is usually also high. (THE HIGHER)  _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. 4. “You're always making terrible mistakes”, said the teacher to his students. (COMPLAINED)  _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. 5. People believe he won a lot of money on the lottery. (TO)  _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. ----- THE END ----- 6/6 TS chuyen 2011-CT
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