English 10 unit 12: Music - Reading
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By the end of the lesson: Students develop skimming and scanning skill, guessing meaning in context, students learn more new words about the topic ‘music’, students know the importance of music in their lives.
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Nội dung Text: English 10 unit 12: Music - Reading
- LESSON PLAN Instructors: Mrs. TRỊNH THỊ MAI – Mrs. NGÔ NGUYỄN NHƯ VI. Student’s names: TRẦN THỊ TRÀ MY– PHẠM THÙY DƯƠNG. Time: Tuesday, March 14th, 2017. Lesson: Unit 12 – Music. Section: A. Reading. Class: 10A7 and 10A8. English level: Basic. Number of Students: 2533. Period: 90 minutes. I/ Aims: By the end of the lesson: Students develop skimming and scanning skill, guessing meaning in context. Students learn more new words about the topic ‘ music’. Students know the importance of music in their lives. II/ Method: Audio lingual Method. III/ Teaching aids: Textbook, Blackboard, Chalk, Handout, Microsolf Powerpoint presentation. IV/ Teaching procedure: Greeting New lesson
- READING 1 Warm up (7ms)
- Teacher’s activities Students’activities Content T welcomes the class. Ss listen to the You raise me up: Pop Before we start our introduction carefully music. (Westlife) lesson, T has a mini and play the game. Don’t let me down: game for Ss. Electronic dance music. T divides Ss into 2 (The Chainsmokers) groups. T will play 2 audio files for Ss to listen. When the Work in groups. audio file is played, any group who can guess the kind of music that audio file can raise their hands to answer. If the answer is correct, that group will give the present. You raise me up: Pop music. (Westlife) Don’t let me down: Electronic dance music. (The Chainsmokers) T keeps control over the game, gives feedback to student’s answers and checks their answers.
- _T leads in the topic of the lesson. T asks Ss some Ss answer T’s questions: questions. 1. How often do you Individual. listen to music? 2. What kind of music do you like best? Music has become an integral part of our life. To know more about its importance, today we will learn about Unit 12: Music. T writes the topic on Ss listen and take note Textbook: English 10. the board and asks Ss the topic of new lesson. Page: 124 and 125. take note. Unit 12: Music. Unit 12: Music. A. Reading A. Reading
- Pre reading (20ms) T introduces the new Ss listen their teacher’s Paragraph 1: lesson. introduction. “There are two things that “ Now, we learn about make humans different from paragraph 1”. all other animals. They are language and music. Music T plays 1 audio file for Ss watch the TV and is clearly different from Ss. listen to the tape. language. However, people can use it to communicate T asks Ss to listen and Ss listen and underline especially their emotions. underline the new words. the new words. Like reading, writing and speaking, music can express T shows vocabulary Ss guess the meaning ideas, thoughts and feelings. and pictures. of words. It can express one's anger, “ What does it mean? ” love, hate or friendship; it Vocabulary can also convey one's hopes communicate (v) /kə and dreams.” ˈmjuːnɪkeɪt/: giao tiếp. Vocabulary: => communication communicate (v) /kə (n) /kəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃn/: sự ˈmjuːnɪkeɪt/: giao tiếp. liên lạc. emotion (n) /ɪˈməʊʃn/: cảm xúc. express (v) /ɪkˈspres/: diễn tả, bày tỏ. thought (n) /θɔːt/: suy
- nghĩ. => think (v) /θɪŋk/: nghĩ. anger (n) /ˈæŋɡə(r)/: sự tức giận. convey (v) /kənˈveɪ/: truyền ( âm thanh, lệnh, tin), truyền đạt. => communication (n) /kə T reads vocabulary Ss listen and repeat. ˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃn/: sự liên lạc. once. Then T asks whole emotion (n) /ɪˈməʊʃn/: class to listen and repeat. cảm xúc. T invites some Ss to Individual. repeat again. T gives Ss 1 minutes to Ss take notes. write down vocabulary. express (v) /ɪkˈspres/: diễn T plays 1 audio file Ss watch the TV and tả, bày tỏ. again for Ss. listen to the tape again. thought (n) /θɔːt/: suy nghĩ. => think (v) /θɪŋk/: nghĩ. anger (n) /ˈæŋɡə(r)/: sự tức giận.
- convey (v) /kənˈveɪ/: truyền ( âm thanh, lệnh, tin), truyền đạt. While reading (10ms)
- T shows task 1 on the Ss listen to their Task 1: Choose the TV. teacher’s introduction best answer for each Task 1: Choose and try to finish task 1. question. the best answer for 1. What are the two things each question. that make humans different 1. What are the two from other animals? things that make A. sound and voice humans different B. language and sound from other animals? C. music and voice A. sound and voice D. language and music B. language and sound 2. What can music help to C. music and voice communicate? D. language and music A. love 2. What can music help B. hate to communicate? C. emotions A. love D. anger B. hate 3. Like reading, writing and C. emotions speaking, music can express D. anger ideas, ______. 3. Like reading, writing A. emotions and speaking, music B. feelings can express ideas, C. thoughts and feelings ______. D. A and C are correct A. emotions 4. Music can _____ one’s B. feelings hopes and dreams. C. thoughts and feelings A. give D. A and C are correct B. convey 4. Music can _____ C. think one’s hopes and D. keep dreams. Work in groups. Answers: A. give 1/ D B. convey 2/ C C. think 3/ C D. keep 4/ B T divides Ss into 4 Ss go to the board and groups. write their answers. T asks each group to do this task within 2 minutes. If the answer is correct, each member of that group will get one point. T checks their answers. Ss check their answers.
- T shows Ss the answers Ss take notes. on the TV. Post reading (8ms)
- T has a mini game for Ss listen to the Faded remix. Ss. introduction carefully We don’t talk anymore and play the game. remix. Vocabulary: T divides Ss into 2 Work in groups. communicate (v) /kə groups. ˈmjuːnɪkeɪt/: giao tiếp. emotion (n) /ɪˈməʊʃn/: T gives each group a Ss go to the board and cảm xúc. pen. T asks each member write the new words. express (v) /ɪkˈspres/: diễn to pass the pen until the tả, bày tỏ. song pauses. Anyone anger (n) /ˈæŋɡə(r)/: sự who holds a pen will be tức giận. fined. T asks that student convey (v) /kənˈveɪ/: to go to the board and truyền ( âm thanh, lệnh, writes new words of the tin), truyền đạt. lesson. T gives the present for the group with the highest score. T reminds Ss to do *Homework: homework. Learn by heart the new *Homework: Ss take notes. words. Learn by heart the new Prepare Unit 12 – words. Language focus. Prepare Unit 10 – Language focus.

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