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Giáo án tiếng anh 10 nâng cao HKI

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  1. PPCT TÖÏ CHOÏN MOÂN TIEÁNG ANH 10 NAÂNG CAO NAÊM HOÏC 2006-2007 Hoïc kì I Hoïc kì II Caû naêm -Grammar: 4 tieát -Grammar: 8 tieát -Grammar: 12 tieát -Reading: 7 tieát -Reading: 4 tieát -Reading: 11 tieát -Writing: 6 tieát -Writing: 4 tieát -Writing: 10 tieát *Toång coäng: 17 tieát *Toång coäng: 16 tieát *Toång coäng: 33 tieát HOÏC KÌ I Tu n Chuû ñeà Noäi dung S ti t Ghi chuù 1 Reading Unit 1: School Talks 1 2 Writing Write a narrative 1 3 Grammar Verb Forms (V-ing, To Inf) 1 4 Writing Write about people’s backgrounds 1 5 Reading Unit 3: Daily Activities 1 6 Grammar Present Tenses 1 7 Reading Unit 4: Special Education 1 8 Writing Fill in a Registration Form 1 9 Grammar Past and Future Tenses 1 10 Reading Unit 5: Technology 1 11 Grammar Used to + Infinitive 1 12 Reading Unit 6: School Outdoor Activities 1 13 Writing Write a confirmation letter 1 14 Reading Unit 7: The Mass Media 1 15 Writing Write about Adv & Disadvantages 1 16 Reading Unit 8: Life in the Community 1 17 Writing Write an informal letter 1 -Giving directions
  2. LESSON 1: READING (SCHOOL TALKS) Aim: By the end of the lesson, Students will be able to read a text about an activity at school. Teaching aids: lesson plan, handouts, Procedure: T Stages and contents T’s activities Ss’ activities 1
  3. Task 1. Work in groups. Write the activities you usually do at school. -asks Ss to -in groups, reading books write the write the Activities at school activities. activities at school. Read the passage and then do the tasks that follow. Reading is Fun Have you ever shared or talked about your favorite books with your friends? If you join a book club, you’ll have very rewarding experience. By reading and discussing good books with your friends or classmates, you can go into the depth of the books and find them more interesting. When you are scheduled to attend the club regularly, you can’t say that you are too busy to sit down with a book. Some students become more confident by leading a discussion or making a book report before an audience. Besides, being a member of a book club, you’ll have the chance to make new friends. In order for your club work effectively, it should be small enough so that even shy people can have a chance to express their ideas. However, the club has to be big enough in order to have a variety of viewpoints about the content of the books. A mixture of age groups, sexes, and cultural backgrounds is preferred. This heterogeneous group will provide livelier and more various discussions. The book club could specialize in one or more subjects, depending on the taste of its members. Task 2. Match the words in column A with their definitions in -has Ss match column B. the words. 1. f 2. d A B 3. b 1. rewarding a. opinion. 4. a 2. scheduled b. successful. 5. e 3. effective c. consisting of different kinds of people or things. 6. c 4. viewpoint d. planned to happen at a particular time. 5. background e. (someone’s) family and education. 6.heterogeneou f. worth doing. s 2
  4. Task 3. Decide whether these sentences are true (T) or false (F). -asks Ss to 1. T 1. Reading and discussing books with other students help us read the text 2. F understand the books better. and write T 3. T 2. We don’t have much time for reading if we join a book club. or F. 4. T 3. Giving a book report in a club can be rewarding experience. 5. F 4. We can make friends with members of our book club. 6. T 5.Shy people are not willing to express their ideas in a small club. 6. A book club with members of different ages and backgrounds provides a variety of interests. -gets Ss to -pairwork. Task 4. Work in pairs. Talk about your favorite activities at ask and school. answer in - Use: What, Who, When, Where, How long…….. pairs. - Do you like reading? - What subjects do you like best? LESSON 2: WRITING (Write a Narrative) Aim: By the end of the lesson, Students will be able to write a narrative about the first days to school. Teaching aids: lesson plan, handouts, paper. Procedure: T Stages and contents T’s activities Ss’ activities 3
  5. Task 1. Pelmanism. Choose each verb and its correct past form. Be Find Take Move Bump Fall Apologize Shout Bumped Took Shouted Was Apologized Moved Fell Found Task 2. Work in groups. Rearrange the following sentences about the boy’s first day to school. a. During the recess time, all my classmates gathered around me. One pulled my shirt while another pulled my ear. b. In the school I saw a number of boys and girls waiting at the corridor. c. We had no lessons on the 1st day. But lessons started from the 2nd day. d.I went to school for the first time when I was only six years old. -asks Ss to 1. d e. When I told him my “story”, the teacher punished the boys. put the 2. h f. The next morning, I woke up early. Then my father took me sentences in 3. f to school. the correct 4. b g. I was really happy to be in school on the first day. It is indeed order. 5. j a memorable day. 6. a h. The day before my school opened, my father asked me to 7. i keep my books ready. 8. e i. I was frightening and began to cry. My teacher asked me why 9. c I was crying. 10. g j. I was taken to a classroom, and it did not much time for me to be friendly with other students. 4
  6. Task 3. Write the story from the given prompts. 1. My first day/ high school/ be very embarrassing. My first day in high school was very embarrassing. 2. September 5. 2000/ be my first day/ high school. 3. My father/ take me/ school/ motorbike. 4. There/ be a lot of traffic/ move slowly. 5. Suddenly/ a young man/ a motorbike/ bump/ my father’s -has Ss write -write the motorbike. the narrative. narrative 6. We fall street/ but/ not injured. from the 7. My father/ angrily/ shout at/ that man. given 8. The man/ apologize/ and ride on. prompts. 9. My father/ have repairman/ fix motorbike/ before/ can go. 10. I/ be half an hour/ late/ school. 11. In my class/ I/ find/ the young man/ my father shout at/ be my English teacher. Key: 1. My first day/ high school/ be very embarrassing. My first day in high school was very embarrassing. 2. September 5, 2000 was my first day in high school. 3. My father took me to school on a motorbike/ by motorbike. 4. There was a lot of traffic, and we moved slowly. 5. Suddenly, a young man on a motorbike bumped into my father’s motorbike. 6. We fell on the street, but we were not injured. 7. My father angrily shouted at that man. 8. The man apologized and rode on. 9. My father had a repairman fix the/ his motorbike before we could go. 10. I was half an hour late for school. 11. In my class, I found the young man (whom/ that) my father shouted at was my English teacher. -asks Ss to -read and Task 4. Work in pairs. Swap your paper and correct each other’s correct. correct each mistakes. other’s tasks. LESSON 3: VERB FORMS (V-ing/ To V) Aim: By the end of the lesson, Students will be able to review and use the gerund or to infinitive. Teaching aids: lesson plan, handouts, blackboard. Procedure: T Stages and contents T’s activities Ss’ activities 1. Gerund (V-ing) a. Thöôøng theo sau caùc ñoäng töø nhö: love, enjoy, mind, can’t stand, practice, suggest, keep, regret, fancy, finish, avoid, carry on, consider, miss... Ex: - I enjoy playing soccer. - My uncle kept talking about his farm life. 5
  7. b. Thöôøng theo sau caùc giôùi töø: in, on, at, of, for,…….. Ex: - The children are interested in playing soccer. - He has the trouble with doing this research. -pre-teaches -look at, listen 2. To-Infinitive (to-V) the gerund and take Thöôøng theo sau caùc ñoäng töø nhö: want, decide, try, fail, pretend, and the To- notes. prove, hope, agree, promise, happen, tend, plan, expect, threaten… infinitive. Ex: - We all want to become better students. - She decided to live in HCM City. 3. S + V + 0 + to-inf…. Thöôøng theo sau caùc ñoäng töø nhö: ask, want, get, tell, advise, allow, persuade, order, invite, ….. Ex:- My parents always want me to be a doctor. - Nga asked Lan to return her book. 4. Notes - stop + V-ing: döøng haønh ñoäng ñang laøm. -stop + to V: döøng laïi ñeå laøm vieäc khaùc. Ex: Stop making noise, please! Ex: She stopped to talk to him. - try + V-ing: thöû laøm ñieàu gì - try + to V: coá gaéng laøm vieäc gì Ex:He tries writing with his left hand. Ex: We try to get high marks. - remember +V-ing: nhôù ñaõ laøm ñ. gì - remember + to V: nhôù phaûi laøm gì Ex: I remember locking the door before I left. Ex: I remember to call him. - forget + V-ing: queân ñieàu gì ñaõ laøm - forget + to V: queân laøm ñieàu gì Ex: I forgot meeting her. Ex: I forgot to shut the window. EXERCISES I/ Choose the correct word to complete each sentence 1. Are we allowed____________ dictionaries in the exam room? A. to use B. using 2. The teacher asked Jim ____________ his book to Ann. -asks ss to A. to give B. giving choose the 1. A. to use 3. We enjoy_____________ in a team cprrect verb 2. A. to give A. to work B. working forms. 3. B. working 4. Reading stories in English helps us___________ our writing skill. 4. A. improve A. improve/ to improve B. improving / to improve 5. I hope____________ better grades in English next semester. 5. A. to get A. to get B. getting 6. B. taking 6. Minh considers_______________ a French course next semester. 7. A. to relax A. to take B. taking 8. B. working 7. You should try_____________ if you feel stressed at work. 9. A. to be A. to relax B. relaxing 10. A. to take 8. I certainly don’t regret____________ in our team. A. to work B. working 9. I wish_____________ a doctor when I grow up. A. to be B. being 10. We’ve planned_____________ a vacation this year. A. to take B. taking 6
  8. II/ Write the correct form of a verb from the box in each blank. -gets Ss to fill help learn work take play in the blanks 1. working use operate switch off bring not cry with the right 2. learning 1. Do you like_____________ in a team. 3. to take verb forms. 2. When did you start_______________ French? 4. helping 3. I’ve decided____________ a temporary job at a supermarket. 5. playing 4. I don’t mind_____________ you if you’re tired. 6. not to cry 5. Lam enjoys_____________ for his school’s soccer team. 7. operating 6.I could see she was very sad. When talking to me, she tries_____. 8. to bring 7. Why did your uncle stop______________ his business? 9. to switch 8. Don’t forget_____ your dictionary to our English class tomorrow. off 9. Remember_______ the lights before you leave the classroom. 10. to use 10. Teacher to students: You are not allowed___________ this door. LESSON 4: WRITING (Write about people’s background) Aim: By the end of the lesson, Students will be able to write about people’s backgrounds. Teaching aids: lesson plan, handouts, paper. Procedure: T Stages and contents T’s activities Ss’ activities Task 1. Work in pairs. Match these people with their relevant information. -gets Ss to match the A B people in 1. f 1. Ho Chi Minh a. the world-famous French chemist. column A 2. c 2. Washington b. the Brazilian football player. with the 3. a 3. Louis Pasteur c. the President of the USA. information in 4. h 4. Shakespeare d. the Italian artist. column B. 5. b 5. Peleù e. the general manager of the Microsoft. 6. d 6.Leonardo de Vinci f. the leader of the Vietnamese 7. g 7. Beethoven Communist party. 8. e 8. Bill Gates g. the German music composer. h. the famous English playwright. Task 2. Read Albert Einstein’s background and fill the information in the form. Albert Einstein was born on March 14th, 1879 in Ulm, Germany. His interest in science began when he was only five years old. When his family moved to Milan, Italy, Albert decided to study Physics at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, Switzerland. He passed and entered in 1896. He graduated in 1900. Then he became a private physics and mathematics tutor for two years. 7
  9. 8
  10. In 1902, Einstein took a job in the Swiss Patent Office in Bern. In 1909, Einstein finally left his job at the Patent Office and began his belong career in the academic world. His genius had begun to be recognized, and by 1914 he was at the top of his profession as a member of the Royal Prussian Academy of Science in Berlin. In 1921, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics. In 1933, when Hitler came into power, Einstein moved to the USA. He became a professor at the Institute for Advanced Study and remained there until his death on April 18th, 1955. -gets Ss to fill -fill in the the Name: Mr./ Ms table. Albert Einstein information Date of birth: March 14th, 1879 of Albert Place of birth: Ulm, Germany Einstein in Education: the table. School attended: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, Switzerland Exams passed: Physics Jobs: a private Physics and Mathematics tutor a job in the Swiss Patent Office a professor Interests: science Date of death: April 18th, 1955 Place of death: the USA Task 3. Work in groups. Write a paragraph about Linda Pascal. -in groups, Name: Mr. / Ms Linda Pascal -asks Ss to write about Date of birth: 1973 write about linda Place of birth: California, the USA linda Pascal’s Pascal’s Education: background. background. School attended: University of California. Exams passed: Master of Bachelor in 2002. Jobs: a sales manager for her uncle’s trading company. a house manager of Stevenson Hotel. Interests: an ambitious businesswoman. Key: Linda Pascal was born in 1973 in California, the USA. She got a Master of Bachelor of Arts from University of California in 2002. After working as a sales manager for her uncle’s trading company, she got a job as a house manager of Stevenson Hotel. She is an ambitious businesswoman. She loves her present job very much. -exhibit some -go around Task 4. Exhibition. Stick some finished paper on the board. paper on the and read to board. compare. 9
  11. LESSON 5: READING (DAILY ACTIVITIES) Aim: By the end of the lesson, Students will be able to read and talk about daily activities. Teaching aids: lesson plan, handouts, pictures. Procedure: T Stages and contents T’s activities Ss’ activities 10
  12. Task 1. Work in pairs. Ask and answer about your daily routine. A: What time do you get up/ go to school/ have breakfast/ have -asks Ss to -pairwork. lunch/ have dinner/ go to school? ask and B: I usually get up at six. answer in A: What do you often do in the morning/ afternoon/ evening? pairs. B: I do the housework. Read the passage and then do the tasks that follow. Every morning I get up at six. The first thing I do is to wash my dishes. Then I cooked breakfast. We eat at about seven fifteen. Usually we have bread and butter, sometimes we have rice, or boiled sweet potatoes. It takes me about ten minutes to walk to school, and school begins with an assembly period at seven forty-five. There are fifteen hundred children in our school and so we meet in three assemblies; the infant department, the middle department, and the senior department. We have seven periods from eight to one. We study Maths, Geography, History, Music, Art and Crafts, and English. I like English best and next to that, Maths. At ten we have a chance to eat an orange and some peanuts. At noon, we do not rest. At one we clean up our classroom and close the school. 1. The first I go home for lunch, but this time, my sister Patricia gets the meals. thing the girl We often eat yams with soup and other dishes. After lunch, I does when usually sleep for half an hour. In the afternoon, we play netball. I she gets up is sometimes skip, run, and jump with the other girls. to wash her dishes. At about six or six thirty we have dinner. Either my sister or I cook 2. No, they it. The meal is simpler than the mid-day meal. We eat fruit or rice, don’t. and sometimes we have bread and tea. Then in the evening, I do 3. Noon. my homework and go to bed at about ten. 4. Her second best subject at Task 2. Answer the following questions. -gets Ss to school is 1. What is the first thing the girl does when she gets up? read the text Maths. 2. Do members of her family eat bread with butter and rice for and answer 5. Because breakfast? the questions they only eat 3. Twelve o’clock can be called mid-day. What other word does the fruit or rice girl use to mean the same thing? andsometime 4. What is her second best subject at school? s they have 5.Why is dinner described as simpler than lunch? bread and tea. 11
  13. Task 3. Make a brief note about the girl’s daily routines. 6:00 Get up In the 7:15 Eat breakfast morning 7:45 School begins -has Ss to fill -fill the 8:00-1:00 Have 7 periods in the table. suitable in 10:00 Have a chance to eat an orange formation in and some peanuts the table. In the 1:00 Clean up their room and close the afternoo school After lunch n Sleep for half an hour In the afternoon Play netball In the 6:00 (6:30) Have dinner -asks Ss to -groupwork. evening 10:00 Go to bed work in Task 4. Work in groups. Talk about your father’s groups (mother’s/brother’s/ sister’s) daily routines. LESSON 6: THE PRESENT SIMPLE, THE PRESENT PROGRESSIVE AND THE PRESENT PERFECT TENSE Aim: By the end of the lesson, Students will be able to review and use the present tenses. Teaching aids: lesson plan, handouts, paper, blackboard. Procedure: T Stages and contents T’s activities Ss’ activities 12
  14. I. The Present Simple Tense 1. Form to be - Affirmative: S + V1…. S + am/is/are…… - Negative: S + do/does + not + V….. S + am/is/are + not….. - Interrogative: Do/Does + S + V….? Am/Is/Are + S ….? 2. Use a. Dieãn taû moät haønh ñoäng hoaëc moät thoùi quen ôû hieän taïi -reviews the -look at, (always, usually, often, sometimes, occasionally, seldom, rarely, form, the use listen and every…….) of the present answer the Ex: I usually go to school in the afternoon. simple, T’s questions. b. Dieãn taû moät chaân lí, moät söï thaät luùc naøo cuõng ñuùng. present Ex: The earth moves around the sun progressive 3. Ñoái vôùi ngoâi thöù ba soá ít: He, She, It. and present a. Theâm “S” vaøo sau ñoäng töø thöôøng. perfect. Ex: Lan often gets up early in the morning. b. Theâm “ES” vaøo sau caùc ñoäng töø taän cuøng laø: ch, sh, s, x, o, z. Ex: He watches a lot of TV on Sundays. II. The Present Progressive Tense 1. Form - Affirmative: S + am/is/are + V-ing…… - Negative: S + am/is/are + not + V-ing….. - Interrogative: Am/Is/Are + S + V-ing ….? 2. Use Dieãn taû moät haønh ñoäng ñang xaûy ra trong luùc noùi (now, at the moment, at this time, at present….) 13
  15. 14 Ex: - I am looking for the latest newspaper now. - They are watching a sport game show at the moment.
  16. 13. Terry (mow)__________ the lawn yet. -gets 13. has 14. John and I (be)______________ pen pals for nearly 3 years. feedback on mowed 15. Maryam (stay)____________ with us at the moment. the answers. 14. have 16. He (wear)___________ the same coat since he been (move)___________ here. 15. is staying 17. I (not see)_____________ your brother recently. 16. has worn/ 18. Listen to those people! What language they (speak) moved _________? 17. have not 19. It (not rain)______________ much in our country in winter. seen 20. I never (talk)_____________ to such an interesting person. 18. are they speaking 19. does not rain 20. have never talked LESSON 7: READING (SPECIAL EDUCATION) Aim: By the end of the lesson, Students will be able to read a letter of a disabled child. Teaching aids: lesson plan, handouts, posters. Procedure: T Stages and contents T’s activities Ss’ activities 15
  17. Task 1. Work in groups. Find the words about the topic SCHOOL “SCHOOL”. TEACHER -has Ss find BOOK SCHOO L U E out the words FRIEND TCFR I E ND from the BOARD UNLB O I D P wordsquare. STUDENTS DTEACHER LESSON EESG S N S Z DESK NUSAN S KP BAG TBOOKE O F CLASS SUNB OARD  PEN Task 2. Compete Linh Lan’s letter to her parents with the words provided. Roman treats relatives months hear voices Tet family newcomers helpful special grandma faces worry Braille Nguyen Nguyen Dinh Chieu Special School for the Blind November November 25, 2006 Dear -gets Ss to fill Dear Mom and Dad (1) (1) months the missing home. It has been four (1)____________ since I left home. Life in this (2) words in the (2) special ____________ school has been all right as ever. I have many new blanks of the (3) faces friends now but I cannot see their (3)____________! I can only letter. (4) hear (4)____________ them through their (5)____________ . I have (5) voices learned many things, especially (6) ____________. Now I can read (6) Braille and write in Braille. My homeroom teacher has helped me translate (7) Roman the letters into the (7)____________ alphabet so that you both can 16
  18. read (8) read them. I miss the whole (8)____________ very much but don’t (8) family (9)____________ about me. I’m doing all right. The letter you sent (9) worry me was also read by my homeroom teacher. She is a nice teacher (10) helpful with a sweet voice, and she is very kind and (10)____________ to us, (11) the (11) _____________ to this school. She (12)____________ us like newcomers her young brothers and sisters. I will come back home on the (12) treats (13)_____________ holidays and stay with you all for ten days. I (13) Tet love you, Mom and Dad. Send my regards to our (14) relatives (14)_____________, and particularly, to (15) ___________. Tell her (15) grandma her, I love her and miss her, too. Love Linh Lan Task 3. Match the words or phrases in column A with those in column B. -gets ss to match the A B to 1. c 1. Linh Lan has left home a. on the Tet holidays. phrases makecomplet 2. f 2. She cannot see b. Braille. 3. b 3. Now she can read and c. for four months. e sentences. 4. d write d. a nice lady with a sweet 5. a 4. Her teacher is voice. 6. e 5. She will come back home e. her regards to her relatives 6. Linh Lan wants to send and grandma. f. her friends’ faces. -asks Ss to -pairwork. Task 4. Work in pairs. Now you a TV reporter. Interview Linh interview Lan. their partner. Ex: Interviewer: Where are you staying now? Linh Lan: At Nguyen Dinh Chieu Special School for the Blind. LESSON 8: WRITING (Fill in a Registration Form) Aim: By the end of the lesson, Students will be able to fill different kinds of registration forms. Teaching aids: lesson plan, handouts, paper. Procedure: T Stages and contents T’s activities Ss’ activities 17
  19. Task 1. Work in groups. Write the details of a form. -gets Ss to -in groups, name write the write the Details of details of a details of a a form form. form. Task 2. Read the information about the following people and match them with the appropriate forms that follow. 18
  20. 1. Tran Sinh is a Vietnamese high school 9 1 student. He was born on January 12, 1990, in Ha Noi. He studies English because he wants



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