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Giáo án Tiếng Anh 12 - Unit 5: Higher education (Reading)

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Giáo án Tiếng Anh 12 - Unit 5: Higher education (Reading) giúp học sinh biết về ấn tượng đầu tiên của họ về cuộc sống đại học; học sinh biết về giáo dục đại học; động từ ở thì quá khứ.

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Nội dung Text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh 12 - Unit 5: Higher education (Reading)

  1. Unit 5: HIGHER EDUCATION - READING I. Objectives: 1. Educational aim: Students should know about their first impressions of university life. 2. Knowledge: - General knowledge: Students know about higher education - Language: verbs in past tense - New words: Words related to higher education 3. Skills: • Vocabulary comprehension matching • Passage comprehension • Arranging the sequence of an event II. Method: Integrated, mainly communicative III. Teaching aids: Student’s book and pictures showing farmers’ daily routines, etc. IV. Procedure: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm-up: (5 minutes) - Ask Ss some questions: - Work in pairs, discuss and answer 1. What are you going to do after you finish high the questions school? - Stand up and tell the class the 2. Which university would you like to attend? answers. 3. Where will you live if you study at a university far - Understand the aim of the lesson: from your house? Unit 5: higher education - Get feedback - Lead Ss to the new lesson: higher education Before you read: (7 minutes) - Ask Ss to work in pairs, ask and answer the following - Work in pairs, ask and answer the questions: questions 1. How do you say in English the names of these 1. Hue University universities? 2. Hanoi University of Architecture 2. What university would you like to apply for and why? 3. Hanoi University of Natural Science - Get feedback. 4. I would like to apply for Hanoi - Give Ss suggested answers. University of Natural Science. While you read: (23 minutes) - Read the text in silence. - Ask students to look through the passage and read in - Find out new words. silence - Understand the aim of the text. - Help students read the passage - Do the tasks that follow. - Explain pronunciation and meaning of new words which appear in the passage Task 1: (3 minutes) Task1: - Introduce the task: Complete the following sentences, - Study the task carefully. using the right forms of the words in the box. - Choose the right word to fill in the - Ask Ss to complete the following sentences, using the blanks. right forms of the words in the box. - Exchange their answers for peer - Go around class and help Ss if they need. correction. - Call on Ss to give their answers. - Tell the class the answers. - Correct mistakes. 1. campus 2. blamed 3. scariest
  2. 4. challenges 5. amazing. Task 2: (4 minutes) - Introduce the task: Find out who: - Look at the task, read the text again a. attended a party on the first weekend at college. to give the answers. b. didn't get on very well with the roommate. Sarah: 1- a. attended a party on the c. was not used to meeting different people every day at first weekend at college. college. 2- e. was very excited about going to d. liked having a chance to be creative. college. e. was very excited about going to college. Ellen: 3- b. didn't get on very well with f. enjoyed the first year at college. the roommate. - Go around class and help Ss if they need. 4. c. was not used to meeting different - Call on Ss to give their answers. people every day at college. - Correct mistakes. Brenden: 5- d. liked having a chance to be creative. 6- f. enjoyed the first year at college. Task 3: (10minutes) - Introduce the task: Answer the following questions. - Understand the task. 1. What did Sarah do on the first weekend? - Read the text again, answer the 2. Why did Sarah feel so lonely at the party? questions on the text. 3. What problems did Ellen have with her roommate? 1. She went out with her new 4. What did Brenden think about his first year at friends, walking around the college? campus. 5. What does the social calendar of the colleges provide 2. Because at the party everyone him? was busy playing some games - Guide Ss to answer. and no one seemed to noticed - Go round the class to help Ss if necessary. her. - Call on some Ss to give their answers. 3. Her roommate left the window - Correct mistakes open when it was cold outside. She went to bed early. She blamed Ellen for making her sick. 4. Brenden thought the first year at college was the best and most challenging of his life. 5. It provides him plenty of opportunities to meet non-engineering students as well as other engineers and many of them have become his best friends. Home work: (2 minutes) - Ask students to read the passage again. -Do Reading exercise of Unit 5 in - Ask students to do Reading exercise of Unit 5 in workbook and prepare Part B : workbook and prepare Part B : Speaking at home Speaking at home



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