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Tài liệu ôn thi tốt nghiệp THPT Tiếng Anh lớp 12 năm 2012 - THPT Thanh Khê

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Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo “Tài liệu tham khảo ôn thi tốt nghiệp THPT môn Tiếng Anh lớp 12 năm 2012 - THPT Thanh Khê”. Tài liệu ôn tập ngữ âm, ngữ pháp, từ vựng, cách phát âm, kỹ năng đọc, kỹ năng viết sẽ giúp các bạn nắm chắc phần lý thuyết, làm nhanh các dạng bài tập trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh một cách chính xác để chuẩn bị tốt cho kỳ thi tốt nghiệp THPT.

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Nội dung Text: Tài liệu ôn thi tốt nghiệp THPT Tiếng Anh lớp 12 năm 2012 - THPT Thanh Khê

  1. TÀI LIỆU THAM KHẢO ÔN THI TỐT NGHIỆP THPT MÔN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 12 NĂM 2012 – THPT THANH KHÊ PART i : THEORY AND EXERCISE A. PHONETICS (NGỮ ÂM) 1. SOUNDS CÁCH PHÁT ÂM "S" CUỐI : trong trường hợp danh từ số nhiều nhiều hoặc động từ số ít. /s/ Khi đi sau các phụ âm ; /f/, /k/, /p/, /t/ ,/q/. Ex: laughs, walks, cups, cats, tenths; books... / iz / Khi đi sau các phụ âm: /z/, /s/, /dz/, / t∫/, / ∫ /, /z/. Hoặc các chữ cái: s, x, z, ch, sh, ce, ge Ex: washes , kisses , oranges….. //// z / Không thuộc hai loại trên. Ex: bags , kids , days … Exercise 1. A. proofs B. books C. points D. days 2. A. asks B. breathes C. breaths D. hopes 3. A. sees B. sports C. pools D. trains 4. A. tombs B. lamps C. brakes D. invites 5. A. books B. floors C. combs D. drums 6. A. cats B. tapes C. rides D. cooks 7. A. walks B. begins C. helps D. cuts 8. A. shoots B. grounds C. concentrates D. forests 9. A. helps B. laughs C. cooks D. finds 10. A. hours B. fathers C. dreams D. thinks CÁCH PHÁT ÂM “ –ED” CUỐI : Đây là hình thức Past tense và Past participle: / id / Khi đi sau / t, d / : Thường sau chữ t, d : .Ex: wanted; decided /t / Khi đi sau / k, f, p, s, ∫, t∫, h ,q/ hoặc chữ p, k, f, th, s, sh, ch :.Ex: asked; stopped; laughed... ////d / : Trừ 2 trường hợp trên : .Ex: moved; played; raised Ngọai lệ: Đuôi -ed trong các tính từ sau được phát âm /id/: aged, learned, beloved, blessed, naked,,... Exercise 1. A. worked B. stopped C. forced D. wanted 2. A. kissed B. helped C. forced D. raised 3. A. confused B. faced C. cried D. defined
  2. 4. A. devoted B. suggested C. provided D. wished 5. A. catched B. crashed C. occupied D. coughed 6. A. agreed B. missed C. liked D. watched 7. A. measured B. pleased C. distinguished D. managed 8. A. wounded B. routed C. wasted D. risked 9. A. imprisoned B. pointed C. shouted D. surrounded 10. A. a.failed B. reached C. absored D. Solved 2. DIFFERENT SOUNDS 1. A. heat B. scream C. meat D. dead 2. A. thrilling B. other C. through D. something 3. A. around B. sound C. only D. mouse 4. A. teacher B. other C. together D. term 5. A. scholarship B. Chemistry C. school D. children 6. A. house B. harm C. hour D. husband 7. A. motion B. question C. mention D. fiction 8. A. change B. children C. machine D. church 9. A. service B. practice C. office D. device 10.A. future B. mature C. pasture D. nature 3. STRESS Exercise 1. a. pollute b. contractual c. reject d. marvellous 2. a. mechanic b. military c. apologize d. miraculous 3. a. compulsory b. intensity c. kidding d. invaluable 4. a. nursery b. focus c. delicate d. secure 5. a. curriculum b. kindergarten c. contaminate d.conventional 6. A. apology B. industrial C. Industry D. Disaster. 7. A. interview B. certificate C.applicant D. primary 8. A. certificate B. apartment C. individual D. biology 9. A. scientific B. availlable C. suspicious D. supportive 10. A. especially B. comfortably C. carefully D. possibly B. GRAMMAR *LESSON 1 : VERB TENSES TENSE ACTIVE ADVERBS S + Be (am/ is/ are) every, always, usually, often, sometimes, 1.Simple Present S + V-s/es rarely, seldom, never, … now, right now, at the moment, at present, 2.Present S + am/is/are+ V-ing these days, … Continuous just, recently, lately, ever, never, already, 3.Present Perfect S + have/has + p.p yet, since, for, so far, until now, up to now, up to the present, …
  3. 4.Present Perfect S + have/ has + been+ V- Continuous ing 5. Simple Past S + be (was/ were) last, ago, yesterday, … S + V-ed/ V2 at 6p.m yesterday, at this time yesterday, 6. Past Continuous S + was/ were + V-ing at that time, while, from 3p.m to 6p.m yesterday,… 7. Past Perfect S + had + p.p before, after, until,… 8.Past Perfect S + had + been + V-ing Continuous 9. Simple Future S + will/ shall + V (bare - someday, tomorrow, next, soon,… inf) at this time tomorrow, at 6p.m tomorrow, 10.Future S + will/ shall+ be + V-ing from 3p.m to 6p.m tomorrow,… Continuous 11.Future Perfect S + will/ shall + have + p.p by, by the time, by then,… 12.Future Perfect S + will/ shall + have + Continuous been + V-ing 13.Near Future S + be going to + V (bare inf) can/could/ shall/ should/ 14.Modal verbs may/ might/ must … + V (bare_inf) Chú ý: J Adverb có thể giúp ta nhận biết, xác định được thì cần dùng. Tuy nhiên, điều đó không phải luôn đúng trong mọi trường hợp. Nếu ta chia thì cho chuỗi nhiều động từ trong các câu ghép, câu phức thì ta cần phải căn cứ vào ngữ cảnh, ngữ nghĩa của cả tình huống đó mới xác định đúng thì. Đặc biệt khi đi với mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian.(Adverbial clause of time.) * Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian đóng vai trò tương đương với trạng ngữ của câu. Mệnh đề này không thể đứng một mình mà phải luôn đi kèm với mệnh đề chính. *Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian thường bắt đầu với các từ sau: When (khi) - I was watching TV when it began to rain. While ( trong khi) - While Tommy was having a bath, the telephone rang. As ( khi) - As I was watching TV, it began to rain. .As soon as ( ngay sau khi) - As soon as I finish reading this book, I will return it to you. Until ( cho đến khi) - Please wait for me until I come back. Before ( trước khi) - You must remember to turn all lights off before you go out. After ( sau khi ) - After my parents have dinner, they often watch TV till late at night. by the time(ngay trước khi) - I will have cooked dinner by the time he comes
  4. Since ( từ khi) - Since I move here, I have never met my next-door neighboor As long as: (lâu chừng nào) - You can stay here as long as you want to. NOTE: * Người ta không dùng thì tương lai trong mệnh đề chỉ thời gian. Khi mệnh đề chính có động từ ở thì tương lai thì trong mệnh phụ chỉ thời gian, người ta sẽ dùng: - Thì HTĐ hoặc - Thì HTHT ( nếu muốn nhấn mạnh hành động đã hoàn tất.) EXERCISE: 1. She................Hanoi last year A. went B. go C. goes D. is going 2. Now you ..................from New York to Los Angeles in a matter of hours A. are flying B. would fly C. will fly D. can fly 3. When Carol....................last night, favorite show on television A. was calling- watched B. called- have watched C. called- was watching D. had called- watched 4. By the time next summer, you....................your studies A. completes B. will complete C. are completing D. will have completed 5. Right now, Jim.................the newspaper and Kathy...............dinner A. reads- has cooked B. is reading- is cooking C. has read- was cooking D. read- will be cooking 6. Last night at this time, they.....................the same thing. She.............and he..........the newspaper A. are doing- is cooking- is reading B. were doing- was cooking- was reading C. was doing- has cooked- is reading D. had done- was cooking- read 7. – Hurry up! We’re waiting for you. What’s taking you so long? – I …………….. for an important phone call. Go ahead and leave without me. a. wait b. will wait c. am waiting d. have waited 8. – Robert is going to be famous someday. He ……………. in three movies already. – I’m sure he’ll be a star. a. has been appearing b. has appeared c. had appeared d. appeared 9. – Hello? Alice? This is Jeff. How are you? – Jeff? What a coincidence! I ………….. about you when the phone rang. a. was just thinking b. just thought c. have just been thinking d. was just thought 10.– What …….. about the new simplified tax law? – It’s more confusing than the old one. a. are you thinking b. do you think c. have you thought d. have you been thinking 11.– Why did you buy all this sugar and chocolate? – I ……………. a delicious dessert for dinner tonight. a. make b. will make c. am going to make d. will have made 12.– Let’s go! What’s taking you so long? – I’ll be there as soon as I …… my keys. a. found b. will find c. find d. am finding
  5. 13.While I ………………. TV last night, a mouse ran across the floor. a. watch b. watched c. was watching d. am watching 14.The earth ……………… on the sun for its heat and light. a. is depend b. depending c. has depend d. depends 15.I don’t feel good. I ……………… home from work tomorrow. a. am staying b. stay c. will have stayed d. stayed 16.I’ve been in this city for a long time. I …………….. here sixteen years ago. a. have come b. was coming c. came d. had come 17.– May I speak to Dr. Paine, please? – I’m sorry, he ………….. a patient at the moment. Can I help you? a. is seeing b. sees c. has been seeing d. was seeing 18.– Paul, could you please turn off the stove? The potatoes …….. for at least 30 minutes. a. are boiling b. have been boiling c. boiling d. were boiling 19.My family loves this house. It …………….the family home ever since my grandfather built it 60 years ago. a. was b. has been c. is d. will be 20.I know you feel bad now, Tommy, but try to put it out of your mind. By the time you’re an adult, you ……………….. all about it. a. forget b. will have forgotten c. will forget d. forgot *LESSON 2: VERB FORMS + Bare infinitive(động từ nguyên mẫu không To) + To infinitive (động từ nguyên mẫu có To) + Simple past( qúa khứ đơn) V-ED/ V2 + Past participle: qúa khứ phân từ : V3/ V-ED + Present participle Hiện tại phân tư :Vo+ing ( chức năng như tính từ hay dùng trong thì tiếp diễn) + Gerund Danh động từ:(Vo+ing) (chức năng như danh từ hoặc động từ) 8.a Những động từ sau đây, theo sau là to infinitive : S + V + to inf 1. afford : cung cấp đủ 21. manage : xoay xở 2. agree : đồng ý 22. mean : muốn 3. appear : có vẻ 23. need : cần ( chủ động, người 4. arrange : sắp xếp ) 5. ask : hỏi 24. offer : mời 6. attempt : cố gắng 25. plan : dự định, kế hoạch 7. beg : đề nghị, xin 26. prepare : chuẩn bị 8. care : quan tâm 27. pretend : giả vờ 9. claim : cho là, tuyên bố 28. promise : hứa 10. consent : đồng ý, tán thành 29. refuse : từ chối 11. decide : quyết định 30. regret : tiếc ( tương lai ) 12. demand : yêu cầu 31. remember : nhớ (tương lai ) 13. deserve : xứng đáng 32. seem : dường như 14. expect : trông đợi 33. struggle : đấu tranh, cố gắng 15. dare : dám 34. swear : thề 16. fail : thất bại 35. threaten : dọa 17. forget : quên ( tương lai ) 36. tend : có khuynh hướng 18. hesitate : ngập ngừng 37. volunteer : tình nguyện, xung
  6. 19. hope : hy vọng phong 20. learn : học 38. wait : đợi 39. want : muốn ( chủ động ) 40. wish : ao ước 8.b Những động từ sau đây, theo sau là Obj + to inf: S + V + objective + to inf 1. advise : khuyên 23. require : yêu cầu 2. allow: cho phép 24. recommend : khuyên 3. ask : hỏi, đòi hỏi 25. teach : dạy 4. beg : năn nỉ, xin 26. tell : bảo 5. cause : gây ra 27. tempt: xúi giục 6. challenge : thách thức, thách đố 27. urge : thúc giục, thuyết 7. convince : thuyết phục phục 8. dare : dám 28. want : muốn 9. encourage :khuyến khích 29. warn : cảnh báo 10. expect : trông đợi 30. help : giúp đỡ 11. forbid : cấm 31. would like : thích 12. force : bắt buộc 32. would prefer : thích 13. hire : thuê, mướn 33. appoint : chỉ định ai làm gì 14. instruct : chỉ dẫn 34. charge : giao nhiệm vụ 15. invite : mời 35. choose : lựa chọn 16. need : cần 36. compel : cưỡng bách 17. tempt : cám dỗ 37. defy : thách 18. intend : dự định 38. desire : ao ước, thèm thuồng 19. order : ra lệnh 39. direct : hướng dẫn, chỉ huy 20. permit : cho phép 40. implore : yêu cầu 21. persuade : thuyết phục 41. provoke : xúi giục 22. remind : nhắc lại 42. Teach, explain, know, understand, discover, consider, think, believe + how + to inf :Chỉ cách thức B. Những động từ sau đây, theo sau là V-ing 1. admit : thừa nhận 26. hate : ghét 2. advise : khuyên ( không object 27. mention : nhắc tới, nĩi tới ) 28. mind : phiền 3. anticipate : tham gia 29. miss : nhớ, lỡ, mất 4. appreciate : đánh giá cao 30. postpone : đình, hõan. 5. avoid : tránh 31. prevent : ngăn cản 6. complete : hòan thành 32. practise : luyện tập 7. consider : xem xét 33. recall : gợi lại, nhớ lại. 8. delay : trì hõan 34. recollect : gợi lại. 9. dread : sợ 35. recommend : khuyên, dặn dò. ( không 10. detest : ghét object ) 11. discuss : thảo luận 36. regret : tiếc nuối ( quá khứ ) 12. dislike : không thích 37. remember : nhớ ( qúa khứ ) 13. deny : từ chối 38. resent : tức giận, phật ý.
  7. 14. enjoy : thưởng thức 39. resist : cưỡng lại, phản kháng. 15. excuse : xin lỗi 40. risk : liều lĩnh. 16. finish : hòan thành 41. stop : ngừng, từ bỏ. 17. forget : quên ( qúa khứ ) 42. start : ( hoặc To inf ) 18. forgive : tha thứ 43. suggest : đề nghị 19. fancy : tưởng tượng 44. tolerate : bỏ qua 20. imagine : tưởng tượng 45. understand : hiểu 21. involve : làm liên lụy 46. restrict : hạn chế, giảm bớt, ngăn ngừa. 22. include : bao gồm * can’t bear, can’t stand, can’t help 23. keep : tiếp tục * it is no use, it is no good, there is no use . 24. love : ( hoặc To inf) * look forward to 25. like : ( hoặc To inf) thích * busy, worth EXERCISE: 1. All the passengers were made ________ their seat belts during the turbulence. a. buckle b. to buckle c. buckling d. for buckling. 2. I got my friend ________ her car for the weekend. a. to let me to borrow b. to let me borrow c. let me borrow d. let me to borrow 3. ‘How about going to the theater?' 'OK,' but I would rather ______ a concert.' a. attend b. to attend c. attending d. have attended 4. The skiers would rather ________ through the mountains than go by bus. a. to travel on train b. traveled by train c. travel by train d. traveling by the train 5. If we leave now for our trip, we can drive half the distance before we stop ___ lunch. a. having b. to have c. having had d. for having 6. The examiner made us ___ our identification in order to be admitted to the test center. a. show b. showing c. to show d. showed 7. As we entered the room, we saw a rat ________ towards a hole in the skirting board. a. scamper b. to scamper c. scampering d. was scampering 8. I remember ________ to Paris when I was a very small child. a. to be taken b. to take c. being taken d. taking 9. My parents wouldn't _______ to the party. a. allow me go b. allow me to go c. allow me going d. allow to go 10. We are going to have my house _______ tomorrow morning. a. paint b. painting c. painted d. to be painted 11. I meant to get up early but I forgot _______ up my alarm clock. a. wind b. to wind c. wind d. wound 12. Look at the state of the gate. It needs ________ as soon as possible. a. to repair b. repairing c. being repaired d. be repaired 13. Alice didn't expect ________ to Bill's party. a. asking b. being asked c. to ask d. to be asked 14. We asked ________ the piano so early in the morning, but she won't. a. Marie to stop playing b. Marie stop to play c. that Marie stops playing d. Marie to stop to play
  8. *LESSON 3: SUBJECT AND VERB AGREEMENT ( Sự phù hợp giữa chủ ngữ và động từ) A. Nguyên tắc chung: Chủ ngữ (S) Động từ (V) He, she, it và các danh từ số ít Động từ số ít You, we, they và các danh từ số nhiều Động từ số nhiều - Hình thức của động từ số ít: is/was/has/động từ có s hoặc es. - Hình thức của động từ số nhiều: are/were/have/động từ có hình thức giống như nguyên mẫu. B. Một số nguyên tắc cơ bản: 1. Chủ ngữ gồm hai hoặc nhiều phần nối với nhau bằng and à V số nhiều Eg: My brother and sister live in Boston. 2. Chủ ngữ gồm 2 phần nối với nhau bằng either… or, neither… nor, not only…but also à V hòa hợp với phần gần nó nhất. Eg: Either Thursday or Friday is ok. 3. Chủ ngữ có thêm phần as well as, with, together with, along with à V vẫn chỉ hòa hợp với phần S đầu tiên. Eg: George, together with his friends, is buying a race horse. 4. Chủ ngữ là cụm từ chỉ sự đo lường (được xem như là một tổng thể) à V là số ít. Eg: Thirty pounds seems a reasonable price. 5. Nếu có 1 cụm từ hay mệnh đề theo sau một danh từ làm chủ ngữ à V chỉ hòa hợp với danh từ đầu tiên. Eg: The house between the two bungalows is empty. The house they used to live in is now empty. 6. Chủ ngữ là 1 cụm từ hay 1 mệnh đề à V số ít. Eg: Through the trees is the nearest way. Opening my presents was exciting. 7. Every of, each of, one of + danh từ số nhiều à V số ít. Eg: One of these letters is for you. 8. A (large) number of, the majority of, a lot of, some of + danh từ số nhiều à V số nhiều. Eg: The majority of people have complained. * The number of à V số ít 9. Each, every + danh từ số ít à V số ít Eg: Each book and magazin is listed in the card catolog 10. None of, neither of, either of + danh từ số nhiều à V số ít. Eg: None of the students has failed the test * Có thể dùng V số nhiều nhưng không trang trọng (informal English) 11. Đại từ bất định như Something, everything, nothing… à V số ít Eg: Someone was waiting at the door 12. Danh từ không đếm được à V số ít. Eg: This water is not safe enough to drink. 13. Một số danh từ có hình thức số nhiều nhưng mang nghĩa số ít à V số ít. Eg: Mathematics is one of my core subjects 14. There is/was + danh từ số ít. There are/were + danh từ số nhiều. Eg: There are twenty five students in my class There was an accident last night.
  9. 15. Một số danh từ có hình thức số ít nhưng mang nghĩa số nhiều + V số nhiều.( people, police, army, military, cattle...) Eg: The police are investigating the crime. 16. The + tính từ làm chủ ngữ à V số nhiều. Eg: The sick are well cared in the hospital 17. Một số danh từ có hình thức số nhiều ( có s) + V chia số ít · News , · Tên thành phố, tên quốc gia, tên tổ chức tận cùng có s: The United States , wales , the Philippines… · Tên môn học: Mathematics , phyics , athletics , politics. · Tên bệnh tật: AIDs, rickets, mumps, measles 18. Cụm V-ing làm chủ ngữ + V số ít Exercise 1: Circle the best answer. 1. One of ____________ a goldfish bowl on her kitchen table. a. my friend keep c. my friend keeps b. my friends keep d. my friends keeps 2. Every ____________ love. a. man, woman and child needs c. man, woman and child need b. men, women and children needs d. men, women and children need 3. One of the girls who ____________ in this office ____________ my niece a. works / is c. work / is b. works / are d. work / are 4. Neither Lan nor her parents ____________ the film. a. like b. likes c. is like d. are like 5. Each ____________ the same as the day before. a. days was b. day was c. days were d. day were 6. More men than ____________ left handed. a. woman are b. woman is c. women are d. women is 7. Every one of the students ____________ on time for class a. is b. are c. were d. have been 8. There ____________ some money on the table. a. are b. were c. have been d. is 9. This information about taxes ____________ helpful a. were b. have been c. is d. are 10. The vegetables in the bowl on the table ____________ fresh. a. looks b. smells c. are d. is 11. Writing ____________ her happy a. letter makes b. letters makes c. letter make d. letters make 12. None of the money robbed from the banks last year ____________ yet. a. has been found b. have been found c. has found d. have found 13. My father and mother ____________ for the same company. a. works b. work c. is working d. has worked 14. The elderly ____________ this kind of music, but the young ____________. a. don’t like / does b. doesn’t like / does c. don’t like / do d. doesn’t like / do . Exercise 3: Find the incorrect part A, B, C and D. 1. Each of the rooms have its own bathroom.
  10. A B C D 2. Everybody who have a fever must go home immediately A B C D 3. Twenty five dollars are all I can afford to pay for this recorder A B C D 4. All of the windows in my house was broken in the earthquake. A B C D 5. The actress, along with her manager and some friends, are going to the party. A B C D 6. Living expenses in this country are high. A B C D *LESSON 4: PASSIVE VOICE I. Form: Active: S + V + O + ……. Passive: S + be + V3/ed +........ (by O) + …… Ex: Active: She arranges the books on the shelves every weekend. S V O Passive: The books are arranged on the shelves (by her) every weekend. S be V3/ed by O II. CÁCH ĐỔI ACTIVE VOICE SANG PASSIVE VOICE Ex: Active sentence: Peter took this book yesterday Passive sentence: This book was taken by Peter yesterday A. Tổng quát: Active sentence: Subj + V + Obj Passive sentence: Subj + BE + V3 / V-ed (động từ chính) + by Obj 1- Chuyển: Obj ---> Subj; Subj ----> by Obj (Có thể bỏ nếu by Obj không cần thiết) 2-Thêm BE và chia thì tương ứng với thì câu chủ động. Nghĩa là: Động từ chính của câu chủ động ở thì nào thì “ To Be” phải chia ở thì đó). 3- Chuyển động từ chính sang ---> V3 hoặc V- ED. 2. Sau những động từ chỉ ý kiến (verbs of opinion): say, think , believe, report, rumour, know, consider, claim Active: S1+ verb1 ( say/ believe/ think....) (that) +S2+ verb 2... Passive: Cách 1: It + be + V3 / V-ed (verb1) + that + S2 + verb 2 .... Cách 2: S2 + be + V3 / V-ed (verb1) + to-infinitive (verb 2) / + to have + V3 / V-ed (verb 2) nếu V1 thì hiện tại và V2 ở quá khứ. Ex: People say that he was crazy.
  11. → Cách 1: It is said that he was crazy or → Cách 2: He is said to have been crazy.(nếu chọn to be thay vì to have been là sai) . Ex: People say that money brings happiness → Cách 1: It is said that money brings happiness → Cách 2: Money is said to bring happiness. Exercise 4: Choose the best option A, B, C or D to complete the sentence. 1. I shouldn’t ………. so much coffee last night. I was wide awake till four in the morning. A. drink B. drank C. be drunk D. have drunk 2. The profits are supposed …………………. among the shareholders. A. to divide B. to be divided C. dividing D. being divided 3. When you are on duty, your uniform must …………………. at all times. A. wear B. be wear C. be worn D. be wearing 4. You promised her a letter; you ought to …………………. days ago. A. write B. be writing C. have written D. be written 5. After the test papers …………………. to the students in class tomorrow, the students …………………. their next assignment. A. will return – will be given B. will be returned – are given C. are returning – are giving D. are returned – will be given 6. The class for next semester is too large. It ought to …………………. in half. A. be divided B. divide C. have divided D. have been divided 7. The entire valley can …………………. from their mountain home. A. see B. be seen C. being seen D. sees 8. He is wearing a gold ring on his fourth finger. He must…………………. A. have been married B. be married C. marry D. have married 9. A child should …………………. everything he or she wants. A. gives B. give C. have been given D. be given 10. Your daughter has a good voice. Her interest in singing …………………. encouraged. A. should be B should C. be D. have *LESSON 5: RELATIVE CLAUSES & REDUCTION OF RELATIVE CLAUSES A. RELATIVE CLAUSES - Mệnh đề quan hệ (hay mệnh đề tính ngữ) bổ nghĩa cho danh từ đứng trước nó. - Mệnh đề quan hệ được đặt sau danh từ mà nó bổ nghĩa, được bắt đầu bằng các đại từ quan hệ: WHO, WHOM, WHICH, THAT, WHOSE, và trạng từ quan hệ: WHERE, WHY, WHEN. Đại từ quan hệ: (Ralative Pronouns) Danh từ đứng Chủ ngữ Tân ngữ Sở hữu cách trước (Subject) (Object) (Possesive Case) (Antecedent) Người (person) Who/That Whom/That Whose Vật (Thing) Which/That Which/That Of which/ whose Trạng từ quan hệ (Relative Adverbs) a. WHERE (in/ on/ at ... which): thay thế cho cụm từ chỉ nơi chốn Ex: - The movie theater is the place. We can see films at that place.
  12. à The movie theater is the place where we can see films. b. WHEN (in/ on which): thay thế cho cụm từ chỉ thời gian Ex: - Do you remember the day. We first met on that day. à Do you remember the day when we first met? c. WHY (for which): giới thiệu nguyên nhân Ex: - Tell me the reason. You are so sad for that reason. à Tell me the reason why you are so sad. CÓ 2 LOẠI MỆNH ĐỀ QUAN HỆ: RESTRICTIVE & NON-RESTRICTIVE RELATIVE CLAUSES I. Restrictive Relative Clauses: (MĐQH giới hạn hoặc hạn định) - Dùng để bổ nghĩa cho danh từ đứng trước chưa được xác định rõ, nếu bỏ mệnh đề quan hệ, mệnh đề chính sẽ không rõ nghĩa. Ex: - I saw the girl. She helped us last week. à I saw the girl who/that helped us last week. * LƯU Ý: Ta có thể bỏ đại từ quan hệ: WHO, WHOM, WHICH, THAT khi chúng làm tân ngữ trong MĐQH hạn định. II. Non-restritive Relative Clauses: ( MĐQH không hạn định)_ - Dùng để cung cấp thêm thông tin cho danh từ đứng trước đã được xác định rõ (nó chỉ là phần giải thích thêm), nếu bỏ MĐQH, mệnh đề chính vẫn rõ nghĩa. - Mệnh đề này ngăn cách với mệnh đề chính bằng dấu phẩy. - Ta dùng mệnh đề quan hệ không hạn định khi: + Trước đại từ quan hệ có: this/that/these/those/my/her/his/… + Từ trước đại từ quan hệ là tên riêng, danh từ riêng, vật duy nhất, danh từ có cụm giới từ theo sau làm rõ nghĩa. Ex: - My father is a doctor. He is fifty years old. à My father, who is fifty years old, is a doctor. - Mr. Brown is a very nice teacher. We studied English with him. à Mr Brown, who we studied English with, is a very nice teacher. - The sun made the traveller thirsty. It was hot at midday. à The sun, which was hot at midday, made the traveller thirsty - The boys in the next room are my students. They are making noise. à The boys in the next room, who are making noise, are my students. LƯU Ý: + KHÔNG được bỏ đại từ quan hệ trong MĐQH không hạn định. + KHÔNG được sử dụng dại từ quan hệ THAT B. REDUCTION OF RELATIVE CLAUSES 1) Dùng phân từ: a) Dùng cụm V-ing : Dùng cho các mệnh đề mang nghĩa chủ động The man who is standing there is my brother. The man standing there is my brother b) Dùng cụm P.P: (V3/ V-ed) Dùng cho các mệnh đề mang nghĩa bị động . I like books which were written by Nguyen Du. I like books written by Nguyen Du. 2) Dùng cụm to inf: (... Noun/ Pronoun + to infinitive / to be + V3 /V-ed ) -Dùng khi danh từ đứng trước có các từ sau đây : ONLY, LAST, FIRST, SECOND..., danh từ có SS bậc nhất đi kèm
  13. Ex: This is the only student who can do the problem. (động từ mang nghĩa chủ động) This is the only student to do the problem. -Động từ là HAVE với nghĩa: “ có “ Ex: I have something that I must do now. (động từ mang nghĩa chủ động) I have something to do now. -Câu bắt đầu bằng: HERE (BE), THERE (BE) Ex: There are six letters which have to be written today. (động từ mang nghĩa bị động) There are six letters to be written today. EXERCISE : CHOOSE THE BEST ANSWER: 1. That’s my friend,_______________ comes from Japan. A. which B. who C. whom D. where. 2. The plants which______________ in the living room need a lot of water. A. are B. be C. is D. was 3. She’s the woman_______________ sister looks after the baby for us. A. who B. which C. that’s D. whose 4. That’s the doctor for________________ Cliff works. A. that B. which C. whom D. whose 5. Marie,______________ I met at the party, called me last night. A. that B. whom C. which D. whose 6. I remember Alice,______________ rode the bus to school with. A. I B. whom I C. which I D. who 7. I used to enjoy the summer, ______________ we had a big family picnic. A. where B. when C. which D. that 8. Tell me about the city ______________ you grew up. A. that B. where C. which D. ø 9. Anna found the book that ________________ wanted at the bookshop. A. ø B. where C. she D. which 10. Please remember to take back to the library all the books _____________ are due this week. A. ø B. that C. when D. they 11. He likes the dress. Huong is wearing it A. He likes the dress which Huong is wearing it B. He likes the dress Huong is wearing it C. He likes the dress who Huong is wearing D. He likes the dress Huong is wearing 12. Most of the classmates couldn't come. He invited them to the birthday party A. Most of the classmates he invited to the birthday party couldn't come. B. Most of the classmates he was invited to the birthday party couldn't come. C. Most of the classmates that he invited them to the birthday party couldn't come. D. Most of the classmates which he invited to the birthday party couldn't come. 13. What was the name of the man? You met and talked to him this morning. A. What was the name of the man who you met and talked to him this morning? B. What was the name of the man you met and talked to this morning? C. What was the name of the man you met and talked to whom this morning? D. What was the name of the man whose you met and talked to this morning? 14. The church is over 500 years old. Our class visited it last summer.
  14. A. The church which our class visited it last summer is over 500 years old. B. The church that our class visited it last summer is over 500 years old. C. The church which our class visited last summer is over 500 years old. D. The church our class visit last summer is over 500 years old. 15. The song says about the love of two young stdents. She is singing the song. A. The song which she is singing it says about the love of two young stdents. B. The song she is singing says about the love of two young stdents. C. The song says about the love of two young stdents which she is singing. D. The song says about the love of two young stdents that she is singing it. * LSSSON 6: REPORTED SPEECH Khi động từ tường thuật ở thì quá khứ, để đổi câu trực tiếp sang câu gián tiếp, ta đổi BA yếu tố là ngôi, thì của động từ và trạng từ chỉ thời gian và nơi chốn. a. Ngôi: - Đổi ngôi thứ NHẤT (I, me, my, mine &We, us ,our(s)) phù hợp với CHỦ NGỮ trong mệnh đề chính - Đổi ngôi thứ HAI (you , your(s)) phù hợp với TÂN NGỮ trong mệnh đề chính - Ngôi thứ BA( he, him, his, she, her(s), it(s), they, them, their(s) ) không đổi b. Thì và các trạng ngữ: CÂU TRỰC TIẾP CÂU TƯỜNG THUẬT PRESENT SIMPLE PAST SIMPLE PRESENT CONTINUOUS PAST CONTINUOUS ( S + was/were + V-ing) PRESENT PERFECT / PAST PERFECT (S + had + P.P) PAST SIMPLE PAST CONTINUOUS PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS (S + had + been + v-ing) Will / shall + bare inf Would + bare inf Must + bare inf Had to + bare inf Is / am/ are going to Was / were going to Can / May Could / Might This / these That / those Now Then Here There Ago Before The day after tomorrow In 2 days' time The day before yesterday 2 days before Today / tonight That day / that night Tomorrow The day after / the following day / the next day Yesterday The day before / the previous day Last night / month / week / The night / month / week / year before. year I. Commands: Câu mệnh lệnh
  15. told / asked / begged / to inf S+ warned / required / +O+ requested ... not to inf Ex1: “Please give this book to him tomorrow”. I said to Lan → I told Lan to give that book to him the following day. Ex2: The teacher said “Nam, don’t put your leg on the chair.” → The teacher asked Nam not to put his leg on the chair. Câu đề nghị ai đó giúp làm việc gì 1 cách lịch sự: “ Would you mind + V-ing ...........?” Would Will Can + you (please) + bare inf ......? Could S + asked + O + to inf ... Ex: “Could you please show me the way to the market ?” The stranger said to the boy. → The stranger told / asked the boy to show him / her the way to the market. II. Statements: Câu phát biểu: told + O S+ +S+V said (to + O ) Ex1: Miss. Hoa said: “You should improve your English pronunciation, Lien” → Miss Hoa told Lien (that) she should improve her English pronunciation. Ex2: “ I did my homework yesterday” Minh said. → Minh said he had done his homework the day before. Ex3: "Linh is repairing your bike now” I said to Lan. → I told Lan (that) Linh was repairing her bike then. III. Questions: Câu hỏi 1. WH – questions: Ex: “ What are you doing now ?” I asked her. I asked her what she was doing then. 2. Yes – No questions: wanted to know question word + S + V ( WH-questions) wondered S+ + asked + O if / whether + S +V (Yes - No questions) Ex: “Do you like classical music, Nam ?” Miss Hoa asked. → Miss Hoa asked Nam if he liked classical music. EXERCISES: Choose the best option that best completes each sentence: 1/. Ba told me that he was leaving for the capital _____________.
  16. A. tomorrow B. the following week C. tonight D. next Sunday 2/. They asked me how many children_______________ . A. I had B. had I C. I have D. have I 3/. Thu said she had been_____________ the day before. A. here B. there C. in this place D. where 4/. They told their parents that they______________ their best to do the test. A. try B. will try C. are trying D. would try 5/. She______________ me whether I liked classical music or not. A. ask B. asks C. asked D. asking 6/. He asked me who the editor of that book____________ . A. was B. were C. is D. has been 7/. He wants to know whether I_____________ back tomorrow. A. come B. came C. will come D. would come 8/. I wonder why he______________ love his family. A. doesn’t B. don’t C. didn’t D. hasn’t 9/ “I didn’t witness that accident.” A. He denied not having witnessed that accident. B. He denied having witnessed that accident. C. He denied not having witnessing that accident. D. He denied not had witnessed that accident. 10/ “Would you like to join our team?”, he said. A. He said to me would you like to join our team. B. He told me if I would like to join their team. C. He invited me to join their team. D. He asked me if I would like to join our team 11/ “You cheated in the exam.” The teacher said to his students A. The teacher insisted his students on cheating in the exam. B. The teacher prevented his students from cheating in the exam. C. The teacher advised his students to cheat in the exam. D. The teacher accused his students of cheating in the exam. 12/ “Don’t touch that flower.” the old lady said to the boy. A. The old lady wanted the boy not to touching that flower. B. The old lady insisted the boy on touching that flower. C. The old lady warned the boy against touching that flower. D. The old lady congratulated the boy on touching that flower. 13/ “Let’s go on a walk holiday!” said Jane. A. Jane suggested going on a walking holiday. B. Jane wanted us to go on a walking holiday. C. Jane invited us to go on a walking holiday. D. Jane allowed us to go on a walking holiday. 14/ " Don't forget to give the book back to Mary," he said to me. A. He reminded me to give the book back to Mary. B. He reminded me to forget to give the book back to Mary. C. He advised me to give the book back to Mary. D. He advised me to forget to give the book back to Mary. 15/“If I were you, I would take the job”, said my friend.
  17. A. My friend was thinking about taking the job. B. My friend insisted on taking the job for me. C. My friend advised me to take the job. D. My friend introduced the idea of taking the job to me. * LESSON 7: CONDITIONAL SENTENCES Type 1: FUTURE POSSIBLE (Diễn tả một khả năng có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai) A/ Dạng cơ bản: If + S + V(simple present), S + V(simple future) Ex: If I have time, I will go. B/ Những trường hợp khác: 1/ If + S + V(simple present) , Imperative (mệnh lệnh) Ex:If you go to the post office, please mail this letter for me. 2/ Imperative (mệnh lệnh) + or + S + V(simple future). Ex: Prepare the lesson carefully or you will get a bad mark. = If you don't prepare the lesson carefully, you will get a bad mark. 3. If ....... not = Unless ( nếu không/ trừ khi) Ex: If you don't hurry, you'll be late for school. => Unless you hurry, you'll be late for school. 4. As long as/ So long as/ Provided (that)/ Providing (that)/ On condition that + Clause ( Miễn là/ với điều kiện) Ex: As long as you drive carefully, you can use my car. = If you drive carefully, you can use my car. II/ Type 2: PRESENT UNREAL (Diễn tả tình huống không có thật ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai) If + S + V (past subjunctive/ simple past), S + would/ could/ might + bare inf Eg: I don't win a lot of money, so I can't spend most of it travelling round the world. → If I won a lot of money, I could spend most of it travelling round the world. Eg: I am short; that's why I won't be a pilot. →If I were/ was taller, I would be a pilot. III/ Type 3: PAST UNREAL (Diễn tả tình huống không có thật ở quá khứ) If + S + had + PP , S + would/ could/ might + have + PP Eg: I didn't tell her any good news because I wasn't here early. →If I had been here earlier, I would have told her some good news. IV/ Câu điều kiện hỗn hợp: Loại III + Loại II Eg: He isn't a rich man now because he didn't take my advice. →If he had taken my advice, he would be a rich man now. EXERCISE :Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences 1. If I ……….a lot of money now, I …………..a new car. a. have /will buy b. have / would buy c. had/ will buy d. had/ would buy. 2. If I ……………you, I …………….do that. a. am/ will b. were /would c. were/ will d. had been/ would. 3. If I were offered the job, I think I ………. it. a. take b. will take c. would take d. would have taken. 4. I would be very surprised if he…………….. a. refuses b. refused c. had refused d. would refuse. 5. Many people would be out of work if that factory………..down.
  18. a. closes b. had closed c. closed d. would close. 6. 6. If she sold her car, she ………… much money. a. gets b. would get c. will get d. would have got. 7. They would be disappointed if we……………. a. hadn’t come b. wouldn’t come c. don’t come d. didn’t come. 8. We ‘ll get wet if we ………….out. a. go b. did go c. went d. had gone. 9. If I go shopping, I ………some food. a. buy b. will buy c. would buy d. would have bought. 10. If I find it, I ………you. a. will tell b. would tell c. had told d. told *LESSON 8: COMPARISON (Mệnh đề so sánh) I- SO SÁNH HƠN : ( COMPARATIVE ) 1- Tính từ ngắn : ( Short adjectives ) Hầu hết là tính từ có một âm tiết hoặc tính từ dài có hai âm tiết tận cùng là : “ y, er, ow, ple, tle ”.Cấu trúc sử dụng là: S + V + {adj- er/ adv-er} + than + {noun/ pronoun} Example : Happy ---- > happier Easy ---- > Easier Clever ---- > cleverer Simple ---- > simpler Gentle ---- > gentler 1 Mary is taller than Tom (is) Lưu ý : + Đối với tính từ ngắn có một phụ âm tận cùng (trừ w,x,z) và trước đó là một nguyên âm, ta phải gấp đôi phụ âm cuối rồi thêm “ er ” Ex: big-bigger; red-redder , fat- fatter ,sad- sadder, thin-thinner + Đối với tính từ một âm tiết tận cùng bằng “ e ” thì so sánh hơn ta chỉ thêm “r ” Ex: nice - nicer, safe – safer 2- Tính từ dài : ( long adjectives ) Là tính từ thường có hai âm tiết trở lên .Cấu trúc sử dụng là: S + V +more+ {adj/ adv} +than + {noun/ pronoun} Ex: The test A is more difficult than the test B II- SO SÁNH NHẤT ( SUPERLATIVE ) 1- Tính từ ngắn : ( Short adjectives ).Cấu trúc sử dụng là : S + V +the+ {adj- est/ adv-est} Ex: This is the cleanest room in the house 2- Tính từ dài ( long adjectives ).Cấu trúc sử dụng là S + V + the +most+ {adj/ adv} Ex: First class is the most expensive way to travel III- SO SÁNH BẰNG : (SIMILARITY), Cấu trúc sử dụng là : S + V + as + {adj/ adv} + as + {noun/ pronoun} Ex : 1- His car runs as fast as a race car. Lưu ý: - Nếu là câu phủ định, dùng as hoặc so trước tính từ dều dược nhưng khẳng định chỉ được dùng as.. Ex:He is not as/ so tall as his father.
  19. IV- SO SÁNH KÉP : ( DOUBLE COMPARISON ) 1- So sánh kép trong bản thân một sự vật , hiện tượng : ……..càng ngày càng …….. a- Tính từ ngắn : ( Short adjectives ) COMPARATIVE AND COMPARATIVE Adj –er and Adj-er Ex: - Tom is growing fast. He is getting taller and taller - The weather is getting hotter and hotter b- Tính từ dài ( long adjectives ) hoặc trạng từ ( adverbs ) : S + V + more and more + Adj / Adv Ex : - Computers are becoming more and more complicated - Jenny is becoming more and more beautiful 2- So sánh kép liên quan đến hai hay nhiều sự vật , hiện tượng : .... càng …càng … The + tính từ so sánh hơn + S + V, The + tính từ so sánh hơn + S + V ( comparative ) , ( comparative ) Ex: - The more money you make, the more you spend 2 The harder you work, the better result you will get 3 The more expensive petrol becomes, the less people drive LƯU Ý : MỘT SỐ TÍNH TỪ/ TRẠNG TỪ BẤT QUI TẮC ADJ / Adv COMPARATIVE SUPERLATIVE -1 good / well -1 Better -1 best -2 bad / badly -2 Worse -2 worst -3 far -3 -3 -4 old Farther/furthe farthest/furthes -5 much r t -6 many -4 Older/elder -4 oldest/eldest -7 little -5 More -5 most -6 More -6 most -7 less -7 least Exercise 1: Choose the best answer: 1. Ho Chi Minh city is much .................. than Nha trang city. A. larger B. smaller C. higher D. lower 2. Australia is the .................. continent in the world. A. large B. smallest C. biggest D. thinner 3. Living in the countryside is .................. than in cities. A. less peaceful B. more peaceful C. most peaceful D. least peaceful 4. Your car is in .................. condition than mine. A. worse B. worst C. bad D. good 5. That was the .................. day in my life. A. excited B. happiness C. happiest D. interesting 6. Hoa doesn’t cook .................. her mother. A. as bad as B. as good as C. as quick as D. as well as 7. She is the .................. beautiful girl I have ever met. A. less B. more C. most D. best
  20. 8. The Queen of England is one of the .................. women in the world. A. richer B. richest C. most rich D. as rich as 9. I’m sorry I’m late. It took me .................. to get here than I expected. A. longer B. further C. more D. less 10. There’s plenty of food, so eat .................. you like. A. as many as B. as much as C. as lot as D. as great as *LESSON 9: TAG – QUESTIONS I. CÁCH THÀNH LẬP 1. Câu hỏi đuôi gồm có: chủ ngữ (phải là đại từ nhân xưng) và trợ động từ hay động từ đặc biệc. 2. Nếu câu phát biểu ở thể xác định thì câu hỏi đuôi ở thể phủ định và ngược lại. 3. Nếu câu hỏi đuôi ở thể phủ định thì phải dùng hình thức tĩnh lược (contractive form). Ví dụ: STATEMENTS QUESTION-TAGS He is a good boy, isn’t he? The girl didn't come here did she? yesterday, won't they? They will go away, has she? She hasn't left, II. CHÚ Ý: a. Phần đuôi của “ I am” là “ aren’t I “ . Eg: I’m going to do it again, aren’t I? b. Imperatives and Requests ( Câu mệnh lệnh và câu yêu cầu): + Có phần đuôi là “won’t you?” khi câu phát biểu diễn tả lời mời: Eg: Take your seat, won’t you? (Mời ông ngồi) + Có phần đuôi là “will you?” khi câu phát biểu diễn tả lời yêu cầu hoặc mệnh lệnh phủ định Eg: Open the door, will you? ( Xin vui lòng mở cửa) Don’t be late, will you ? (Đừng đi trễ nha) c. Phần đuôi của câu bắt đầu bằng “ Let’s ...” : là “shall we ?” Eg: Let’s go swimming, shall we? Nhưng phần đuôi của “Let us / Let me” là “will you” d. Nothing, anything, something, everything được thay là thế bằng “ It” ở câu hỏi đuôi: Eg : Everything will be all right, won’t it? No one, Nobody, Anyone, Anybody, Someone, Somebody, Everybody, Everyone được thay thế bằng “They” trong câu hỏi đuôi. Eg: Someone remembered to leave the messages, didn’t they? Lưu ý: Nothing, Nobody, No one được dùng trong mệnh đề chính, động từ ở câu hỏi đuôi sẽ phải ở dạng khẳng định. (Vì Nothing, Nobody, No one có nghĩa phủ định) Eg: Nothing gives you more pleasure than listening to music, does it ? e. This/ That được thay thế là “It”. Eg: This won’t take long, will it? f. These/ Those được thay thế là “They”. Eg: Those are nice, aren’t they?



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