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The doctoral thesis in economics: Human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with knowledge - based economic development in Thua Thien Hue nowadays

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Research objectives: On the basis of the systematizing theoretical and practical issues in humanresources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge - based economy, the thesis analyses, assesses the situation of human resources for industry of modernization associated with the development of the knowledge - based economy in the Province of Thua Thien - Hue.

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Nội dung Text: The doctoral thesis in economics: Human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with knowledge - based economic development in Thua Thien Hue nowadays

  3. CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY I here by declare that the research paper titled “Human Resources For Industrialization And Modernization Associated With Knowledge- based Economic Development In Thua Thien Hue Nowadays” my own work and to the best of my knowledge. Data and materials used in the thesis are real with obvious origins; findings in this thesis are studied results of the writer. AUTHOR OF THE THESIS Ha Thi Hang
  4. LIST OF ABRREVIATIONS CNH Industrialization CNH, HĐH Industrialization, Modernization CMKT Technical expertise CNTT Information technology CNXH Socialism CNKT Technical worker CĐ Junior College ĐH University FDI Foreign Direct Investment GD - ĐT Education- Training GS Professor KTTT Market economy KTTTh Knowledge-based economy KT - XH Socio-economy KH - CN Science-technology KCN Industrial Zone LLLĐ Labor force LLSX Production labor force LĐ Labor NCS Postgraduate NNL Human resource NNLCLC High-quality Human resource NNLKH - CN Scientific-technological Human resource PGS Associate Professor SC Elementary SX - KD Production-Business THCS Sencondary School THPT High School THCN Vocational school Ths Master TCCN Vocational Intermediate TC Intermediate TCH Globalization UBND People’s Committee
  5. TABLE OF CONTENT Page INTRODUCTION 1 CHAPTER 1: 7 AN OVERVIEW OF RESEARCH INTO HUMAN RESOURCE FOR INDUSTRIALIZATION AND MODERNIZATION ASSOCIATED WITH KNOWLEGDE- BASED ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1.1 The research works into human resources for industrialization and 7 modernization. 1.2 The research works into high- quality human resources in the 19 knowledge-based economy CHAPTER 2: 28 RATIONALE AND REALITY OF HUMAN RESOURCES FOR INDUSTRIALIZATION AND MODERNIZATION ASSOCIATED WITH KNOWLEGDE- BASED ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 2.1 Human resources for industrialization and modernization associated 28 with the development of the knowledge-based economy 2.1.1 Human resources and characteristics of human resources for 28 industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy 2.1.2 Industrialization and modernization associated with the 35 development of knowledge-based economy and requirements of human resources 2.2 Regularity in human resource structural shift towards 48 industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy 2.2.1 Factors affecting structural shift of human resources towards 49 industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy 2.2.2 Trends and regularity in the human resource structural shift towards 51 industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy
  6. 2.3 Experience of some countries and some provinces in the country in 59 human resource development 2.3.1 Experience in the development of human resources in some East 59 Asian countries 2.3.2 Experience in the development of human resources in some 68 provinces in Vietnam 2.3.3 Lessons for Thua Thien Hue province in the development of human 73 resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy CHAPTER 3: 76 THE CURRENT SITUATION OF HUMAN RESOURCE FOR INDUSTRIAL INDUSTRIALIZATION AND MODERNIZATION ASSOCIATED WITH THE DEVELOPMENT OF KNOWLEDGE- BASED ECONOMY IN THUA THIEN HUE PROVINCE 3.1 Natural conditions, Socio-economic characteristics of Thua Thien 76 Hue affecting the formation and development of human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy 3.1.1 Natural conditions of Thua Thien Hue Province affecting the 76 formation and development of human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy 3.1.2 Socio- economic conditions of Thua Thien Hue affecting the 78 formation and development of human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy 3.1.3 Evaluation of natural conditions, socio- economic situations 80 influencing the formation and development of human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy in the province of Thua Thien Hue 3.2 Development and movement of human resources structure for 83 industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy in Thua Thien Hue Province
  7. 3.2.1 Actual situation of the scale and quality of human resources for 83 industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy in the province of Thua Thien Hue 3.2.2 Actual situation of structural shift of human resources for 90 industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy in the province of Thua Thien Hue 3.2.3 Actual situation of training system of human resources for 112 industrialization and modernization associated with knowledge- based economy in the province of Thua Thien Hue 3.3 Overall Assessment of human resources for industrialization and 118 modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy in the province of Thua Thien Hue 3.3.1 Advantages, benefits in the development and structural shift of 119 human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy in the province of Thua Thien Hue 3.3.2 Restrictions, causes of limitations and issues raised in the 122 development and structural shift of human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy CHAPTER 4: 133 VIEWPOINTS AND SOLUTIONS TO HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT FOR INDUSTRIALIZATION AND MODERNIZATION ASSOCIATED WITH THE DEVELOPMENT OF KNOWLEDGE-BASED ECONOMY IN THUA THIEN HUE PROVINCE 4.1 Viewpoints and forecasts on the development of human resources 133 for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy in the province of Thua Thien Hue
  8. 4.1.1 Forecasting the demand of human resources for industrialization 133 and modernization associated with the development of knowledge- based economy in the province of Thua Thien Hue in 2020. 4.1.2 The basic viewpoints in human resource development for 135 industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy in the province of Thua Thien Hue 4.2 Solutions to the human resource development for industrialization 143 and modernization in association with development of knowledge- based economy in the province of Thua Thien Hue 4.2.1 Group of solutions to development of human resources for 143 industrialization and modernization associated with development of knowledge-based economy in the province of Thua Thien Hue 4.2.2 Group of solutions to direct training and retraining of human 150 resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy in the province of Thua Thien Hue 4.2.3 Group of solutions to exploit and effectively use human resources 166 for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy in the province of Thua Thien Hue CONCLUSION 175 LIST OF REFERENCES APPENDIX
  9. LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES Number sign Name of table and figure Page Table 2.1 Informatics’ Labor force in the total labor force of 56 developed countries Table 2.2 Labor force in the field of software in developed countries 56 Table 2.3 Work development in economic sectors in advanced 57 countries Table 3.1 The structure of the working age population by educational 88 level Table 3.2 The intelligentsia of Thua Thien Hue Province to 2010 89 Table 3.3 Scientific- Technical Staff of Hue University in 2001 - 2011 90 Table 3.4 Labor force working in the IT field in 2009 92 Table 3.5 Agencies' ratings on labor’s ability of creativeness at work 94 Table 3.6 Population aged from 15 and over with Technical Expertise 102 divided by grade of training Table 3.7 Labor force aged from 15 and over divided by training field 104 in 2011 Table 3.8 Labor with employment aged from 15 and over by 105 Technical Expertise level and Field of Training in 2011 Table 3.9 The number of employed labors divided by career 111 Table 3.10 Vocationally trained Labor force in Thua Thien Hue 115 Province in 2001 - 2010 Figure 3.1 Human resources structure by levels of Technical Expertise 99 in 1999 - 2011 Figure 3.2 Labor structure by economic lines in 1999 - 2010 107 Figure 3.3 Labor structure with employment divided by sector in 1999 109 - 2011
  10. 1 INTRODUCTION 1. The urgency of the theme Theory and practice have confirmed the critical role of human resources, especially High-Quality Human Resources for the socio-economic development in general and industrialization and modernization in particular. In fact, nations and locals paying interest in training and rationally effective use of human resources have reaped success. The rapid recovery of Germany after World War II, or the miraculous development of the countries and territories with the advanced industry in Asia like Japan, Korea, and Singapore ... is clear evidence. Human resources plays a decisive role, but different levels of development pose different requirements for human resources. In the context of the scientific and technological revolution, the trend of globalization and the rapid spread of the knowledge-based economy, Vietnam can not make industrialization, modernization in the "traditional" way but "taking a short-cut and wait in front" instead, ie industrialization, modernization are associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy. The Resolution of the Tenth Party Congress confirmed "Seize the favorable advantages created by the international context and the potential, advantages of the country to shorten the process of industrialization and modernization in the country as socialist-oriented, socialism associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy". To accomplish this goal, in the strategy of socio-economic development to the year 2020, the Party identified three breakthroughs and one of them is rapid development of human resources, especially high-quality human resources. Thua Thien Hue is a Province in the Central Region with relatively harsh natural conditions and limited resources for the socio-economic development. Recognizing the importance of human resource development, High-Quality Human Resources for the socio-economic growth and development, Thua Thien Hue Province has so far formed the Project 02/TU/2008 for training doctors and masters abroad; Project 03/TU/2008 for training of key staff in communes, wards and town
  11. 2 by titles; Planning for Education- Training development by 2015 and orientations to 2020; Project for development of vocational training in the period of 2011-2015 and prospect to 2020… The education level of the population in working age has a positive change: the literacy rate of employment in 2005 was 83% by 2010 increased to 93.5%; the rate of educated workers from secondary school and high school is increasing with high density, in 2001 accounted for 33.6% and in 2010, 49.5%. Along with the increasing education level of workers, the knowledge trend to form High-Quality Human Resources is increasingly is very clear: in 2010 the number of people with postgraduate degrees was 2,024 people, 41,744 people with university degrees, 13,505 people with college degrees, 34,198 people at intermediate level, technical workers, 202,860 at primary level, 148 professors and associate professors, 106 meritorious People’s teachers, 15 meritorious People’s physicians, 16 meritorious artisDr. In addition, the capacity, the ability to create, manipulate the knowledge, skills, training in scientific research, teaching, leadership, management, labor, manufacturing, health care, community were raised: in 2006 there were 98 scientific researchers awarded the Ancient Capital prize in science-technology; in the period 2003 – 2008, 13,100 scientific researchs, innovation and creativity of workers and employees were applied… However, the human resources of the Province is not commensurate with the requirements of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy. Major manifestations are: 1) Workers from 15 or older not having the technical expertise account for relatively high proportion (87.4% in 2009), the number of employees with technical expertise was only 12.6%; 2) The level of training takes time to change; 3) The qualifications training structure between vocational levels was inadequate: elementary vocational training and equivalent accounted for more than 84%; while Vocational Intermediate and equivalent accounted for only 14%, while vocational college training was too low, only 1.79%; 4) The staff of the commune, ward or township has limited capacity,
  12. 3 professional expertise: more than 50% of the commune, ward or township does not meet the standard ... The question is, to absorb and apply the achievements of human knowledge, to create new knowledge and implement the Conclusion 48/KL - TW dated 25/5/2009 of the Political Bureau on building and development of Thua Thien Hue Province by 2020, it requires the Province to focus on human resource development, high- quality human resources. This is a big challenge for Thua Thien Hue Province where the majority of the population living on agriculture with backward production level of mainly simple and unskilled labor. Therefore, development of human resources to meet the requirements of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy should be studied deeply both in theory and practice to get the consistency in awareness, as well as the way to do it. Deriving from the above reasons, the postgraduate student chooses the topic "Human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy in the Province of Thua Thien Hue at the present time" for the doctoral thesis. 2. Objectives and research tasks of the dissertation 2.1. Research objectives On the basis of the systematizing theoretical and practical issues in human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy, the thesis analyses, assesses the situation of human resources for industry of modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy in the Province of Thua Thien-Hue. It has proposed a number of measures to develop human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy in the Province of Thua Thien Hue in the near future. 2.2. Research tasks With the above objectives, the thesis has the following main tasks:
  13. 4 Firstly, systematize and analyze the theoretical and practice basis of human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy. Secondly, the empirical study of a number of countries and a number of Provinces in the country in the development of human resources, the thesis draws out lessons useful and valuable reference for learning, model selection and development of human resources to meet the requirements of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy in the Province of Thua Thien-Hue. Thirdly, analysis of the current status of human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy in the Province of Thua Thien-Hue. On that basis, the thesis provides viewpoints and proposes some solutions in order to develop human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy in the Province of Thua Thien-Hue from now to the year 2020. 3. The object and scope of the study 3.1. Studying Object of the thesis The dissertation studies the human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy in view of scientific political economy, which mainly studies the state of development and the movement of human force structure in the Province of Thua Thien-Hue, from which proposes solutions to build human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy in Thua Thien-Hue from now to 2020. 3.2. The scope of research topic Space: Studying human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy in the Province of Thua Thien-Hue.
  14. 5 Time: Studying human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy in the Province of Thua Thien Hue with the data limited in the period from 1999 to 2012 and the solutions made for the period up to 2020. 4. Research Methodology - The thesis is based on the theoretical basis of Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh’s Ideology, viewpoints, guidelines and policies of the Communist Party, the State's policy on human resource development and the relating economic theories. Factual basis of the thesis is to analyze the experience of some countries and localities of our country and evaluate the development status and shift the structure of human resources in Thua Thien-Hue. - On the theoretical basis of dialectical materialism and historical materialism of Marxism-Leninism, the thesis uses specific methods: analysis - synthesis method, information collecting and processing method; at the same time, inherits the research results related to the thesis. - In particular, questionnaire survey is used to collect opinions of employees on issues related to human resources. Due to limitations in time and expense, the thesis only surveyed 500 labors including workers in enterprises (100 samples), labors doing management work (100 samples); labors in the fields of Finance, Banking and Insurance (100 samples); labors doing Education- Training tasks (100 samples) and labors in Construction, IT and Telecommunication (100 samples). In addition, the thesis uses expert method to interview 80 people working in leadership, human resource management in many agencies and businesses located in the Province and has direct discussion with a number of scientists to clarify the theoretical and practical issues related to the thesis. 5. New scientific contribution of the thesis - Introducing the concept of human resources, human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy on the basis of absorbing the thoughts of C. Marx on
  15. 6 labor, the previous studies and clarifying the characteristics of human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy. - Clarifying the characteristics of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy. Since then the thesis confirms different levels of development pose different requirements for human resources. In the model of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy, human resources must meet certain requirements in terms of quantity, quality and structure. - Clarifying the impact factors, trends and regularity in human resource structure shifting towards industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy. - On the basis of the empirical study of human resource development in a number of East Asian countries and Provinces in the country, the thesis draws some useful lessons for developing human resources for industrialization modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy in Thua Thien-Hue. - Clarifying the development status and shift of human resource structure towards industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy in Thua Thien Hue with its own specific characteristics of a Province located in the key economic zone of the Central region. - Based on the characteristics of natural, human and human resource situation, the thesis states six (06) viewpoints and proposes three (03) major solutions to develop human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development knowledge-based economy in the Province of Thua Thien Hue to 2020. 6. Structure of the thesis In addition to the introduction, conclusion and a list of references, the thesis is structured into four (04) chapters, eight (08) sections.
  16. 7 Chapter 1 OVERVIEW OF RESEARCH ON HUMAN RESOURCES FOR INDUSTRIALIZATION, MODERNIZATION ASSOCIATED WITH KNOWLEDGE-BASED ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT In the recent years, Human resources, High-Quality Human Resources is the issue in which many scientists in and outside the country have had interest and done a lot of valuable scientific research widely publicized in forms of reference books, dissertations, scientific articles ... To ensure the inheritance and affirm the contributions of the thesis, the dissertation divides the scientific works into two groups of issues: the studies of human resources for industrialization and modernization and research about High-Quality Human Resources in the knowledge-based economy. On such basis, the thesis has chosen and generalized the relating works to the thesis as follows: 1.1. THE STUDIES INTO HUMAN RESOURCES FOR INDUSTRIALIZATION AND MODERNIZATION 1.1.1. Reference Books and Monographs - Nolwen Henaff, Jean - Yves Martin scientific editor (2001), Labor, Employment and Human Resources in Vietnam in 15 years of innovation, World Publisher, Hanoi. This is a collection of articles written by scientists in the nation and abroad about: educational policy, employment, economic restructuring, business development, human resources development ... by such researchers as: Dr. Nolwen Henaff, Dr. Jean - Yves Martin, Professor Geoffrey B.Hainsworth, Dr. Fiona Howell, Dr. Nguyen Huu Dung, Dr. Tran Duc Khanh, Associate Prof. Vo Dai Luoc , Dr. Tran Tien Cuong ... Of which, notably is the article by Professor Geoffrey B.Hainsworth "Development of human resources to meet the challenges of the strong globalization process and an economy based on the new understandings". The author has a unique approach when asking questions like: How to expand the career options and life prospects for rural population - those who
  17. 8 are holding the greatest undiscovered resources of the country? How can they receive special attention of policy makers and donors? Thereby, the author analyzes three issues to find answers: 1) The scope of education and vocational training. The author asserts, Vietnam’s culture always has the tradition of highly appreciating knowledge, before the renovation though it was very difficult, Vietnam achieved a very special level of literacy and gender equality, however, when switching to market economy, there was a high drop-out rate at the secondary level. Thereby, the author argues that: tuition fees, the chronic shortage of new teachers into the profession at every level of education, low wages compared to other professions ... limit the scope of Education - Vocational Training; 2) The increasing use of labor force and expanding career choice. The author said that although the relative proportion of GDP in agriculture is lower than in industries and services, the structural changes in the labor use are virtually unchanged in terms of employment. So, according to the author it is necessary to have training programs and other educational reforms including increasing the number of classrooms, the number of teachers and upgrading equipment for teaching, wages. .. 3) In terms of sectors, technology options and business ownership. The author argues that for a country in the early stage of industrialization like Vietnam, it is vital to develop manufacturing, processing and attached services; also, should not choose high- technology but the suitable one like software technology, basic research… - StiTechnical expertise tava M / P (1997), Human resource planning: Approach needs assessments and Priorities in manpower planning, Manak Publishing House, New Delhi. Approach in terms of economic development, the author considers HR is the whole human capital with which human is considered a special capital for the production process, a form of property can increase the economic wealth; human capital includes the skills, knowledge and experience accumulated through the working process; the costs of Education - Training , Medical ... are viewed as the cost of production inputs in order to improve the
  18. 9 ability, production capacity of human resources. From this approach, the author has pointed out the practical benefits of human resources if we know and respect: 1) Human capital is a special capital possible to produce sources of income in the future, so investment in human resources will bring higher rate of return, the more this capital is widely used, the greater the value is, the more wealth is created, bringing prosperity to the society; 2) Human capital doesn’t have the regularity like other sources: depreciation of capital invested in the property and other type of materials; human capital after investment will maintain and develop without creating pressure on the volume of capital required in a short time; being the capital with skills, knowledge, experience and creative ability. Thus, if there is investment in human capital, the perTechnical expertise ive effect will be great that no other capital can match. With this approach the author offers suggestions for the thesis analyzing the requirements of human resources, especially High-Quality Human Resources for the industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy. - Le Thi Ai Lam (2003), Development of human resources through education - Training - Experience of East Asian Countries, Socio-Science Publishing House, Hanoi. The book is meticulous scientific research work applying approach by the world economy major and international economic relations, is divided into three sections: the first section, the author provides theoretical treatise about HRD through Education - Training by presenting HRD concepts, human development, relationships between human resources development and industrialization. At the same time the author gives a theoretical framework with such main points as: human resources for economic growth, human resources for improvement of labor productivity, increase income, reduce poverty and inequality; the trend of knowledge-based economy development and globalization create public demand for High-Quality Human Resources ... to interpret the role of improving the quality of human resources through Education – Training; the second part, with 4 chapters, the author focuses on analysis of practical development through Education-
  19. 10 Training in East Asia. Chapter 2: The role of human resources development through Education - Training in East Asia. The author analyzes the role of human resources development through Education - Training with practical evidence from the economies, the industries and companies which has proven the author’s viewpoint is proper and highly convincing. Chapter 3: Industrialization Strategy and mutual conformity with the development of human resources through Education – Training in East Asia. In this chapter, the author presents four external favorable conditions and internal advantages for the East Asian countries to build industrialization strategies. In particular, the author outlines four stages of industrialization and different requirements of human resources. These sketches will be interesting clues for the postgraduate to adopt and develop during this thesis completion. Chapter 4: Adjust HRD through Education - Training in East Asia. Based on the sketch of 4 stages of industrialization, the author states each stage has different requirements for human resources development and education should be appropriately adjusted. Therefore, the author studies the adjustment process in East Asia in the following aspects: expanding opportunities as well as considering the factors leading to receive education in the process of industrialization; development of Education – Vocational Training system; building high- quality university educational system. Chapter 5: Problems and solutions to the current HRD through Education – Training in East Asia. The author analyzes some of the problems in the HRD system through Education - Training in East Asia. Notably, the author presents solutions to human resources development for the knowledge-based economy in the East Asian: increase social awareness of lifelong learning; emphasize retraining and advanced training; reform regular educational system to encourage and develop the system of irregular education; the third part is the totalization of lessons learned from practices analyzed in chapter 3, 4, 5. There are 5 lessons drawn and analyzed in Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 providing some notes about the context of human resources development through Education - Training in Vietnam today, comparing the similarities and differences in the development of
  20. 11 human resources through Education - Training in East Asia and Vietnam, from which outlining six suggestions for the development of human resources through Education - Training in Vietnam until 2010. In this research, the valuable experience of the East Asian countries in High-Quality Human Resources development is inherited and selected. - Dr. Nguyen Thanh (2005), Development of human resources for industrialization and modernization of the country, National Political Publishing House, Hanoi. Approaching philosophical perspective, the author derives from the standpoint of Marxism – Leninism, Ho Chi Minh’s Ideology and relies on the Party's viewpoint on human development, the role of education in order to confirm of Education - Training as "a top national policy" to develop quality human resources. The book is structured into three parts: the first part, the author outlines the concept of Marxism – Leninism, Ho Chi Minh’s Ideology and relies on the Party's viewpoint on human development, human resources development, from which the author suggests that the role of human resources is critical to the process of industrialization and modernization in our country; the second part, the author makes an overall assessment on the status of human resources in our country in such aspects as: quantity, structure, intellectual resources, technical expertise... on this basis, the author offers orientation for the development of quality human resources to meet the demands of industrialization and modernization including: HRD associated with accelerating socio- economic development; human resources development associated with democratization process, the social and cultural life, effectively exploiting the value of traditional and modern culture; improve the quality and efficiency of Scientific- Technological staff; formulation of human strategy on that basis, develop quality human resources for industrialization and modernization; the third part, clarifying the role of education as a determinant of human development, quality HRD strategy for industrialization and modernization in our country.



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