Aquaculture, also known as aquafarming, is the farming of aquatic organisms such as fish, crustaceans, molluscs and aquatic plants.[1][2] Aquaculture involves cultivating freshwater and saltwater populations under controlled conditions, and can be contrasted with commercial fishing, which is the harvesting of wild fish.[3] Mariculture refers to aquaculture practiced in marine environments and in underwater habitats.
31p ltanh04 25-05-2010 257 106 Download
Definition and basic process: 1. Induced fit 2. Mechanisms of transition state stabilization • Detailed in example to make you understand more about mechanism of enzyme catalyst: Chymotripsin
24p zingzing09 21-10-2012 92 8 Download
The focus of this thesis was to study the chemotaxonomic relationship of selected southern Australian marine brown algae of the genera Cystophora and Sargassum. Consequently, this resulted in the isolation and structure elucidation of six new terpenoids from two southern Australian marine brown algae Cystophora moniliformis and Sargassum fallax together with 10 previously reported natural products. As a result of the re-isolation of these known secondary metabolites, updated and complete structural characterisation data could be provided for the first time for 7 of these compounds.
132p runthenight07 01-03-2023 9 3 Download
The primary objectives of this study were to: Investigate the fouling potential, and characterise the organic components of the membrane foulant layers, of clarified activated sludge and lagoon effluent obtained from the WTP; Investigate the fouling propensities of EOM and AOM derived from a blue-green algal culture as it passed through the growth cycle, ie., for which the cells had not been subject to physical disruption; Determine any difference in the fouling propensity of EOM and AOM and relate it to organic composition.
99p runthenight07 01-03-2023 3 3 Download
The purposes of the dissertation: Preparation of low molecular weight sodium alginate from brown algae in Nha Trang Bay which has anticoagulant activity as a raw material for functional food production.
36p tunelove 11-06-2021 24 3 Download
Study on process of extracting and receiving protein concentrate from Chaetomorpha sp. Investigate the biological properties, functional properties and nutritional value of protein concentrate from algae for application in food.
28p capheviahe27 23-02-2021 29 4 Download
The research goals of the dissertation: The research separates, identifies structural characteristics and tests biological activity of fucoidan from several brown algae growing up in Vietnamese Seas to serve for investigating Vietnamese natural sea compound resources and making clear the chemical nature of research objects.
26p xacxuoc4321 09-07-2019 31 6 Download
Bài giảng "Cổ sinh vật học - Chương 12: Các ngành thực vật cấp thấp" giới thiệu các ngành Bacteriophyta (Vi khuẩn), các ngành Algae (Tảo), ngành Fungi (Nấm), ngành Nematophyta (Thực vật dạng sợi). Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo.
18p deja_vu10 29-03-2018 86 4 Download
Bài giảng "Chỉ thị sinh học môi trường: Chỉ thị sinh học môi trường nước (Phần 5: Tảo)" cung cấp cho người học các kiến thức: Vai trò, ý nghĩa của tảo; khái quát về tảo (Algae), thực vật bám (Periphyton), tảo là sinh vật chỉ thị (Algae as Indicators). Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo.
14p doinhugiobay_10 12-01-2016 242 53 Download
Cá hắc bạc (hay bút chì) có thân tròn, thon dài, mõm đầu nhọn (tựa đầu bút chì), dọc thân có 1 sọc đen nổi bật chạy từ đầu ngực đến hết tia giữa vây đuôi (tựa ruột bút chì). Mặt lưng màu xám đen đối lập với mặt bụng trắng bạc (nên còn gọi là cá hắc bạc). Miệng cá nằm dưới, có nhiều mấu dạng tua và gai thịt để nút tảo bám. Phân bố Nguồn gốc: Cá hiện được nhập lượng nhiều từ Thái Lan, nguồn cá chủ yếu từ khai thác tự nhiên. Cá cũng khai...
4p vuvonp 13-06-2013 72 2 Download
Là những sinh vật nhỏ bé không thể nhìn thấy hoặc khó nhìn thấy bằng mắt thường, có thể được chia ra thành 5 nhóm như sau: Nhóm vi khuẩn (bacteria), nhóm bào tử nấm (fungi), nhóm tảo - thực vật phiêu sinh (algae), nhóm phiêu sinh động vật (zooplankton) và nhóm cuối cùng là virus (viruses). Nhóm của các sinh vật nhỏ bé này có ý nghĩa quan trọng đối với hệ sinh thái trong ao nuôi đó là nhóm vi khuẩn và vi tảo....
3p lichxanh 06-06-2013 93 5 Download
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, a unicellular green alga, contains a hydrogenase enzyme, which is induced by anaerobic adaptation of the cells. Using the suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) approach, the differential expression of genes under anaerobiosis was analyzed. A PCR fragment with similarity to the genes of bacterial Fe-hydrogenases was isolated and used to screen an anaerobic cDNA expression library of C. reinhardtii.
11p research12 01-06-2013 42 6 Download
Lamjapin,anoveltypeIribosome-inactivating protein, has been isolated from kelp (Laminaria japonicaA), a marine alga. This protein has been extensively purified through multiple chromatography columns. With a molecular mass of36 kDa, lamjapin is slightly larger than the other known single-chain ribosome-inactivating proteins from the higher plants. Lamjapin can inhibit protein synthesis in rabbit reticulocyte lysate with an IC50 of 0.69 nM.
7p research12 23-04-2013 32 2 Download
The oxygen-evolving photosystem II (PS II) complex of red algae contains four extrinsic proteins of 12 kDa, 20 kDa, 33 kDa and cytc-550, among which the 20 kDa protein is unique in that it is not found in other organisms.We cloned the gene for the 20-kDa protein from a red algaCyanidium caldarium. The gene consists of a leader sequence which can be divided into two parts: one for transfer across the plastid envelope and the other for transfer into thylakoid lumen, indicating that the gene is encoded by the nuclear genome....
8p tumor12 20-04-2013 47 2 Download
Surface alkanes and fatty acids from the thalli of the lichen Xanthoria parietina, its photobiont Trebouxiasp., and its mycobiont were analysed by GC-MS. The green algaTre-bouxiasp. synthesizedmainlyunsaturated fattyacids suchas (Z,Z,Z)-9,12,15-18 : 3 (Z,Z)-9,12-18 : 2 and (Z)-9-18 : 1, and light alkanes C8-C15 (upto83% of total n-alkanes). However, the mycobiont contained mainly saturated fatty acids such as hexadecanoic (16 : 0) and octadecanoic acid (18 : 0), and also very long-chain n-alkanes C22–C34 ....
6p fptmusic 16-04-2013 46 2 Download
The composition of the chloroplast-localized protease complex, ClpP, from the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtiiwas characterized by nondena-turing electrophoresis, immunoblotting and MS. The detected ClpP complex has a native mass of540 kDa, which is200 kDa higher than ClpP complexes in higher plant chloroplasts, mitochondria or bacteria. The 540-kDa ClpP complex contains two nuclear-encoded ClpP proteins (ClpP3 and P5) and five ClpR (R1, R2, R3, R4 and R6) proteins, as well two pro-teins, ClpP1Land ClpP1H, both probably derived from the plastid clpP1 gene. ...
14p fptmusic 12-04-2013 44 3 Download
Distribution of photosystem II (PSII) extrinsic proteins was examined using antibodies raised against various extrinsic proteins from different sources. The results showed that a glaucophyte (Cyanophora paradoxa) having the most primitive plastids contained the cyanobacterial-type extrinsic proteins (PsbO, PsbV, PsbU), and the primitive red algae (Cyanidium caldarium) contained the red algal-type extrinsic proteins (PsO, PsbQ¢, PsbV, PsbU), whereas a prasinophyte (Pyraminonas parkeae), which is one of the most primitive green algae, contained the green algal-type ones (PsbO, PsbP, PsbQ)....
11p fptmusic 12-04-2013 42 1 Download
The State 1 to State 2 transition in the photosynthetic membranes of plants and green algae involves the functional coupling of phosphorylated light-harvesting complexes of photosystem II (LHCII) to photosystem I (PSI). We present evidence suggesting that inChlamydomonas reinhardtiithis coupling may be aided by a hyper-phosphorylated form of the LHCII-like CP29 protein (Lhcbm4).
10p fptmusic 12-04-2013 35 2 Download
This report describes the presence of a unique dual domain carbonic anhydrase (CA) in the giant clam,Tridacna gigas. CA plays an important role in the movement of inorganic carbon (Ci ) from the surrounding sea-water to the symbiotic algae that are found within the clam’s tissue. One of these isoforms is a glycoprotein which is significantly larger (70 kDa) than any previously reported from animals (generally between 28 and 52 kDa).
9p fptmusic 11-04-2013 37 4 Download
The structure of photosystem II (PSII) complex isolated from thylakoid membranes of the red alga Porphyridium cruentum was investigated using electron microscopy fol-lowed by single particle image analysis. The dimeric com-plexes observed contain all major PSII subunits (CP47, CP43, D1 and D2 proteins) as well as the extrinsic proteins (33 kDa, 12 kDa and the cytochromec550 ) of the oxygen-evolvingcomplex (OEC) of PSII, encodedby thepsbO,psbU andpsbVgenes, respectively.
9p awards 05-04-2013 47 4 Download