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Time management

Xem 1-20 trên 89 kết quả Time management
  • Bài viết "Các độ đo khoảng cách trên chuỗi dữ liệu thời gian ứng dụng trong phân tích và quản trị dữ liệu thông minh (Distance measures for Time series data in Smart Data Analytics and Management)" giới thiệu một số phương pháp xác định độ đo khoảng cách thường áp dụng trong việc xác định khoảng cách khác biệt giữa các điểm dữ liệu trong chuỗi dữ liệu theo thời gian. Đây là một vấn đề quan trọng trong việc xây dựng mô hình các bài toán về quản trị dữ liệu thông minh và phân tích dữ liệu thông minh trên các chuỗi dữ liệu theo thời gian (Time Series Data).

    pdf16p lieuyeuyeu18 23-12-2022 21 4   Download

  • Medicinal plants play an important role in the alternative or complement therapy to manage of urinary stones at this time. Terminalia genus was proved anti-urolithiatic activity via in vitro inhibition of calcium oxalate formation. Among the samples, Terminalia catappa showed as a potential plants for this activity in India. Moreover, they were a common plant species in Vietnam and there was no research on this topic in our country.

    pdf7p vinara 11-01-2025 1 1   Download

  • 1. It isn’t necessary to finish the work today.  You don’t 2. Sally finally managed to get a job.  Sally finally succeeded 3. That’s the last time I go to that restaurant.  I certainly 4. “I advised you to take a holiday” The doctor said.  “You’d 5. If you don’t rest your self you really will be ill.  Unless 6. The doctor told him that he worked too hard.  You

    doc25p thanhemail94 11-12-2012 493 148   Download

  • Quản lý nghĩa là làm việc và tổ chức cùng với người khác, bạn phải biết tự tổ chức và quản lý thời gian của chính mình để làm cho cuộc sống dễ dàng hơn, giảm căng thẳng (stress), tăng hiệu quả, tăng niềm vui trong công việc, tăng năng suất của cá nhân và tập thể, tăng "thời gian riêng tư" cho bạn dùng...

    ppt48p lanjingyi 23-03-2020 52 5   Download

  • In a memo to all department managers, the employees ----------- more flexible working hours. Choose one answer. a. inquired b. asked c. said d. requested For professionals at the beginning of their careers,leisure time is a -----------commodity. a. high-priced b. regular c. common d. scarce A recent study of corporate managers ----------- most executives do not find their work Choose one answer. a. found that b. which discovered c. revealing d. founded

    doc30p nguoivuitinh112 14-09-2012 150 45   Download

  • Cái gì gọi các hoạt động của CPU? Hệ thống bó (Batch system): jobs Time-shared systems: user programs, tasks Các hoạt động là tương tự = gọi là process Quá trình (process) một chương trình đang thực thi Một quá trình bao gồm Text section (program code), data section (chứa global variables) program counter (PC), process status word (PSW), stack pointer (SP), memory management registers,…

    ppt27p tet0202 19-02-2013 42 5   Download

  • Hệ thống bó (Batch system): jobs Time-shared systems: user programs, tasks Các hoạt động là tương tự = gọi là process Quá trình (process) một chương trình đang thực thi Một quá trình bao gồm Text section (program code), data section (chứa global variables – thong tin du lieu di kem) program counter (PC- lưu lại vị trí dòng lệnh đang được thực thi), process status word (PSW- có nhiều trạng thái như ready, running..), stack pointer (SP)con trỏ tới vị trí típ theo, memory management registers,…...

    ppt27p trinhvang 18-01-2013 75 5   Download

  • A marketing information system consists of people, equipment, and procedures to gather, sort, analyze, evaluate, and distribute needed, timely, and accurate information to marketing decision makers.

    pdf73p sonnguyen3515 19-09-2013 75 10   Download

  • Stroke Lecture presented brains to tackle TIA and stroke; time window for thrombolysis, the updated recommendations; treatment of patients with cerebral hemorrhage; blood pressure control in patients with cerebral hemorrhage; Emergency management of subarachnoid hemorrhage. Invite you to read the same reference.

    pdf58p tuoihaimuoi32 17-06-2014 62 4   Download

  • Chapter 1: Undertanding the .NET Framework overview .NET Framework; understanding the common language runtime; understanding the managed excution process; understanding assemblies and the global assembly cache; cogfiguration and security; application domains and run times hosts.

    pdf35p cocacola_09 23-11-2015 63 3   Download

  • Lecture Information technology project management (Eighth Edition): Chapter 6, after studying this section will help you understand: Understand the importance of project schedules and good project time management; Discuss the process of planning schedule management; Define activities as the basis for developing project schedules; Describe how project managers use network diagrams and dependencies to assist in activity sequencing.

    pdf58p cuchoami2510 18-02-2022 32 6   Download

  • This examination explores the effect of foreign direct investment on the supply chain management and balance of payment in Iraq market. The study is conducted in Iraqi circumstances focusing on the time period of 2005-2017 by considering the supply chain management. Johansen-Juselius co integration technique has been employed to measure the association among variables of interest which is FDI, CAB and GDP. In this context of particular importance are management concepts such as supply chain and chain quality management concepts.

    pdf6p longtimenosee09 08-04-2024 13 2   Download

  • The system of relations between the consumer and the seller has many factors that shape the dynamics of the market of goods and services based on the supply chain strategy. Supply chains satisfy customers by striving for delivering the right products to the right place at the right time, at the right quality and at the right quantity within an increasingly faster pace and lower cost. Theories of social entropy consider the system of social relations from the standpoint of the equilibrium of systems and their disproportion.

    pdf6p longtimenosee09 08-04-2024 10 0   Download

  • The research subject is the process of economic and mathematical modelling of time series characterizing the bitcoin exchange rate volatility, based on the use of artificial neural networks. The purpose of the work is to search and scientifically substantiate the tools and mechanisms for developing prognostic estimates of the crypto currency market development. The paper considers the task of financial time series trend forecasting using the LSTM neural network for supply chain strategies.

    pdf5p longtimenosee09 08-04-2024 14 2   Download

  • This thesis explores the process by which Chinese universities carry out strategy formation. It aims to provide an insight into the lives of the managers of Chinese universities in the period 2002-2003 which was a time of transition from the regime of President Jiang Zemin to that of President Hu Jintao. Chinese refer to this period as the transition from the third to the fourth generation of leaders. Strategy was defined as a course of action aimed at achieving an organization's purpose and strategy formation was defined as including strategy development and implementation.

    pdf294p runthenight04 02-02-2023 12 1   Download

  • Organizations have long struggled with the successful completion of projects within the time, cost and performance indicators with respect to a customer product or solution that is expected to ultimately meet the customer’s expectations. This thesis demonstrates the link between the successful creation, management and dissemination of project requirements throughout the entire project process using a knowledge management overlay model to ensure the success of the overall project to meet stakeholder needs through the successful creation and transfer of project requirements.

    pdf353p runthenight04 02-02-2023 11 4   Download

  • This thesis is comprised of eight chapters. Following this introductory chapter, Chapter 2 provides a summary of literature relating to OHS accountability and examines issues relating to OHS performance management. Chapter 3 presents a review of stakeholder, legitimacy and institutional theory literature. The research method employed is discussed and justified in Chapter 4. Chapter 5 presents the results of the stakeholder survey and in doing so describes stakeholder demand for OHS disclosure.

    pdf312p runthenight04 02-02-2023 14 3   Download

  • The world is becoming increasingly focused on an imperative to reduce the cost of services. Managers at this cutting edge of practical organizational development are trying many ways to achieve this. The major focus of this research uses a systems psychodynamic approach to investigate the role taken up by part-time contract managers in an Australian university. These part-time roles frequently fail in the longer term. This approach provides an understanding of the unconscious group dynamics that may cause the role to fail.

    pdf192p runthenight04 02-02-2023 16 4   Download

  • The research aims to systematize the theoretical basis of road traffic accidents find out the way to determine damage caused by road traffic accidents. Accordingly, a model to determine the damage caused by road traffic accidents may be developed in satisfaction of the following requirements: quick, timely, accurate determination and in compliance with international practices.

    pdf28p gaocaolon12 18-06-2021 21 3   Download

  • General objectives: On the ground of evaluation of Vietnam’s public investment in the period of 2007 – 2019 by systematizing theories and summarizing international experiences on managing public investments, the thesis suggests solutions for changing methods for managing Vietnam’s public investment in the coming time.

    pdf27p themeg 02-06-2021 41 4   Download



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