Time series
Time series analysis is an essential field in data analysis, particularly within forecasting and prediction domains. Researching and building time series models play a crucial role in understanding and predicting the temporal dynamics of various phenomena. In mathematics, time series data is defined as data points indexed in chronological order and have a consistent time interval between consecutive observations.
10p vibenya 31-12-2024 1 1 Download
Short-term prediction of regional energy consumption by metaheuristic optimized deep learning models
Modern civilization is heavily dependent on energy, which burdens the energy sector. Therefore, a highly accurate energy consumption forecast is essential to provide valuable information for efficient energy distribution and storage. This study proposed a hybrid deep learning model, called I-CNN-JS, by incorporating a jellyfish search (JS) algorithm into an ImageNetwinning convolutional neural network (I-CNN) to predict weekahead energy consumption.
6p vibenya 31-12-2024 4 1 Download
This review explores recent ML advancements in assessing corrosion in RC structures. Various algorithms, such as Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), Gene Expression Programming (GEP), Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost), Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Ensemble Learning, have shown potential in estimating corrosion processes, predicting material properties, and evaluating structural durability.
7p vibenya 31-12-2024 4 1 Download
Phương pháp thống kê (statistics) đã được sử dụng từ lâu trong nhiều ngành kinh tế, y khoa, nông nghiệp, sinh học,môi trường … Các phương pháp thống kê toán học là : Thống kê mô tả (descriptive statistics) Thống kê suy diễn (Inferential statistics) Ước lượng và trắc nghiệm (Estimation and testing) Phân tích tương quan (hồi quy) (Regression analysis) Phân tích chuỗi thời gian (Time series analysis) 5 nhiệm vụ xử lý dữ liệu môi trường : 1). Phân tích dữ liệu điều tra các yếu tố môi trường (đất, nước, không khí …) phục vụ cho việc đánh...
109p bunag204 05-05-2013 205 35 Download
Các phương pháp thống kê toán học là : Thống kê mô tả (descriptive statistics); Thống kê suy diễn (Inferential statistics); Ước lượng và trắc nghiệm (Estimation and testing); Phân tích tương quan (hồi quy) (Regression analysis); Phân tích chuỗi thời gian (Time series analysis)
27p linhlan1903 04-11-2013 204 40 Download
Dãy số thời gian là một dãy các giá trị của hiện tượng nghiên cứu được sắp xếp theo thứ tự thời gian. Để tìm hiểu sâu hơn về vấn đề này mời các bạn cùng tìm hiểu "Bài giảng Dãy số thời gian (Time Series)". Mời các bạn cùng tìm hiểu và tham khảo nội dung thông tin tài liệu.
30p hera_01 20-04-2016 124 7 Download
The research subject is the process of economic and mathematical modelling of time series characterizing the bitcoin exchange rate volatility, based on the use of artificial neural networks. The purpose of the work is to search and scientifically substantiate the tools and mechanisms for developing prognostic estimates of the crypto currency market development. The paper considers the task of financial time series trend forecasting using the LSTM neural network for supply chain strategies.
5p longtimenosee09 08-04-2024 12 1 Download
In line with that research trend, this paper proposes a hybrid algorithm combining particle swarm optimization with the simulated annealing technique (PSO-SA) to optimize the length of intervals to improve forecasting accuracies.
19p vimurdoch 18-09-2023 12 4 Download
This body of work is the culmination of a part-time five year investigation into the use of mirroring in digital art composition and its potential to generate affective intensity.The research has occurred through a series of installative works and artefacts produced with digital media in which mirrored operations have been employed in a variety of different ways. The aim of these explorations was to develop and articulate a compositional approach based in acts of mirroring, with the aim of extending affective invitations to the viewer.
108p runthenight05 01-03-2023 11 3 Download
The rationale for this study is that the social enterprise sector provides an important locale in which to situate research that aims to identify the impact of ICTs on development. Recognising the complex dynamics and range of actors involved in this diverse and emerging area of development practice, this study chooses to focus on the social enterprise sector. It is specifically concerned with mapping the external influences, use and impact of ICT on social enterprises in Cambodia.
228p runthenight04 02-02-2023 22 3 Download
Finance is considered as the lifeblood of the economy and it is integral to a country's economic growth and stability. However, this perception has been called into question, particularly following the global financial crisis, giving rise to new research questions. For example, does too much finance harm economic growth? And does the financial sector serve society's economic and social needs? This thesis aims to provide cross-sectional and time-series evidence on the macroeconomic consequences of financialisation in an international context.
262p runthenight04 02-02-2023 10 2 Download
The thesis contributes to the economics literature by providing a theoretical and empirical investigation of the effects of changes in the relative size of government on Australian economic performance. The theoretical literature indicates that an expansion in government size is likely to induce adverse effects upon economic growth for a host of reasons.
210p runthenight04 02-02-2023 13 4 Download
This dissertation is composed of two parts, an integrative essay and a set of published papers. The essay and the collection of papers are placed in the context of development and application of time series econometric models in a temporal-axis from 1970s through 2005, with particular focus in the Marketing discipline. The main aim of the integrative essay is on modelling the effects of marketing actions on performance variables, such as sales and market share in competitive markets.
7p runthenight04 02-02-2023 7 1 Download
The central objective of the thesis "An economic analysis of the Australian Baby Bonus" is to examine the nature of the fertility response of Australian families to the financial incentive of the Baby Bonus. The efficacy of the policy in determining a change in both fertility and the timing of births is assessed by exploring the time series properties of national and Victorian fertility measures, while controlling for other possible determinants of fertility choice.
150p runthenight04 02-02-2023 11 2 Download
In this thesis, I have proposed a LCC method for these areas. Firstly, a dense time-series of composite images was constructed from all available multi-year Landsat 8 images over the study area. A m odified compositing method was proposed for the compositing process using Landsa t 8 SR images.
53p tamynhan0 04-07-2020 17 3 Download
This study examined the impact of the capital market on Nigerian economy. Time series data were collected on Real Gross Domestic Product, Market Capitalization, All Share Index and Turnover Ratio from 1981 - 2014.
9p guineverehuynh 21-06-2020 23 4 Download
This study aims at investigating the impact of globalization on CO2 emission in Vietnam. Empirical analysis is performed by employing autoregressed distributed lag approach on time series data for the period of 1990 to 2016.
14p tohitohi 22-05-2020 26 1 Download
Bài giảng "Toán tài chính - Chương 7: Dãy số thời gian time series" cung cấp cho người học các kiến thức: Định nghĩa, dùng chuỗi thời gian để dự báo, các thành phần của chuỗi thời gian, mô hình chuỗi thời gian,... Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo.
9p abcxyz123_08 11-04-2020 48 5 Download
Luận án đề xuất một phương pháp thu giảm số chiều mới thỏa điều kiện chặn dưới và có thể kết hợp với một cấu trúc chỉ mục đa chiều hỗ trợ việc tìm kiếm tương tự hữu hiệu, ứng dụng phương pháp đề xuất vào bài toán phát hiện motif theo hướng tiếp cận xấp xỉ, ứng dụng phương pháp đề xuất vào bài toán gom cụm theo phương pháp gom cụm có thời gian thực thi tùy chọn, ứng dụng phương pháp đề xuất vào bài toán tìm kiếm tương tự trên chuỗi thời gian dạng luồng và ứng dụng phương pháp thu giảm số chiều đã đề xuất vào bài toán dự báo dữ liệu chuỗi thời gian có tính xu hướng hoặc mùa.
32p covid19 02-03-2020 49 6 Download
Thesis with the aim of focusing on two main issues. The first is time series modeling by states in which each state is a deterministic probability distribution (normal distribution). Based on the experimental results to assess the suitability of the model. Second, combine Markov chains and fuzzy time series into new models to improve forecast accuracy. Expand the model with high-level Markov chains to be compatible with seasonal data.
27p xacxuoc4321 11-07-2019 36 2 Download