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Đề cương ôn tập HK1 môn Tiếng Anh 6 năm 2020-2021 - Trường THCS Phước Nguyên

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Nội dung Text: Đề cương ôn tập HK1 môn Tiếng Anh 6 năm 2020-2021 - Trường THCS Phước Nguyên

  1. ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN TẬP HỌC KÌ I MÔN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 6 NĂM HỌC: 2020 -2021 I. KNOWLEDGE: (KIẾN THỨC) 1. The present simple tense: (Thì hiện tại đơn) a. Form: * Tobe: is, am, are * Nomal verb (động từ thường): (+) S + is/ am/ are + O/ N. (+) S + V(s, es) + O (-) S + isn't/ am not/ aren't + O/ N. (-) S + don't/ doesn't + V + O (?) Is/ Are + S + O/ N ? (?) Do/ Does + S + V + O? - Yes, S + is/ am/ are. Yes, S + do/ does. - No, S + isn't/ aren't/ am not. No, S + don't/ doesn't. Ex: She (be) is twelve years old. Ex. He ( live) lives in Can Kiem. Ex: I (not be) am not in Dong Truc. They (live) live in Can Kiem. Ex: Is she (be) twelve years old? Ex. He ( not live) doesn't live in Binh Phu. - Yes, she (be) is. They (not live) don't live in Can Kiem. Does He (live) live in Binh Phu? Do They (live) live in Can Kiem? * Usage (cách dùng): Thì hiện tại đơn dùng để diễn đạt một hành động mang tính thường xuyên, thói quen hoặc hành động lặp đi lặp lại có tính quy luật. b. Dấu hiệu nhận biết của thì hiện tại đơn: - Trạng từ chỉ tần suất: always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, seldom, never. - Các trạng từ chỉ thời gian: every + time (every day), today, nowadays, Sundays. 2. The present continuous tense: (Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn) a. Form: (+) S + tobe (am/ is/ are) + V-ing… (- ) S + tobe + not + V-ing… (?) Tobe + S + V-ing…? Yes, S + tobe(am/ is/ are). No, S + tobe + not (‘m not/ isn’t/ aren’t) b. Usage: (cách dùng): Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn dùng để diễn tả 1 hành động đang xảy ra tại thời điểm nói. c. Dấu hiệu nhận biết của thì hiện tại tiếp diễn:  Adverbs: now, at the moment, at present, right now  Verbs: Look! Watch!/ Listen!/ Be (careful/ quiet)!  Answer questions with “Where” 3. Prepositions of place: (các giới từ chỉ nơi chốn) a. In front of: phía trước h. In: Ở trong b. Behind: Đằng sau i. At: Ở… c. Between: ở giữa j. Above/ over: ở trên, cao hơn cái gì đó d. Across from/ opposite: Đối diện với… k. Under/ below: Ở dưới, thấp hơn cái gì đó e. Next to/ beside: kế bên l. From: từ nơi nào đó f. Near/ close to: g. On: Ở trên 4a) Describe appearance with "be" (miêu tả hình dáng với "be")
  2. (+): S + BE + ADJ (-): S + BE NOT + ADJ (?): BE + S + ADJ? - Yes, S + BE. - No, S + BE not. EX: She is beautiful. (-) : She is not beautiful. (?): Is she beautiful? - Yes, she is. - No, she isn’t. 4b) Describe appearance with "have"(miêu tả hình dáng với "have") (+): I/ you/ we/ they/ Lan and Na + have + (a/ an) + adj. + noun. He/ She/ It/ Lan + has + (a/ an) + adj. + noun. (-): I/ you/ we/ they/ Lan and Na + haven't (a/an) + adj. + noun. He/ She/ It/ Lan + hasn't + (a/ an) + adj. + noun. (?): Do + I/ you/ we/ they + have +(a/ an) + adj. +noun? - Yes, I/ you/ we/ they + do - No, I/ you/ we/ they + don't. - Yes, he/ she/ it + does Does + she/ he/ it + have + (a /an) + adj. + noun? - No, he/ she/ it + doesn't. 5. The present continuous for future: ( Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn diễn tả ý tương lai) - Cấu trúc và cách sử dụng xem lại bài 1. - Ngoài những cách dùng cơ bản của thì HTTD đã giới thiệu ở bài 1, chúng ta còn dùng thì này để nói về kế hoạch hoặc dự định trong tương lai. Ex: Tomorrow evening, my best friend is having a party in her house. They aren't coming here next weekend. * Chú ý: Chúng ta còn dùng cấu trúc "be going to + V" (sẽ làm gì) để nói về dự định trong tương lai gần. Ex. He is going to work in England next month. I and my mother are going to Da Lat for vacation. 6. Comparartives: - Ta sử dụng So sánh hơn của tính từ (Comparative adjectives) để so sánh giữa 2 người hoặc 2 vật. * Cấu trúc của câu so sánh hơn Short Adj.: S + V + adj-er + than + Noun/ Pronoun Long Adj.: S + V + more + adj + than + Noun/ Pronoun Ex: China is bigger than India. Gold is more valuable than silver. 7. Superlatives: - Ta sử dụng So sánh nhất (Superlative adjectives) để so sánh người (hoặc vật)với tất cả người (hoặc vật) trong nhóm . Short adj: S + V + the + adj + est + Noun/ Pronoun Long adj: S + V + the most + adj + Noun/ Pronoun Ex: Russia is the biggest country. Các bạn hãy đọc bảng sau và rút ra nhận xét về cách thêm er cho so sánh hơn và est cho so sánh hơn nhất của tính từ ngắn. Add er/est Tính từ So sánh hơn So sánh nhất Tính từ kết thúc bởi 1 phụ âm hoăc e old older the oldest nice nicer the nicest Tính từ kết thúc vởi 1 nguyên âm + 1 phụ âm big bigger the biggest
  3. Tính từ kết thúc bởi Y happy happier the happiest * Câu so sánh với tính từ ngắn không theo nguyên tắc: - Với một số tính từ sau, dạng so sánh của chúng khác với các tính từ khác. Đây cũng là tính từ hay được sử dụng nên các bạn hãy học thuộc lòng. Tính từ So sánh hơn So sánh nhất Good Better the best Bad Worse the worst Far farther/further the farthest/ the furthest much / many More the most Little Less the least Old older/ elder the oldest/ the eldest 8. GIVING DIRECTIONS: (Hỏi và trả lời về chỉ đường) a. Asking the way: Khi hỏi đường, chúng ta có thể dùng các cấu trúc câu hỏi sau: - How do I get to + …………………..? - Can / Could you tell / show me the way to + ………………..? - Do you know where the + ………………….. + is? b. Giving the way: ( chỉ đường): Khi chỉ đường chúng ta có thể dùng các câu và cụm từ sau: - turn left/ right: rẽ trái/ phải. - go straight: đi thẳng. - Take the first/ second street on the left/ right: rẽ - go south/ east/ north/ west: đi về phía nam/ đông/ trái/ phải ở đường thứ nhất/ hai. bắc/ tây. - It's next to….: Nó ở bên cạnh….. - go along: đi dọc theo. - It's at the end of …… : Nó ở cuối….. - go one block: đi qua 1 tòa nhà. - It's opposite…… : Nó đối diện….. - go pass: đi qua. - It's on your left/ right: Nó ở bên tay trái/ phải của - cross: băng qua. bạn. - It's around…: Nó ở xung quanh….. - Turn right a t the crossroad: Rẽ phải ở ngã tư 9. Modal verb: Must - Đồng từ khuyết thiếu must (phải) được dùng để đưa ra một mệnh lệnh, sự cấm đoán. Ex: You must finish your homework before going to bed. He must arrive here on time. - Khi phủ định, chúng ta chỉ cần thêm " not" sau động từ "must". Có thể viết tắt là mustn't. Ex: You mustn't play with fire He mustn't be late. Chú ý: - Ngoài động từ must thì các động từ khuyết thiếu thường gặp: can (có thể), should (nên), may - might (có lẽ), .... - Động từ khuyết thiếu không cần chia ở ngôi thứ ba số ít: I must; She must; He must;... - Không có hình thức nguyên thể hay quá khứ phân từ giống như các động từ khác. - Động từ chính đứng sau không chia, ở dạng nguyên thể ( có hoặc không có "to"). Ex: They must follow the rules. - Không cần trợ động từ trong câu hỏi, câu phủ định. Vì bản thân từ " must" đã là một trợ động từ. Ex: What must I do now? 10. The future simple: a. Form: (+): S + will + V + O
  4. (-): S + will not (won't) + V + O (?): Will + S + V + O? - Yes, S + will / - No, S + won't Q: (Wh-) + will + S + V? A: S + will + V + O Ex. My dad will cook lunch for my family tomorrow. b. Usage: Thì tương lai đơn giản dùng để: - Diễn tả một quyết định, một ý định nhất thời nảy ra ngay tại thời điểm nói. - Diễn tả một dự đoán không có căn cứ. - Diễn tả một lời hứa hay lời yêu cầu, đề nghị. - Sử dụng trong câu điều kiện loại một, diễn tả một giả định có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại và tương lai. Ex: I promise that I will tell you the truth. Will you please bring me a cup of coffee? - If she comes, I will go with her. c. Dấu hiệu nhận biết thì tương lai đơn: Trong câu có các trạng từ chỉ thời gian trong tương lai: - in + thời gian: trong … nữa (in 2 minutes) - Next week/ next month/ next year: Tuần tới/ tháng - tomorrow: ngày mai tới/ năm tới - Next day: ngày hôm tới Trong câu có những động từ chỉ quan điểm như: - think/ believe/ suppose/ …: nghĩ/ tin/ cho là - perhaps / probably: có lẽ 11. Advice (lời khuyên) with “should/ shouldn’t” (nên/ không nên) a) Cách thành lập: (+): S + should + V-inf.. (-): S + shouldn’t + V-inf. (?): Should + S + V-inf.? - Yes, S + Should. / - No, S + Shouldn’t. Ex: Should he go to the dentist? b) Cách dùng - Should/ shouldn’t được dùng để khuyên ai nên hay không nên làm gì. A: I’ve got a sore throat. A: I’ve got a backache. B: You should go to see the doctor. B: You shouldn’t carry heavy things. - Dùng trong câu hỏi để diễn tả sự nghi ngờ, thiếu chắc chắn. - Dùng với các đại từ nghi vấn như what I where I who để diễn tả sự ngạc nhiên, thường dùng với “but”. Ex: How should I know? Why should he think that? B. EXERCISES: I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined: 1. A. stamps B. desks C. rubbers D. cats 2. A. photo B. going C. brother D. home 3. A. school B. teaching C. chess D. chalk 4. A. cold B. volleyball C. telephone D. open 5. A. couches B. boxes C. houses D. tables 6. A. writes B. makes C. takes D. drives 7. A. never B. often C. when D. tennis 8. A. eating B. reading C. teacher D. breakfast 9. A. post B. stop C. clock D. volleyball 10. A. bread B. great C. head D. ready 11. A. Monday B. some C. come D. homework 12. A. goes B. watches C. dishes D. classes
  5. 13. A. children B. much C. school D. chair 14. A. lunch B. funny C. sun D. compute 15. A. red B. leg C. head D. bean 16. A. go B. open C. brown D. nose II. Multiple choice: 1.Our school ........................................... by green fields. A. is surrounded B. is surround C. surrounds D. surround 2.My friends want to study in a/an .............. school because they want to learn English with English speaking teachers there. A. national B. international C. creative D. boarding 3.They are healthy. They do ........................... everyday. A. football B. physics C. judo D. breakfast 4....................... Lan often ....................... homework after school? A. Does/do B. Is/do C. Does/doing D. Is/does 5. Hanh is usually early....................... school because she gets up early. A. On B. for C. at D. to 6. Would you like to come to my house for lunch? A. Yes, sure B. No, I don’t. C. I’m sorry.I can’t D.Yes,I would. 7. Can you ....................... the biscuits for me, please? A. play B. pass C. do D. have 8. Lan has....................... hair. A. long black curly B. long curly black C. black long curly D. long black curly 9. Mai often ------------ her bike to visit his hometown. A. drives B. flies C. rides D. goes 10. What would you like to drink now?....................... A. No, thank you B. Yes, please C. I like to do nothing D. Apple juice, please 11. I can’t come right now. I....................... when I finish my homework. A. am coming B. come C. will come D. came 12. Excuse me, I’m looking for a telephone box”. “There ‘s one .......................-” A. straight B. at the corner of the street C. turn right D. going left 13. She often __________ dinner at 7 pm, and now she __________ dinner. A. Is having / is having B. has / has C. has / is having D. is having / has 14. “....................... “? “He has medium height, with black hair and dark skin” A. What is your new friend like? B. What does your new friend look like? C. How is your new friend? D. What does your new friend like ? 15. “ you play table tennis? – Once a week A. How much B. How long C. How far D. How often 16. Trung wants to become a musician. He thinks it is the .......................job in the world. A. good B. more good C better D. best 17. There are too many buildings.......................this city. A. in B. at C. with D. on 18. Students live and study in a ………………. school .They only go home at weekends. B. national C. boarding D. secondary 19. Around An Lac School, there are green fields and ………………. A.rivers B. mountains C. lakes D. all are correct 20. All the ……………… my new school are interesting A.lesson B. school lunch C. homework D. lessons 21. My brother and I ……………… students . A. Is B. be C. am D. are 22. Lan’s brother ……………….. volleyball now.
  6. A. play B. are playing C. is playing D. play 23. Ba …………… lunch at school. A. has B. have D. does 24. Minh ……………. his face in the morning. A. wash B. washes C. to wash D. washing 25. What do you often do ………… break time? A. on B. in C. at D. for 26. She is ………….. at Maths than her sister. A. good B. better C. best D. the best 27. Which car is ………………., the red one or the black one? A. cheap B. the cheapest C. cheaper D. more cheap 28. You …………. go to the doctor when you are ill. A. can B. may C. must D. should 29. Sahara is the hottest ………………… in the world. A. forest B. cave C. desert D. mountain 30. “Look! The girls …………… rope in the playground .” A. is skipping B. are skipping C. skips D. skips 31. –“What are you doing this afternoon?” -“I don’t know, but I’d like to …………………swimming.” A. have B. do C. play D. go 32. Ann is 18 years old. Sue is 20 years old. Jane is 22 years old. Ann is …………… A. older B. younger C. the oldest D. the youngest 33.Today the weather is ……………….… than yesterday. A. worse B. more bad C. more good D. well 34. Sorry we’re late. Your house is much ………………… than we thought. A. far B. the farthest C. the farther D. farther 35. Write a report first. It’s more important ………………. your other work. A. than B. as C. from D. then 36. His job is …………………important than his friend’s. A. as B. more C. so D. the most 37. The baby is sleeping. You ……………… shout A. can B. can’t C. must D. mustn’t 38. His idea is quite different ……………… mine. A. with B. of C. from D. on 39.There is nothing in the refrigerator. Let’s ……………… to the market. A. go B. going C. goes D. to go 40. London is a big city, but Tokyo is ……………… than London. A. the biggest B. biggest C. bigger D. big 41. You must not ……………… alone. travel B. travelling C. to travel D. travels 42. My family lives in a house very far .......................the city center. A. in B. on C. at D. from 43. The first .......................we have on Monday is music. A. study B. homework C. lesson D. exercise 44. Where do you want to put the sofa? – ....................... to the window. A. Between B. Behind C. Next D. Near 45. Tet is coming. It’s our New Year....................... A. Decoration B. shopping C. celebration D. cleaning 46.Tet is a time....................... A. For family gatherings C. to dress beautifully B. To exchange wishes D. all are correct 47.It’s raining heavily outside, so we .......................go out. A. Will B. should C. shouldn’t D. can
  7. 48.In the USA, .................................................................................................................................. A. People throw plates at their friend’s doors at New Year. B. Children wear Hanbok at the New Year. C. People exchange a midnight kiss with someone they love. D. People throw water at one another. 49....................... can bring good luck for the rest of the year. A. The first footer B. giving rice C. eating shrimps D. the ringing bells 50.Where are you from? – ....................... A. We’re Dutch. B. I’m from Australia. C. Japan D. B & Care correct 51.We .......................our house before Tet. A. Should clean B. shouldn’t decorate C. won’t repaint D. all are correct * Find the mistake in each sentence: 52. We should eat a lots of fruit and vegetables. A B C D 53. On Sunday, my children often plays soccer. A B C D 54. Lien is in the music room and she learns to play the guitar. A B C D 55. Hoa sometimes skips rope and plays catch in recess. A B C D 56. In her Geography class, she studys maps and learns about different counties. A B C D III. READING: A. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D for each of the gaps to complete the following text. Hoa is going on (1) ...................... this summer. First, she is going to visit Ha Long Bay, Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum (2) ...................... Hoi An Ancient town (3) ...................... five days. She is going to stay with her uncle in Ha Noi. (4) ......................, she is going to stay in a hotel in Hue for two days. She is going to see Thien Mu (5) ...................... 1. A. vacation B. season C. school D. house 2. A. or B. because C. and D. but 3. A. on B. at C. in D. for 4. A. and B. Then C. Because D. Finally 5. A. museum B. Temple C. Stadium D. Pagoda B. Phuc is writing his entry to “ Your best friend” competition. Read his entry. Then decide if the statements are True (T) or False (F). This writing is about my best friend, Mai. We go to the same school and we’ve been together for three years. Mai is very pretty. She has short black hair and big brown eyes. She is clever and hard-working but she is also very funny. She makes jokes and we all laugh. She loves reading and writing short poems. I like being with her. We often do our homework together and she helps me a lot. I also like her because she knows a lot about astronomy and we can chat about it for hours. At the moment we’re making a Space mini-book. We’re doing a lot of searching on the Internet. This Saturday we’re going to the National Museum to take some photos for our project. Then we’re watching a new film on the Disney channel together. It’s going to be fun! 1. Phuc and Mai are studying in the same school. …… 2. Mai has long black hair and big eyes. …… 3. She is clever, hard-working and funny ……
  8. 4. Phuc and Mai are making a mini-book on geography now. …… 5. They are going to the museum to take photos for their project. …… C. Read the following passage and choose the correct answer NOISY NEIGHBORS Do you sometimes have problems with your neighbor such as noise or littering? Well, the people of Pilton Somerset, England have such problems every summer. For three or four days every year, the village is full of people of all ages who come here for the annual Glastonbury pop music festival. They usually stay in tents, caravans and motor homes. They leave drink cans and papers all over the street. The music plays until the early hours of the morning, and you can hear people talking and singing all night. The quiet country village becomes a nightmare to live an and some villagers are even thinking of moving to another village. A villager said that last year; “I don’t want stop the Glastonbury Festival. I just want the fans to enjoy the festival without disturbing normal village life”. 1. What happen in Pilton, Somerset every summer? A. The neighbors are noisy. B. There are many villagers C. There is a pop music festival D. the villagers litter the street. 2. Visitors litter the street with ---------------------------. A. tents B. caravans C. motor homes D. cans and papers 3. How long is the pop music festival every year? A. one night B. The whole summer C. Three or four days D. The whole year 4. What is Pilton like during the rest of the year? A. A noisy place B. A quiet village C. A nightmare D. A music concert 5. The villagers just want to -------------------------- A. have a normal life as usual B. stop the fans enjoy the festival C. move far away D. put an end to the festival D. Read the following passage. Then answer True (T ) or False (T). Britain is rather small, only 242,000 sq km. It is 500 km wide and nearly 1,000 km long. Great Britain is the largest island in Europe and the eight largest in the world. Britain is an industrialized country . There are many parks in Britain, National parks and conversation areas cover 20% of the land. There are two parts in Britain, including High Britain and Lowland Britain. The highest mountain is the Ben Nevis in Scotland, one of the mountainous regions of the UK. It is 1,343 m high. The largest cities in Britain are London, Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds, and Glassgow. 1. Britain is one of the largest countries in Europe. …… 2. Britain is less than 600 km wide. …… 3.There are many parks in Britain. …… 4. Ben Nenis is the highest mountain in Ireland. …… 5. Glassgow is one of the biggest cities in Britain. …… F. Read then Check True (T) or False (F): I’m Ba. I’m a student. Every day, I get up at six o’clock, then I have breakfast at half past six. I go to school at ten to seven. My school is in the city. I live in a small house with my parents. My mother is a
  9. doctor. She works in a hospital. My father is a worker. He works in a factory. My parents go to work by motorbike. 1. Ba gets up at six o’clock. …… 2. He has breakfast at six fifteen. …… 3. His school is in the countryside. …… 4. His father works in a factory. …… G. Choose the correct answer for each of the gaps to complete the following text. I live in a house near the sea. It is (1)........ old house, about 100 years old and (2)........... very small. There are two bed rooms upstairs (3)............ no bathroom. The bathroom is down stairs (4)........... the kitchen and there is a living room where there is a lovely old fire place. There is a garden(5).................the house. The garden (6).................... down to the beach and in spring and summer(7)........................ flowers everywhere. I like alone (8)......... my dog, Rack, but we have a lot of visitors. My city friends often stay with (9)............ I love my house for (10)............ reasons: the garden, the flowers in summer, the fee in winter, but the best thing is the view from my bedroom window. 1. A. a B. an C. the D. any 2. A. It's B. It C. there's D. They're 3. A. and B. or C. but D. too 4. A. between B. next C. near to D. next to 5. A. in front B. front of C. of front in D. in front of 6. A. go B. going C. goes D. in goes 7. A. these are B. they are C. there are D. those are 8. A. for B. of C. on D. with 9. A. me B. I C. my D. I'm 10. A. a B. any C. many D. a lot IV. PUT THE WORDS IN THE CORRECT ORDER: 1. It / classes / and / has / 7 / students. / 194 ……………………………………………………………………………………. 2. The/ living / kitchen / room./ next / to / the / is / ……………………………………………………………………………………. 3. There / fridge / is/ in / the / big / corner. / a / ……………………………………………………………………………………. 4. I / the / put / bag / my / window. / under / ……………………………………………………………………………………. 5. Would / listen / you / to / music / like / to/ ? ……………………………………………………………………………………. 6. Long/ hair/ and / has / big / blond / eyes. / blue / ……………………………………………………………………………………. 7. First / cross / the/ , / right / and / turn / straight / then / road / go/ . ……………………………………………………………………………………. 8. Mount / highest / world. / is/ the / Everest / in / the / mountain/ ……………………………………………………………………………………. 9. Eating / food / is / about / the / thing / great / best / Tet! ……………………………………………………………………………………. 10. Before / my / will / father / Tet, / our / repaint / house./ ……………………………………………………………………………………. V. Supply the correct comparative form of adjective in brackets: 1. I have never had a (delicious) .................................................... meal than that. 2. This shirt is too small. I need a (large) ....................................................... size. 3. It’s (cheap) ...................................................... to go by car than to go by train. 4. A new house is (expensive) ...................................................... than an old one.
  10. 5. His job is (important ....................................................................... than mine. 6. Nobody is (happy) ................................................................ than Miss. Snow. 7. John is much (strong) .................................................................. than I thought. 8. Benches are (comfortable) .......................................................... than arm-chairs. 9. Bill is (good) ............................................................................ than you thought. 10. Sam’s conduct is (bad) .................................................................. than Paul’s. VI. Superlatives: 1. Everest is the ..……………………. mountain in the world. (high) 2. Lan is the ………………..………. student in my class. (happy) 3. Our parents are the ….…………………….. people. (good) 4. He is.........…………….........…. student in my group. (clever) 5. The palace is the ……………………… hotel. (expensive) 6. John is the ……………………………gardener. (good) 7. These are the ……………………………………colors. (beautiful) 8. This is the ………………………book I have ever read. (interesting) 9. Who is the ……………………….woman on earth? (rich) 10. He was the ………………………………….thief of all. (clever) VII. Give the correct adjectives in the brackets 1- Rivers are (big) .......................................................................... than lakes. 2- The Mekong river is (long) ........................................................ than the Red river. 3- Everest is the (high) ................................................................... mountain in the world. 4- Hoa is the (short) ....................................................................... girl in our class. 5- My mother is (old) .................................................................... than my teacher. 6- The Amazon River is the (deep) ................................................ river in the world 7- The Summer is the (hot) ........................................................... season in a year. 8- Nga and Lan are (short) ............................................................ than Minh. 9- My mother is (young) ............................................................... than my father. 10- Ha Noi is (small) ..................................................................... than Ho Chi Minh city. 11- This boy is (tall) ...................................................................... than that boy. 12- A dictionary is (thick) .............................................................. than a notebook. 13- The Great Wall is the (long) ................................................... structure in the world 14-Buildings are (high) .................................................................. than houses. 15- Lan is the (happy) ................................................................... student in my class. 16- Our parents are the (good) ....................................................... people. 17- This girl is the (thin) ............................................................... in her class. 18- Winter is the (cold) .................................................................. season in a year. VIII. Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. Do not change the meaning of the sentences and do not change the form of the words. 1. Quang is lazier than Ha. (hard - working) ……………………………………………………………………………………. 2. A city is noisier than a village. (peaceful) ……………………………………………………………………………………. 3. Oranges are cheaper than apples. (expensive) ……………………………………………………………………………………. 4. I don’t have a bookshelf in my room.  There……………………………………………………………..……………… 5. I like the living room in my house.  My………………………………………………………………… …………… 6. The car is in front of the bus.  The bus ……………………………………………………………………………
  11. 7. It is wrong of us to throw rubbish.  We mustn’t ……………………………………………………………………..… 8. Nobody is older than my grandfather in my family.  My grandfather is ………………………………………………………………… 9. Kiet is the best at English in his class.  Nobody in Kiet’s class……………………………………………………..….. 10. How much is this car?  How much does______________________________________________________ 11. Remember to bring the compass: if not we will get lost in the forest.  You must __________________________________________________________ 12. Why don’t we go out for a while?  What about__________________________________________________________ 13. No church in the village is older than this one.  This is______________________________________________________________ 14. Are there seven hundred pupils in your school?  Does your school_____________________________________________________ 15. What’s your weight?  How_______________________________________________________________ 16. He goes to work at seven fifteen.  He goes to work at a ..............................................................................................................…… 17. This exercise is very difficult and he can’t do it.  This exercise is too ................................................................................................................…… 18.Ho Chi Minh City with the population of over 8 million is bigger than any other cities in Viet Nam. Ho Chi Minh City is the ______________________________________________________________. 19.Angel Falls is over 1,000 feet higher than any other falls in the world. Angel Falls is ______________________________________________________________________. 20.Lake Superior in North America is a freshwater lake; it is larger than any other freshwater lakes in the world. Lake Superior in North America is _____________________________________________________. IX. Make the question for the underlined words or phrases. 1. She walks to school every day.  .......................................................................................................................................... 2. The man in the car is our new teacher. ............................................................................................................................................ 3. We are having bread and milk for breakfast. ..................................................................... 4. My sister works in Sydney, Australia. ............................................................................... 5. There are ten boys and nineteen girls in our class.  .......................................................................................................................................... 6. I’m in class 6A.  .......................................................................................................................................... 7. My brother gets up at a quarter to six.  .......................................................................................................................................... 8. They are traveling to work by car.  .......................................................................................................................................... 9. Children should brush their teeth after meals.  ..........................................................................................................................................
  12. 10. Mr. Hoang works in the city.  .......................................................................................................................................... 11. She is practicing the piano. ............................................................................................... 12. My father likes playing tennis. ........................................................................................ 13. Minh goes swimming three times a week........................................................................ 14. They are going to see a movie tonight. ............................................................................ 15. Nga wants to go shopping................................................................................................ 16. The children are in the library. ........................................................................................ 17. I usually play soccer after school..................................................................................... X. Write a short passage: ( about 40-50 words) 1. Describe the place where you live. ........................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................... 2. Describe one wonder you like best. ........................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................... 3. Describe how your family prepares for Tet. ........................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................... 4. Describe your best friend. ........................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................... 5. What is your favorite room? Write a short paragraph to describe it. ........................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................... 6. What should and shouldn’t you do at Tet? ........................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................... ...........................................................................................................................................................................



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