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Đề kiểm tra chất lượng cuối năm Tiếng Anh năm 2011

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Nội dung Text: Đề kiểm tra chất lượng cuối năm Tiếng Anh năm 2011

  1. KIỂM TRA CHẤT LƯỢNG CUỐI NĂM 2011 MÔN: ANH VĂN – ĐỀ 11 PRONUNCAITION A . Choose the word whose bold part is pronunciation differently from that of the other three 1. A . chemistry B . pharmacy C. certify D. photography 2. A . departure B . auditorium C. semester D . instution 3. A . applicant B . education C . security D. financial 4. A . open B . sponsor C. diploma D . social 5. A . ages B . pack C . last D. pass B . Choose the word whose stressed is different from that of the other three 1.A . affidavit B . encouragement C. applicant D. engineering 2.A . procedure B . notify C. bodyguard D . qualified 3.A . basic B . campus C . apply D. circus 4.A . physics B . summer C. process D .submit 5.A . freshman B . exam C . major D.entrance VOCABULARY A . The word and phrases in the box below are vocabulary items taken from the corresponding unit in your textbook and those which are involed in the field. Study the word- web given carefully and put each word or phrase into an appropriate box Assignment discussion student’s buget domitory Tuition auditorium food and clothes professors Librarian room and board studying activities projects Campus faculties coursebooks and materials courses Lectures staff deamsq travel 1.auditorium 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. 5. 9. 10. Student’s Unlverslty life 11. studying activities 12. budget 13 . 14. 15. 16. 17. professor’s 18. 19. 20.
  2. B. Fill in each blank with a correct word or phrase in exercise A 1. Hundreds of students are attending Dr. Green’s lecture in that 2. Our lecture often ask us to do pari or group to solve the problems he has raised in his 3. At the beginning of the school-year , most students have to spend a lot of money on their new 4. All the in charge of our class are highly responsible in their jobs. 5. My university is very large because it consists of over thirty 6. must be established very carefully , especially for new students because beside their , they often have to worry about the money for their and their from home to school every day 7. when is the deadline for us to submit our to professor Gersun? 8. although students can do many thing at home, most of their compulsory usually take place within the university 9. This morning Mark and Tom invited us to the school laboratory in order to show us how their have come to success 10. The principal has something urgent to announce , and all the are required to come to meeting room immediately from their faculties. GRAMMAR AND STRUCTURE A . Group the following verbs under the correct preposition they often accompany in the boxes below . There will be only 5 items in each box talk call crash speak wait glance depend rely search stare drive listen laugh pay knock bump smile write care account arrive belong insist turn run to at for on into 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. B . Fill in each blank in the following sentences with the correct combination of an appropriate verbs + preposition in exercise A. Make any necessary changes 1. Scientists haven’t been able to the disappearance of dinosaurs 2. disabled people is always considered a very cruel behavior. 3. this thick dictionary surely doesn’t me . Mine is much thinner. 4. What did that ridiculous man do when he the airport yesterday. 5. Tom never his teacher while they are explaining new lessons
  3. C . Match each of the following part in A its most suitable in B A B 1. You can easily get access to a. wherever they live our web site 2. Vietnamese children have the b. wherever there is an Internet legal right to obtain primary service education 3. Young children normolly c. wherever there is an admission become spoiled office , or even on the Internet 4. You can take this application d. anywhere he or she would like form to go to 5. Any Vietnamese high school e. anywhere they are exposed to leaver can apply to a an unhealthy living enviroment university or college D. Match each of the following part in A with its most suitable part in B A B 1. If she hadn’t been too old, a. you won’t be allowed to stay at home for any reason. 2. Unlesstoday is Sunday b. she wouldn’t be in such an embarrassing situation now. 3. Had she known that education c. I will not stop my higher was so important when she education until Ihave got a Ph.D was much younger d. what could she do to continue her 4. If have a chance to study research at this moment? abroad, 5. Suppose she didn’t have any e. she would have applied for that money in her pocket promising position in our youth voluntary campaign last year READING Read the following passages carefull and choose the best options A . Rachel Carson was born in 1907 in springsdale , Pennsylvania. She studied biology in college and zoology at Jonhs Hopkins University, and received her master degree in 1933 .In 1936, she was hired by the U.S Fish and Widlife Service , where she works most of her life. Carson’s book , Under the Sea Wind , was publish in 1941. It received excellent reviews, but sales were poor until it was reissued in 1952 , In that year , she published The Sea Around Us, which provided a fascinating look beneath the ocean’n surface, emphasizing human history as well as geology and marine biology . Her imagery and language had a
  4. poetic quality . Carson consulted no less than 1,000 printed sources .She had voluminous correspondence and frequent discussions with experts in the field .However , she always realized the limitations of her non technical readers. In 1962, Carson published Silent Spring , a book that sparked considerable controversy . It proved how much harm was done by the uncontrolled , reckless use of insecticides .She detailed how they poison the food supply of animals, kill birds and fish, and contaminate human food. At the time, spokesmen for the chemical industry mounted personal attacks against Carson and issued propaganda to indicate that her findings were flawed. However , she work was vindicated by a 1963 report of the President’s Sciance Advisory Committee. 1. The passage mainly discusses Rachel Carson’s work A .as a researcher B . at college C . as a writer D . at the Fish and Wildlife Service 2. In the passage, what did Carson chiefly study at Jonhs Hopkins University? A . Oceanography B. History C . Literature D .Zoology 3. When publishing her first book, Carson was closest to the age of A . 26 B . 29 C . 34 D . 45 4. We can guess that in 1952, the book Under the Sea Wind was A . outdated B . less popular C . praised a lot D . sold more than before 5. Which one below was NOT mentioned as a source for The Sae Around Us? A . Printed matters C . Expert’s C . A research trip D . Scientist’s letters 6. Which of the following is least accurate to describe The Sea Around Us? A . Highly technical C . Poetic C . Fascinating D . Well- researched 7. The word reckless is closest in meaning to A . unnecessary B . limited C . continuous D . irresponsible 8. According to the passage, Silent spring is mainly a(n) to environment A . attack B . discussion C. warning D . illustration 9. Which of the following is closet in meaning to the word Flawed? A . faulty B . deceptive C . logical D . oftensive 10. The writer mentioned the report of the President’s Science Advisory Committee to Crason’s ideas. A . demonstrate B. support C . imply D . validate B . In the United States , the cost of a college education can be quite expensive. Under graduate tuition at a public can cost between $ 2,000 and $ 10,000 a year . That
  5. amount rises to between $ 14,000 and $ 24,000 a year at a private university. Student must also pay for their coursebook and stationary. These can $500 to $800 per year. Students who live in campus housing pay between $3,500 to $9,000 per year for room and board. Add money for clothes, travel, and other personal expenses, and one year at a university can cost as much as $35,000. Students, therefore, nedd to spend their money carefully. At most American universities, advisors help student to plan and stick to a certain budget. They suggest this: At the start of a school semester, write down your income,for exam, the money you will get from your family or a part- time job. Then list all of your expenses. Put your expenses into two groups: those that change (food, phone, books, traval), and those that will stay the same (tuition, room and board).Add together all of your expenses. Then, subtract these from your income. Do you have enough money to spend , or do you need more? Learning to stick to a budget is not always easy; but for many people, it is much easier than borrowing money from family or friends in the middle of a semester. 1. The writer wrote this article with intention of persuading university students to try their best to A . spend more money than they can earn B . earn more money than they can spend C . spend less money than they can spend D . earn less money than they can spend 2. It can be inferred from the first paragraph that the tuition at a private universiry is that at a public one A . much lower than B . exactly the same as C. relatively similar to D . much higher than 3. $35,000 is the amount of money that a student need for one year at university in the United States A . fixed B . certain C . approximate D . unchangeable 4. Among the expenses mentioned in the first paragraph , is the highest and most significant one A . tuition B . coursebooks C . stationary D . housing 5. The total sum of tuition and campus housing at a public universiry in one year is about A . $2,000-$9,000 B . $3,500-$10,000 C . $5,500-$19,000 D . $11,000-$13,500 6. At most American university , a student’s budget is usually established A . by the student himself/herself B. under the guidance of an advisor C . with the help of his/her friends D . from the support of the university 7. The budget must be planed of the semester A . at the beginning C . in the middle B . near the end D .at the end
  6. 8. The best way to know whetheryou will have enough money to spend in a semester or not is doing a simple arithmetic calculation of A . addition B . subtraction C . multiplication D . division 9. One of the expenses that can be put into of those that change is A . electricity B . apartment rent C. water bill D. birthday gifts 10. Which of the followings can the most suitable title for the whole article? A.. Student’s Ways to Spend Money B . How to Plan a Student’s Budget C . A Student’s Budget in a Semester D . Methods for Students to Save Money WRITING Base on what you have learnt from the corresponding unit in your textbook, use your own information to fill out the following application form to a higher education organization in Melbourne City, Australia. Pay close attention to the specific requirements in bracets UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Offshore Student Administration- StAlbans Campus VICTORIA PO Box 14428, Melbourne VIC 8001 AUTRALIA, Phone 61399192846 Email: Web site APPLICATION FOR SUMMER SEMESTER Section A Personal Detail (All applicants to complete) Tile(Mr, Mrs, ect) Family Name (in capital block letters) First Name (in capital block letters) Other Name(in capital block letters) Gender(M/F) Date of birthday(dd/mm/yyy) Country of Residence House/ Apartment Number , Street Number or Name (or PO Box)
  7. Suburb State Postcode After Hours Phone Number Mobile Phone Number Business/ Office Phone Number Email Address Section B Course Application Details (All application to complete) Course Name(as it appears on the Course Index) VTAC Course Code(if applicable) Do you wish to be considered for this course at another campus, ifavaible? Y/N Section C Educational Background (All applicants to complete) Please indicate below the highest level of secondary schooling undertaken and attach a certified copy of your result available to date Year of Study Qualification Institution Major area of Completed Y/N Study Please indicate bellow all post-secondary qualification you have attempted or completed . This may include teriary studies, trade certificates, short courses, ect. Please attach certified copies of any education claims to you application. Year of Student Qualification Institution Major area of Completed Y/N Study Section D Employment Experience (Relevant applicants to complete)
  8. Position Nature of Year Full- Duration of Paid/Voluntary held Organization time/Part- Employment time Section E Undergraduate Supplementary Information (Only Non Year 12 VTAC applicants for the Bachelor of Midwifery to complete) Please rate your computer access and abilities below, where 1= low level, and 5=high level Access and/or abilities Rating Access to Information Technology and the Internet Basic Computer Skills Navigating the Internet Use of Email Facilities Use of a Word Processing Package Section F Declaration (All applicants MUST sign this DECLARATION) I declare that, to the best of my knowledge, the information given in this application is correct and complete. I understand that the Universiry reserves the right to vary or reverse any decision made on the basic of incorrect or incomplete information .I further authorize the University to obtain official records from any education authority holding such records on me. I also understand that if this application has been submitted after the due date that it shall be deemed a late application and that the University is under no obligation to consider it Signatature of Applicant Date (dd/mm/yyy) ANSWERS KEY PRONUNCIATION A. . 1.C 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.A B.1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.B VOCABULARY A . Suggest answer 1. auditorium 2.dormitory 3. campus 4. faculties 5. travel 6. tuition 7. courses 8. assignments
  9. 9. roomand board 10. student’s budget 11. studing activies 12. lectures 13. coursebook and materials 14. food and clothes 15. projects 16. discussions 17. professors 18. staff 19. librarian 20. deans B. 1. autitorium 2. discussions;lectures 3. coursebooks and materials 4. professors 5. faculties 6. student’ budget;tuition;room and board; travel 7. assignments 8. studying activities;campus 9. projects 10. deans GRAMAR AND STRUCTURE A. . to at for on into 1. talk 1. glance 1. wait 1. call 1. crash 2. speak 2.stare 2. search 2. depend 2. drive 3. belong 3.laugh 3.rely 3. bump 4. write 4. knock 4. turn 5.listen 5. arrive 5.account 5. insist B. 1. account for 2. Laughing at 3. belong 4. arrived at 5. listens to C. 1.b 2.a 3.e 4.c 5.d D. 1.e 2.a 3.b 4.c 5.d READING A.. 1.C 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.C 6.A 7.D 8.C 9.A 10.B B. 1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.A 8.B 9.D 10.C
  10. KIỂM TRA CHẤT LƯỢNG CUỐI NĂM 2011 MÔN: ANH VĂN – ĐỀ 12 SUMMARY Attainment targets - Talking about jobs and job application - Learning about different steps and preparations for a job interview - Learning about essential details to fill a résumé - Writing a letter of application Language focus - Make and do - Relative clauses ( restrictive and non-restrictive) EXERCISES PRONUNCIATION A. Choose the word whose bold part is pronounced differently from that of the other three. 1. A. accountant B. resources C. accountancy D. outgoing 2. A. hard B. department C. apart D. salary 3. A. store B. processor C. tutor D. demeanor 4. A. rceptionist B. marital C. hire D. satisfy 5. A. interest B. gesture C. interview D. status B. Choose the word whose stressed syllable is pronounced differently from that of the other three. 1. A. profitable B. reiterate C. eventually D. inaccurate 2. A. wages B. textile C. informed D. reference 3. A. employ B. human C. contact D. offer 4. A. appearance B. follow-up C. ambitious D. appointment 5. A. typical B. manager C. résumé D. mechanic VOCABULARY A. Pick out the word that does not belong to each group . the words in italics are vocabulary items taken from the corresponding unit in your textbook 1. A. qualifications B. capability C. authotities D. competence 2. A. controlling B. managerial C. administrative D. secretarial 3. A. officer B. worker C. interviewer D. employee 4. A. quickly B. slowly C. rapidly D. swiftly 5. A. remember B. ignore C. forget D. neglect B. Complete each sentence below by using one italic word in exercise A 1. While preparing for your coming job interview, you must think about the question that the may ask you there 2. Whether you are accepted for the job or not, never a thank you letter to the company as gesture of politeness 3. You yourself must consider all your own carefully before applying for that elaborate job.
  11. 4. In order to become the general director of that international corporation one must posses a lot of skills 5. If you want to make those foreign interviewers understand your English clearly, you had better speak very to them GRAMMAR AND STRUCTURE A. The following words and phrases are commonly used with either do or make Group each of them into an appropriate box below 1. breakfast 2. a report 3. a research 4. (somebody) a favor 5. acquaintance (with somebody) 6. a piece of furniture (chair/ table, exe.) 7. housework 8. fishing 9. a date 10. a school subject (mathematics/ physics/ history/ literature, etc.) do Make B. Fill in each blank with an appropriate from of do or make 1. How are you with your English at school ? Why do you always get bad marks in your English tests like that ? 2. Who all the housework for you so far? It seems to be a good job 3. How come Tom still (negative) a report on our assignment? The deadline was yesterday morning, if I don’t mistake 4. Mr. Long a very wonderful bookshelf for his daughter’s studying corner on her last birthday 5. Could you please me a special favor, sir? My car broke down on the way while I have to take my son to school immediately C. Choose the best options 1. You met my mother when you came to my house last week. She enjoys talking with you very much A. You, who enjoy talking with my mother, came to my house last week B. My mother, who enjoys talking to you very much, met you at my home last week C. You, who came to my house last week, met my mother there to talk D. My mother, who you met when you came to my house last week, enjoys talking with you very much 2. Michael Faraday was a famous scientist. He invented the first dynamo A. Michael Faraday, who was a famous scientist invented the first dynamo B. Michael Faraday, who invented the first dynamo, was a famous scientist C. Michael Faraday, who was a famous scientist, invented the first dynamo D. Michael Faraday, who invented the first dynamo was a famous scientist
  12. 3. I would like to check all the letters. You wrote to him then A. I would like to check all the letters that you wrote to him then B. I would like to check all the letters whom you wrote to him then C. I would like to check all the letters, which you wrote to him then D. I would like to check all the letters you wrote to him then 4. Can you tell me the name of the girl? You talked to her this morning A. Can you tell me the name of the girl that you talked to her this morning? B. Can you tell me the name of the girl who talked to you this morning? C. Can you tell me the name of the girl you talked to her this morning? D. Can you tell me the name of the girl to that you talked to her this morning? 5. The woman over there. I can’t remember her name well A. The woman over there which name I can’t remember well is a doctor B. The woman over there, whose name I can’t remember her name well, is a doctor C. The woman over there whom I can remember her name well is a doctor D. The woman over there, that her name I can’t remember well, is a doctor. READING A. Read the following passage carefully and fill in each numbered blank with the best option below Nowadays there is a (1) of career opportunities in the media. It is possible to study journalism at most universities, (2) offer optional courses in reporting (3) sports and entertainment. Never degrees in media studies, Which were (4) as recently as ten years ago, (5) enthusiastic students from all over the world. Some graduates prefer to work in (6) as it allows them to use their (7) in the production of increasingly sophisticated TV and press advertisements. Unfortunately, (8) graduates find work easily as there is (9) a lot of unemployment in the media industry, even (10) things are improving day after day 1. A. variety B. variation C. variability D. variant 2. A. many B. many of them C. who D. many of which 3. A. in B. on C. at D. to 4. A. unwilling B. incapable C. untruthful D. unavailable 5. A. draw B. attract C. arouse D. provoke 6. A. advertisement B. advertisers C. advertising D. ads 7. A. creator B. creativity C. creation D. recreation 8. A. not all B. not many ones C. not at all D. not any 9. A. still B. even C. readily D. finally 10. A. otherwise B. therefore C. although D. furthermore B. Read and choose the best options Kathryn Flory works from Monday to Thursday and some weekends. She is “on call” one day a week. On that day, the hospital calls her day or night when there is a problem or to deliver a baby. She has breakfast with her family and helps her two daughters get ready for school. She starts work at 8:30a.m. She sees patients and sometimes goes to the
  13. hospital during the day. She gets home at 6:30p.m. Her husband makes dinner. After dinner, she relaxes with her family. Mindy Dodge gets up at 6:00 a.m. during the week. She does some exercise, and then she goes to work. She has breakfast at work. She has breakfast at work. She doesn’t take a lunch break. She eats lunch at her desk. She interviews people and writes articles for most of the day. She talks to her editor and finishes her stories at the end of the day. She reads or watches TV in the evening. She goes to bed at 11:00 p.m. Thomas Powers gets up at 5:45 in the morning and has breakfast at 6:15. He starts work at 7:00 a.m. He delivers mails and packages for most of the morning. He has lunch from 12:15 to 2:00 p.m. He walks about 12 miles a day and stops at about 90 offices on his way. He takes along and delivers about 250 to 300 mails and packages a day. He usually finishes work at 6:00 p.m. 1. Who is most probably a doctor among these characters in the passage? A. Kathryn Flory B. Mindy Dodge C. Kathryn’s husband D. Thomas Powers 2. Mindy Dodge is most likely a A. doctor B. editor C. newspaperwoman D. journalist 3. What job is Thomas Powers doing? A. mail taker B. package distributor C. mailman D. office packer 4. Which of the following people starts working earliest in the morning? A. Kathryn Flory B. Mindy Dodge C. Mindy’s editor D. Thomas Powers 5. Who finishes his/ her work the latest among them? A. Mindy B. Thomas C. Kathryn D. Kathryn’s patient 6. Thomas has a lot of time for lunch. He usually has lunch in approximately minutes every day A. forty-five B. sixty C. seventy-five D. one hundred 7. In comparison with the other two people’s, Kathryn’s work seems A. the busiest B. as busy C. much busier D. not so busy 8. The verb deliver in the first paragraph is closest in meaning A. take a child from home to the hospital B. help a mother to give birth to a child C. take a child home from to the hospital D. help a child to crawl into a mother 9. The verb delivers in the third paragraph most certainly means A. take something to the right place it is addressed to B. help someone to bring things from one place to another C. fetch something from a very far away place and take it home D. bring someone around until he/ she can find what he/ she needs 10. The most suitable title for the reading passage above is
  14. A. Everyday Life B. Everyday Habit C. Everyday Living D. Everyday Work WRITING A. Look at the common format of a letter of application sender’s address Full name Number, Street Ward, District, City/ Province date May 15, 20 greeting Dear sir or Madam body Paragraph 1: I’m writing this application in other to apply for the position of a Talk about the way you got in shop assistant at your newly-opened department store, which I saw touch with the information in advertisement on the Tuoi Tre newspaper issued on May 14. I about the job and express your feel attracted by the job because I believe that I posses many interest qualifications that you reguire In it I have done this kindof job just a short time before, so I have got Paragraph 2: some experience of it. During the last summer vacation. I worked Talk about your previous for my elder sisterat her souvenir shop. There I had an opportunity working experience in this to communicate with different kinds of people and recogniged that field and the reason you I had rather good interpertional skills. I also enjoyed serving my consider yourself the right customers very much. Therefore, I’m sure I will be suitable for the person for the job vacancy job in your store. At the moment, I’m taking a course in English at a foreign language center and a computer course at another center, and I think I can use both of them rather well. Besides, I’ll be ready for work at any time convenient to you. I haven closed here my Paragraph 3: resume. Please contact me if you need any further information. I Introduce some other skills/ look forward to hearing from you soon qualifications you possess and inform the employer when you Yours truly will be available for work, as well as Name document(s) or records included signature Closing Signature
  15. PRONUNCIATION A. 1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.B B. 1.A 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.D VOCABULARY A. 1.C 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.A B. 1.interviewer 2. neglect 3.qualifications 4.managerial 5.slowly GRAMMAR AND STRUCTURE A. Do Make 3,4,7,8,10 1,2,5,6,9 B. 1.doing 2. has done 3. hasn’t made 4. made C. 1. D 2.B 3. A 4. C 5.B READING A. 1.A 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.B 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.A 10.C B. 1.A 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.D 7.D 8.B 9.A 10.C
  16. KIỂM TRA CHẤT LƯỢNG CUỐI NĂM 2011 MÔN: ANH VĂN – ĐỀ 13 PRONUNCIATION A. 1. A. stationery B. vacancy C. paperwork D. garage 2. A. books B. carrots C. floors D. slopes 3. A. category B. compulsory C. accompany D. cinema B. 4. A. proceed B. wholesale C. complete D. assist 5. A. keenness B. physics C. science D. demand VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR A. 6. The factory will have to lase half of its 1,000- strong ______ because of inflation. A. workplace B. Workforce C. worers D. Employees 7. the company manufactures and _________ its own range of sportswear. A. retailer B. retails C. retailing D. retailed 8. We should prepare brief _________ of events when applying for a job. A. application form B. qualification B. résumé D. degree 9. Excuse me, sir. I would like to fill a _______ as a receptionist in your company. A. place B. blank C. space D. vacancy 10. She promises she’ll _______ her address for me. A. jot down B. see off C. point to D. fill in
  17. 11. Professional occupations can be divided into many_________. A. accessories B. categories C. necessities D. varieties 12. What she said made me aware of my own _______. A. shortcomings B. shortening C. necessities D. shortage 13. _______ is buying and selling large quantities, especially goods can be sold again to make a profit. A. wholesale B. retail C. business D. exchange 14. She works in sales and ________ department of a famous company. A. selling B. marketing C. buying D. customer 15. _______ is an amount of money that is paid to somebody for selling goods and which increases which increases wich the amount of goods that are sold A. tip B. commission C. fee D. charge B. grammar 16. If they ______ on an agenda, we mush postpone the meeting. A. have yet agreed B. still have not agreed C. already are agreeing D. occasionally agree. 17. For a more effective ad campaign, we need both a new product ________ a new director. A. or B. either C. and D. so 18. Inspection will be _________ Monday at 9 a.m A. at B. for C. to D. on 19. A smart consumer gets his or her phone order _________ in writing. A. confirming B. confirms C. confirmed D. confirm 20. If he had taken Flight 307, he ________ on time. A. arrives B. was ariving C. would have arrived D. arrived
  18. 21. Let’s concentrate ________ solving this problem before we discuss the other ones. A. in B. at C. on D. for 22. this morning, I had _______ boiled egg and toast for breakfast. A. the B. An C. a D. 23. The hotel _______ we stayed wasn’t very clean. A. where B. why C. which D. when 24. Tom said that he ________ to the party on Friday. A. couldn’t come B. can’t come C. has to come D. may come 25. It’s usually dificult _______ a place to part in the city center. A. finding B. to find C. fined D. to finding 26. It took me a long time ________ wearing glasses. A. get used to B. use to C. used to D. use …. ( throng giaáy near in coù van ñeà)… salary and position. This individual then has all the rights and privileges (38) an employee, which may include medical benefits and vacation days. The relationship between a corporation and (39) ……………… employees is usually handled through the human resources department, which handles the incorporation of new hires, and the disbursement of any benefits (40)………………….. the employee may be entitled, or any grievances that employee may have. 36. A. interviews B. tests C. works D. positions 37. A .intelligent B. official C. ideal D. excellent 38. A .in B. of C. about D. to 39.A. his B. theirs C. ours D. its 40. A. where B. why C. how D. which WRITING A. SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION Choose the sentence which is closest in meaning to the original one 41. It is said that many people are homeless after the floods. A. Many people are said to be homeless after the floods. B. Many people are said to homeless after the floods. C. Many people are said be homeless after the floods. D. Many people are said to have been homeless after the floods.
  19. 42. It’s not a good idea to travel during the rush-hour. A. It’s better avoiding traveling during the rush-hour. B. It’s better to avoid traveling during the rush-hour. C. It’s better to avoiding traveling during the rush-hour. D. It’s better to avoid traveling during the rush-hour. 43. Although the traffic was bad, I managed to arrive on time A. Despite of the traffic, I managed to arrive on time. B. In spite the traffic, I managed to arrive on time. C. In spite of the traffic, I managed to arrive on time. D. In spite of the traffic, I managed to arrive on time. 44. The tree would die unless the farmers added fertilizers. A. The tree wouldn’t die if the farmers didn’t add fertilizers. B. The tree would die if the farmers didn’t add fertilizers. C. The tree wouldn’t die if the farmers add fertilizers. D. The tree would have died if th farmers hadn’t added fertilizers. 45. The test was very difficult. I couldn’t do it. A. It was so a difficult tests that I could do it. B. It was such a difficult test that I could do it. C. It was such a difficult test that I couldn’t do it. D. It was a difficult test that I couldn’t do it. B. ERROR RECOGNITION Identify the word / phrase that must be changed to make th sentences correct. 46. The coldest weather of the decade slowed the shipment, even to the closest A B C Destinations, of the finer produce available. D 47. He had not forgotten to return the client’s call, but he avoided to do so A B Because he knew he would begin to argue with and shout at the client. C D 48. Although the company prides itself on its uniqueness, they want to open a second A B C D New store there. 49. The quality control department is waiting anxiously for the arrival of the new A B equipment which were ordered three weeks ago. C D 50. Computers are often used to control, adjustment, and correct complex industrial A B C D Operations.
  20. 1. D 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.D 6. B 7.B 8. C 9.D 10. A 11.B 12.A 13.A 14. B 15. B 16. B 17. C 18. D 19. C 20. C 21, C 22. C 23. A 24. A 25. B 26. A 27.C 28. B 29. D 30. D 31. B 32. B 33.C 34. D 35. A 36. A 37. B 38. B 39. D 40. D 41. A 42. D 43. C 44. B 45. C 46. D 47. B 48. C 49. C 50. B



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